
A Not So Safe New World

#Romance #Fantasy #Newworld

LovableX07 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

{2}~Planet Nova~

{Luna's POV}

As I open my eyes all I see is the light blue sky above me with a bright yellow sun. As I lay on the soft ground full of flush grass I look around to see myself surround by trees. Only laying in a small clearing. I turn my head to my left to see a big purple bag laying next to me. I knew it had my stuff in it. I slowly sit up and take in my surrounds. Once I'm completely standing I bend down and grab my bag then I walk over to the beautiful clear flowing river that was a few feet away. When I get closer I sit down and look into the water only to fall back in shock. At shock of how I look. "I look ducking gorgeous! I'm smoking hot". I said my voice having a soft of accent. As I pear back into the water I being Han to check out my new features of my specie change.

I have long white hair that goes to the end of my back above my hips. My white hair has purple strand in it. Next was my grayish purple skin. I had pointy ears that has beautiful leaf earrings. I have small blue eye brows and deep purple eyes, small lips with purple lip stick on it with a golden design on my forehead. I then move my eyes downward about to have tears in my eyes as I look at my robust of a chest. My chest which looks like a side D lays inside of a beautiful black dress that goes all the way down to the ground with a split on the side of my right leg, with a spider thread like design. The middle of the dress exposes my big chest. And lastly I have a light purple long sweater to keep me warm.

Her actually look

[Picture Here]

I dipped my hand into the flowing river, scooping up some water and drank. The water tasted fresh and was very cold and refreshing. I then stood up putting on my bag and picked a direction to go in. But I did coded to ask my system. "System where am I?".

[Host is currently in the green forest where both the nature elves and earth elves reside. Also host can only have System assistance for three days before host is left on her own. Host can also use the system shop and trade center for only one month before the shop and trade center is sealed until the next new moon.]

"Mm...which way should I go?". I stood this for a moment before asking my system again. "What would I encounter is if go north, east, south or west?".

[Is host goes North host would encounter the nature elves village. If host goes East host will encounter the ripple forest. If host goes South host would encounter a Eitho human town. And if host goes West host would soon encounter the border of Asteria Kingdom known to only home Eitho Humans.]

"What are Eitho Humans?". I asked curiously.

[Eitho Humans are not like normal humans. They are humans with different type of genetic characteristics and changes. The can indeed thrive on this planet unlike normal humans which is why you could not stay humans. But you also could not become Eitho Humans as only one can be born. They are also stronger then normal humans. Eitho Humans of the Asteria Kingdom are not familiar with other species in this world. The tend to stay to their kind and their kind alone. They do not engage with other species as they do not like them but they do t know they exist and are not invisible. But Eitho Humans in small villages or towns are more familiar with them as they do not live in the kingdoms boarders and they are sometimes raided by goblins,, cursed monsters and beasts, and even other Eitho Humans such as thieves.]

(A/N: I know stupid explanation but whatever)

"Oh I see then, guess I'll go East". Maybe I can build a good relationship with that Eitho village. I then began my journey towards the East hoping to come across at least some low level beasts and monsters to level up more.

It's been 5 hours since I began walking east towards the first eitho human village. I've come across a few beasts and monsters along the way. The first was a cursed monkey of level 4 that was huge but I managed to kill it with my magic chains poisoning it and watched as it slowly started dying. I'm glad that with my chain ability I don't have to be close to my opponent to kill or trap them as my chains move fast and are quiet strong. The next few monsters I came across was a deadly cursed witch which was freaking level 6 and bitch when I tell you I almost died I mean it and I am still badly bruised and tired, a possessed scavenger of level 3, a killer wasp of level 4, and a massive dark element cursed black bear also of level 6. I was still walking East tired and hungry so i I decided to just set up camp for a bit.

I managed to find a deep cave that was empty, sat my bag down and left the cave again in search of some wood, sticks, and flint stones for fire. As I was around the forest as the sun sets I hear a twig snap. I immediately get down in a crouch position and look around while taking cover in the shadow of the trees. Not long after do I spot a big male deer surrounded by female and baby deers a few feet from me. I summon my bow and I slowly aim keeping my eyes on the target. As I watch it will gleaming eyes. I really wanted some meat and I was deeply hungry. I waited until it's whole body was turned a little towards me so I could have a clear shot of it's neck. Once it did I let my arrow loss and it swiftly flew at a amazing speed embedding itself into the deers thick string neck. The deer cries out loudly enough to scare off the other female and fawns around it falling to the ground dead. The babies following their mothers to safety. I then stood up butting my bow away and carrying the all the wood and sticks I've found with my towards the deer lying on the ground.

