
Chapter 7 Vocaloids

Everyone stopped doing what they were doing and starred straight at Takeo,M21,and Tao they all three looked uncomfortable then turned around slowly and started to walk out the door before they could Leo yelled WHERE DO YOU THREE THINK YOUR GOING??

Tao: ha ha we were going outside because you told us to

Leo: I did not I was yelling at that house wrecking beast

Leo then pointed at Takeo Takeo looked confused and started to sweat

Takeo: m m me ???

Leo: No the beast on your shoulder

Takeo: (ooh Taush he's talking about you)

Taush: ya ha ha I'll be outside if you need me just say so ok

At that Taush glaring at Leo jump off Takeo and shot out the door Takeo looked after him it was weird the whole time he's been with Taush it has not been long but not having him on his shoulder felt like part of him was missing

Leo: now that he's outside what do you guys want?

Takeo: well we came to find a Vocaloid named Echo ?

A small girl with pink hair and dark Pink eyes looked at them she had a pink outfit on came over and said your looking for me ? She look at Takeo with a questioning look

Takeo: your Echo??

Echo: yes

Takeo: a girl named Anna said you could help us communicate with our friends back home ... we are from another Dimension

Leo: your from another Dimension?? How did you get here??

Takeo: well a young blonde girl sent us here I'm not sure how

Leo: dam it ugh really Ema

Takeo: umm you know her ??

Leo: yes

M21: that crazy blonde girl who sent us here you know ??

Leo: grr yes she's ...... a ....... Friend

M21: Friend ?? If she's a friend can't you just ask her to send us back??

Leo: I don't like you and even if I did ask her I doubt she will do that

Takeo: M21 stop please I can't go back at least not yet there is something i must do first

M21:hmm ....

Tao: Takeo what do you mean?

Takeo: Tao I'll explain later ok

Tao: ....... Ok then that settled it we will stay but we still need to get a hold of Frankenstein

Takeo: yes that's why we came to find Echo

Echo: umm ok but why me??

Takeo: Anna said you were a Vocaloid and she thought you would be here she didn't know where any other Vocaloids were so that's why we came here

Echo: silly boys you had two Vocaloids with you isn't that right Zarra and Zander although they usually don't help anyone and stick to themselves it shocked me to see them with you

Takeo,Tao,and M21 turned around to look at Zarra and Zander they just shrugged like nothing was wrong Takeo and M21 looked at Tao for a minute then they all turned back to Echo

Tao: they came to help me because we are Friends (Tao smiled a big Smile)

Echo: ooh really you finally got a new friend Zander that's so awesome

Zander: ugh you guys are so annoying

Echo: well anyways I'll do what you need because your friends of Zarra and Zanders lol just kidding I would have done it anyways

Takeo: ooh ok thank you so much Miss Echo

Echo: hmm I like you anyways where are your communication devices?

Takeo,Tao,and M21 grabbed the ear pieces and held them out to Echo she then looked at them she went to Takeo first and as she tapped the ear piece her body seemed to turn to energy and zipped into to ear piece it took about ten minutes before she came back out she shook her head and walked over to Tao this time as she tapped the ear piece a electrical shock shot out of her finger then she went to M21 and did the same as she did to Tao's she then turned around and said there they are working now

Meanwhile about a hour earlier back in the park Rai was walking home he left the kids to do the shopping he was feeling quite tired after the recent use of his powers he knew he didn't have long at the most a few months so he decided to head home to rest a bit before the kids came as he walked he noticed a young girl with blonde hair she was setting on a bench eating a bowl of Ramen Rai thought to himself that the Ramen looked so good he couldn't help but stare as he did Ema started to feel annoyed she looked at him she could feel a faint bit of power

Ema:What is it that you want?

Rai: ....

Ema: What are you not going to tell me ?

Rai: ..... ( he didn't know what to say he just can't get over the smell of the Ramen)

Ema: whatever just leave me alone then

Rai: .... That smells delicious

Ema: ..... Umm yeah it is delicious ( what the hell is this guy trying to take my food )

Rai: ... (Stare)

Ema: ugh stop staring

Rai: .... ??

Ema: (OMG this guy is bothering me it's like he's a lost kid ) .... Are you hungry?

Rai: ..... (Nod)

Ema: ugh then go home and find your own food

Rai: .... ???

Ema: whatever if you won't leave I'll just send you to him

Rai: ....??

About then she opened a portal and Rai started to fall as he fell he looked up and Ema yelled down to him saying find Leo he will feed you and under her breath she mumbled crazy guy Rai fell as he got close to the ground he slowed himself down and landed touching his toes first so gracefully he looked around quietly he was in a Forrest he could sense that it was not anywhere he has ever been he has never been good with finding his way but he just started to walk not knowing where he would end up as he walked he smelled something delicious it was the Ramen that girl had he ran to the source of the smell as he got there he noticed a young looking boy he was holding a bowl of Ramen Rai stared at the Ramen the boy looked at him and pulled his bowl closer to himself as to protect it he then asked who are you? And what do you want?

Rai: you may call me Rai and I would very much like some Ramen please

Boy: umm ok Rai this is my Ramen find your own

As the boy turned to walk away Rai stared at him he was really hungry at this point and the smell of the Ramen was taking over his thoughts he new he shouldn't use his powers but to him this was a emergency he Froze this boy and walked up to him he looked at him and with such a serious look he said I'm so sorry about this the boy looked confused and frightened Rai looked down at the Ramen he then took it walked a few feet away and started to eat it the boy was still froze but went black eyed he then started to yell are you serious ?after Rai finished it he then look back to the boy he said that was the best Ramen I have tasted so far

Rai: tell me did you make this ?

