
Volume 2 Chapter 19 The Capital

Tao: I'm not sure why this Light Dragon attacked you guys but I'll check into it after this war is over I'm actually good friends with the Queen of the light Dragons 🤗

Leo: the Light Dragon was the princess that went on a rampage another words she is throwing a tizzy tantrum 😒

Tao: ooh ... hmm well I will still check on this after ok 🤔

Takeo: ok 😐

Tao: ok so let's go over what everyone will be doing so Leo you will be going to the front gate to cause a distraction hehehe 😁 the rest of us will go with Mom and sneak in when we get in Takeo and Ozzie you two find a good high point you can cover some of us from Taush you go with them when you see Lyra distract her ok the rest of us will split up in our teams and get ready I'm sure Lukas will figure out what is about to happen so expect anything ok 🤨

Everyone: ok 😐

M21:..... let's get this done already 😒

Tao:..... are you in a hurry to get back ? 😕

M21: well yeah don't forget we are not being paid right now and the longer we are here is more time for the Union to make a move on Boss and Sir Raizel 😒

Tao:... right Although I didn't know how serious you took your RK position 😊

M21:..... hmm😒

Everyone went about getting ready they moved the group to the forest not to far from the capital while Mom fixed dinner the others gathered around talking about the plan meanwhile not to far from them was a man talking to a young child

Man: now you go on back to the house and leave this up to me I will bring him back one way or another do not worry this is my duty and promise to protect you both 🤨

Girl: but what if you both don't come back then I'll be all alone 🥺

Man: Susie I will come back you have my word and you know I never break my promises 😊

Susie: ok fine I'll be waiting then so don't take to long 😩

Man: me take long ha ☺

Susie: now go so you both can be back before morning 😞

Man: do not worry alright see you soon 🤨

As the Man left he put on a black cloak and was at the Capitol's entrance within a minute he walked toward the guards they checked him for any weapons and let him through when they found none asking him "so what brings you to the Capital " he looked at the guards and said " a dear friend is here I came for a visit " he smiled at them and turned around and walked away one of the guards leaned over to the other and whispered " isn't that the second Man with Red eyes to come to the Capitol today " the other guard just nodded his head and they went back to checking people in

Meanwhile over with Tao everyone was at the water barrier  they all seemed ready to go when Tao turned and looked at Leo and nodded saying "ok its go time "🤨 Leo turned around with a very evil smile plastered on his face and jumped into the air and out of sight everyone else stood there and waited for it to start and that didn't take long when they heard a loud crash and bang before to long they could see a bunch of soldiers running towards the front gate Mom took a step forward lifting her hands slowly as she did the wall of water raised with she walked under it holding her hands up then looking at the others it was like a curtain was pulled up and a doorway was there

Mom: what are you guys doing get through 😕

Tao: ooh right let's go 😊

Everyone walked in after they all were in Mom walked in a bit then dropped her hands and at the same time a curtain of water rushed down closing the door everyone who didn't know Mom very well stood there in awe

Willow: so you can control water ? 🤔

Mom: yes sweetheart I can I'll explain later ok let's get going 😊( she waved M21 over to her )

Tao: yes everyone remember the plan now let's go get in place I'll give you 10 minutes then its starting ok 😈

Everyone nodded then split into the teams and headed in different directions Ozzie and Takeo climbed onto a roof and scouted for a good vantage point they both pointed to the same spot and looked at each other about to say something then just smiled at each other and headed to the spot everyone was wearing cloaks so not to be recognized Rael and Regis got to the area they were in charge of they were quiet for the most part but kept giving each other glares off in a alleyway next to Rael were two young boys setting next to each other the younger one whimpered to the older one " Brother I'm cold" the older boy looked down at his little brother giving him a sad look pulling off his ripped up thin jacket leaving him with a thin ripped up shirt wrapping the jacket around the young boy " there you go " the younger brother looked at his older brother and said "what about you Brother" the older brother smiled at him and said "ill be ok don't worry I'm not even that cold " Rael could see the older brother shivering so he walked over taking his cloak off and handing it to the two boys the older boy looked shocked but the younger one just smiled a big smile saying "thanks Mister its so warm " Rael just walked back to where Regis was the older brother stood up and said " really thank you sir is there anything I could do for you ? " Real turned to look at the boy he then said " if you really want to do something for me take your little Brother and go hide somewhere safe its going to get a bit crazy here in a moment " the older boy stared for a second then nodded he turned and grabbed his little brother and left