When I step close enough to the deer I squat down putting everting I had in my arms down and I softly and slowly pet the dying deer. It looks at me from the corner of its eye. I softly say my thanks to the deer as I watch the light leave it's eyes and body behind.

Wasting no time I picked up. Picking up my wood, sticks, and found stones i then grabbed the male deer by it's antlers and began dragging it back with me to the cave. When I arrived I put the wood and sticks down setting it up for a fire then began messing with the flint stones snapping them together soon making a massive fire burst out. Warming up the whole cave. I then drag the massive deer in front of me, using the light of the fire to help me see where I'm cutting with rock that i found in the cave.


Host has completed a secret task!

Task:First Hunt[✔️] & Skin first hunt[✔️]

Reward granted!

-One cutting knife

-6 pieces of deer skin

-Two male deer antlers

-10 pieces of raw deer meat]

"Wow! The knife will be useful. Because now I can cut the deer instead of having to use a rock". After the system announced my rewards all of it already appeared in my bag. I then threw the rock away and used the knife to finish skinning and cutting the deer. After about 20 minutes there was blood everywhere which was gross but I couldn't do anything about it. I sat with my back leaning against the rocky wall looking through my bag full of things I managed to get from all the monsters I've killed, plus the stuff from the deer task. I opened the system and went to the trading center to see what I could trade I really wanted to trade for some portable food of some sort. So I scrolled through the trading center and saw there was currently a few million people on it at the moment. I saw someone was trading 6 fresh baked bread for 3 pieces of raw or cooked meat so I traded it and the freshly baked bread showed up on my trading inventory until I retrieve it. I searched through a bit more but couldn't find anything else I wanted until I saw something so cheap I didn't even want to believe it. I saw someone trading one AI Summoning stone for 1 deer antler. I contemplated ok weather this was true or if the stones even worked. But since I didn't have anything useful todo with the deer antlers I decided to take a bed and trade both of them. One I did the person sent a message saying thx you and the stones work but since it was so cheap nobody wanted to get it thinking it was a scam. I just said yw in return and kept it moving.

I retrieved my trades items and they appeared in my bag. I then opened the system shop and went to the souls section. See you can get souls by killing monsters beasts depending on their level and cursed levels. I had over 40 souls because of the monsters I killed. I saw I could by...Spawn stones?... of different kinds of animals of different levels. It was cool yeah but I don't think I need any of these at the moment. That is until I thought of what I'm currently doing. At the moment I have no idea how close or far I am from that Eitho human village. And I didn't want to start traveling the wrong way completely missing the village. So I searched for a certain type of bird that could be my eyes and ears in the air. Soon I found owl spon stones I then began seeing the different level owls.

[Moon Owl

Level: 5

Cost:12 Souls

Ability: flight speed, far sight

Description: Is a loyal companion that can fly fast, can see from a far. A moon owl is most commonly used among the Moon elves as watchers and scouters for familiars.]

[ Moon Owl

Level: 10

Cost: 20 Souls

Ability: Super sight, strong flight speed, razor claws

Description: is a Moon elf familiar that is mostly used for hunting small animals if the elves can't do it. Is also used as scouts.]

[ Moon Owl

Level: 20

Cost: 30 Souls

Ability: Extreme fast flight, strong bones and sharp claws, feather wing blades, farthest sight

Description: These moon owls are almost as rare as the first. These owls have the ability to shoot feather blades from their winds from a far distance. Keeping themselves safe in thin air. They are fast flyer and can cover a large distance in just 10 minutes. They also have very sharp claws that are poisonous to the touch except to the tamer of the animal.]

Immediately I chose to buy that owl as my new familiar.

[Are you sure you want to buy this owl Spawn stone? [Yes] or [No]]

I click yes and a Spawn stone appears in my hand. I decided to Spawn my owl tomorrow as it was already dark and I needed sleep. So I put the Spawn stone in my bag and curled up in the corner of a cave closer to the fire to stay warm. And smoothly fell asleep.