
Volume 2 Chapter 11 Reunited

Takeo: .....😳

Taush: what does she mean by that? 😕

Takeo: .... ( Nothing um I'll explain later when your older ) 😓

Taush: but I'm as old as you well a year younger but still 😕

Takeo: ..... (I will explain later ok let's just make sure she gets home safely )😓

Taush: fine 😤

Ozzie: I see your still following me I guess you wanted to come along 😘

Takeo: ..... just wanted to make sure you get home safely 😔

Ozzie: your so cool ... I hate you so much 😤

Takeo: what ?? ....😕

Ozzie: you've ruined my life by not being mine😫

Takeo: .... um😕

Takeo walked Ozzie all the way back to her apartment with her mumbling stuff the whole time after getting her safely back to her apartment he left as he was walking back to the house Tao messaged him saying " have you seen anything yet" Takeo thought about it for a minute then messaged him back saying  " nope nothing "

Taush: why did you say that 😕

Takeo: .... ( shes very drunk right now if we tell them where she is think about it  M21 would go there with her like that it would not end well) 😔

Taush: true I guess  but that means we can't check out that Bar Tender either then or they would ask us why we were there 😕

Takeo: ... ( Taush I don't think that the Bar Tender had anything wrong with her she was just doing her job besides she even said I could bring you back if I wanted she was being nice )😔

Taush: umm what exactly did she say before we left ? 🙁

Takeo: ..... hmm ( something like ooh your leaving well then come back anytime and your welcome to bring Taush as well  not sure if that's exactly but close why ) 😕

Taush: so she called me by Name?? ....😕

Takeo: .....( yes she did and I don't believe I ever told her your name hmm well I guess we watch for her until this Ozzie situation is over then we will ask Tao to look into it ok )😔

Taush: ok 😐

Tao used the ear peices to talk to M21 and Takeo he said " hey guys I got a idea I think RK should ask Ozzie for another meeting "

M21: that might work 😒

Takeo: um maybe but we should wait until morning its getting late 😕

Tao: ya it might be better to wait until morning 😔

M21: ok 😒

They went home and planned out how things were going to go tomorrow morning they talked things over with Frankenstein to make sure everything would be ok

Frankenstein: well I was going to have Takeo go with Ash to school but I guess Rael could ... now remember tomorrow is a half day so try wrapping this up fast ok 😒

Tao: right boss 😊

Things went ok the next morning everyone got ready and went to school Rael went with Ash as Frankenstein stayed home with Rai Tao messaged Ozzie saying  " hey this is RK we need another Meeting it's very important "😊

Ozzie got the message but she was having a horrible headache this morning and decided to reply with  " Sorry  I'm busy not gonna happen "😒

Tao thought about it a bit then replied with " ooh I'm soooooo sorry about bothering you  I guess RK will deal with this M21 issue by ourselves .....  well take care " 😊

Ozzie: what do you mean by that? 😒

Tao: ooh that I'm truly sorry for bothering you?😊

Ozzie: no not that part the other part?😠

Tao: ooh I really do hope you take care🤗

Ozzie: ..... grrr your pissing me off I mean about M21? 😠

Tao: I'm pissing you off about M21 ? 😊

Ozzie: ..... never mind I changed my mind I'll come to this meeting and I'll bring a rock 😡

Tao: alright I'll send you the location be there in a hour no later ok😊

Ozzie: a hour and 10 minutes 😒

Tao: fine a hour and 10 minutes if your late I'm leaving 😏

Meanwhile at Ash's Kindergarten school Rael was doing ok he was giving nasty looks at some kids and adults but kept his mouth shut it went ok for a few hours when he noticed that Ash looked a bit off he asked her "are you ok Ash" she just nodded yes to him and he said "ok" and let it go but a few minutes later she was walking back to her seat when she stopped and put her hands on her head for a moment Rael went to her kneeled down by her looked at her and placed his hand on her head she was a bit hot he took her hand and walked to the Teacher then said " she seems to be sick I think she should go home "

Ash: no no I'm fine i swear 😊

Rael: you are a bit hot it would be best to go home before you get worse 😞

Teacher: hmm ( she felt Ash's head) your not to bad but if you want to go Ash I'll allow it 🤔