Regis: .....🤨

Rael: what ??😒

Regis: nothing 😕

what Rael and Regis didn't know was that for the past few moments the Red eyed man that entered the Capital earlier was watching them both he stood a ways away but still watched he pulled his cloak a bit tighter around his face then started walking away thinking to himself that it would be bad if they noticed him so he headed down a different road .

Tao and Anderson were standing by the Capitol town square as they counted down the minutes Tao thought to himself thinking that if they all could have used ear pieces it would have been easier but since the Capitol could track them so easily they decided not to he was lost in his thoughts when Anderson spoke snapping him out of his thoughts

Anderson: you ok ?? You look like your in your head 😒

Tao: ooh I'm good just thinking about the others ☺

Anderson: your worried about them 😒( this wasn't a question it was more of a statement)

Tao: yes 😞

Anderson: Tao from what I have seen of your new friends they are not weak and every single person with us today knows the risks they will be fine ..... what was it you used to keep telling me?😏

Tao:..... hm your right and I always had to remind you to just have a little faith in the ones around you 😊

Anderson: hmm yes now its time to get this war started shall we 😏

Tao: yes let's do this bahahaha 😁

Anderson:..... you have definitely gotten weirder 😒

Tao walked into the middle of the town square as Anderson headed toward the castle the plan was for Tao to start a massive Thunderstorm to let everyone know that he was here he then would meet up with Anderson by the Castle where they figured Lukas would be so Tao let out a deep breath and shot electricity form his hands straight up it hit the water barrier and went crazy clouds started forming within the barrier it was like nothing you have ever seen before this massive Thunderstorm was being held down close to the ground because of the water barrier making the ground shake like a earthquake with every roll of thunder lightning strikes struck out here and there starting fires and doing damage on it's own Tao looked up at it with a dark expression on his face then turned to head to Anderson but before he got anywhere there right in front of him was a Woman she had long black hair straight down her back with dark eyes and a disgusted look on her face before Tao could react this woman moved her hand and a bolt of electricity shot down hitting Tao it was not painful but it did bring him to his knees and as it let up the Woman was standing in front of him she raised her hand and swung it hitting Tao across the face so hard that Tao's lip was split and was bleeding from it she then kicked him so hard that he fell to the ground as this woman started kicking Tao over and over again a crowd started to form around them Tao wasn't even trying to fight back he just kept on getting hit over and over again when finally he heard a voice from the crowd yelling at him to fight back when he looked at the person who had yelled it was Willow M21 and Mom were standing right behind her both looking a bit confused but Willow looked frightened then the woman spoke " you were supposed to be dead you always disappointed me ever since you were born you were weak and pathetic I should have killed you then "

Willow: shut up you don't know him😡

Woman: ooh I don't? Really I think I know him much more than you after all he is my son 😏

Willow:..... 😟

M21: just because he is your son doesn't mean you know him it just means you are one crapy mother 😒

Mom: no you are not his Mother 😠

Woman: are these friends of yours my dear Son ? 😏

Mom: stop calling him your son he is not your son and never was 😠

Woman: ooh really and what makes you think that? 😏

Mom: because he is my son now and I wont let you hurt him anymore 😠

Woman: and how are you going to stop me I mean look at him he wont even fight back it would be so easy to kill him right now 😏

Mom: Tao ..... GET UP 😠

Tao:..... ( he zipped into his electricity form and was by Moms side within a few seconds) 😓

