

Anything she could think of. Anything she could sacrifice. That was just how much Seo-ah would give for her brothers. Anything...even her life. The world changed completely since the ripple dungeon outbreak ten years ago. It was a harsh reawakening that left nations crippled, and people, even more. They called it "Pandemonium. Those who survived began putting the pieces together, building defenses again, gathering allies; they'd learned from their errors, the world was stronger for it, they had no choice. But no one expected those who'd vanished all those years ago to return. And her brothers were not prepared to see her again after ten years. Their dear dead sister.

Divaeruogho · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

"As I'm sure, you once called her... sister."

Baek Woo-jins' eyes widened. 

Disbelief, shock, terror. You could see different emotions flash across his face at once, then finally, anger.

Kang Dong Woo dug his feet into the ground for balance, immediately locking his arms together in a defensive pose, 

his skill activated just as Woo-jin's attack connected with his forearm.

A single strike, without any buff or killing intent. Yet powerful enough to send the guild leader spiraling backwards in an instant.

Kang Dong Woo's back narrowly missed the ceiling, he regained composure, doing a somersault midair that cushioned his fall.

Despite it, tremors shot through the length of his arms, reverberating across his entire body.

He was expecting such a reaction, but to think the bastard really attacked him.

If it'd been his lower ranked subordinates, things would've gotten messy real fast.

"Say that again and you won't be getting up."

Baek Woo-jin seethed. Glaring daggers at the guild leader who was now a good distance away from him.

He hadn't been this angry in a while, yet these Gamora bastards just had to tick him off.

"You f**kers,"

The pressure that came off him was suffocating. It poured out of him needlessly, shrouding the large area in waves.

Kang Dong Woo held his breath, this idiot wasn't planning to hear anything he had to say. If he retaliated, they'd bring the whole facility down in minutes.


He knew the plan was flawed from the start, despite how much the higher ups pressed for the items removal, this was bound to happen. Now he only needed to calm the young fool down somehow, before things got out of hand.


This was his karma for taking lead on the deal.

"Hear me out Mr Woo-jin. This isn't whatever it is you're thinking-hmmm!"

Another lash of energy tore at him at breakneck speed, forceful and vicious.

The guild leader dodged to the side in a flash, the strike slicing past him and searing the side of the area in half.

Heavy cables shot out of the slashed wall, scattering electrical sparks over the ground. The door at the other end that took the brunt of the blow was sliced in half, one part of it blown off completely.

Kang Dong Woo allowed himself a moment to imagine what would have happened if the attack had struck him.

Despite being an A+ hunter, his abilities paled in comparison to this monster.

Woo-jin raised his hand, a violent stream of reddish energy burning in his palm, they'd crossed a line with this joke and he was going to teach Gamora a bitter lesson.

This time the blow would connect.

"That's enough,"

The bystander who'd been peering at the person behind the glass frame finally intervened.

He held Baek Woo-jins' hand from behind, his grip tightening painfully.

"Get back to your senses, before you bring this place down."

"Get off me!"

Woo-jin shrugged his hand off, turning to give the guy a death glare.

The guy could care less, his impassive eyes ignored the ones that resembled them so much and he casually said.

"Shut up and control yourself, your energy's irritating me."

"You shut the hell up," 

Baek Woo-jin would've punched him on any other day, but this time he chose not to retaliate, a more important question forming in his mind.

"Wait...You knew about this?"

"For a guild leader you're actually pretty dense, try not to ask anymore dumb questions,"

His frosty gaze, identical to Baek Woo-jins', finally settled on the guild master who stood away from them, his guard still up.

Baek Jiho in the calmest tone he could muster, asked;

"What is this guild leader Kang?"

Kang Dong Woo released a tense breath. The threatening aura from moments ago had completely died down. 

It's true what they said, the only thing that could deal with an S-class was an S-class.

"Like I was saying, we call her Trojan 2. Until three months ago, she was one of the few humans to actually be discovered in a dungeon."

The guild leader adjusted his suit jacket, it was ripped in different parts already and the forearm was history.

Another Giovanni suit, trashed. What a waste.

"Our team retrieved her from a B-ranked area. We've constantly monitored her since then, you can come in if you want,"

He opened the door and went ahead into the room where the unconscious patient resided.

Baek Jiho went in after him, then Baek Woo-jin, his face pulled in an angry scowl, but he didn't stop Gamora's guild leader from speaking this time.

A glance at the patient and he quickly looked away.

He didn't want to see that, it made every organ in his body cringe unnaturally.

His older brother on the other hand, didn't seem fazed at all by it, he walked up to the bed where the thing lay without even batting an eye, the creepy looking thing that resembled their sister so much.

This is sick. He couldn't.

Woo-jin turned away again, feeling sick to his stomach.

When was the last time he felt like this? His chest felt heavy just looking at it, no...the whole room was making him uncomfortable.

Is this nausea?

Rather, it felt like poison.

"She's been responsive for two months now, but not very, how do I put it?"

Dong Woo sighed, thinking of the right way to phrase his words. 

He wasn't supposed to be honest with them, simply showing them the item and getting their interest up was enough to make the transaction possible, doing anymore was unnecessary.

But knowing these two, anything shy of honesty and he'd be back to square one. Not to mention what would happen if the quiet one got pissed off.

