
Volume 2 Chapter 15 Unexpected

Muzaka: sure....😕

Frankenstein: hmm so who wants to watch Rai for a few while Willow and myself are busy ? 😊

Everyone: .......🙁🙁🙁😓😓😓😓🙁🙁

Muzaka: I will 🤗

Frankenstein: hmm ... how about you Yuro 😒

Yuro: ... 😕

Frankenstein: what.....  I'm going to take really good care of your beloved little Sister while you Take really good care of my Beloved little Master 😏

Yuro: umm sure 😥

M21:.... (Whisper) see you in the afterlife if you mess up 😒

Takeo: well I'm going to go rest now ( as he walked by Yuro he Whispered) Good luck 😓

Taush: I actually think I feel sorry for him 😕

Willow: dont worry Yuro hes not that bad ( she walked over and handed Rai to him)😊



Muzaka: hey why cant I be the one to watch him ? 😧

Frankenstein: because 😒

Muzaka: ..... because why 🤨

Frankenstein: I said so 😏 anyways if your watching over things you won't be able to watch him so this is better 😏

Everyone else went and did their normal everyday things leaving Yuro, Rai, Ash and Muzaka in the living room Frankenstein, Willow and Tao were down in the lab when Willow said "wow it's so high tech I never knew you had a lab like this " 😯

Frankenstein: well I don't go around telling everyone about this 😏

Tao: I was just as surprised as you the first time I saw it 😊

Frankenstein: ok so I'll have to be careful on how much Chloroform I use hmm maybe if I do it this way ooh and add this to it ya that should be ok to avoid the side effects ya let's try it 😏

Willow: umm what side effects ??😧

Frankenstein: chronic inhalation of Chloroform may cause hepatic damage. following acute ingestion of Chloroform, systemic as seen following inhalation may occur as well as a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, nausea and vomiting. ..... prolonged contact may result in systemic toxicity, dermatitis and burns 🤔

Willow:.... 😨 if that's true then you probably shouldn't use it 😨

Frankenstein: hmm now now you trust me right 😏

Willow: umm ya but its Tao who ..... 😨

Tao: dont worry Willow I trust Boss with my life 🤗

Frankenstein:  well there you go now let's try this I put a few other things in here to counter the side effects so it should be fine ok 😏

Tao: I trust you Boss😊

Frankenstein set up everything and before to long Tao was fast asleep after that he asked Willow to set on one of the beds she did

Frankenstein: well first off we should take some blood and do a full body scan alright 😊

Willow: ooh ok 😕

Frankenstein took a few viles off blood and set Willow up on the scan bed he then told her " this will take a few hours so just relax and take a nap or something " 😊 Willow said "ok" she tried to relax and closed her eyes.  about ten minutes went by while Frankenstein set up a few test  with Willow's blood that was when  M21 ,Ozzie, and Nikko walked in

Frankenstein: hmm what brings you guys down here?😏

M21: well Ash wanted some cookies 😒

Frankenstein: ooh ok well its actually a good thing I need to talk with Nikko 😒

M21:  ...😒



Frankenstein: Alone 😊

Ozzie: umm you can say anything in front of me after all hes my responsibly 😤

Frankenstein: well this is confidential information and you see your not his biological mother 😏

Ozzie:.... why you 😠


Nikko:..... ( he walked over to Ozzie and wrote down and showed it to her) it's ok if its anything important I'll tell you ok 🤗

Ozzie: fine 😤

M21 grabbed some cookies and headed out with Ozzie behind him she glanced back at Nikko and then turned and followed M21 out

Frankenstein: well now that they left I wanted to talk to you about something that I figured out back when you needed blood and I was not sure if you knew about it or not so I'm going to just ask you straight out Nikko do you know who your father is? 😒

Nikko: .... ( he knew that this would come up eventually he sighed and wrote his response and showed it to Frankenstein) yes I do 😓

Frankenstein: hmm well if you know then why haven't you told him yet ? 🤔

Nikko: ..... ( he wrote his response and showed it to Frankenstein) I'm just not ready yet 😓

Frankenstein: hmm you know that he has a right to know but I wont say anything ..... you know hes a really nice person you really should give him a chance 😒

Nikko:...( he wrote his response again and showed it to Frankenstein) I'm starting to see that and I will tell him I just need a bit more time😞

Frankenstein: ok ok I'll leave that to you then .... just don't take to long I mean if it was me I would want to know no matter what 😏

