
Volume 2 Chapter 6 Settling In

Frankenstein walked in Exhaustion every time he slowed down Rai would scream and he would speed up saying "I'm moving"  "I'm moving" as he walked not noticing anything around him just trying to keep himself from passing out he heard a girls voice it was a bit familiar but he didn't even have the energy to look at her

Ema was setting on her normal bench reading a book when she heard a Baby cry and a familiar mans voice saying "I'm moving"  "I'm moving" she looked up to see him he was that man she had sent to the other dimension but he looked Exhausted and had a baby with him she sighed and went over to him

Ema: ... You look exhausted why don't you take a little rest ?😒

Frankenstein: ....😔 ( he stopped moving Rai screamed and he started walking again saying "I'm moving"  "I'm moving")

Ema: ..... Don't you have a baby swing ?😕

Frankenstein: ...... ( he thought about what she said it took him a few minutes to run his list through his mind because he was so tired when he realized he didn't have that on the list)  no no I don't😔

Ema: .... Hmm 😒( well he looks like he could just pass out At any moment so she decided to help for now she opened a portal right in front of him he didn't even noticed it and walked right into it she followed him )

The portal took them to the baby store Ema walked guiding Frankenstein to the Swing it was back by the cribs and beds as they got there she took Rai out of the stroller and he cried Frankenstein opened his eyes startled looking at Ema ... Ema placed Rai in the Swing and turned it on to see if he likes it as soon as the Swing started moving Rai calmed down and went to sleep Frankenstein stood there in silence he leaned on a bed that had a built in bassinet Ema looked at him saying " I think he likes the swing " Frankenstein nodded and said "ya I think so" he then fell back onto the bed closing his eyes Ema sighed a employee walked over to them asking if they needed any help Frankenstein raised his hand and said "I'll take that" 😴 pointing to the Swing that Rai was in the employee looked at Frankenstein he recognized him and said "ooh ok sure Mr. Lee did you want me to charge it to your account?"😕 Frankenstein just gave him a thumbs up the employee nodded and said "I'll go do that sir" ..... Ema looked at Frankenstein he was Sleeping on the bed she starred at him for a bit thinking he could be him but how is he alive that was over 900 years ago humans don't live that long she pushed the thought away sighed and opened a portal under Frankenstein dropping him right on his bed in his home he moved a little but didn't seem to notice Ema looked through the Portal at him then used another power she had to change him he was now in his underwear she closed the portal looked at Rai then opened a portal to Frankensteins living room she pushed the stroller through looked around seeing everyone sleeping on the couch she went back to grab Rai and the Swing and came back through closing the portal she went over Sat the Swing that still had Rai in it down he started to fuss she plugged it in and started it again he went back to sleep she looked around and Seira was the only other person awake she was in the kitchen she noticed Ema and walked over handing her a bottle and just walked back to the kitchen and Ema gave her a weird look but shrugged it off

Meanwhile Tao was in his room the pill made him even more tired than before he was out before to long but the pill didn't take the dreams away this time it was just like the other dream but as he looked down at his hands that were covered in blood he didn't wake up instead he looked back up to see this girl laying on the ground she looked like the same girl but she was wearing a white dress and looked to be very pregnant she was very still he went to her rolled her on her back to see her covered in blood she had been shot he heard himself screaming at her to "STAY WITH ME" as she went cold he then woke up sweating like crazy he calmed himself down and decided to go get a drink of water he put on a shirt and sweat pants and headed to the kitchen as he got there he noticed everyone in the living room sleeping on the couch and Ema was feeding Rai but Tao didn't really focus on her so as he went by he just said "hey boss" he figured it was him both Ema and Frankenstein had Blonde hair and Tao was very tired so he didn't notice he went into the kitchen grabbed a cup of water and turned around leaning on the counter taking a sip he looked at Ema thinking to himself that he must be very tired because he could swear that Frankenstein looked like a Girl he rubbed his eyes then just starred straight at Ema with a funny look

Ema: ..... What is it ?😒

Tao: ... Nothing 😕 ( he moved a little closer as he did he realized that this was Ema not Frankenstein he looked around not seeing Frankenstein he then thought he should have known if she did something with a portal he started patting his pockets looking for his phone )