Ash: I want to stay I promise I'm fine 😊

Rael: Ash I really think your dad would want you to go home 😕

Ash: buba I'm fine ok just please let me stay 🤗

Rael: hmm fine but if you get any worse we are going straight home got it 😒

Ash: ok 😊

As they were setting down for story time  Rael was watching Ash like a hawk after about a half hour he noticed her looking a bit flushed he went to her as he was about to check her head she let out a small cough he placed his hand on her head she was burning up he picked her up looking at the Teacher he said " I'm bringing her home " the Teacher went over a touched her head and said " your right she is sick but we need to call her dad first "

Rael: I'm not waiting for that go ahead and call him I'm leaving now 😒

As Rael walked out the Teacher went to call Frankenstein as she did he answered on the second ring

Frankenstein: hello 😐

Teacher: umm Mr. Lee 😕

Frankenstein: yes 😕

Teacher: well Ash is running a fever 😞

Frankenstein: WHAT..... 😟

Teacher: her guardian left with her already he didn't want to wait I hope this is ok 😞

Frankenstein: yes that's fine thanks for calling me 😞

Frankenstein hung up the phone right as Rael walked into the house holding Ash who was kicking and trying to wiggle out of his arms she was saying " let me down I'm fine I tell you " Frankenstein walk up to her felt her head then looked at Ash and said " your burning up Ash let's go to the lab I'll make sure that you get better in no time "

Ash: I'm fine I dont want to go 😤

Frankenstein: ooh but I just made a new batch of cookies from my new recipe and I was hoping that you would test them out for me but if you dont want to then I'll have to get M21 to test them I'm sure he would 🤔

Ash: ..... fine I'll go but just to test the cookies😤

Frankenstein took Ash into his arms then looked at Rael and said " watch Rai would you until Willow gets here " Rael nodded and walked over to Rai who was in his high chair Frankenstein walked to the elevator to go to the lab after pushing the button to go down the doors closed and they started going down Ash curled into him and said in a low tone " Daddy I really don't feel good " Frankenstein looked at her with worried eyes then said " dont worry sweet heart I'll make you better "

Meanwhile back at the RK meeting Tao was waiting for  Ozzie to show up M21 was off to the side in the shadows Takeo and Taush were on a roof top close by but at sniping rage Tao was watching his clock as it got to the exact time she was supposed to be there he looked around and nothing he thought maybe she was not going to show it was a minute pass the time when she appeared out of thin air she was holding a cup of coffee in one hand and something else in the other hand

Ozzie: your not a man of your word 😏

Tao: huh😕

Ozzie: you said you were going to leave if I was late I was a minute late😏

M21: (quietly walked up behind Ozzie) Actually....😒

Ozzie: ( spinning around spilling her Coffee all over M21) urg my Coffee..... why do you have to be so quiet 😢

M21: hmm you were a few minutes early 😒

Tao: so you were hiding in one of your illusions of yours 😒

Ozzie: hmm ( she turned to him and threw a rock she was holding in her hand at him)😒

Tao: .... ( he dodged the rock ) your a woman of your word 😏

Ozzie: always now why the hell did you call me here obviously it's not to do with him and I'm not in a good mood right now thanks to him 😠

M21: .....😒

Tao: ... you seem angry 😏

Ozzie: yes I am he made me spill my Coffee 😠

M21: ..... I will get you another Coffee ok 😒

Ozzie: I'm going to hold you to that😤... now what did you want?😒

M21: your one hard person to find when you dont want to be 😒

Ozzie: awe thanks 😏

Tao: actually it wasn't that hard I have found harder people 🤔

Ozzie: really like who?😒

Tao: well for instance Dr. Crombell he was way harder than you 😏

Ozzie: no way your saying that you are the one who found him I don't believe you 😒

M21: Actually he did 😒

Ozzie: ...😒

M21: look I wanted to say that I'm sorry for the way I acted even if it was because of the way you act 😒

Ozzie: are you trying to apologize? 😏

M21: yes 😒

Ozzie: well your doing a horrible job at it 😒


Ozzie: you dont have to yell jezz 😠


Ozzie: your yelling right now 😤

M21: .... hmm this would have never happened in the first place if you just told me 😠

