
A Nobody's Transmigration

[Read my new book Master Of Horrors!] France Neemon was transmigrated into a body of a trash character, Noelle Portnner, in the novel Unyielding Hero. His knowledge of that world only contains volume one of it. With adversities, mysteries, and resolve to return to his previous world, France ventures into the world and accepts becoming the trash son of a rich character. The moment he stepped up and became a character, more questions filled his mind. Yet, amidst those inexplicable questions, is that really all? ----- The cover is not mine. If the creator wished it removed, then it will be removed.

Ordki_Hozei · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
151 Chs

Observation Report

"There's nothing wrong with his family aside from him. With the help of my friend here, we'll able to discern that he was hiding something. We decided to tail him to see what it is but upon realizing that he was meeting another person, that's when I decided to report this right away.

"The person he met was no other than Isaiah Garod. Christopher handed him a document to him and once they were done, Isaiah was the first one to leave, and next was Christopher. I continued to observe Christopher at the gathering but he was much calmer than before. I concluded that the documents he was holding were what makes him afraid."

Instead of Isaac escorting Freya toward a meeting place, what happened is another way around. Isaac escorted me to meet Freya in a very familiar place which is in the interrogation room.

She gave Isaac a heads-up that other than this place is no good. With the help of her trusted subordinates, they lead Isaac and me at here.

And at this moment, I was on the part of narrating my whole report to her. It might look long but it was also very detailed, taking away those unimportant factors which didn't need any more mentioning.

"Even though I'm only an informant, I wanted to suggest that The Justice have some people man the maze. Watch if people are entering the maze. We might arrest some Saviours and extract information as to why they had kidnapped the nobles and attempted to summon a devil.

"Another thing is to determine the nobles and aristocrats who weren't kidnapped at that time. Those who were kidnapped aren't safe to say innocent either. It might be part of a ploy if their operation somehow failed so that they wouldn't be part of the lists of suspects. Of course, those who weren't kidnapped could be said the same thing. Maybe they were intentionally not kidnapped to make them look suspicious.

"I apologized if I speak too much. I just wanted to relay the information I have and my view of things."

Freya, who appeared to have just woken up due to the sudden meeting, nodded seriously. Her hair wasn't tied up and it was evident on her expression that she was still accessing the information I'd given to her.

"I understand," Pinching her forehead, Freya continued, "We'll keep in mind your report and suggestion. About the first one, well, we're actually working on it and we've captured Saviours. The thing is, they weren't high-ranking. They just wish to know what happened inside the maze."

She paused, "As for the other, I'll try suggesting it to the higher-ups. Maybe we'll get something with this."

Freya looked curiously at Isaac, giving him a gentle smile, "My man right here seems to be agitated about you. I didn't know that such a person like yourself is a bodyguard for Noelle. His name is Ian."

Both me and Isaac looked at the man, Ian, standing behind Freya, who appeared much more tired than her.


Looking back and forth between Freya and Ian, I can't help but chuckle. Though they hide the fact that it was only a subordinate kind of relationship, they couldn't fool me, who had read so many novels and seen real people doing the same thing.

"I'm sorry I disturbed you." Isaac apologetically spoke while watching the slightly flustered Freya, who was looking at him but is different from before.

She was embarrassed.

After a moment of silence, Freya let out a dry cough and said, "All right now. You two can leave."

"Ma'am Freya obviously has a great impression of you. When you swore an oath, I'll tell you some things we can talk about," I said, patting him while entering the duke's mansion, "Good job today."

After the report, we'd sneakily made ourselves out of the interrogation room, walking in many directions just to be sure that no one was following us, we decided to head to the duke's residence.

The sun was rising, and I decided to rest in the meantime. I could just continue attending later on or tomorrow since I'm exhausted.

Isaac was on the same side. He needed some time to rest.

Without further ado, we moved on to our respective ways. I washed for a few minutes, changed my clothes, and surrendered myself to the soft bed.

Another day passed. It might sound very fast but it's given me plentiful rest in the meantime, clearly refilling my whole vigor.

Right now, I'm wearing the same clothes I've worn on the first day of the gathering, resting on the second day, and I'm finally back on the third. Of course, my clothes are washed.

Seeing a carriage pass in my front, I saw Drake and Lori got down with tired expressions with Verl and Klein on their back, having the same expression.