Ema: hmm your phone is in your computer room😒 ( she then opened a portal dropping Tao's phone in to his hand as she did the phone was beeping like crazy she gave Tao a strange look )

Tao: .... Ooh hahaha 😅 ( he looked down at his phone it stated that 4 portals were opened in the last few hours the first one in the park going to the baby store?? 😕 second one from the baby store to Frankensteins room ....??😕 he looked up  in confusion third one was from the baby store to Frankensteins living room and the last one was just now for his phone )

Ema: .... That's interesting you managed to track portals ??😒

Tao: .... Hahaha ya 😅

Ema: don't worry I'm just here to help ...... your boss is sleeping in his room😏

Tao: ........R rreally ?? 😅

Ema: yes I'm just here to help with the baby until he wakes up so don't worry I won't cause any problems for you😔

Tao: ooh ok and it's Rai ... The baby's name is Rai😊

Ema: alright and your name?😒

Tao: ooh sorry I'm Tao😅

Ema: hmm ok I'm Ema 😒

Tao: ya I figured that you were😅

Ema: ooh you know of me ? I don't remember ever telling you my name?😒

Tao: ooh you didn't see a guy named Leo may have mentioned you haha 😅😅

Ema: ooh really he did .... What kind of things did he say hmm 😒

Tao: ooh not much he just mentioned your name hahaha 😅😅

Ema: whatever I'll just have to have a chat with him later about it... Anyways shouldn't you be getting some sleep?😒

Tao: ooh umm ya I did 😕

Ema: really??? You don't look like it ?? 😒

Tao: really I'm fine 😊

Ema: whatever suit yourself 😒

As the night went on Tao did try to get a bit more sleep but every time he tried to he would have that dream so he just stayed up when morning came everyone was starting to wake up after Tao explained everything to each of them they seemed ok with it after all she was keeping Rai from screaming Frankenstein was still sleeping in his room but the rest of the group were awake Seira had made breakfast while everyone finished Ema took Rai laying him on the couch to change him after she did she started playing peak a Boo with him he started to smile everyone gathering around to see as she did it again this time Rai let out a small giggle everyone started smiling he was soo cute Ema did it again this time Rai let out a loud giggling that everyone could hear clearly so loud that even Frankenstein could hear it and that's what woke him up he shot out of bed as he came to the stairs he stumbled down them skidding into the living room everyone turned to look at him he was standing there catching his breath when he finally spoke

Frankenstein: please tell me someone got that on video 😳😍

Tao: umm yes Boss the Cameras are all on 😅

Ema: umm then I guess we got that on Video as well ( she pointed to Frankenstein with a evil grin)😈

Frankenstein: huh ..... ( he looked down at himself he was in nothing but his underwear ) ... How did I ??😒

Ema: well you did pass out At the baby store on one of the beds there I just portaled you to your room and you know it's not good to sleep in your cloths so I may have changed you😏

Frankenstein: hmm ok I'm going to go clean myself up😰..... but first make him laugh again😍

Ema: really..... Fine all I did was this ( she started playing peak a Boo again and Rai started giggling)😊

Everyone: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

After a few minutes of playing with Rai Frankenstein retreated to his room to clean up after doing so he came back to the living room everyone was off doing their normal everyday things all that was left in the living room was Ash ,Seira,Rai and Ema so Frankenstein walked over picked up Rai he looked at Frankenstein and Smiled a Smile that melted Frankenstein's heart 😍

Ema: well sense your all rested I think I'll take my leave 😒

Frankenstein: ...😒

Ema: really your not even going to say thank you 😒

Frankenstein: ooh you wanted a thank you I'm sorry ....... but No 😏

Ema: ....... You got some nerve acting like that after I just helped you 😡

Frankenstein: yes you did help me but you also caused me a lot of problems as well any other person would say you still need to repay me but I tell you what out of the goodness of my heart we can call this even alright😏

Ema: fine I get that I may have caused you some problems but what makes you think I won't just send you somewhere again just because your pissing me off😡

Frankenstein: ooh I wouldn't have thought you were the kind of person that would do something like that knowing I have to tend to this helpless baby and of course Ash as well would you just take there father away from them just like that 😏

Ema: ..... ( he even acts just like him maybe it's possible hmm I should just let it go then ) fine whatever😒