Ozzie: tell you what 😒

M21: .... 😒

Tao: you guy act like each other must be a twin thing 🤗

Takeo: really Tao did you have to 😔

M21: ..... 😠

Ozzie: .....😠

Tao: ..... Haha there you guys go again looking alike😅

Ozzie: ..... ( she looked at M21) how did you find out ?😒

M21: I know someone 😒

Ozzie: really  who ? 😒

M21:  .... ( he looked at Tao)😒

Ozzie: hmm so it was you I should have figured it was you after all you found my Phone number somehow so how much do you know? 😒

Tao: Haha well we found everything that was in the Union 😊

Ozzie: hmm no wonder the Union dont like you guys 😒

M21: since you found me why don't you just leave the Union?😒

Ozzie: it's not that easy they are not going to just let me leave you should know that 😒

Tao: actually RK would like to lend you some help with that 😏

Ozzie: what makes you think that I would take any help from any of RK 😒

M21: .....😒

Tao: we help a lot of people 😕

M21: just take the offer 😒

Ozzie: why because you trust them 😒

M21: a really close friend of mine told me that it would be better to trust them then the Union 😒

Ozzie: really and where is this close friend?😒

M21: he's dead  .... he died when we were trying to get away from the Union I would have died as well if it was not for them 😒

Ozzie: fine I will accept the help from them but dont expect me to trust any of RK 😒

M21: just like I accept you as my Sister but I don't trust you 😏

Ozzie: ....😒

Tao: Trust takes time 🤗

M21: .....😒

Ozzie: .....😒

Ozzie's phone dinged Tao and M21 looked at her then Tao's phone dinged M21 and Ozzie looked at him they stood there for a few  until Tao looked at his phone it stated that there was a fight that broke out it was close to where Takeo was Tao looked at M21 and Ozzie for a second then turned to the side and said " Number two there is a fight in your area I'm sending you the location to check it out if you need backup let me know alright "

Takeo: got it 😔

Taush: he should know you already have backup 😤

Takeo: I'm sure he does 😔

Tao: what?😕

Takeo: Taush was just saying that you should know that I have backup 😔

Tao: ofcourse Number 8 you backup Number 2😊

Ozzie: so how many RK members are there? 😒

Tao: hmm well that is a need to know and I don't think you need to know that information at least not yet 😊

Taush: did he just call me Number 8 ?😕

Takeo: ..... ( yes he gave you a RK number)😞

Taush: hmm I like it 🤩

Takeo: hmm 😓

Takeo and Taush got to the location Tao had sent them and sure thing there was a fight going on Takeo could see at least 20 Union agents attacking 1 small person as he got a bit closer the one they were after looked to be a kid as they were taking in the situation one agent was in front of this kid when the kid brought up what seemed to be Blue flames and hit this agent instead of catching him on fire the agent screamed and looked like he had just turned to ashes about then another agent snuck up to the kid and slashed his side with a dagger the kid looked like he just gritted his teeth and disappeared into a illusion the agents started yelling to follow the blood trail

Taush: Takeo can I eat them🤨

Takeo: .... ( no Taush killing is one thing Eating is another I really don't think Eating them is a good idea ok )😓

Taush: hmm whatever but remember I am a Dragon Eating things is what we do 😊

Takeo: .... ( I will keep that in mind now shall we get rid of these Union agents ) 😔

Ozzie's phone rang she looked at it then pressed the speaker it was the Union Agents they started saying " where are you we need backup right now "

Ozzie: hmm is that so ? 😏

Union agents: yes we found the warlock he is a lot more powerful than we thought so we need you to be the backup 🙁

Ozzie: hmm really well I don't know how long I will be I'm quite busy right now 😏

Union agents: what ..... what do mean what are you doing?😥

Ozzie: well I can not go into a battle with out my Coffee now can I 😏

Union agents: what are you saying  are you betraying the Union I'll report this to the higher .... pop pop pop pop

Ozzie: I take it that was RK Number two or Eight 😏

Tao: hmm Number two 😊

Ozzie: ooh so Number eight doesn't use guns huh 😏

Tao: nope Number Eight is a terrifying Beast nobody that ever went up against him has came back alive 😏

Ozzie: are you trying to scare me?😒

Tao: why is it working? 😁

Ozzie: no 😒

Taush: hmm I am quite terrifying .... watch out here come the Terrifying Number Eight 🤩

