
A Once Happily Ever After

Once a upon a time.... All fairytales start with this line... and it always ends with ' a happily ever after' . A happy ending.... Every damsel in distress will always be rescued by a knight in shining armour or a handsome prince riding a white horse. The two will always face danger and hardship yet at the end of the day they will always have a happy ending. No matter who or how strong their opponent is the leads will always win. Because good will always prevail against evil. But what next after the happy ending? What kind of life do they live? What kind of leader are they? Will they stay good for the rest of their lives? Or something will change along the way? What will happen if the story changes? The damsel in distress was never saved by a handsome prince but almost killed by one? Let's try and find out, shall we?

DaoistXhYEXa · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter Eight : Royal Wedding

Things are happening fast that Shaelyn can't keep up with. She is currently standing and openly staring at her real biological parents.

The Queen of Lockser kingdom, her 'mother' immediately runs and hugs her. She was assisted by her 'father' who also hug her tight as tears streaming down their face. She too, can't help but let her tears flow freely on her face. The King and Queen of Caswell kingdom, along with the others who witnessed the scene left them alone for their privacy.

"Y-you r-really are!.."- Shaelyn hiccuped as she stares at the face of the woman she always sees every night in her dreams.

She has wrinkles on the side of her beautiful crystal blue eyes, her slightly pointy nose, and pink heart-shaped lips. Shaelyn looks exactly like her mother except for her hair color, which she got from her father.

"My baby!— Shaelyn my baby!"- her mother cried as she holds on to her tight.

"I'm glad you are finally back, my dear."- her father whispers holding the two in a protective hug.

The three sat there on the carpeted floor, holding one another while crying their hearts out.


Rumors have started to circulate when nobles witnessed the arrival of the royal carriage of Lockser Kingdom.

Everyone knows how the Lockser kingdom is still grieving for their missing princess. No one was allowed to enter or leave the Lockser Kingdom for the whole fourteen years that the princess went missing.

That's why it was shocking for them to see the royal carriage of the Lockser Kingdom's arrival.

It's already the third night and last night of the party. They haven't seen a glimpse of their King and Queen nor the King and Queen of the Lockser kingdom. No one has also seen a glimpse of the crown prince or the newly named crown princess.

The moment the students of the Mage Academy arrived at the party, everyone is itching to ask them a question about the crown princess.

"Why are they all staring at us like that? It's different than the first night of the party."- Norie asks ignoring the burning stares they are receiving while walking gracefully.

Norie Laira Shannon is the current second rank student that passed the ranking exam. She has long wavy icy blue hair, sharp almond-shaped deep blue eyes, roman shaped nose, and red full lips. She is about 6'3 in height and a year older than Shaelyn.

She is from the Shannon family who have been part of the kingdom's founding history. Her family has a long history of supporting the royal family from the very beginning, they are also part of the four prestigious families.

Despite her high ranking status as a daughter of the Duke, she was sent here to the academy as she is the only one born with mana from their family history.

Her family covered up her being sent here as their support to the royal family in accepting mages. But in reality, they send her here since they can't live with someone who is born different from them.

"Who knows maybe they are admiring our beauty?"- Gia replied with a seductive smile on her face which made some noblemen blushed.

"I doubt that.. they are probably itching to ask us a question about Shae."- Vesper answers, leading the group away from prying eyes.

Vesper Laxis is the current top student who passed the ranking test. He has short strawberry blonde hair, downturned amber eyes, a cute buttoned nose, and natural pink wide lips. Like Norie, he is also born in a Duke household.

The Laxis family is part of the four prestigious families, they own different jewelry stores and two mining caves in the southern part of the kingdom.

The Duke of the Laxis family is well known for being greedy, that his territory is suffering under him. Vesper has hidden his power since the first time he discovers them, he only let his family knows about it to save his people.

Once he mustered the courage to step in with all the evidence of his crimes, he subdued the Duke his father while letting the king punished him. His mother and older brother tried to kill him but they failed. Like the previous Duke, his mother and older brother are also punished by the King.

The King bestowed him the title of the Duke of Laxis, currently, Vesper is the youngest Duke in the kingdom. To fully control his power, he registered in the academy two years ago and now is only two months away from graduating.