Frankenstein: ooh look who's finally grown up 😏

Ema: ..... ( it is him) how ?😒

Frankenstein: I suppose your wanting to know how I'm alive 😏

Ema: yes ?😒

Frankenstein: hmm I don't know should I tell you ??😏

Ema: tell me Frankenstein or do you want me to find out another way ?😒

Frankenstein: .... Your still the same as always you really need to work on that temper of yours 😒

Ema: ooh that funny coming from you just tell me 😒

Frankenstein: fine I made a contract with a Noble😒

Ema: how come you have your memories ?😕

Frankenstein: ooh that's thanks to Alice 😊

Ema: what.....  Alice ?? You didn't mention anything about me to her did you?? 😰

Frankenstein: now why would I do something like that 😏

Ema: you didn't right?😰

Frankenstein: no I didn't so don't worry about it you can just repay me later ok 😊

Ema: ya ya sure 😒

Frankenstein: well I should go change him he feels a bit wet 😕

Ema: ya I should get going to ooh Frankenstein😒

Frankenstein: yes what is it?😒

Ema: that guy Tao I think is his name you should check on him 😕

Frankenstein: what why?😕

Ema: he hasn't been sleeping😒

Frankenstein: hmm ok I'll do that ooh and Ema 😔

Ema: hmm.....😒

Frankenstein: don't be a stranger ok😏

Ema: ya ya whatever I missed you as well😤

Frankenstein walked out to go change Rai with Ash following behind Seira went to start lunch and Ema left as well when Frankenstein got done changing Rai he went and got a bottle for him as he fed him Ash tapped his arm

Frankenstein: yes Sweet heart what is it?😊

Ash: you seemed to know that girl Ema ?😕

Frankenstein: yes I know her 😊

Ash: ok then why did it seem like you didn't trust her but you asked her to come back ?😕

Frankenstein: hmm sweety Ema is well very complicated see back when I knew her I trusted her with my life but that has been a very long time know I really do want to trust her like that but I guess we will have to see where things go from here on out ok 😊

Ash: alright 😕

Frankenstein finished feeding Rai burped him set him up in the Swing and started it before to long he was sleeping he asked Ash to keep a eye on him while he went to check on Tao as he got to Tao's computer room he didn't hear anything but went in and found Tao setting up do security scans he went up behind him tapped him on the shoulder he swung around looking at Frankenstein he had dark circles under his eyes and didn't look well

Tao: Boss is there something you needed?😕

Frankenstein: Tao you look exhausted how long has it been sense you slept ?😒

Tao: ooh I got a few winks here and there it's no big deal I'm fine😅

Frankenstein: no your not ... Come on 😒

Tao: huh what come to where ?😕

Frankenstein: my lab so we can find out why your not sleeping 😒

Tao: ooh I know why 😥😓

Frankenstein: really why ?😒

Tao: well it's just I have been have these dreams 😓

Frankenstein: what kind of dreams ?😒

Tao: actually they are more like nightmares 😓

Frankenstein: hmm ok let's go do a scan and I'll give you a sedative to let you get some rest ok 😒

Tao: ok 😓

Frankenstein and Tao went to the lab after asking Seira to watch Ash and Rai after setting up a full body scan Frankenstein gave Tao a strong sedative

Frankenstein: this should help you sleep although I'm not sure if it will help with the dreams😒

Tao: ooh ok 😕

Frankenstein: the dreams could be memories of your past I'm not sure but while you sleep this machine here will catch anything that's not normal so just try to relax and sleep ok 😒

Tao: ok sure boss I trust you I'm sure you will figure this out and .....m make ...m ...e....be..ter..😴😴💤

