
Watson enterprise

I dragged myself to the kitchen, sluggishly. I took a carton of milk from the refrigerator and poured it into a glass. After that, I sat on the barstool in front of the countertop table. My thoughts wandered to the morning event as I stared at the milk.

I haven't heard from Logan in several hours. No matter how hard I thought about it, I couldn't figure out what I did wrong to make him angry at me. All we did last night was cuddle, which was not to my liking, but I didn't mind either. I even texted Logan several times, asking what was going on, but I received no response, despite the fact that he saw all six of my messages. I sighed and gulped down the glass of milk.

My phone began to vibrate in my pocket. When I took it out, my heart rate increased as I realized it was a message from Logan. He has finally decided to speak up!

'We have to talk. It's important.' What? Nervousness and fear infiltrated my body. I'm not sure what's going on, but my gut tells me it's going to be bad.

'Okay...where should I come?' I responded right away.

'Come to my office. My driver will be there in ten minutes to pick you up.'

'Okay,' I responded. I closed my eyes for a second to take a deep breath before rising from my seat. I hurriedly washed the glass before dash upstairs to get dressed. My brown hair fell around my shoulders as I changed into a grey blouse and burgundy skirt with matching boots. I used a baby pink lip gloss, eyeliner, and mascara to complete the look. I couldn't help but wonder why Logan would want to talk to me.

I hear the doorbell ringing. I took a deep breath and looked at the time. It was three o'clock in the afternoon. I take one last look in the mirror before bidding farewell to Grecia, who was in her room face timing, someone. I dashed downstairs and flung open the door. A man in his early 30s stood in front of me, dressed in a black suit. However, it is not Thomas.

"Are you Miss Kingston?"


"My name is Clark. Mr. Watson requested that I pick you up "I nodded as he said this. A black SUV was parked in front of the mansion. Clark opened the back door for me, and I thanked him politely. He shut the door, and I watched him walk around the car and into the driver's seat with my eyes.

The ride was quiet, with me looking out the window at the passing buildings, making a mental list of everything Logan might want to talk about with me. As the car came to a stop in front of Logan's office, Watson Enterprise, I gulped heavily. Clark quickly exited the car and opened the door for me before I could. I took a deep breath and gazed up at the skyscraper. The structure itself frightens me.

I walked inside, clutching my dress tightly, to the reception. For some inexplicable reason, I was extremely nervous.

"Hello," I said.

"Hello. "How may I assist you?" a young lady from her desk asks.

"I'd like to meet Log-Mr. Watson."

"Do you have an appointment?" she inquired as she flipped through some documents on her computer.

"No. But he requested that I meet him here," I explained.

"Could you tell me your name?"

"Karolia Kingston," I introduced myself. A flash of insight flashes across her face.

"Miss Kingston! Mr. Watson has informed you that he will be expecting you. "His office is on the twentieth floor," she said quickly, and I nodded as I walked towards the elevator. My foot tapped impatiently as I waited for the elevator doors to open. They eventually did, and I went inside. I stepped onto the floor and looked ahead. The elevator doors dinged and whirred open when I was on the tenth floor.

My breath caught in my throat as Logan and another girl, possibly his PA, entered the elevator. Logan looked at me in surprise for a split second before turning around and staring ahead. His PA looked at me with interest and took a place beside Logan, clutching a clipboard in her hand. She was wearing a grey pencil skirt and matching blouse, her hair tied into a high ponytail.

Logan, what's the –"

"Mia, cancel my scheduled meetings for today. I have some other important tasks to complete. Also, make certain that you have all of the pertinent information about the case." Logan cut me off, and I closed my eyes, fists clenched to the sides.

"Yes, sir," she replied. When we got to the floor, the doors seemed to take an eternity to open. Finally, it did, and we all exited, with me being the last.

"Miss Kingston, follow me," Logan said coldly as he walked to his office, not even looking at me. I frowned slightly. Miss Kingston?

The stares I received from the few staff members as I walked to his office made me feel uneasy. Logan opened the door for me, and I entered.

"You can leave, Mia. We require some alone time "Logan said to her before closing the door with a soft click. I looked around the room, my gaze fixed on it. To the right of the room, framed awards and certificates were neatly hung on the walls. In the center was a black granite desk with an angled computer monitor, two chairs in front of the desk, and a couple of chairs pushed up against one of the walls. A large window behind the desk lit up the entire room. A minibar was located to the left of the room.

"Sit down," Logan said as he walked over to his black leather office chair. He shook off his black coat suit and hung it on the chair's back. He's dressed in a crisp white shirt, a black skinny tie, and some tightly fitting suit trousers. Because of the situation we were in, I didn't have time to admire his outfit in the morning. If my heart wasn't thumping so erratically, I would have appreciated the look. Before proceeding to the bar, he rolled up his sleeves to his elbow.

I sat in a chair, nervously fiddling with my fingers. Logan poured himself a drink before turning to face me. I sucked in a breath because they were so intense.

"So, Miss Kingston. What's your next plan?"

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