Takeo: .... ( Taush concentrate)😞

Tao: Number two it seems that we are dealing with the Warlock so be careful alright 🤔

Takeo: hmm don't worry I found him hes passed out and injured quite bad I'm going to bring him to Boss 😓

Tao: what umm ok still be careful incase he wakes up I'll message Boss🙁

Meanwhile Rael was having a horrible issue with Rai at first he was running all over when Rael finally caught him he started biting him and not just lightly but hard making Rael bleed he didn't know what to do .... all he kept saying was " Sir Rai please stop " when the kids all walked through the door they noticed that the house was a bit of a mess with things knocked over and blood drops all over they froze then looked at Rael who was walking over to them with Rai hanging off his arm by his mouth he was biting him the kids noticed that Rael had bloody bite marks all over him he held out his arm that Rai was biting to Willow then said " here take him please " Willow grabbed Rai then said " Rai Release " Rai stopped biting and looked at Willow she then walked over to the kitchen grabbed something from the fridge it was a teething ring and gave it to Rai he started biting it and relaxed in her arms Willow then said " Rael are you alright " Rael nodded saying " yes I'm fine " as he walked out to get some cleaning supplies to clean up the house

Ash was feeling a lot better Frankenstein gave her some fluids and a shot to enhance her healing ability she was setting up Eating some Cookies and coloring in a coloring book when Takeo walked through a portal holding a small child that was bleeding from his left side Frankenstein stood up and said "put him here" he did

Takeo: He's the Warlock 😓

Frankenstein: what .... your saying that this child is the Warlock? 😒

Takeo: yes there was about 20 Union agents attacking him 😞

Frankenstein: alright Takeo please take Ash upstairs to Willow she seems to be doing a lot better now and I really don't want her down here just incase he is hostile 😒

Takeo: um ok was something wrong with her 😕

Frankenstein: ooh no it was just a bit of a cold like I said shes a lot better now right sweetheart 😊

Ash: yep can I bring the cookies? 😊

Frankenstein: sure take as many as you want sweetie 😔

Ash went over and grabbed a few cookies leaving some there she then looked at Frankenstein and said "Daddy I'm leaving some just incase he is hungry ok" Frankenstein just nodded then Ash walked over to Takeo they then left going upstairs when they were in the elevator Ash looked at Takeo and said  " buba you think he will be ok right "

Takeo: .... ( she called me buba) yes Ash I'm sure he will be .... anyways your Daddy is the best doctor so if he cant fix him up I'm sure there is nothing anyone could do 😊

Ash: I hope so he doesn't look that much older than me 🙁

Takeo: dont worry to much he seems quite strong I'm sure he will be ok 😊

Ash: ok 😞

Takeo walked Ash to Willow as they were walking through the hallway they passed Rael they took in how he looked but didn't want to ask so they just kept walking until they got to Willow

Takeo: um Frankenstein ask me to bring Ash to you she was sick but is doing a lot better now and he is busy with the Warlock right now 😊

Willow: oh ok 😕

Frankenstein was getting ready to address this wound as Tao messaged him telling him about everything Frankenstein just sighed and messaged him back saying  " yes I know Takeo filled me in a few minutes ago you guys should come back here just incase this Warlock wakes up ok " Tao got the message and replied

Tao: umm ok Boss but what about Ozzie? 😕

Frankenstein: hmm bring her I would like to meet her 😏

Tao walked over to M21 and showed him the message from Frankenstein they both looked at each other and sighed

Ozzie: what ?? 😕

Tao: hmm well my Boss would like to meet you 😕

Ozzie: what if I refuse? 😒

M21: just come with us after all I thought you wanted to know more about RK 😏

Ozzie: hmm if I go are you going to tell me more about how you are associated with RK you guys seem close 😏