Frankenstein: hmm well he's out might as well go check on the kids 😒

Frankenstein left the lab he did bring his tablet so he could keep a eye on him but not to long after he left Tao started dreaming again it was just like the other dream as it played over again he expected to wake up when he was yelling at her to "STAY WITH ME" as her body went cold but this time he didn't he could feel tears running down his face as he looked up he could see a man with a gun running away he could feel his rage growing inside of him his whole body started to shake as he looked down he noticed his body turned to pure Electricity and he shot himself up into the sky and came back down like a bolt of lightning landing right in front of the man with tears still on his face he could hear himself say "I'll make you pay for this" he started shocking this man not to kill him but he was using just the right amount to make it very painful he would let up then start again it was like he was torturing him a mumbled voice came from behind him saying something about it not being right then Tao heard himself say "fine then I'll end it" and at that he increased his powers and killed the man as he stood there starring at this man the voice started mumbling about something he could tell it was a man but then he felt a hand on his shoulder and a girls voice asking him if he was ok the dream slowly faded away he was standing in the park as he turned to see who was there he started thinking maybe this is another dream he looked at the girl it was Willow he thought to himself this had to be a dream last he could remember he was in Frankenstein's lab he mumbled "ooh Willow what are you doing in my dream"

A little bit before this Willow decided to head for the store to pick up a few things on her way back she noticed Tao standing by a tree as she walked over to him she could hear him say "I'll make you pay for this" and he started using power it looked like electricity he was shocking this tree 😲 she was surprised after a bit she then heard him say "Fine then I'll end it" then his powers got more intense and the tree fell over smoking Tao just stood there starring at it Willow went over put her hand on his shoulder

Willow: are you ok ?😕

Tao: ooh Willow what are you doing in my dream?😕

Willow: umm .....😳

Tao: hmm I've never had a dream like this it's weird it feels almost real 😥

Willow: umm Tao that's your name right?😕

Tao: ya ( he looked around he noticed the smoking tree ) what happened to the tree ?😕

Willow: oh umm well you happened 😕

Tao: huh I didn't do anything to the tree why would you say that?😕 ooh man I feel really groggy where are we ?😓

Willow: hmm well why don't you come with me I think you might need a doctor 😕

Tao: ooh no no I'm fine I have a doctor he's watching my body while I'm here in this dream😓😴😓

Willow: ok ok but you still need to come with me alright 😕

Tao: sure why not your such a nice girl 😌

Willow guiding a very tired Tao that was stumbling all over finally got to her house she got him inside and to her bed she was trying to tell him he could go to sleep but Tao was thinking he was already asleep so he kept trying to say things when Yuro got home he heard the commotion in Willow's room and went to check when he walked in Tao skidded off the bed he was now between the bed and the wall he peaked up with wide eyes😳

Tao: ooh my I think I'm having a nightmare😳😰

Willow: no no it's ok he won't hurt you I promise he is a doctor in training so maybe he can help you 😊

Tao: what this is such a weird dream why would Yuri be a doctor and helping me when all he has ever done was torture me 😓

Willow: ......😥

Yuro: .......😥

Tao: hmm ok i guess the worse thing that could happen is he tortures me then I wake up whatever 😓

Yuro: Willow what's going on?😒

Willow: ooh I found him in the park he seems out of it and I didn't know where he lives and I couldn't just leave him there he was causing a scene 😥

Tao: I don't know what she's talking about😓

Yuro: ok fine I Will take a look but you should have took him to a hospital😒

Yuro went over to Tao he pulled out a small flash light pointed it at his eyes a few times checked his pulse then looked at Willow

Yuro: I do believe he is on a strong sedative 😒

Willow: if he is then why is he awake ?😕

Yuro: sense he seems to believe he's dreaming maybe the dreams he's been having were to much for him so his body made him wake up but the sedative has not worn off so he's in a dream like state of mind his body and mind both look exhausted from how he's acting hmmm I know you can use your powers on him 😒

Willow: my powers huh what if I kill him ?😰

Tao: I still don't have any clue what you guys are taking about but don't worry I can't die in a dream 😌

Yuro: just try a little bit if it works he will be able to have a nice rest with no dreams😒

Willow: alright I'll try😥

Willow walked over to Tao who was now setting on the bed she then touched his head and pulled out a very small amount of her power a clear gas like mist came out and Tao fell back onto the bed Yuro checked him nodding at Willow to insure her that he was fine

Yuro: well it seems to have worked but you might have to do that again if he start dreaming or waking up ok😒

Willow: hmm sure 😥

Meanwhile back at Frankenstein house Frankenstein was in a bit of a panic he had barely got to the living room when his Tablet started  beeping Tao's heart rate was up so he rushed back as he came in Tao 's body started shaking he went to his side then his body turned to pure Electricity and shot out of the lab as this happened it made the lights flicker Frankenstein was shocked he didn't know what just happened he started going over the data to see if he could explain this some how he did managed to find out that up until Tao disappeared his body was stable so maybe this is a new power  or something but if so where the hell did he go he contacted Takeo and M21