"I still can't believe that she is now engaged with the Crown Prince! I wonder why they announced it all of a sudden? Or maybe they were planning to announce it this whole time? That's why the Crown Prince wasn't interested in dating any ladies?"- Ramie blurted out while holding his hands behind the back of his head.

The nobles around them start whispering, upon hearing his remark. Simon hit Ramie in the back of his head before pinching his left ear.

"Hey!—Ouch!! Stop—mhmp!"- Simon covered Ramie's mouth to avoid gaining more attention to their group.

"You idiot!"- he shushes him before releasing his mouth.

Ramie was about to talk back when his eyes caught Vesper glaring at them. The two immediately shut their mouth and fix their suits.

Ramie Louis Senon is the current rank ten students among the student body. He is also a troublemaker like Simon, but the only trouble he can make is by opening his mouth.


Soon King Sirius and Queen Xienna made their entrance and stop on the balcony of the second floor.

"His majesty, the King! And her majesty the Queen!"- a servant announces as everyone curtsy in greetings.

"Rise everyone! I hope you are all enjoying the night!"- the King greeted warmly.

"Today we not only celebrate the recent engagement of my son, the Crown Prince. But we also celebrate the reunion and the return of the long, lost Princess of the Lockser Kingdom! I am honored to officially introduce, King Lewis! Queen Stella! and their long, lost daughter, our Crown Princess! Princess Shaelyn May Lockser!."- King Sirius excitedly and proudly introduced as the King and Queen of Lockser Kingdom, walk-in holding Shaelyn in between them.

Queen Xianna is slightly shaking her head by how childishly her King is acting. Though, she fully understands how happy Sirius must have felt to finally see their friends happy once again.

A lot of whispers broke in the crowd as everyone applauds and stares at the royal family.

The students of the mage academy are all frozen staring wide eyes at Shaelyn, who is wearing a royal blue princess ball gown paired with light blue long satin gloves. Her hair has been braided neatly with a rose gold tiara embedded with crystal clear diamonds.

Then the Crown Prince appeared from another door while escorting Princess Sierra on his right arm.

He is wearing a royal blue suit with a white shirt underneath. His long silky black hair has been trimmed until his shoulder. He is annoyed by how his little sister has to prank him by cutting his hair when he was taking a nap after reading documents all day. Yet, he can't do anything against her.

While Princess Sierra is wearing a mixed color of silver and deep blue princess ball gown. Her maids let her hair down and decorated it with deep blue crystal ornaments.


Days passed by in a blur, as Shaelyn is staring at her reflection, as the maids are busy styling her hair.

Today is finally the day of the awaited royal wedding. Though it's only been three weeks since the announcement of their engagement, to Shaelyn it already felt like months.

Her days are full of a hectic schedule for the preparations of their wedding and training for her responsibilities as the Crown Princess.

And in the midst of all that she is also getting to know her parents, spending time with them, and even sometimes having tea time with both Atlas's parents. Princess Sierra often visits her with Atlas carrying her. Atlas have also a very hectic schedule since the King is also preparing him to be the next. The only time he can catch a glimpse of her, is during the time Princess Sierra asks him to carry her to visit Shaelyn.

Though he didn't stay too long since he also has a lot of things he needed to do.

All of the palace staff are also working day and night to prepare for the royal wedding, added staffs from the Lockser Kingdom have come to help, courtesy of King Lewis. Meanwhile, Queen Stella has been regaining back her strength day by day with Queen Xianna helping her.

The high society and even the commoners are all talking nonstop about the upcoming royal wedding and the story of the long-lost princess of the Lockser Kingdom.

Her story is also the main topic of the Mage Academy. Every student or professor is asking the ranked students who are present during the last day of the party, questions about Shaelyn and the wedding.


"How are you feeling?"- a soft voice said that made Shaelyn glanced at her through the mirror.

"Mother.."- Queen Stella smiles at her, tears sitting in the corner of her eyes. Her face is no longer tired-looking, it became much healthier and she no longer needed help to walk.

"To think that I'm still able to witness your wedding like this... I'm happy. But at the same time... I only got to know you for a short time."- she placed her right hand on top of Shaelyn's hands.

Shaelyn felt something warm spreading inside her chest as she stops herself from crying.

"I... I won't be going anywhere anymore, mom. I will still be here if you want to see me."- she gently said and stand up to hug her, despite the protests of the maids.

