
A Nobody's Transmigration

[Read my new book Master Of Horrors!] France Neemon was transmigrated into a body of a trash character, Noelle Portnner, in the novel Unyielding Hero. His knowledge of that world only contains volume one of it. With adversities, mysteries, and resolve to return to his previous world, France ventures into the world and accepts becoming the trash son of a rich character. The moment he stepped up and became a character, more questions filled his mind. Yet, amidst those inexplicable questions, is that really all? ----- The cover is not mine. If the creator wished it removed, then it will be removed.

Ordki_Hozei · Fantasy
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151 Chs

Dropping Out

"I'll be moving out then,"

The conversation between the two seems to wrap up as Noelle requests to excuse himself. Freya waved goodbye and told him that she has her men waiting outside and would try to assist him way out.

Once she was alone in the room, Freya's expression still remained unchanged. She moved towards the side where the unobstructed glass is placed and walked towards the side where there was a wall.

She knocked on it and soon, it opened. For others, especially the people inside the room might take it as ordinary but it was just a hidden door! It is to ensure that the people could move right away if something was to happen to the people inside the interrogation room.

It opened itself and revealed three people on the outside.

"Phew, what are your thoughts about that guy?"

"Quite crafty," Another lady said.

Her facial features are also nothing to scoff off as she produces a noble-like aura that made everyone bow to her. Long black hair and deep blue eyes. Her attire is different from Freya's since she liked everything she wanted to wear.


Another woman agreed with hum while nodding gently but she was much lower in age compared to the two. She exerts an icy dominance that made people think she can't be talked with and only the people she knew could have a good conversation with her.

She had glasses hanging around her neck and she had white eyelashes and green gem-like eyes. Her facial was more profound than the two.

Another thing to add is that she was the same age as Noelle.

"Geez, Ariana. Your judgment is really direct as it is. Is that why people called you," Freya answered with a smug smile on her lips while tapping the head of the other, "And don't just agree to her rookie. Tell your inner thoughts as well,"

"Inner thoughts, huh…" The woman muttered, "He is dangerous. For some reason, that guy might be as dangerous as the commander units of the justice. Although he is good-looking, we couldn't be deceived by it. Just his way of speaking indicates that he had secrets that are way far from what we've expected,"

She paused, "For those kinds of guys, it's better to befriend them than be their enemies,"

"Pff, Hahaha!" Freya laughed as she hold her abdomen, amused by what she had witnessed.

"Tsk, Freya. You are teasing Fiona again. Stop that," The lady, Ariana, warned as she shot her a gaze but Freya continued cackling.

The two began arguing while Fiona remained passive as she is, though it all ended when the last person gave his opinion.

"He didn't lie,"

Adjusting herself, Freya nodded, agreeing with what the man with high stature had come up with. His blue eye on the left and grayish-black eye on the right was eye-catching enough but if they added, how tall, handsome, or strong it is, his charm already exceeded the person's expectation.

To common people, it would be those are the features they would place their interest with. But to those who know more, of course, it will be much more.

"What do you think he is, sir Dalton?" Freya asked in a respectful tone and all of them saw their man smiling.

"What Fiona said is true," Dalton paused, "But what I'm interested in was his reason for surviving there. My eyes didn't say it was false, neither my guts are telling me that he did second thoughts on his reason."

All the other three remained silent as they let Dalton continue.

"Received help from a God, huh," Dalton muttered, "Interesting…"

"Please wait for the payment. I don't have anything on me right now," I calmly said to the carriage driver who was nodding nervously.

After asking Freya's men the direction on the way out as she instructed, they didn't give me any gold coin I could use to ride a carriage way home. Since I was quite famous for being trash, the driver might have thought I would throw a tantrum or some other things in related.

On the way, the driver told me about Verl's residence. It seemed like my father bought land here and use it as some sort of income. The land Verl bought is quite large as it consists of three streets with the mansion on the end of the third street belonging to the Portnner Household.

'Heh, this kind of feeling is unfamiliar to me. Being rich it is…'

Just a few minutes passed, and I have Klein fetch me two gold coins. One coin was the payment and the other was just a bonus. The driver gladly takes it and bid farewell with a smile on his face.

"Young master, I'm here to receive you," Klein said with a calm smile on his face, "Duke is certainly attending some matters with Isaac to… assist him,"

'Well, with the incoming banquet, it's only normal. And there's no need to worry about his well-being if Isaac is there Heh, and this is surprising. Klein is replaced? Looking at it, it's only for the time being. Is it because of the resistance he showed in the hospital that Verl felt disrespectful?