Mom: Tao go leave her to me alright and don't ever forget you will always be my precious boy now go 😊

Tao:..... ( he nodded and turned to leave whispering) I love you mom you are the Mother I never had but wanted dont underestimate Sheila she doesn't fight fairly 😔

Mom: don't worry I will be fine 😏

And at that Tao turned into electricity and zipped into the air disappearing from the town square as Mom and Sheila stood there facing each other this was going to be a fight to remember

A few moments earlier Rael and Regis were standing waiting for everything to start when a group of guards arrived not to far from them they were not the nice kind of guards they shoved people out of their way one guard even hit a man who was trying to help a young lady up when all of a sudden they all snapped their eyes to the sky even Regis and Rael looked a large amount of electricity shot to the middle of the water barrier as it made contact with it electricity shot in all directions and clouds started to form a loud rumble of thunder shook the ground like a earthquake some people screamed and started to run for cover Regis looked back at the guards they started to run towards it when he moved to block them one guard yelled at him to move Regis let his cloak fall and stared at the guards

Regis: we won't let you pass😒

Guard: you and what army ? Kid 😠

Regis:..... ( he looked around and Rael was gone he didn't see him at all ) hmm I guess it is just me no matter it won't be a problem 😔

Guard: your to cocky kid 😠

Ozzie and Takeo managed to make it to the spot they both picked and were set up with their Sniper rifles Taush was waiting for any sign of Lyra when it started they were higher than the rest so the Thunderstorm was more intense Ozzie zeroed in on M21 first while Takeo checked on some of the others locations to make sure nobody else needed cover they both were looking through their scopes

Ozzie: seems like Tao is getting beat to crap by some woman 😏

Takeo: what ..... ( he turned to see what she was seeing ) hmm your right should we help ? 😕

Ozzie: no looks like that mom is helping I'll keep a eye on it anyways there is something going on there Tao isn't fighting back for some reason 😒

Takeo: true 🤨

Ozzie: umm Regis is fighting a group of guards alone should I help 😒

Takeo: what about Rael? 😒

Ozzie: no where to be seen so far 😒

Takeo: well then I guess help him 😒

Ozzie: ok ( she zeroed in on some of the guards and let out a few shots hitting them in the heads ) 😏

As they started covering some of the others taking out plenty of the guards a few moments later they heard a loud roar rolling across the sky Takeo looked at Taush and grabbed him and stood up holding him in his hand then said " looks like you are up be careful ok" Taush nodded and Takeo threw Taush up into the air the small Lizard flew a good 50 feet up and turned into his Dragon form flapping his wings to steady himself he then let out a even louder roar for a response to Lyra and flew her direction Takeo watched him for a second then went back to scoping the area Ozzie was covering someone when Takeo stood up and said " I found him I have to go will you be alright here covering everyone by yourself ? "

Ozzie: who did you find and ofcourse I'll be fine I can take care of myself 😏

Takeo: Samuel I found him and I need to go deal with this I won't let him get away this time 😠

Ozzie: ooh the one Tao left to you um ya it's fine I'll cover everyone the best I can will you be ok without Taush that is ? 😒

Takeo: yes I'm fine just cover the others 😒

Ozzie: alright 😒

Takeo jumped down and headed in the direction where he spotted Samuel Although he asked Ozzie to cover the others she watched him she wanted to know where he was so she could cover him too. As Takeo got closer he could see Samuel and noticed he had a limp in his leg the one he had shot everyone in this area of the Capitol were standing around looking at the sky in wonder Takeo took this advantage pulling out his hand gun he shot Samuel in his good leg as he went down the other people ran in fear Takeo walked out standing about ten feet from him with his gun pointed at him Samuel looked at Takeo he sat up and laughed at him

Samuel: ooh my sweet son has finally came to kill me 😏

Takeo: shut up you deserve this 😒

Samuel: ooh do I go on then kill me .... KILL ME go on what are you waiting for 😡

