
A Overpowered MC in a world in D&D style

What does an overpowered person do when she founds herself in an strange fantasy world? Open an potion shop and chill when feeling like it? Sure! First book and i just though it would be cool make an story like that, hope everyone like it.

FabioTN · Others
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4 Chs

A blast from the past

'Damn this rain doesn't stop.' I think looking outside my store, it's been a rainy week, although they are quite frequent in these parts it can still dampen one's mood.

'Haah... Why can't Kila come here? I know she has quests to do and all but for someone that has claimed she loves me above all she isn't really helping.' I though to myself without realizing how selfish it sounds.

'Now that I think about it, when I first met granny it was raining as well...' These thoughs invade my mind due to the lack of something to ocuppy my mind.

It has been already two months since I've learned all I can under 'granny', even now I still don't know her name, but I really owe her a lot now that I think about it.


"Haah, I really don't understand, it really looks like random reactions" I say while looking at the my latest failure of a potion, for some reason alchemy/potion making is something extremely complicated, sometimes the most simple of mistakes can make the potion have a total random or undesirable effect. 'I still don't understand how granny see a science behind all of this, it's just all too random.'

It has been a month since I've been found by granny and accepted learning under her, at first I was suspicious, but after all this time I can see that she is just a kind old lady, although sometimes when she is angry she can be quite scary, I still feel the shivers remembering those people that destroyed a few of her herbs while walking around in the forest thinking it was just normal vegetation, the roast she gave them was legendary even in my books.

"Still can't make it? I already said you're too stiff on that "science" of yours." Said granny appearing behind me, even with my senses it's still hard to detect her sometimes, one of my reasons for being suspicious of her at our first meeting.

"Of course I can't make it, it makes no sense why it should react like that, even if a bullshit reason like magic is used." I say already getting annoyed at the number of failures, I even stopped counting after it reached one hundred.

"Manners young lady." The very moment granny said it I've already straighten myself, granny is really good in letting my guard down that sometimes I forget about her strictness.

Granny is exactly like the nickname would suggest, a old lady that I would say doesn't go beyond 70 years old, but in a magic world like that you can't really be certain about anyone's age. Even though she is old she is still pretty though this beauty is hidden behind her wrinkles, it can still be seen that she must have been a world level beauty in the past.

"I've got new books on magic you should learn from them and no potion making until them, there is another on herbology too." Granny said with a "cold" vibe that I can see though easily, it is one of the things we have in common, sometimes sounding cold when we're embarassed, no, I'm not a tsundere.

"Thanks granny you're the best." I say with a overly cheerful manner knowing it annoys her when I talk this way.

After saying so I immediately run in search for the new books on the house little library, I certainly don't want to have another lecture from granny about annoying her. I know it is childish and all, but sometimes when I'm with granny I fell comfortable enough as if we're family, not that is too far from the way things have been, I treat granny like a mother even though she can be old enough to be my grandma or even great grandma if I'm not wrong about her age, and I can see that she truly started to see me as her daughter too. Even if our interaction is one annoying the other I feel a warmth in my chest that I felt that has long been lost, motherly love.

If I say that I don't miss my family from my previous life it would be a lie, but at least with granny here in this world with me, I know that I'm not totally by myself.


Thinking about those times I've started questioning myself how granny is doing nowadays, I've made an effort so that when I'm gone from home she would at least take better care of her health, we exchange letters sometimes but long-distance communication in this world it's not really all that developed except for magical items, and those are really expensive even for someone that can be said well off like me.

'Sigh, almost there, just a little more money and I can establish myself more deeply into this city, and then I can bring granny here so she can live the rest of her life peacefully, what kind of child would I be if I at least don't try to make my mother have a better life.' Suddenly I feel a smirk forming in my face as I remember something.

'I wonder what granny would think of Kila, it would certainly be interesting seing those two talk seeing how granny can be sometimes, I really hope she can get her blessings...' My smirk only get bigger until it forms a big smile, just thinking about a happy future makes me feel really happy, but for now, only hard work for this young lady.

Hey guys, this chapter has come out later than It should have been because I'm kinda stuck with ideas for new clients and about what generic PC should I put in the story that can make things fun, and for the lack of ideas I've decided to make this chapter earlier than I planned it, hope you all enjoy.

And as of usual, if you have any suggestion or if you see something wrong, write in the comments and let me know.

FabioTNcreators' thoughts