"We'll be going back. What about you guys?"

"We'll rest for the meantime," Verl answered with a tired sigh, "We'll most likely return in the evening to celebrate the successful gathering. Everyone who was invited is needed so we'll go."

Judging by his expression, noble gentlemen or ladies alike, had come to talk to my rich father, probably asking for some things like investment in their companies and such.

I don't even begin to think about the people he rejected.

"We'll get going then, sir." Bowing slightly with respect, I gestured for Isaac to come, who also said his goodbyes to Verl and the siblings.

Riding the carriage, waving Lori and Drake goodbye, I slumped my back in the chair and heard Isaac talking on my behalf.

"Will we continue watching Christopher's movement or shift our attention to Isaiah?"

"We'll do both. It's better to have much info to give." I answered, looking outside the window while resting my head on my hand.

If I was trying to remember the times in the novel, everything would go smoothly in the gathering. I could imagine the things happening. Spying those two suspicious people>leaving the capital> returning home> proceeding on the next plan.

I've managed to make connections in here so coming here isn't bad, except of course, for the kidnapping.



Suddenly, as the carriage was driving slowly, a scream resonated from somewhere which stopped the vehicle from moving.

My eyes swiftly shifted at the origin of the scream and they both landed at the end of the streets. Whatever it is, it was a terrified


Those nearby started to murmur at their peers, appearing quite hectic and nervous as they watch the scene.

People were hanging at the edge of the street outside of those houses. Authorities and close knights that just happened nearby started to gather to keep the crowd controlled.


We got off our carriage and we followed the people going to the murder scene.

After a while, the area become crowded and we saw the victims tainted with blood with what seemed to be a letter ingrained in their clothes or their skin that is forming a word upon a closer look.


It was a horrifying sight as if they were toyed with by someone, trying to carve a person for fun. I was having the same reaction as every one but not towards being terrified by it.

I was confused and surprised at the same time.

It was only because two of those corpses are familiar to me.


After a few minutes, the authorities that had come here picked the corpses from the rope while the others are being blocked from going further.


From the corner of my eyes, I noticed a group of people crying and weeping upon seeing such a scene.

'That's right…'

The reason for me and Isaac's reactions being slightly different from the others is that two of the corpses hanging at the houses earlier were the people we are investigating.

Isaah Garod and Christopher Lorance.

And the family crying was none other than the Lorance family.


"Is it me or if we combined each letter those people have, we'll form a word?"

"I was thinking the same thinking! They were arranged and I think the first letter is 'S'."

"Ah, I think 'I' is the next one,"

"The two consecutive letter is the same and they were easy to guess. It's 'N'"

"The next one is 'E',"

"I recognize the last letter. It's the first letter of my name which is 'R',"

"Hmm, what does the small dots represent then? It's probably just there since the message it's relaying was already delivered.

The voice of people resounded in my ears, and I couldn't help but tremble.


Isaac muttered and the people who heard it agreed and they began to talk themselves once again.

'This… something different already happened?' I can't help but pinch my temples, 'Who the hell is it?'



'The moment I saw that devil's eyes, I trembled. What were they doing in the middle of the maze was… just because of that? Aren't we here to save the people not destroy them?

'No, what does it really mean to save people? My ideals and view of this group have been very wrong the entire time? The people I could call subordinates were just rotten as I but… I thought we have the same goals… What are we all working for this time then?

'Aren't we killing people because we're saving them? It's not really salvation but massacre?'

Twisted thoughts passed through Trov's head as he watch the devil killing everyone it saw, amused and having fun with what it was doing.

'I had to… get out of here.'

As his hands shivered, he mixed along the crowd and escape the maze.


'What they have done deserved this…' Looking at the scene he made far away from the people's eyes, Trov mused inwardly, 'Fuck The Justice and fuck The Saviours. I'll do things my way. Saving people is my mission and this is the real salvation.'

Coldly looking at the bodies he killed yesterday, Trov clenched his fist, 'There's no way I'll return the way I used to be so why bother? If the death of a nobody like me happened who actually killed innocent lives before this, I can save more than I killed. I will be successful in my role of saving the world.

'Saviours and its mysterious leader… I'll kill you. And whoever stands in my way, I'll kill them too.'

Having his resolve hardened, Trov disappeared into thin air.