Frankenstein: ok guys Tao has disappeared so please keep a eye out for him😒

Takeo: what ???? What do you mean he disappeared?😰

Frankenstein: well I was checking him out because he has not been sleeping well I did give him a strong sedative so he might be passed out somewhere or sleep walking if you do find him be careful if he's sleep walking he could use his powers😒

Takeo: ooh ok we will search the area for him 😥

M21: hmm .... 😒

Frankenstein: let the others know too I'm going to check the camera's and see if I can find anything😒

Takeo: ok if we find anything we will let you know😔

They did a thorough search of the city it took them a bit but all they could find was a burnt tree that looked like it had been struck with lightening after several hours they went back to the house told Frankenstein what they found he went back to his lab going over everything what could have happened he had to find out he then thought about the tree that was struck by lightening maybe Tao he rushed to Tao's computer room to search up what happened to the tree when he got there M21,Takeo and Regis were all there Takeo was setting at the computer it looked like they came to the same conclusion that he did

Frankenstein: hmm 😒

Takeo: ooh Boss we were just thinking that burnt tree maybe Tao was there so we were looking it up😥

Frankenstein: ya I was thinking the same so have you found anything?😒

Takeo: ooh umm just a second I think I got it ok here it is 😕

Takeo pushed play and the tree was still standing then a bolt of lightning struck down right in front of it as the electricity swirled around it settled and formed a person not just anyone it was Tao they didn't have sound but after a minute Tao started shocking the tree over and over again he finally slowed down then let out a even stronger surge that made the tree fall over smoking as he stood there starring at the tree a familiar Red haired girl walked up behind him tapped him on the shoulder Tao swirled around looking at her his face was dazed after they talked for a few the girl took him by the hand and dragged him away

Everyone: ........😳😳😳😳😳

Regis: that was Willow and why does Tao have some new power or something?😕

M21: ... What the hell is wrong with him😰

Takeo: how did he do that ?😰

Taush: ... I'm not sure but maybe Tao is the lost God I have never seen the God Tao use his powers but I have heard story's and that's similar 😕

Frankenstein: hmm he looked dazed the sedative I gave him must still be working Regis you know where this Willow lives right ?😒

Regis: yes 😕

Frankenstein: well it's been awhile sense this has happened right ?😒

Takeo: ooh umm ya it's been about ten hours  now 😥

Frankenstein: ya if he's not himself who knows what he could do to this Willow so you guys should go get him right away😒

Takeo: umm right let's go😥

M21: ... hmm 😒

Regis: ooh right 😕

At that they all headed to Willows house meanwhile at Willows house Tao had been out cold with the help of Willows powers she had to use it about once a hour to keep him resting comfortable she decided to stop sense it had been over 8 hours now so he started waking up

Tao: ... Umm where am I?😕

Willow: ooh your awake here have some water😊

Tao: Willow?? Why am I here?😕

Willow: ooh you don't remember? I found you in the park😟

Tao: ..... In the park?? How did I get there?😕

Willow: I'm not sure but you must be thirsty so drink 😕

Tao: umm ok ( as he took a sip of the water Yuro walked in Tao spit out the water and Fell out of bed he was back between the bed and the wall)😰

Willow: ooh Tao you ok don't worry he won't hurt you😕

Tao: no no I'm fine I think I'll just stay down here for a bit😅

Yuro: well this sounds familiar 😒


Willow:ooh come on I promise he won't do anything😊

Tao: can't he just leave😫

Willow: hmm ok you heard him leave😒

Yuro: hmm whatever 😔

Willow: there he's gone 😊

Tao: shut the door😒

Willow: ok (she went over and shut the door) done😊

Tao: ..... 😳 hmm hmm I should probably get going..... how long have I been here😕

Willow: umm about ten hours😕

Tao: ooh my I really need to go 😰

Willow: well you will have to walk by him to get to the door 😕

Tao: ooh umm ooh no need for that thanks for helping me i guess 😊( Tao went over to Willows room window opened it he hoped out waved to her and started walking away)

Willow: ..... He's so weird 😕