
Paige Cain

"Paige is being held up at Heritage Church. That was her last known location. Heritage Church is around 30 minutes from here. It'll be best to strike at night where there will be less guards." I said as Alice and Noel looked at my laptop with the information.

"Anything you suggest?" Alice asked.

"Bring your suppressors. If we can get Paige out of there fast enough, we can handle the other mercenaries without worry." I said. "We will stealth this one until Paige is back safe on our side."

"Okay." Noel nodded.

I closed the laptop then looked at my hands. "I can feel him trying to break out. The demon within me. The Alter Ego. I can feel his wrath.."

Alice placed her hand on my leg, making me look at her. She gave me a reassuring me. "It's alright...it happens to us. Our demons always try to escape, but we must learn restraint."

I nodded and smiled back at her. "I know...I guess I'm just worried about Paige. She was the first woman I went on an actual date with. I won't let her down."

Alice nodded back at me and smiled. "We know you won't. Let's go before it's too late."

"Right." I nodded.


Alice drove us to Heritage Church and looked at her GPS. I looked out the window and noticed white lillies leading to the church. I looked ahead and there it was. A large church, surrounded by the lillies.

"We're here." Alice said and stopped her car ways away from the church then took out her binoculars. "Four mercenaries up front. Two snipers on the roof. A helicopter patrolling the area. She's definitely here."

I got out of the car and put my hood over my head then my mask appeared on my face. "I don't sense him, but I do sense powerful lightning energy. The Lightning Caller wielder has to be inside."

Noel got out the car and fixed her scarf. She looked ahead and noticed one of the snipers aimed their red laser at Noel. Noel quickly hid behind the car and looked back. "They know we're here..!"

"I guess that means no stealth. We're going in loud." I said then my aura surrounded my body.

"So much for a surprise." Alice said then got out of the car.

I dashed forward and dodged a sniper bullet then took out a grenade. "Alice!"

Alice looked at me then nodded. I threw the grenade and she took aim with her sniper then shot the grenade, ricocheting it toward the snipers and it blew up, killing the snipers.

The people inside the church heard the explosion and looked around.

"Sir Blitz! The Agency are here!" One of the mercenaries warned.

Paige grunted softly as she was chained to the cross. She opened her eyes and noticed the guards fighting against me and Noel. Her eyes widened. "The Ace and White Ninja!"

I heard Paige and noticed her on the cross. I grunted then dashed forward then kicked one of the mercenaries out of the way just to be blocked by Blitz.

"This is as far as you go, The Ace." Blitz said and pointed his sword at me.

The Lightning Caller was a yellow great sword with lightning wildly crackling around the blade. It had a lightning stone equipped to the sword.

I looked at Blitz then glared. "You're one of the five targets. I refuse to let you live."

My terrifying presence overpowered the holy presence that was in the church. The mercenaries looked at me and cowardly backed away from me. My presence was far stronger as my wrath over took my body. They became discouraged from my very presence. They began to retreat, but Alice sniped all of them and they fell to the ground, dead.

"Hmph. Is your presence supposed to intimidate me?" Blitz asked.

I didn't say a word and ran straight for Blitz. I went for a punch, but he dodged and pushed my hand away then slash, but Noel blocked it then kicked him away. I ran forward and Noel ran behind me. I clapped my hands together and roots grew from underground and wrapped around Blitz's leg and held him down. I bellowed as I palmed his stomach, releasing a shockwave that launching him through one of the pillars.

Blizt grunted and stood up. He shook his head then smirked. He dashed toward me again then slashed at me three times, but I dodged all three then grunted as I felt a second person behind me. The woman struck me with a powerful kick, sending me flying through the choir stand.

I stood up and noticed the woman above me. She came down with a kick infused with light energy, but I dodged it by jumping backwards, but Blitz appeared behind me. He chuckled then went for a slash, but I used an energy shield to block it, but his strength still sent me flying. I recovered and jumped off one of the benches, dodging the woman. I landed on the ground and adjusted my mask.

Alice walked forward and holstered her pistols then equipped her custom made dual pistols named Death Counter. She's gotten more kills with those pistols than any other agent combined. Alice is known as the Assassin of Death.

"Well well, the Motherly Assassin wants to test her luck? How's little Catherine doing?" Blitz chuckled and taunted.