Nikko:  .... ( he nodded his head and turned around to head out)😓

Willow:..... (I feel like I shouldn't open my eyes..... why does this always happen to me hmm )😓

Frankenstein: ooh Nikko why don't you tell Ozzie to come back down I seem to have a bit of time and would like to draw some blood alright 😏

Nikko:  ... (he nodded)😐

As Nikko walked out and headed to the elevator he started thinking about what Frankenstein said he was right about him he does seem like a good guy he's not with the Union anymore so there is no reason why he shouldn't tell him it was just he was scared that he wouldn't want him... as he got upstairs right as the elevator door opened Ozzie was standing there she went straight to him and asked " so what was it ?" 😕

Nikko:  .... ( he shook his head and wrote down his response and showed it to her) it was nothing don't worry about it but he did ask me to ask you to come back down 😐

Ozzie: ok we will talk about this later I still want to know what he had to say that was so important that he couldn't just say it in front of me but I guess nows not the time😤... did he say why he wanted to see me 😨

Nikko:. ...(he thought about it and decided it would be better to just play dumb so he just shook his head no )😐

M21: come on I'll walk you down there 😒

Ozzie: why its not like I'm scared or something 😤

M21 walked in to the elevator and waited Ozzie looked at him sighed and walked inside and they went back down to the lab as they walked in Frankenstein was mumbling to himself then glanced over at them he then stood up as he walked towards them he was looking at his tablet and stopped a few feet away from them sat it down and looked at Ozzie after a few minutes of staring Frankenstein finally said "what are you waiting for "😒

Ozzie:.... what ???😨

Frankenstein: set down and give me your arm 🤨

Ozzie: what why? 😨

Frankenstein: hmm did Nikko not tell you why I wanted to see you?🤨

Ozzie: no 😒

Frankenstein: ooh well isn't he a bit sneaky..... I want to take some blood to set up a few test your body scan will have to wait until later but I can at least start with this 😏

Ozzie:..... hmm ( she didn't like this but what could she do she stuck her arm out as Frankenstein started drawing blood she thought that she was going to have to talk with Nikko about this)😓

Frankenstein: there all done for now 😏

M21: so how are they doing?😒

Frankenstein: well Tao is sleeping comfortably no problems and Willow is almost done with the scan I have a few things I'm going to try on her that will make her powers more stable but it will take time anyways how is Rai doing? 😒

M21: he actually seems to be doing great with Yuro not sure what his secret is 😒

Frankenstein: hmm well that's good to hear you can let him know what I said about Willow alright 😏

M21:  ok 😒

M21 and Ozzie went back upstairs they told Yuro what Frankenstein said he just nodded his head Ozzie was yelling at Nikko for not telling her what Frankenstein wanted while Muzaka and Ash watched a movie And Seira and Regis made dinner... Karis went to help Rael with securing the area time went by and before to long Willow was done with the scan Frankenstein helped her up and started going over the scan data he noticed that she had a lot of old fractures and broken bones

Frankenstein: hmm well it seems that you have had quite the past 😔

Willow:.... I would rather not talk about that 😥

Frankenstein: that's fine I don't need to know to be able to stabilize you ok 🤔

Willow: ooh so you can ? ... Stabilize me I mean? 😐

Frankenstein: of course I'll start off with this shot here its going to take a little bit but when your body becomes stable you will start feeling better see right now you are like a ticking time bomb if we don't do anything you would have a year maybe two 🤔

Willow:.... 😰

Frankenstein: don't worry I said if we don't do anything about it this shot will start to reverse the side effects of your modification it won't take it away but it will eventually make it so it wont effect you and it will make it much easier for you to control ...you will need to come get a shot every few days ok 🤔

Willow: ooh ok 😐

Frankenstein: ooh and after I get you stabilized we can talk about enhancing your powers but until I tell you dont try using your power at all alright 🤨

Willow: umm ya ok 🤨

Frankenstein gave Willow the shot afterwards he told her that she could head upstairs he still had a few things to finish up at the lab so he stayed down there as the night went on Frankenstein finally finished up and went upstairs for a bit after dinner Willow helped put Rai and Ash to bed because Frankenstein went back to the lab he didn't want to leave Tao for to long everyone else finished up nightly stuff Karis took night shift so Rael could get some sleep ... it was early morning around 5 am when Frankenstein woke up he had fell asleep at his desk he stretched and walked over to Tao and turned off the Chloroform mixture he thought he had had plenty of rest by now after that he went  to check on some of the test he sat up going over the data it took about a hour before Tao finally woke up as he sat up he felt so refreshed like he had never had a night sleep like this before he yawned

