
A Not so Kind World

Smiles can be deceiving.. Maybe there is more to that smile

Rents_Stamp · Teen
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

August 26th

"Ugh why do I have to do this, I don't want to dammit." 

Ayaka was on her way to her newest job: her dad's hotel. She was wearing a light blue button up shirt and a gray vest with dark blue jeans. Somehow she filled in an extra spot as a Front desk agent. 

"It's part time so I'll be there like once or twice a week but still, I don't want to do this." She said.

She had greater goals but her only option right now was to rely on her dad. 

She sees the large hotel, only once did she ever step in it. She looks at her phone and sees its 4 pm.

She was supposed to be there at 3 however due to school she was allowed to be there at 4 instead. After all it was her first day and she was just going to shadow and do her online training.

As she steps inside she sees a familiar face. A young man smiling to some strangers at the lobby he seems extremely busy but he brushes it off in front of this guest in need of assistance. 

She looks around to see the lobby. She sees several couches around the lobby, most likely meant for guests who wanted to either hang around or are waiting to be attended. She also sees a small cafe on the other side of the lobby. In front of the lobby there is a large black trimmed desk with several decoration lights hanging from them. Behind this desk there is the young man taking several phone calls and guest assistance issues. 

She approaches the desk the moment she sees its not busy.

"Um.." she says. "I'm here for my first day today? I believe I'm also front desk Mr. Um." She stops. It takes her a second to realize the young man she was speaking to. She didn't distinguish him because of his attire and his looks. This young man had a white button up shirt with a different gray vest texture than hers. He also had a slick back hairstyle and glasses on.

She looks down on his vest and sees his name tag: Yuto.

"Um.. Yuto..?" She says.

"Yes miss? How may I help you I'm sorry I didn't get to hear it clearly haha." He replied.

"Oh um.. it's my first day so I'm not sure who to speak to."

"Oh are you miss Ayaka?" He asked.

"Yes that's me"

"Oh okay I got word from my manager that you'd be coming today. I believe HR is already checking on your information, so you'll be with me today. The manager had some business to attend with the owner and he asked me to train you and show you the place around." He says.

"Oh.. okay then, um should I go behind the desk?" She asks.

"Yea you're front desk as well no?"

"So this is what he meant by getting us close together, how did I not think about it?" She wondered.

"Ayaka.?" Asks Yuto. 

"Um yes.?" 

"I'm sorry, I asked if you ever did front desk before, I don't know if you heard me." 

"Oh.. no no I'm sorry I was thinking on something else."

"That's okay, I'm sorry if you feel a little uncomfortable. I'm Yuto, Yuto Hagasaki and I'll be showing you the ropes today."

She stares at him for a second. It's hard to believe that the same guy with fluffy messed up hair and energetic attitude is also the same one standing in front of her; a polite good looking and well dressed and vocalized gentleman. She finds it hard to believe they both are around the same age.

"I'm Ayaka Hayashi. It's my first time doing Front desk especially hotels."

"Oh so you're brand new new. What made you want to join?" He asked.

"Um.. do you want me to be fully honest?" She said nervously.

"Sure" He said.


There is an awkward silence the moment she said that. Just when Yuto was going to reply back a guest walks in. From awkward and silent he changes his personality in the blink of an eye, almost as if it meant nothing what she just said. 

"Welcome how may I help you today?" He said with a bright and welcoming attitude. 

"Yea I'm here to check in?" Asked the guest.

"Sure I'll go ahead and do so for you, what's the name under the reservation?"

Ayaka just stays silent while looking at Yuto check in the guest. She was never good with strangers for the most part because she felt shy and like she'd get judged for how she'd express herself. But looking at Yuto was like looking at a professional bartender do a mixed drink the most fanciest way possible that was deserved a really good tip for.

While Yuto was done explaining the guest the amenities of the hotel and its services he wished them a good stay as they walked off with their keys.

Again, awkward silence. 

"So, um" He said. His personality was different this time, instead of being a confident agent he went back to feeling awkward and shy about her response. "What exactly did you mean by me?" He asked.

"Well, we both are in Mr.Hanada's class, and I was there when you showed up late." She replied.

"Oh.. yea I'm probably going to change out that class I'm not sure." He said 

"Well.. the reason why I am here is because I wanted to talk to you but I couldn't find you anywhere." 

"Well I'm a full time employee here so I'm here more often than some of my classes. Those classes email me the material and assignments and I just send them back. I'm hardly ever in class." He replied. "I don't recall seeing you in that class though I'm sorry."

"No no its okay I was sitting on the front anyways. I just wanted to get to know you and maybe be friends?"