Takeo: .. a man like you deserves death after what you did 😠

Samuel: ooh did that God of yours send you here to judge me what exactly do you think I did to deserve a death penalty huh😠

Takeo: you beat me so many times not to mention selling me and you beat Lilly and Anna as well and you murdered Mother so don't give me a guilt trip you deserved this the second you raised a hand to a innocent child I wont feel sorry for you 😠

Samuel: ok I agree I did beat you bratty kids you because well I hated you your sisters because they looked just like her but my dear son your Mother I never laid a finger on her she is still alive 😏

Takeo: ... what?? where?? tell me where she is ?? (he stepped closer only a few feet away he still had his gun pointed at him)😡

Samuel: .... (he had his hand behind him pulling out a hand gun he had ) she is ..... ( a gun shot went off)

A few moments earlier Tao showed up next to Anderson he was quiet and this made Anderson look at him as he took in Tao seeing the split lip and a few bruises starting to form

Anderson: Tao what happened?😕

Tao:...... it was .....😓

Anderson: who Tao ??😒

Tao: Sheila 😩

Anderson:..... as far as I can remember I have never heard you speak of a Sheila so who is she and why are you like this 😒

Tao: ooh that's right I never mentioned her name and never really talked much about her for that matter Sheila was my Mother 😥

Anderson: hmm ok so you finished her off 😒

Tao: what no ..... what makes you think that?😕

Anderson: well I figured because you said "was" your mother if you didn't then how come you are here ( he started looking around as to check if she followed Tao)🤨

Tao: well she never was a Mother to me but Mom showed up and told me to leave her to her and ordered me to leave you know how scary she can be 😨

Anderson:... ARE YOU CRAZY 😠

Tao: what ??😕

Anderson: we need to go help her you left my Wife to fight against your Mother 😨

Tao: Anderson calm down Mom will be fine she also has M21 with her 😟

Anderson: Tao your Mother is from the God species this is not a good match at all 😰

Tao: calm down we are lower down amongst the Gods and there is one thing your forgetting Anderson my family's weakness 😏

Anderson:..... ( he let out a sigh) right I did forget that but this still makes me worry 😒

Tao: ok ok we will go back if thats what you want 😐

They were turning to go back when a loud Roar came from above and above the Castle was Lyra as she flapped her wings she searched the area and focused on Tao and Anderson and flew strait at them Anderson sighed and looked at Tao and just shook his head as they braced for the attack when all of a sudden a even louder Roar rumbled across the sky and distracted Lyra she was flying just above Tao then took off after Taush before Tao and Anderson knew it there was a large amount of Guards surrounding them at least a few hundred Lukas walked out to the front of some of them staring at Tao he side glanced at Anderson

Lukas: well I suppose you have your memories back seeing you with him 😒


Lukas: hm what's that look for I figured you would try an attack sooner or later ever since that day when you were helping that pathetic child of Samuel Black's you didn't have your memories back then but I knew that it wouldn't be long so I sent the weak guards to the front gate and held the rest back you are way out numbered now unless you plan on striking us all down and showing the people of this world that you are indeed crazy😏

Tao:.... I am the God of this world I would not test me if I were you 👿

Lukas: you and I both know you have and always will be weak and pathetic as a God 😒

Tao: hear me now I as your God Tao will give all of you here a chance to leave and avoid punishment if you stand with Lukas I will be merciless and strike you all down were you stand 👿

Lukas: you really think that will work my men are loyal to me 😏

Tao: it doesn't matter I just wanted to show a bit of mercy before this all ends 👿

Anderson: it looks like it's working to me 😒

Over with Mom and Sheila they were going at it Sheila was trying to shock Mom but every time Mom would avoid it M21 and Willow stood back and were watching finally Sheila got annoyed with Mom dodging all the attacks this time she started with trying to shock Mom again then quickly shot a bolt of electricity at Willow before it hit her M21 jumped into the way getting hit himself Sheila bust out laughing and intensified the shocking making M21 let out a small scream Mom raised her hands pulling a few barrels of water to her and doused Sheila with it the shocking on M21 stopped and Sheila snapped her head back to Mom giving her a evil glare Willow helped M21 up and they both stared at the fight again Mom smirked at Sheila making her scream in anger