Tao: ooh boss is it morning already?😊

Frankenstein: yes its just about 6 am you should head upstairs and get ready for work alright 😒

Tao: ooh ok you did get some sleep as well right 😥

Frankenstein: yes I got some don't worry 😒

Tao: right well I will be going then 😊

Tao went upstairs as he got to his room he noticed the others were already up and getting ready so he rushed into his room and got ready by the time he came into the living room Takeo and M21 were standing there waiting for him Seira was making breakfast but they decided to head out they had to do a check on the school before school started so they headed out as they walked they all seemed in good moods

Tao: I'm not sure what Boss did but I sure feel great today 🤗

Takeo: well that's good to here I too had a good night's rest 😊

M21:  .... hmm 😔

Taush: me to I feel really refreshed but that could be because of I ate yesterday 😁

They walked a bit more just making small talk when this girl who seemed to be about 15 or so she was wearing a Yeran high school uniform she had light Teal colored hair and greenish teal colored eyes walk up to them they all three stopped and looked at her they expected her to say something but instead she rushed at Tao and slapped him straight across the face this didn't seem like a normal slap either as the second she slapped him he fell hard on the sidewalk M21 and Takeo both looked at Tao he was out cold they both thought how can a girl like this knock him out unless she has powers as they turned back to her she looked at them then turned and started to run Takeo noticed nobody was around other than them so he used his speed to catch up with her she was fast like if she worked at it she could be faster than him he grabbed her by the arm and stopped she looked at him and wiggled a bit and pleaded for him to let go

Takeo:  I'm sorry miss but I cant see you just assaulted a security guard who was on duty so I'm going to have to bring you to our boss 😔

Girl: ... please no don't do this I promise it was just a accident 😰

Takeo:... sorry this is a rule I really cant disobey 😓

Girl: b by Boss w who d do you mean? 😰

Takeo: well that would be the Chairman of Yeran high school 😔

Girl: pp pp please don't do this 😰

Takeo was walking back to where M21 and Tao were he was holding this girls arm every so often she would plead again to not turn her in as they walked up to M21 he had picked Tao up and had him over his shoulder Takeo looked at them he was a bit concerned about Tao he shouldn't be out this long they all headed back to Frankenstein as they were walking they passed the kids with Seira and Regis seems that they were heading to Willow's house the kids stopped and were about to say something when M21 said "get to school before you are late " this shut the kids up and they all started walking away as M21 and Takeo walked through the door Frankenstein was in the kitchen with Rai setting in the high chair Ash had went to school they guess with Muzaka again when Frankenstein turned around to see the situation he took in Tao's form and ask "What Happened "😠

Takeo: well this girl here slapped Tao 😓

Frankenstein:  .... ( he looked at the girl for a moment then sighed) Lulu what the hell do you think you are doing? 🤨

Lulu: well you see I'm very very sorry about this I I didn't mean to knock him out I'm really sorry Mr. Chairman Sir 😰

Frankenstein: Lulu I specifically told you not to cause trouble in my school didn't I 😠

Lulu: yes yes you did 😓

Frankenstein: well then why tell me why?😠

Lulu: well it wasn't technically in the school 😨

Frankenstein: Lulu .....😠

Lulu: ...😰

About then Tao turned into electricity and disappeared again as M21 was holding him everyone looked at him to see if he was ok but not a single bit of him was burned by the electricity they all turn to Lulu as Frankenstein continued his questioning Ozzie and Nikko walked in behind M21 Ozzie asked what was going on M21 turned and Whispered to them an explanation after he finished they heard Frankenstein saying "Lulu  I want you to tell me everything "😠 Nikko peaked around to look at Lulu then he knew he shouldn't have but he moved before he thought about it he went straight up to Lulu and hugged her  Lulu was took off guard for a second then as she looked at him she smiled

Lulu: Nikko what are you doing here?

