
A Otaku Assassin Reincarnated To an Eroge game?

Someone is running... He's body is so injured and bloodied... While he's getting chased by an group of black in suit who wanted to kill him... While running into the buildings, he suddenly lost all of his strength and fall down while he jumping into the buildings... He fell on the road and saw a Truck, no one is driving to it... He isn't sad nor mad because of a shameful way to die. He's excited because he's going to die from truck-kun today! He is an Otaku professional Assassin who isn't good nor bad but like to play Eroge games or watch anime when he have free time! He's a really different assassin... Because he found his happiness in his life! Being an Otaku! So when he see truck-kun is going to kill him. he's otaku sense is tingling! He's excited! He then got ran over by the truck and... ... The cover is not mine...

CarolineInPajama · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Otaku Assassin, Prologue~ (Edited)

*Fast steps*

''Huff... Hah... Huff...''

An extremely injured young man, whose state is immensely close to death, is running away from somebody as he breaths heavily from exhaustion while enduring the pain he's feeling right now, as he was stabilizing his breathing.

Not in a very good state right now, isn't he?


The air made a noise as it was resisting the young man's abnormal speed and from another one.


It was a group of five black figures chasing him at a speed that slowly outruns the young man as he was too injured.

He's getting weak more and more every second.

He's running desperately from them.


Considering the young man's state, how bad is his current state?

Well if you saw him, you're going to be very surprised and might ask,

How are you still alive? Wait, are you even a human in the first place?

Yes... It sounds exaggerated but how the hell can he even run in the first place in his current state?

Anyway, I'm just here to tell you his current appearance by me, the Author! Or the creator of this fictional world... Okay nvm, that's cringe. (I'll edit this paragraph later.)

Every different part of his body is in a very terrible state.

His right shoulder is brutally broken, as it was bent in an unnatural way and some deep slashes and injuries on the spot.


His left shoulder got cleanly cut by something very sharp, it's bleeding excessively every second.


Well, he will die from blood loss as he didn't have the ability to hold things anymore.


His waist or all the upper and lower body parts have deep cuts on almost every surface of the body.

It even shows his bone ribcage!

Okay, that's disgusting.

Oh, his face is full of wounds but he isn't blind yet.

His legs are the only part of his whole body that had fewer injuries.

His legs are not broken so he can still run away but it's still bleeding though, as it has some cuts but it isn't that deep.

His stronk legs! It's currently the healthiest part of his whole body as it was still functioning even though its state is terrible.

The young man is doing great at resisting the pain he's currently feeling right now! He isn't flinching nor screaming or groaning in pain.


That's awesome pain resistance he has there... Did he take Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs before getting tortured?

*Lightning strikes!* *Heavy Rain sound effect*

''Hoh... Cough! Cough!''

He coughed blood, as he was getting weaker every second.

''When is this going to end...'' He question himself.

He's running in these two days.

He really wanted to die as this state really hurts... Even when he trained his pain resistance to an high level.

He obviously can suicide if he don't wanted to suffer anymore but they have a way to bring him back to life by using his blood so he really wanted to die from blood lost!

He then jump again to the other buildings where there are roads.

''Agh....'' The young man groaned as he forces his weak legs to jump to the rooftop of every building.

''...!'' He suddenly felt he lost all of his strength, while he's in mid air.


''What...?'' He's in state of extreme confusion right now.

There's two unnatural happening that the Young man witnessed like the organization can bring him back to life using his blood.

''....'' The Young man is silent, accepting his inevitable death.

While falling down in mid air, he saw a truck, coming towards him with no driver on it.

''...seriously? Truck-kun is real?'' The Young man is in disbelief after feeling this familiar situation, as this happen most of the time on those fantasy novels when the main characters he read got hit by an truck with no driver on it... And the main character obviously reincarnated to another world after that incident.

Because of the unnatural events happening in front of him, he then think a possible possibility.

He can be reincarnated.

Or maybe?

Because of this, he's feeling four different type of feelings.

Excited, expectation, relief and sadness.

He's excited because he's otaku senses are tingling in this situation. He have expectation on getting reincarnated to another world as this scene is too familiar. He's in relief as his suffering will end. And sadness as his death won't let him have the ability to see his family ever again...

They are the only ones and a girl who's only the reason why he didn't suicide in this shitty life of his.

The Young man is having a moment of his time as he won't see his family anymore.



The truck is getting closer...


Although he looks like he's being overdramatic on his thoughts, being as an Assassin is not a 'Fun' job as he accept that job and work there for a decade.

'Well I already told to Alan to send all of my bank money to my family when I accept this mission... Hopefully that is enough to make them live without worrying about money.' He sighed in relief as he though while slowly falling onto the ground.

'Riea... Sorry that your best big brother won't go back anymore...' He muttered with sadness.

Yes, he's a sis-con, even though his beautiful blue haired little sister hate him because of his dirty job, which he agree too, he knows she still love him and she's worrying deeply about him when he's on a mission.

'Haah...'' He tried to calm down his watery eyes as he was preparing his last moments.

''Mom... Dad... Aunt Stephanie...'' He muttered quietly on those names he mentioned.

''I'm s-sorry.'' He messed up on his sentence as he was crying.

He isn't going back anymore.

''Rose...'' He muttered, preparing his last words.

He crashed onto the ground and shouted...

''I still love you!!''

He shouted his last words before getting ran over the truck, turning him into meat paste that shouldn't be possible.

*Getting ran over* *Gruesome sound*

The drivers nearby, stop their vehicle and have all the same expression... Shock and disbelief in this gruesome scene.