With this thought, he decided to stick to the truth.



Baek Jiho repeated his words in a low breath, Baek Woo-jin clenched his fists, the irritation on his face even more apparent.

"You make it sound like she's a lab rat,"

He said not looking away from the girl that laid on the bed in front of him.

He reached out and touched her face, Woo-jin looked away disgusted and Kang Dong Woo raised a brow.

He wasn't supposed to touch the item, at least not yet. But compromise always made for the best transactions.

"Not really, we did do necessary test runs. After All , we had to confirm if Trojan 2 is human."

"I see. So she's been a lab rat and a test subject."

"Well, something like that."

There was no use lying.

Besides this runt was the only one who could keep the other bastard in check, plus he seemed genuinely interested.

There was always profit in interest.

"And is she... human?"

He raised her left hand, his countenance unreadable. Gently he peeled the hospital gown away, revealing her neckline and then her shoulder.

Jiho glanced back at the man who stood behind him, eyes so fierce they could freeze stone, yet they were frighteningly calm at the same time.

Kang Dong Woo smiled, the deal would go well.


"You've got to be kidding me,"

Woo-jin had had enough of their bull talk. There was no point listening any longer.

"That Thing,"

He said pointing at the sleeping woman.

"Is not my sister. I don't know where the hell you got it from, but your damned guild crossed a line this time Kang Dong Woo."

"I've said all I need to Mr Baek Woo-jin, besides you can tell I'm not lying."

"I'm not gonna argue with you, and I don't give a damn about whatever sick trash you're cooking up here, but do not get me involved."

He hissed.

Woo-jin wanted to punch something, Kang Dong Woo's face seemed perfect, however he restrained himself.

"Then leave,"

Jiho said, not sparing his brother a glance.

"They shouldn't have gotten you involved like you said. I'll take care of everything so you can get lost."

His words hit the mark.

Woo-jin flared.

"Says the bastard that abandoned the sister who raised him."

"Don't push me Woo-jin."

Jiho warned.

"Or what? You'll do what?"

Both brothers stared each other down, one daring the other to make the first move.

"Sorry to get in the way of this lovely reunion, but you'll kill her if you fight here."

The guild leaders' words snapped them back to reality, breaking their standoff.

"You're a fool if you think that thing is our sister,"

Woo-jin hissed, walking to the door.

But he didn't leave, he just stood by the threshold, leaning against the frame.

"I didn't ask for your opinion."

Jiho retorted, ignoring him. 

Kang Dong Woo managed a sincere smile, the first that'd crossed his lips all day.

Sure, they started off on a violent foot, but this was going better than he imagined.

"So, why tell us now? It couldn't be from the kindness of your heart."

Baek Jiho questioned, adjusting the clothes of the sleeping woman. He acted carefully, not wanting to touch the needles and machines they had her hooked unto.

"That's funny. Like I said before Trojan 2 isn't very compliant despite our attempts to communicate and observe her. Worse still, the government caught wind of us three days ago."

It was true.

The seemingly harmless woman was a menace whenever she was awake. Their numerous efforts to study her proved useless as her actions were illogical and primitive.

To hell. She couldn't even speak.

Since the Pandemonium ten years ago, a lot of people had disappeared. They were theorized to have entered into dungeons and so were pronounced dead. 

However, until a year ago, some of these people started making appearances in different dungeons across the globe. What made these returners more valuable was their hunter status of S-class and SS-class. National and international guild unions soon got involved, within a year a bill was passed that required any returner hunter to be placed in the care of the government and registered under these guilds.

This prevented private guilds like Gamora from getting involved with returners. If they did, there was a steep price they'd have to pay, with the government ceasing custody of the hunter regardless.

That's why Gamora took the necessary measures in retrieving and hiding their returner away from the world.

Unfortunately despite the resources they poured into her, she proved no more useful than the first time she was recovered.

Now that the government was getting involved, it'd be a loss on their part if they handed her over without making any profit.

Fortunately, it turned out that her twin siblings were both two of the most reputable S-class hunters in Korea.

"Now we're simply looking to tie loose ends."

"So what you're saying is, you'll sell our sister -"

"That is Not our sister."

"to us before the government gets here, am I right?"

"You are."

Guild leader Kang didn't know Baek Jiho could be reasoned with to this extent, still he couldn't let his guard down.

"And if we refuse, you'll trade her to the fastest, most gullible buyer,"

Jiho continued, his tone not giving away a single emotion.

"We we're planning to let the government have her,"

Jiho raised a brow at him.

"That would avert any more loss to your guild," he said.

"Yes, not to mention we'd be saving our face."

"This is crazy." Woo-jin snarked at them.

Smart. Either way, Gamora didn't have much to lose.

He and his younger brother were already hooked, even if Woo-jin w

ould never admit it, it was impossible to leave the girl behind now.

Even if she wasn't their sister.

Baek Jiho took a deep breath, wrapping his head around what he was about to get them involved in, but they wouldn't back out now either.

"How much?"

Please be Seoh-ah.

Hello your author here.

This is my first ever attempt at system type stories and I'm really excited for it. I would love feedback, so please don't forget to leave comments and share ideas with me.

I never get tired of new ideas.

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Thank you and have fun reading ;-)

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