Again she makes the conversation slightly awkward to him by that. However at least now he knows he shouldn't be uncomfortable by it anymore.

"I see. So you're not interested in doing Front Desk?" He asked.

"No not really"


She realized what she just said. Her chances of being his friend just dropped down badly. She knew if she quit she most likely won't see him again because of the fact he doesn't go to class much due to work. 

"But I was hoping you'd teach me?" She said.

Again awkwardness.

"It's because I saw how smart you were back then and I wanted to also get better so I kinda thought if I did the same things I'd get better?"

"That's a weird way to put it" He replied. 

Yup, seems like he was suspicious about her motives there. He brushed it off and began training her without a single word of any other topic. He went through a lot of things and even simulated a check in example for her. He could tell she was still nervous to deal with a guest so he didn't make her check anyone in yet.

"damn" she thought "I messed up"

Yuto sent her home early as his manager requested because it was her first day. Once she was gone his manager showed up and started to talk to him. However the manager wasn't alone, the owner was with him too. 

"Hey there Yuto how you been?" Said Mr. Hayashi. "Hope we aren't taking much of your time?"

"No sir everything's been taken care of, how may I help you?"

"Let me talk to you for a second young man, let's go to the office." 

Yuto was concerned and worried that he was in trouble. He did as he was told and followed the rules to the letter, so he didn't know where he'd have messed up on. 

"How was it training Ayaka?" Said the owner. 

"Oh I didn't know that you were aware that someone new started today sir" He replied.

"Haha let me guess, you didn't notice who she is right?" He replied.


"Ayaka is my daughter haha." 

"Oh shit" he thought. 

"I got a call from her, she seemed a little down and told me how she may not be suited for the hotel business, after all I'm the one that insisted her to try it out." He replied.

"Oh, if you don't mind me asking, is there a reason why she decided to try it out?" 

"Honestly I was impressed by her answer as well, but I can kind of see why. She wanted to meet you and get to know you."

"Oh um.." Said Yuto.

"Let me tell you a small story about my daughter if you don't mind young man. She lost her mother when she was little, and she had to go through therapy for a while. Her mother was a teacher before and she taught her some easy math and she enjoyed it ever since. I was aiming for this industry all my life, my father handed this hotel to me. I wanted my daughter to try it out for herself to see if she loves it. But she has been in her own path of wanting to follow the same footsteps as her mother once did." He paused for a second with a sad look in his eyes. "I can't.. I don't want my daughter to go through that as well, I just can't."

Yuto felt a shiver in the back of his spine as he heard this. It reminded him of something, more like, someone. The words, thoughts and expression of a grieving man. The characteristics of a man living in guilt and complete sadness beyond comprehension. 

Mr. Hayashi looked up at Yuto. He saw in his face the eyes of a man that understood him. The face of someone who spoke louder in silence than with words or actions alone. He knew Yuto was different. He could tell he had his fair share of walking on a hell plane just by looking at his eyes. 

"I sense." Said Yuto in a serious tone. " I sense that guilt is what is driving you to have her be here and try to enjoy the hotel industry correct?"

"Yes." Said Mr. Hayashi with a close to breakdown voice tone. 

"For you.." he paused "It's a win win offer correct?" 

"Yes" He replied.

At this point both roles were reversed. Most people would expect the employee to be on their knees to the owner. But in this case, the owner was hoping for Yuto to help him desperately. 

"She wanted to meet me and get to know me for her own reasons, but you want me to train her and show her the enjoyment of working at hotels right?"

"I'm so sorry" Replied Mr. Hayashi. "I know it's too much to ask and I'm willing to give you a raise for that an-"

"I don't want a raise." He said. "I will show her how great and entertaining the hotel industry is, that's a fact." He paused "But I can't promise it'll make her change her decision for her life career sir. That is her choice and hers alone."

"I see.." he replied. "Will you promise to make sure she enjoys this more than math..?" 

"Yes" he replied with determination. 

August 27th

It's 10 am, time for early class for a lot of students. Most in particular, Yuto, Eydis and Ayaka. This time no one was late.

"Good morning class, hope you all had a great week start for college. Now let's get ready for today's lesson" Said Mr. Hanada. 

Once the lesson ended Yuto approached Ayaka.

"Hey" He said.

"Oh um hi.." she replied. "Um if you don't mind we can forget about the other da-"

"Wanna walk together?" He asked.

Little did they know that rumors about them being a couple would spread that same day. However, Yuto had no motives towards Ayaka. 

He had a goal. He was going to make sure Ayaka loved hospitality. But he'd also make sure that she had a choice rather than feel shackled by her father.

He knew what it was like not having a choice.

It's gut killing..