
A Personal Hell for A Winged Killer (Draft 1)

This has now become the rough draft of a new novel I intend to submit into the spirity awards of 2023. After a lot of thinking upon the idea, I’ve come to the conclusion that my alterations to the story would be so great that I should start from scratch, and the decision has been very helpful for me, allowing me to take time to look into how my story could be deserving of the eyes of readers like you and allowing me to make myself more proud of my work. A lot of aspects such as characters and powers will remain the same, but the core of the story itself will be crucially altered, adding even more mystery and building upon the world that I’ve been creating over the past 3-4 years much better than I have been. I would like to thank everyone for their support over the time since I typed my first rendition of A Personal Hell for A Winged Killer and I hope that you’ll follow the story again a year from now under a new name(Undecided). My journey as a guy who just writes for fun to someone who’s become dedicated to the story and characters I’ve imagined wouldn’t be the same without you, so once again, I thank you and hope you enjoyed your stay. This story will remain on pause until I decide what to do with it. I was thinking of making this an alternate side story for what I intend to replace it with or to just continue to use it for reference as the new story evolves and learns from its original. To contact me, for any reason, I leave some outlets: Twitter: @mrgoodeygoody Discord Server: https://discord.gg/UPwUE8y9 ——————————————————————————— ***Warning*** This novel has vivid depictions of mental illness, sexuality, and death. Reader Discretion is Advised before reading further into the novel.

goodeygoody · Action
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50 Chs


'I hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my life...'

Like a broken record, these words were repeated by Chance as he walked alongside Miya and Dola, their destination: the police department. Dola walked with a dangerous sway, and Miya skipped as Chance remained slumped over at the back, depression ensuing. From their position, all sight of Eastward had vanished as they were consumed by the wild, downtown scene, vibrant and lively.

Hundreds of people navigated through the area, near autonomous in their movement, but still, Miya sat in awe at the spectacle.

'I never knew Hinansho was so busy. Its even the weekend.'

Dola placed her hand on Miya's shoulder, surveying the city with her.

"It's always like this whenever the Rose Festival comes around. Most of the people you see here probably aren't natives to the plain."



They stood in front of the large, navy-blue building, and Miya's excitement had reached it's peak. As they entered the building, Miya instantly felt the weight of a thousand eyes upon them, accessing them thoroughly as they entered. She could hear their whispers, soft yet unafraid of being heard.

"That's her, the sleep clan girl. Who does she think she is getting all clingy with the chief's nephew?"

"I hear they're both in the mercenary course. Maybe, they're just acquaintances. I hear they have some kinda buddy system so they don't get offed in their sleep."

Miya's body tensed, unused to the pressure being brought upon her. Slowly, she began to back away, but two hands stopped her, egging her onward. Both Dola and Chance stood with her, their kind voices drowning out the negative ones.

"It's time to take your stand, Miya. Who gives a fuck about the opposition?"

They both pushed her into the mass of people, each standing in front of a stage before them. When she looked backward, they'd vanished, and she was immediately met with uncertainty, but the thought of their words gave her the courage to push forward and challenge the uncertainty head on.


Dola's powerful voice reverberated throughout the building, chilling all those who heard it. She presented herself in a whole new way, her resolve being carried through every syllable. Miya's eyes locked onto her, Chance standing immediately at her side with a new outfit than before. It was a similar uniform to Dola's, but the blue was much darker and a red floral pattern covered it's entirety. A star lie on the left of his chest, it's outline a fine, gold color.

He carried a police cap by his side, and Dola continued to speak as he sat there silently. Her voice was projected flawlessly, and she spoke clearly and concise.

"My name is Dola Miura, chief of the Hinansho City Police force. New recruits and mercenary alike, you've volunteered your service to the force, and for that, we are very grateful-- there is never an excess of justice in this world..."

Just as the crowd's tension began relieving itself, Dola broke it effortlessly.

"However, I will not take shit from shitheads who haven't taken the time nor effort to find their own! Blindly following in the shadow of another's is a fool's game, and I'm not too kindly to watching it unfold! As of today, you will be receiving your first tasks! Uniform's and equipment will be provided for you! If you wish to use your own equipment, you will accost the bureau at the door to your left! They will make their decision accordingly; do I make myself clear?!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"You will respect those of the bureau and your fellow peers! Neither of us give a fuck about your drama, but if you insist on being an ass, there is a door right behind you that we'd be glad to kick you through. Mercenaries! Misconduct of any kind will not be tolerated! Krewe and I have our own measures to uphold the foundation of both the state and the people, and since a lot of you hold much more power than our new recruits, there will be regulations you WILL follow; do I make myself clear, mercenaries?!"

The room remained silent for a while, but Miya soon raised her hand, trying to emulate the intensity of Dola and those around her. Another woman stood beside Miya, her hand raising as well. She had a lazy look on her face, but Miya could feel her determination through her voice. She was a little surprised at the fact they were both mercenaries.

"Yes, ma'am!"

Dola finally pointed toward Chance, and Chance donned the cap he held at his side. He fastened it to his head, and his hair protruded through the cap, Dola using his body as presentation.

"This is a specialized uniform, made for those in Lykus Krewe's mercenary course! You will wear one piece of this uniform when on duty at all times! You will follow orders to every last detail! You will take up tasks whenever available, and you WILL NOT KILL whilst wearing that uniform! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Dola stopped pointing toward Chance, and he removed the cap from his head, his hair becoming messier than previously. As he stood there, Dola began exiting the stage, leaving Chance there, alone.

"My name is Chance Miura, student representative of Eastward Social Academy! I'd like to announce the prime reason for you all being here, regulations and traditions aside! You each will be assigned a task, and based on your records and/or standing, it may be taxing or borderline community service! For those tasked with such mundane labor, do not be disheartened! This will not determine your standing within the force!"

A man and a woman appeared at Chance's side, coming out of thin air. The crowd sat in awe as he continued his explanation, disregarding the appearance of these new faces. Miya was completely enthralled with the dramatic effect of the presentation, and Chance's professionalism was something she found characteristic of him. He continued to speak in a similar manner to Dola, and their likeness became more and more apparent as the speech continued.

"The Bureau has assigned each and every one of you into teams of three, based off your perceived compatibility! If you have a problem with your selection, suck it up! You'll be working with people you don't particularly like all the time, so you might as well get used to it!"

Chance looked downward toward Miya with a smile on his face, and she returned the favor. He continued once more, his eyes softening as they remained focused on Miya's bright, blue gems.

"...You are dismissed!"