M21: I'm sure you will understand if you come 😒

Ozzie: fine 😒

They all walked away with Tao leading the way ...... back in Frankenstein's lab he was unbuttoning this kids shirt to clean the wound as he did he was shocked to see this kid was covered with scars from his neck down was like scars on top of scars every inch of this kid was covered his face was dirty but only seemed to have one scar on his right cheak he looked at his wound it was about a Eight inch gash Frankenstein thought to himself he is going to need stitches as he turned to grab for his supplies the kid woke up he sat up his eyes were bugged staring at Frankenstein his eyes started darting around the room Frankenstein held up his hands and started saying  " whoah easy there I'm just " and the kid disappeared into a illusion Frankenstein could hear him running out he bumped into a few things and left a blood trail behind him Frankenstein pinched the bridge of his nose then sighed picking up his phone he started texting Takeo saying " the Warlock woke up and ran out hes heading your way " then he texted Willow saying " the Warlock woke up and is heading up stairs please be careful "

Takeo was about to walk back to Frankenstein lab when he got the text from him and a few seconds later Willow got one to they look at each other then checked the messages Takeo replied to him saying  " alright Boss I'll try to find him " Willow just stared at her phone she just kept thinking that a Warlock was running around here what was she going to do if she ran into him Takeo patted her on the shoulder and said " dont worry I'll go look for him you just stay here and be safe alright " 😊 Takeo walked away he headed to the elevator as he got there the elevator was already open with blood splatters everywhere

Takeo: ..... hmm ( Taush I think we are going to have to follow the blood trail)😓

Taush: umm ok 😕

What Takeo and Taush didn't know was the Warlock kid had already gotten past them  he was in a illusion trying frantically to find a way out as he ran down one hallway he just about ran right into Rael as he was bringing cleaning supplies to the living room the kid skidded to a stop turning down another hall he started running again until he skidded to another stop Willow, Ash,and Rai were standing there he started backing up when Willow started noticing blood appearing on the floor she look confused then the Warlock kid opened a door that was next to him it was a broom closet but he didn't know what else to do he was feeling really lightheaded he darted into the closet making some noise and wedged himself into the back corner of it putting his head to his knees he started thinking of anyway he could escape from here he thought to himself this was the last place he wanted to be back in the Union and injured so he cant even use his power that well..... maybe this wound would kill him before they can get him out of this closet it would be better that way .....

Willow noticed blood appearing on the floor then the closest door swung open they could hear some crashing around then silence Ash grabbed Willows side as they inched closer to peak into the closet all they could see was at the back corner of it on the floor wedged between a wall and shelves was 2 small feet Willow could see this kid was shaking

Tao walked through the front door of the house with M21 and Ozzie right behind him as they came to the living room all they saw was the mess and blood drops here and there Seira was in the kitchen cooking , Shinwoo and the other kids were setting things up and helping Regis who was telling them they didn't need to as they walked to the hallway that led to the elevator Rael walked out they all 3 looked at him Tao and  M21 asked him what happened he replied  " Sir Rai " he then walked passed  Ozzie was trying to figure out what the heck was going on this place looked like a mess as they walked down the hallway they came to Willow , Ash and Rai standing outside the broom closet all around them was blood Tao asked  " What's going on "

Willow: umm the Warlock is in there and we are trying to get him out before he bleeds to death 🙁

Tao: he woke up? 😥

Willow: yes and the Chairman wants us to catch him and bring him to him to take care of 😕

M21: just tell him to get out of there or die 😒

Willow: I'm trying not to scare him 😟

M21 and Tao both peaked in the closet as they did they saw the feet and understood what Willow was saying Ozzie peaked in to when M21 spoke saying " hey kid get out of there "

Willow: M stop your going to scare him 😟

Ash: he did that to me to 😔

M21: you think you could do better?😒

Willow: you want to hold Rai 😏

M21: ... hmm 😒

Willow: thought so 😏

M21: shouldn't you take them elsewhere 😒

Willow: you wanted me to leave the Warlock by himself 🤨

M21: hmm ... whatever 😒

Ozzie: excuse me but who is this girl  you seem to know her quite well?😕

Tao: ooh this is Number Nine😁

Willow: .... 😕

M21: ....😒

Ozzie: hmm alright  fine I'll give this a try Number Nine you stay here with the young lady and baby I'll try talking to this Warlock kid after all I am quite good with kids 😏

Ash: I really like her 😊

Willow: umm ok 😕

M21: I doubt that you are that good with kids 😏

Tao: ...🤔

Ozzie: watch and learn 😏

Ozzie walk into the closet kneeling down in front of this kid he was shaking she then said " it's ok we are not going to hurt you .... come on " the kid looked up at her he then jumped into her arms hugging her.