What the hell happen here?



The man slowly opened his eyes.

He then look in his surroundings and realized on the process that his vision is blurry, but the new unfamiliar surroundings is enough to make him, made his eyes wide open.

'I really got transmigrated...' He's in shock that it really happen. He only think of that to cheer himself up on his lonely ending.

He then look in his surroundings, which is so luxurious and extravagant.... And a little familiar for some reason?

He's in a room, it's too big for some reason.

'Woah...' He can't properly speak and only just thought on his surprise comment

He then raised his hands and looked at it.

As expected, he got reincarnated.

As a baby...

He suddenly felt pain in his upper side abdomen.

It means he's hungry so he didn't hesitate to cry.

''Uwaah!'' The young man tried to act like he's crying, which is a very good acting when someone saw him.

Fortunately, he's cry is loud enough to be heard by somebody in the mansion.

He felt something move on this very big bed.

It's a platinum blonde long hair lady, that is currently on sitting position.

*Footsteps* *Footsteps*

He then heard a many loud footsteps, obviously their destination is in this room.

The wooden door got opened too forcefully and made a loud sound.


As it happen, The baby saw three people.

It's his three sisters as he saw on his blurry memory.

This means the Platinum Blonde haired lady on this bed is his mother.

He doesn't know the current expression of his mother or his three sisters, as he's vision is currently too blurry

''Come here, Little Ash~'' The Platinum blonde haired lady said, as she slowly crawl to hold the baby on her arms.

'So my name is Asher...'

The lady slowly hold Asher on her arms, rocking him in the process.

''Calm down... Here's the milk so be patient.'' The mother gently said as she slowly unbutton her Purple pajama.

She slowly unbutton the chest part, as it shows her big breast with light blue bra.

She then takes off her bra, showing her full naked big breast to him.

'Oh no... Here goes the awkward moment.' Asher thought as he felt his vision is getting better every second so he slowly saw scene this every second.

And for a few seconds, he finally saw the full detail of this masterpiece in front of him.

An F-cup snowy white breast that is slowly getting near at him.

Her pink nipples is getting close to his lips. He opened his cute small mouth to suck it, lactating milk on it.

Asher immediately put an surprise expression after tasting it.

'It's sweet!' He never really taste a milk, coming from a person's breast so...

His mother smiled gently to him while breastfeeding him.

''It seems my beloved Asher is too hungry in this morning~'' She lightly chuckled when she felt that her beloved son is sucking off her breast too much.

'Wait... That voice.' Asher had an suspicion when that voice is too familiar to him.

''Good morning, little brother!'' Said by the youngest of his older sister.

His vision is getting better and the blurred ones is getting clearer.

He kept focusing his vision until it's all clear to him now.

The mother of his who is currently breastfeeding him look like in her twenties with a beautiful platinum blonde hair that is currently mesmerizing as she was bread feeding him.

She look so seductive right now in her messy state.

'This people...'

'They are from the Eroge game I only played four days ago!' Asher is in shock.

How did he got reincarnated into a game?

The eroge game he played four days ago is a boring one and he only played it for one whole days before quitting it.

He felt regret that he didn't play it for more! Not that he expected that he will get reincarnated here but now he's knowledge about the future is pretty limited.

'I should've have play that game for a little more...'

There are main three reasons that he didn't finish the game.

First, it's a super long story that he estimated that you will finish it within 2 days, only if you played the game for 48 hours, 60 minutes all day.

Second, the game is too hard! He kept raging all day in the game because he died consecutive 20 times! The cause of his consecutive death is the boss or an yandere.

Thirdly, the events that are happening in the game is too unreasonable! Like when the main character turn into 10 years old, you will get an super hard quest that you need to do, for the requirement of Blah blah blah.

An important quest that is related to the world.

The third reason is the cause where many people quit the game. But he finished that quest.

So the game isn't really that popular except to it's heroines.

After looking at his youngest older sister, Asher sighed in relief as his sister is one of the Main Heroine.

'So I got reincarnated into the one of the main heroine's family. A duke family in Neville Empire. One of the strongest human empire. That's a relief...'' Asher sighed in relief as being one of the most powerful in the empire surely have more pros instead of cons.

He then looked at his mother's face.

She's really beautiful... That gentle smile of hers emits an motherly and gentle mother aura, making her charming face even more charming.

Thinking about his new family and the former one,

'I wonder if I can still go back to Earth...' He thought with a hope.

He then looked at his youngest oldest sister, just like his mother, a beautiful platinum Blonde hair too.

She seemed look like 5 years old. She's the one of the main heroine- Luna Silvilya

She has smooth Platinum Blonde hair- inherent from her mother and a blue eyes, inherent from her father. Because of her small size and petite body, she emits an atmosphere that you wanted to protect and cuddle her from heretics!

'It's a really great thing that I got reincarnated today as tomorrow is the day where the Main character is going to be born!' Asher thought in relief when he saw the calendar. He about it as he saw the calendar, his youngest older sister is going to have her first birthday party tomorrow! It's XX XX XXXX.

Considering it's the Protagonist birth and Luna's birthday tomorrow, it seems that they are made for each other, or fated to each other.


They are going to be each other if Asher isn't here.


Author here! Though I make the mc in Synopsis excited, but in reality no.

Did I got better at writing? Then cheer me up! I might not drop the novel :'P

Gimme stones!

1590 words, good~

I won't post a chapter until the chapter I'm making satisfied me so be assured that you won't get a low quality chapter. I think.