'But it seem Klein didn't mind. He found that what he did is right. Well, I do agree with him to some certain extent but it slightly tarnishes Verl's reputation… Ugh, the importance of everyone's perspective is really important…'

Musing that thought inwardly, I entered the mansion, and servants and maids alike gathered around Klein. Those people still showed discontent expression but the wariness is added probably because they heard the news I was dead.

Heh, if it's the case, who is the person we are walking through the mansion… is probably the question running through their heads.

"What would you like to do, young master?"

"I want to rest. Just lead me the way up,"

I was exhausted throughout the time hence sleeping might very well be a good thing to do.

Klein nodded without any word and lead the way up to my room alone. Soon enough, I entered my room, washed since I was reeking of filth, and took a new pair of clothes and pants, before I lay down and rest for tonight since tomorrow, I will be handing out my dropping form.

"I would like to quit school. Here's my dropout form. In the signature section, there's over the name of Duke Verl, below it is me, have already signed what's needed to be signed. Everything's legit and the rules regarding dropouts of paying fees here are twenty-five gold coins,"

The pouch of gold that contains the exact amount of fees is handed over to the receptionist who looked at me with a suspicious gaze before scanning the money if it's authentic enough.

Early in the morning, Verl handed me the documents needed to drop out of the institute. Afraid that I would be having problems with it, he told me that he did everything he could do and asked me to just hand in the form.

Such a fantastic feeling.

"Right, even if I'm a dropout, I can still attend and listen to the class, right? I've nothing to do so much right now,"

"Well, you asked about your dropout case today but that doesn't mean it can be registered today. You can still attend classes but the room you could attend is already limited," The receptionist said calmly, "Do you understand? I don't want to get in trouble. This is school grounds,"

Nodding my head, I replied, "Does that mean I'm finally free?"

"You weren't being held here in the first place…"

"Haha, I'm just teasing," Tapping the receptionist's shoulder, I turned and waved him goodbye to explore the place.

Ford Institute

The place where elites gathered. If there's a word to describe this place, I would say this is heaven.

This place contains high-class food, classrooms, apartment, class teachers, class teaching, equipment, buildings, training area, and many more are placed right on the very floor I was walking.

This place was made many years ago and it produce people that could become leaders, high-ranking knights, and even powerful Ruiners who liked to be one.

'If only there wasn't a problem, I wished to have stayed. Build companions and kinds of stuff, attend tournaments, and fight arrogant young masters. Ugh, that's too cliché isn't it? Besides, the world I transmigrated to is not romance and slice of life.'

From time to time, I would meet students leaving a glance at me before moving on their way, some teachers who looked at me with suspicious looks, and even the parent with their children walking around.

One had to take note that today, there are a small number of students attending here, and a lot of Ruiners from The Justice had stationed from their positions. It seemed they are not taking any chances at the upcoming banquet that invited all kingdoms.

'Hmm, I'm available for another two whole days… In the meantime, I should explore this place… I might receive an answer today or tomorrow morning. Still, even if I had the knowledge of the future, I should make some preparations.

'Who knows, if they agreed to the proposal, they might assign me to do something, affecting my preparations… Yep, it's better to wait for the result. There's no way they would give it when the banquet commences.

'Also, I would like to meet the second prince Robyn. I wanted to talk to him.'

Having a plan for the day, I immediately headed for the nearest room. To much of my disappointment, there wasn't any teacher that could teach me, well, for the same reason as the kidnapping.

'Of course, even the teachers are even afraid of their health. What was I thinking?' I let out a disbelief laugh before deciding to head to one place, 'Yeah, the library is the best choice I could go to. Even though most of the workers are absent and with their families, some must've left this place like the receptionist earlier, right? Okay, it's decided,'

I headed towards the library after that. My guess is correct. There are a few students here roaming around and even librarians I could see managing the place.

At that moment, I began skimming through a book regarding ruins, ruiners, risks management, continents, people's ranking, different creatures that could be seen, Piece powers that are commonly seen, etc.

Just as I was reading carefully on the book, I heard something happening at the corner of the shelf.

"Hey, you dummy. You happened to be kidnapped with your brother, who's a freak! He was alive after that?"


"For real,"

Curious, I walked towards the shelf and to my surprise, it was Lori and other noble ladies who looks like bullies.

'Sigh, it's not arrogant young masters but arrogant young ladies?' I mused inwardly as I shake my head in amusement.