Nikko:..... ( he knew Lulu she was the one who taught him to use a bow and Arrow and other fighting skills he also knew she could read minds if she wanted so he just thought of why he was there to let her know that Frankenstein healed him and that his dad is well..... )😊

Lulu: ooh ok I'll tell you what I know Mr. Chairman sense you helped Nikko and seems like you really care about Tao I guess it should be ok 😊

Frankenstein:.... hmm well  😒

Lulu: well  you see I know Tao personally back before he lost his memory he knew that the Union would try wiping his memory before to long and try using him for his powers so he stored his memories and powers in me and told me that I could give them back to him just by touching him I agreed to help him and that's all I did I gave him his memories and powers back to him🤗

M21: then why did you slap him so hard that it knocked him out if all you had to do was touch him 😒

Lulu: I panicked ok I didn't want to hit him that hard 😥

Frankenstein:... ha hahahaha  so you are saying that Tao had a secret power of electricity ...😏

Lulu: .... y ya😰

Frankenstein: Takeo 😏

Takeo: yes ?😐

Frankenstein: in your world don't you have a God named Tao that uses Electricity 😏

Takeo:.... ya but 😨

Taush: well I guess it could be 😕

Frankenstein: hmm  well to me it is a bit funny how we didn't see it you and Tao were in Da5 together you both came from that world it makes sense now 😏

M21: ok if he is this God and that girl gave him his memories back then did he just leave us to go back to his world?😒

Takeo: he wouldn't just leave us like that M 😒

M21: how would you know I mean we didn't know him before he could be like that even if we don't want him to be 😒

Lulu: hes not like that if your his friends he would never betray you he was the most kindest person I have ever met in my life he will come back hes just probably looking for his kids if they are still alive now if you want to know more about him than go find him and help him I'm sure he has enemy's and if your his true friends then shouldn't you stand by him I know that he would stand by you guys to the end I seen it in his face 😟



Frankenstein: hmm well that's that I guess I'll have to give you the day off so you guys can find him and figure out what he is doing 😔

Rael:..... (he just came down from his room) what's going on?😕

Frankenstein: ooh Rael good you can go with them that should make things a bit faster 😏

Rael: huh where ?? 😕

Frankenstein: well they can fill you in on the way now Takeo be sure to keep me updated I really don't want to have to go myself that would make me very irritated alright 👿

Takeo: ooh um ya I'll be sure to do that 😓

Frankenstein: ok so Takeo, M21,Rael you 3 should be ok but be careful alright we still have enemies there remember that 😒

Ozzie:.... ok I get that this guy is a Noble so I'm sure he can handle himself and Takeo has Taush so he should be ok but what the hell are you thinking sending M he could get injured or killed 😠

M21:..... What this is not your decision Ozzie I'm going 😠

Ozzie: urg fine then I'm going with you 😠

M21: you would only get in the way you should stay 😠

Ozzie: what no way your stuck with me 😠

M21: if you come along then that means I have to protect you so it would make it more difficult for me😠

Ozzie: you mean that I would be protecting you wouldn't it be better for you to stay here 😠

M21: what ..... are you calling me weak? 😠

Ozzie: well you are probably weaker than me 😠

M21: what😠

Frankenstein:... hmm STOP I have had enough of this 👿

M21:.... 😓


Frankenstein: how about this sence Ozzie is so worried about M21 she should go but if I hear that you two screwed up then be sure to remember that you will be punished by myself personally got it 👿

M21:..... 😓




Nikko:..... ( he wrote out something and showed it to Frankenstein) um if its Dangerous should I go as well? 😥

Frankenstein: Nikko you are still injured I will not have it 👿


Ozzie: Nikko you have to stay here alright don't worry I'll come back 😊

Takeo:.... ya Nikko dont worry we are just going to find Tao chances are we won't run into any trouble and I'm not sure if we would have the time to ask Leo so it would be easier if you stay here I'll be sure to pop in to give updates on how things are going alright 😊


Lulu:.... hey Nikko how about we hang out and catch up it's been a while since we seen each other 😊

Nikko:.... (don't you have school)😥

Lulu: ooh right umm Mr. Chairman do you think it would be ok if I took today off from school?😕

Frankenstein:..... hmm well sense you assaulted a guard the punishment usually is a week long suspension but if Tao comes back and gets you off the hook then I'll let it go but until then this will stand 👿

Lulu: ooh um ok ... 😓

Nikko:...( does that mean we can hang out today ?)😕

Lulu: haha ya 🤗

Ozzie: why are you talking to him like you know what he is thinking? 😒

Lulu: ooh um well I can read minds 😔

Ozzie:.... ooh ok 😕

Frankenstein: well you guys should get going already and Takeo if you find Tao let him know that I'll be docking his pay for this so he better hurry it up that goes for you guys as well 👿