"You do not have the rights to ask about my daughter, bitch." Alice said and aimed her pistol at Blitz.

I activated Luck Zone and my eyes shined brightly. I walked forward and lightning crackled around my body. I dashed forward and unsheathed my Sapphire Blade then clashed with Blitz. I pushed him back then Alice fired a barrage of bullets. The bullets curved around me and flew toward Blitz.

Blitz smirked and discharged electricity around his body, blocking the bullets. He dashed toward me and slashed, but Noel parried then dodged the woman. I chuckled then jumped up, Alice slid under me and spun around kicking, knocking Blitz in the air.

"Launching...Pressure." I said then palmed his chest.

A shockwave sent Blitz crashing through the floor and he landed in the basement of the church. I landed on the ground and looked at Alice. She smiled and we gave each other a fist bump.

Noel parried all of the woman's attacks then kicked her away and threw her knife, striking her in her stomach. The woman groaned and coughed a bit of blood then fell to her knees.

Paige watched all of this and her eyes glimmered with hope. 'The Agency...They will save me!'

Blitz jumped back to our floor and he fixed his hair then bellowed and a blast of lightning blew us away, shattering the Luck Zone, and destroying the surroundings. He was in his Awakened State and he looked at us. He turned his attention to Paige then appeared in front of the cross at lightning speeds.

"No more stalling. It's time for the ritual." Blitz said then took out a Philosopher's Stone.

I noticed and grunted. I stood up then my body jolted then I fell onto one knee. "Paige!"

Paige looked afraid and shook her head profusely. "D-Don't! Don't do it!"

Blitz lowered the cross then pressed the Philosopher's Stone against Paige's chest. She screamed in pain as the Stone forcefully fused with her body.

"Stop it!" I bellowed and forced myself to stand.

'I can't let him do this...Paige will die.' I thought to myself.

Paige cried out in pain and tried to resist. Blitz gave her a wicked smile and watched the Philosopher's Stone enter her body.

"Once you accept this stone, you will become Black Market property." Blitz said.


"Using the stone on someone could lead most to death, but if it is successful you get someone like Eliza."

~End of Flashback~

'No! I can't allow this! Alter Ego! If you hear me...'

My aura began to resonate with my Darker Side.


Blitz noticed the stone nearly entering Paige's body then his eyes widened as he was struck with a powerful kick. He groaned and crashed through the wall and the Philosopher's Stone fell to the floor and Paige's body fell limp as she panted heavily.

Alice looked surprised and stood up. "Ryder..?"

Noel noticed as well and grunted as she felt a presence even more menacing than my usual presence.

A blue demon wing emerged from the right side of my back. The air began to grow cold, dreading even. The flowers in the church began to rot. My aura was a combination of black and blue. The Talent Sigil flashed brightly and Talenta smirked widely and began to giggle then she laughed.

"There it is! Limit Break!" Talenta said then noticed my completely apathetic face. She showed great interest and smirked. "Ahh yeah...you want to kill him don't you? Don't forget who your allies are."

Blitz walked back into the church and bellowed. His aura surged powerfully around his body. "Ace!" He bellowed.

He dashed toward me and roared. I countered him nearly immediately, launching him through multiple pillars. I set Paige free then tossed her to Noel. I turned toward Blitz and took off my scarf.

Noel caught Paige and looked at me. "Ryder.."

I launched myself toward Blitz then kneed his stomach. He groaned loudly and coughed blood then was sent crashing out of the church once again. I walked toward him and sensed him appeared behind me then dodged his slash. I elbowed his chest then hit him with a left hook. I followed it with a right hook then a left slap. Blitz spun around, in a daze. I stomped on the ground using Launching Pressure to sent him to the sky. I readied my blade then my demonic aura surrounded the blade.

"Die." I coldly said then slashed at Blitz's neck swiftly then performed a chiburi and sheathed my blade. A blue slash effect appeared on Blitz's neck, slicing it open. He fell to the ground dead and I just looked down at him.

I stomped on his dead body and dug my heel deep into his stomach. "Die."

Noel watched in horror as I began to lose control over myself. I couldn't stop myself from torturing a dead body, thinking he's still alive.

I stomped on his stomach again and watched the puddle of blood grow. "Die!"