Queen Stella hugs her tightly as tears fall from her eyes.

After Queen Stella left, the maids also left Shaelyn alone for a moment as her order.

Out of the corner of Shaelyn's eyes, a fairytale book is resting just above her drawers.

It's a fairy tale book Princess Sierra gave to her. The princess said that the story somehow reminded her of Shaelyn and Atlas' story.

Shaelyn grabbed the book and flip it open until the word ' And they lived happily ever after. The end.' caught her eyes.

"A happily ever after huh? I wonder... is there such a thing like that?"- she ponders to herself aloud.

"Why don't you try and find out?"- a small female voice startled her as she drops the book she's holding.

She looked around and saw a tiny human-like girl, with sparkling wings floating right in front of her.

"Who are you? No— what are you?"- she asks curiously.

The fairy smiles at her, her glittering golden locks swaying gently from behind.

"Why, I'm a Fairy, my dear! And I'm here to grant you a wish! Think of it as my wedding gift to you!"- the Fairy enthusiastically said. Her wings fluttering softly behind her back with golden glitters falling every time they move.

"A wish? I'm sorry but I don't have a wish."- Shaelyn answers while curiously staring at the fairy's wings.

"Then why don't you just wish to have a 'happily ever after' with your Prince, just like the story you were holding."- the fairy suggested while pointing to the book she was holding earlier.

Shaelyn glances at the book that is currently sitting on the carpeted floor.

Shaelyn can't help but be tempted by the fairy's words. She's been feeling anxious these past few days.

She felt like she didn't have enough time to fully process everything that has happened, it didn't help that everyone is looking at her expectantly.

She's feeling a little too pressured by them, if it were not for Clara's support and encouragement... she would have already broken down from the pressure.

That's why the fairy's words felt like a light shining through a dark tunnel, an escape she can grasp just by wishing it.

"The meaning of 'happily ever after', does that mean a happy life will await us?"- she asks.

The fairy smiles sweetly at her, transforming to her human form. She caressed Shaelyn's face while making her stare directly at her eyes.

"That's right! If you wish for it, you and your Prince can live happily ever after than the rest."- the fairy whispers in her ear.

Shaelyn's eyes glow slightly, her body as light as a feather. The fairy's words are the only sounds she can hear.

Then with a nod she agrees, "Alright, I wish to live happily ever after with Atlas."- she wishes as to the fairy grins.

"Your wish is my command, my dear future Empress."- the fairy whispers the last part so Shaelyn can't hear it.

With a flick of her fingers, a bright light envelops Shaelyn as she closed her eyes.

"I forgot to tell her about the payment.. oh well, she will find that out soon enough. A life for a life, but in this case... two lives for two lives."- the fairy grinned maniacally as she teleported back to her place.


"Don't you think the wedding is a bit fast-paced?"- Jasper asks while reviewing the schedule he is holding.

".."- Atlas only wordlessly stare at him before looking at the mirror.

"We only got lucky to find her just in time before the blue moon rises."- he said before grabbing his crown from the pillow it was sitting in.

Jasper stares silently at him before motioning to the maids.

"I hope she will put an end to this curse then. "- he added before bowing his head and left the room.


Shaelyn's and Atlas' royal wedding is the most grandiose wedding that has happened in the history of the Caswell Kingdom.

Every corner of the kingdom is all celebrating, the whole country has been decorated from top to bottom. The whole kingdom looks like they are celebrating a festival, with all different food stalls and items line up on the roads.

Royalties from alliances have been invited with tons of luxurious and unique gifts trailing behind them.

The ceremony went on smoothly and the royal banquet began.

Everyone cheered and celebrated their wedding, all are happy and well... until an accident happened that will change their entire life.


About the Lockser Kingdom (1)

Lockser Kingdom : have cold breeze and spring like climates. Their main attraction is their beautiful and bountiful coral reefs and sea-life. The kingdom is near a area where monsters lived and is he nearest kingdom to the forbidden land. They are also the smallest kingdom out of the five kingdoms.

Lockser kingdom have two duke houses, one is the Alben dukedom, where Shaelyn's mother was born. Queen Stella is the only daughter of the Duke Casiel Alben. She have one younger brother and the heir of their dukedom, Gabriel Alben.

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