Sheila: you think that this will stop me 😡

Mom: even you should know your own weakness 😏

Sheila: I should have killed your entire family back then I wanted to but they kept telling me it was to soon so I had to deal with just one of you 😏

Mom: what are you mumbling on about 😒

Sheila: ooh that's right you don't know haven't you ever wondered what happened to your real son 😏

Mom: .... 😧

Sheila: what was his name Alfie or something he ran into me the day he disappeared what a annoying thing he was bumping into people asking if they had seen his father I couldn't help myself I had to get rid of him just like I have to get rid of you😏

Mom just stood there in shock at what she just had heard when Sheila pulled out a gun and fired M21 moved to block her and got shot in the arm as he stood there holding onto Moms arm Sheila bust out laughing again

Sheila: this is to good now you have a guard dog a mutt like you should be euthanized 😏

M21: if you cant kill her I will 😠

Sheila: ooh is this another Adopted son where did you find him at the pound dont worry mutt I broke her just by telling her the truth about her real son she doesn't give a crap about you so I'll kill you quickly 😏

Sheila raised the gun again pointing it at M21 but before she got a chance to pull the trigger a bubble of water came down from the sky and engulfed her she fought to get out of it but couldn't as she struggled to get out Mom looked at her with a straight face and  said " its time for you to Die so you won't ever hurt one of my children again "😒 and after a few minutes Sheila stopped moving Mom held the bubble up for what seemed like ten minutes before dropping it and falling to her knees M21 stood there not really knowing what to do he looked around for Willow thinking that she might know what to do  and started to panic because she was nowhere

A few moments earlier as Rael and Regis watched the electricity shoot up to the water barrier the second it hit Rael froze up he knew that he didn't have long before he shut down so he used his speed and was gone finding a alleyway as he stopped a roll of thunder shook the ground and Rael dropped to the ground clutching his knees and started to shake as memories of his past started to run through his thoughts he thought to himself that he had this under control before the memories rushed into his thoughts as more and more Thunder shook the ground he fell deeper and deeper into his panic attack

Back in Frankenstein's house Nikko and Lulu were setting on the couch watching Frankenstein cleaning up some messes that Rai had made Rai was running around yelling out "Toe Toe" ☺over and over again Frankenstein sighed and looked at Rai saying " can't you say Daddy or anything else anything other than Toe " 😟

Rai: .... Toe Toe 😯

Frankenstein:... hmm even though I would like you to say Daddy I cant denie that your are the cutest thing when you say Toe 🥰

Lulu: he is is very cute mr. Chairman 😊

Rai: ..... Cute ☺

Frankenstein:...... 😍

Rai: ..... Cute Toe Toe ☺


Frankenstein: hmm ..... Cute Rai 😊

Rai went up to Lulu pointed at her and said "Cute" then pointed at Nikko and said "Cute" then went to Frankenstein pointing at him saying "Cute" and smiling a big smile he gave Frankenstein a hug when Ash and Muzaka walked in Rai ran to Ash pointing at her and said "Cute" Ash smiled a big smile and hugged him saying "your Cute too buba" then Rai went to Muzaka pointed at him and said "Toe" Muzaka looked at him with a confused look then looked at Frankenstein as he looked at him Frankenstein busted up laughing even the kids joined in the laughter and Rai started giggling as well making everyone smile

A.N. Sorry for the late update everyone it's just been a very hard few months for me but I swear I'm going to get back to writing this story if any of you  have Questions about the story just leave me a comment and I will do my best to answer it without giving away to much thanks so much for reading and I hope you all will enjoy the coming Chapters 🤗