Takeo: ooh um ok ...😓



Takeo had Taush open a portal after the group had walked through Takeo and Taush walked through closing the portal M21 and Ozzie seemed to not want to talk to each other so Takeo told Taush to search the area Taush left turning into his Dragon form and flying off while Takeo filled Rael in on what happened they decided to stay close together until they got any lead Takeo thought it might be a good idea to head over to his sisters and let them know what was going on so they headed that way as they walked they noticed the skys got darker and darker and started storming

A few moments earlier after Tao woke up he could feel M holding him so he used his powers just right not to hurt him and zipped out straight to his world as he got there he thought about all the memories he just got back he couldn't help but to let a few tears escape his heart was hurting it was true Monte was gone and Miguel too he shook his head to try and clear his mind he had to find out what happened to the other 3 with a shaking hand he waved it in front of himself calling what Gods call the Cloud it records everything it was a cloud with a screen that looked like you could poke your hand right through it a keyboard appeared he typed out the date and time he wanted it was right before he had left on the screen a message appeared asking him if he wanted to play the footage he hit the yes and it started to play Tao was standing in a room of a old castle to 1 side of the room was Zara next to her were 3 kids 1 was about 15 years in looks she had long black hair with a blonde streak to one side with Dark blackish eyes like Tao next to her was a boy that looked about 10 years old he had black hair and green eyes and next to Zara was a girl that looked about 8 years old she had black hair with a white streak and green eyes in front of them were about 20 men with guns pointed at them on the other side of the room was another 20 men and Lukas

Lukas: Tao don't do anything stupid to many people have gotten hurt because of you tonight 😒

Tao: ....😡

Lukas: you seem to still be out of control please just stop this nobody else needs to get hurt tonight 😒

Tao:..... ( he looked at the kids he knew that if he tried to fight right now chances of one of them getting hurt was high he just couldn't find it in himself to chance that ) fine what is it that you want me to do?😡

Lukas: well you our God have committed several crimes against us we are taking it in to our own hands to banish you ( at that Lukas's Dragon who was in a Lizard form opened a portal)😒

Tao: hmm you want me to walk through your portal if I do this what happens to them 😡

Lukas: well thay have not committed any crimes and haven't tried anything so I'm sure that they could just live a normal life as long as they obey the laws of the land I assure you no harm will come to them 😒

Tao:... ( he looked at Zara for a second she nodded at him then he turned and walked up to the portal he turned his head toward Lukas and Whispered) I hope you know what you are doing because I will find a way back here and you will pay for what you have done... and if a single hair on any of them gets hurt a fate worse than death will be coming 😡

Tao walked through the portal as he watched himself do this he thought if he knew what was going to be through the portal he would have never went but he couldn't change the past he knew that he was planning on just using his powers to come back and take everyone by surprise but the second he walked through the Union was waiting and it was a power restricting room so he couldn't do anything as he watched the cloud after he walked through the portal closed and Lukas turned around looking at the kids and Zara

Lukas: as I told you your Father went insane and killed your mother your older brother knew this and tried to stop him he was killed as well so please don't cause any problems for us we really only did this to protect you from him😒

Boy: your lying our Dad would never do that 😠

Zara: Caleb please calm down 😒

Caleb: no hes lying 😠

Zara: Rosemary calm him please 😒

Rosemary: Caleb you need to listen to me Dad and Mom are not here so I'm in charge for now 😥

Caleb: do you believe him huh sissy do you 😠

Rosemary: ... hmm yes Lukas has been a friend of the family for a long time now why would he lie 😔

Caleb: ... I don't believe any of you don't touch me 😟

Things happened quite fast Caleb transformed into a small Dragon and tried to charge at the guards Rosemary screamed Caleb's name and started after him the guards shot Caleb 4 or 5 times and Rosemary got hit 2 times as they laid on the floor Caleb transformed back to a human form while he laid there in front of Rosemary she watched him take his last breath tears started falling as she looked back to Zara in a silent plea for her to get Vivi out of here Zara grabbed Vivi and zipped out Rosemary slowly lost consciousness Lukas walk over and glared at the guards who shot them he grabbed a gun and shot both the guards then looked at the guards behind him and said "the boy is dead but the girl is not take her if she survives I'll make her my bride"😏