Boy: no

Rai: then who??

Boy: I'll tell you if you release me

Rai: ooh I'm sorry( at that Rai un froze him)

Boy: hmm well Leo made it now that you stole mine I'm going to have to go get me another bowl

The boy turned around and started walking away Rai started to follow him the boy stopped and looked at Rai what are you doing?

Rai: ...

Boy: stop following me ( he started walking again)

Rai started following him again

Boy: ugh stop it don't follow me

Rai: ...??

Boy: do you not understand you stay here until I'm out of sight ok

Rai: ok

The boy left he was relieved that he got rid of that guy who stole his food he looked back he couldn't see him anymore and sighed meanwhile Rai stood there waiting he still could see the boy barely he waited until he couldn't see him then ran fast catching up to the boy he didn't understand why the boy asked him to wait but it didn't matter the boy jumped and screamed looking at Rai he yelled why are you here?

Rai: ... I waited until you were out of sight like you said to

Boy: ooh my gosh your like a lost puppy or something

Rai: hmm I'm not a puppy but I am lost

Boy: ugh whatever do you know anyone around here?

Rai: ... I'm not sure but a girl did tell me to find Leo

Boy: a Girl hmm fine I'll take you to Leo but why do you need to find him?

Rai: she said he would feed me Ramen

Boy: ...

They both started walking in silence soon after Rai stopped and coughed up a little blood he quickly wiped it away the boy stared at him for a minute he saw the blood but decided not to ask and turned around and started walking again Rai followed

Meanwhile back at Frankenstein house the kids showed up with Regis and Seira as they came in Frankenstein asked them where Rai was they all stopped and looked at him he came back here while we went to the store Regis said Frankenstein said no he didn't they all got a worried look Frankenstein said Regis I thought I told you and Seira never to leave him Alone you know he gets lost easily the kids all started to worry Sui said maybe we should go look for him he seemed very tired earlier the other kids and Regis all agreed Frankenstein looked at Seira and asked her to stay while they spread out and look for him that way if he comes back here you can contact me ok Seira nodded as the kids started to go out Frankenstein said now I want you guys to stay together with Regis just to be safe ok I'll check the park you guys go check the School ok he might have went there if he couldn't find his way the kids nodded and rushed off Frankenstein tried to connect to Rai' s mind but he couldn't that means he's to far away or passed out he started to worry even more now as he walked to the park he new that Takeo,Tao,and M21 all have not come back after investigating a unknown girl here maybe Master ran into her he started to get upset just thinking about it his powers started to seep out as he walked he noticed a young girl reading a book Blonde hair fits the description Tao told him and this is the place he said she was at he was not in a very good mood at the moment he stomped up about ten feet from her and said What the hell did you do to my guys ??

Ema: ...(she didn't even look up she could tell this guy was mad and even if she told him he would lose it so might as well just send him there too)

Frankenstein started getting annoyed by this girls silence he was about to say something when he felt himself start to fall as he did he got a glimpse of the Girl she was starring at him with what looked to be a surprised look he to looked surprised that girl looked so familiar no way it can't be he fell then Ema thought that guy looked really familiar hmm no way he couldn't be that's impossible she shrugged and went back to reading Frankenstein fell and slowed himself down as he came to the ground he landed perfectly he looked around and it looked like he was between a Forrest and village that he never seen before

Seira decided to go get a ear piece from Tao's room to try to get a hold of him if he was still patrolling the area he might know where Rai is Seira found one she turned it on and put it in her ear she then start to say Tao you there

Tao: Seira omg it works it really works

M21:Tao calm down

Takeo: Seira can you hear all three of us??

Seira: yes I can it's nice to hear your all ok but something bad has happened

Tao: what ... what is it ??

Seira: well Sir Raizel is missing he was feeling weak so he decided to go home and rest before the kids came he told me and Regis to stay and help the kids do the shopping but when we got back he was missing everyone went out to look for him

Tao: Seira tell everyone not to bother that girl in the park I guess she sent us to another Dimension if she sent Rai here we will find him and let you know ok

Seira: ok

About then a boy walked in

Leo: ooh Aladdin you finally came back huh

Aladdin: well I kind of had to this guy stole my food

Leo: you let someone still your food that I made

Aladdin: well I didn't have a choice in the matter

Leo: ooh really

Aladdin: ya and guess what the guy who stole it is your responsibility

Leo: ooh really what makes you think that huh

M21: (whisper) I get the feeling they don't like each other

Aladdin: because Ema sent him to you at least that's what he said why don't you ask him yourself

Leo: What you brought him here

Aladdin:well kind of he kept following me

Leo: ugh whatever where is he ?

Aladdin pointed at the door and in came Rai he looked around he noticed the table was set he looked at Aladdin then to the man next to him he sensed a dark energy from him he then asked are you Leo??

Leo: yes

Rai: ooh good I would like some Ramen please

Rai started to walk over to the table he looked around at the chairs then picked one and sat down everyone in the room went black eyed even Tao,Takeo and M21

Tao: Seira you there??

Seira: yes

Tao: we found Rai

Seira: ooh good I'll tell everyone here know ok

Tao: yep you do that

Leo: What ..... Who the hell are you?

Rai: ooh I'm sorry you may call me Rai

Leo: What make you think I'll just make you Ramen?? Huh

Rai: that blonde girl in the park told me to find you and you would feed me Ramen????

Leo: ugh dam it Ema your driving me crazy.... whatever

Leo stormed off to the kitchen to make some more Ramen although he didn't look very happy about it