I stomped once again. "Die!!" I bellowed and went for another attack, but Alice hugged me from behind, stopping me.

"He's dead! He's already dead, hun...You can stop now.." Alice said as she gently embraced me in her loving arms.

I stopped then my demon wing dispersed into dark blue feathers and my mask disappeared along with my demonic aura. I looked down at Blitz and closed my eyes. Noel walked toward us and smiled at me. The woman appeared behind Noel, going for an assassination.

"Noel!" I yelled and grabbed her then a man ran past me.

He bellowed and lightning surrounded his leg. He kicked the woman, launching through a wall. He landed on the ground and exhaled. He looked back at us and smiled. "You all okay?"

The man had sandy brown hair and golden eyes with a scar going along the right side of his face. He wore a long layered silver coat with golden straps along the front. His coat had split tails and his gun holster was on the back of his coat that could be unhooked. Under the cost he wore a blue shirt with white lines along the collar, white pants with a silver buckle, and silver armored boots. A Lion Symbol shined along the back of his coat.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"This is Leonidas Pride. He's a commander for a small military force." Alice answered.

Leonidas looked at me and smirked. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "You...are an exceptional fighter. I watched your performance. Not even Rebecca has had a cold presence like that."

"You know my sister?" I asked.

He smiled. "Me and her used to date. We ended things on good terms though."

His phone began ringing and he let me go then placed his hand in his pocket and answered the phone. "Leonidas on the line...I see. I will be right there." He hung up and placed his phone in his pocket.

"Well it was nice meeting you. I guarantee you will be seeing more of me." Leonidas said then walked off and pat my shoulder on his way out.

I looked back at him and felt comfort from him. I looked at Alice and Noel. "Mission complete." I said then picked up the Lightning Caller.

Talenta floated over to the Philosopher's Stone then bubbled it and made it disappear. She floated back over to me and nodded.

"Alright let's go." I said then walked off.

"Right." Alice said.


We made it back to our hotel and I kept watch over Paige. Paige began to wake up and noticed me sitting beside her bed, on my phone texting Dawn and the others and sending my reports to Charlotte.

"Ryder..?" Paige grunted softly and sat up. "Why...are you here..?"

I looked Paige and smiled. "Because I wanted to make sure you were okay." I stood up and checked up on her. I held her face to make sure she wasn't hurt anywhere.

Paige blushed as she watched me inspect her body. "Your hands...are so rugged. Are you...The Ace..?"

I looked into her eyes and she stared right back into mine. I gave her a gentle smile. "I am.."

Paige began to have rapid memories of what happened at the church. "No way...that was...you..?!"

"From zero to hero. When I heard you were in danger, I didn't hesitate to come save you. You're the first woman I've ever been on a real date with. The first woman who introduced me into this life. I don't care if your emotions were faked back then...I cared enough to put my life on the line for you." I said.

"Oh Ryder.." Paige softly said then held my hands. "Back then I said you wouldn't...be my first choice and now I take it back. I want to be by your side from now on. The way you fought for me. You saved my life...I can never take that for granted."

I placed my forehead on hers then brushed her hair behind her ear. She pulled me in for a kiss on my lips then made me get on top of her.

She pulled away with her eyes closed. "Will you make me yours forever..?"

I opened my eyes a bit to look at her. "I will."

Paige smiled and kissed me once again. I kissed back and placed my hands beside her waist.

Alice bandaged her arm while sitting in the living room. "You know. I think that was the Limit Break that Ryder was talking about. That demonic presence. Those cold, heartless eyes. His ruthlessness. That was his power of The True Ace. He somehow managed to make that power his own."

Noel nodded as she cleaned my scarf. "I've never felt anything so...scary before. The air was so cold...it was so hard to breathe. The way he kept stomping on Blitz's body, torturing it with his stomps."

Alice had a flashback to when she was full of wrath. She held her head and closed her eyes. "He reminded me so much of myself when I used to be vengeful. Having to kill friends and family. Each kill made me lose my humanity. I don't want that for Ryder."

Noel nodded in agreement. "I don't want him to grow cold toward us. Let's make sure he never goes down too far. We are his lovers so it's only right we help him keep a leveled head."

Alice smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I gotcha."