
A Nightmare's Point of View

The book is about a monstrous alien named Embrance trying to change his species deathly eating habits. It is a Sci-fi fantasy adventure with an array of emotions and colorful characters and perspectives. It isn't a light read. This is a healthy size Sci-fi dark fantasy and a plus-size adventure. Warning: contains some adult themes and some gore. This is just a sample of my book.

Winter_Blade1980 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter Three

-*-*-*- Author's note: Sadly I can't display the fonts as they are in the book. In the book itself, the Atheireyn mental speech is in different fonts per each one. Embrance is Viner hand and Ullgrent in Harrington and so on. -*-*-*-*-

That day, the day he met the captain, changed something in his life. It gave him the sense that there was more to life than just sleeping, fighting, and seeking out creatures and eating them while they contemplate their death. Deep down, part of his nature, he had no problem with it; he had to eat something. The captain and he had decided to help him change his diet, maybe find out why his species' nature was the way it is. If it was their true nature and why. Embrance in his vast, lonesome thoughts, thought about this and why things were, more so after he had met the captain. The meat from the Craiith was, so far, a great alternative, which kept him full and not needing to hunt. Did he miss the hunt? Part of him did, but it was worth it.

He slowed his pace to a walk. Making his way around some large pieces of debris and jumping down from a small cliff, he made his way into the clan's borders. Passing a few boulders, he made it to the area where he lived in. Crouching near one of the cliffsides into the valley, he could see his cave in the distance. It sat just under some rocky ledges and inclines, partly concealing it. His cave sat on a plain at the far end of the valley. A few small caves and debris scattered the area. Hundreds of Atheireyn stood between him where he was going.

It looked like the hunting groups had started coming back and were socializing among groups of anywhere from ten to fifty, some sitting and eating or standing as they were mentally speaking to each other. Their minds were open to anyone who was interested in joining in on their mental conversations. Younger adolescent Atheireyn were running between the groups. Adults were telling stories about their hunt or what they found, before they separated and headed off to where they resided, to sleep for a few cycles or to train for the next hunt. He didn't feel interested in being social and was hoping to get to his sleeping area before anyone questioned where he had been, especially since he stayed away often. This last time had been for about two full turns of a cycle at the captain's hidden base and came back from time to time. If he could just make it to his cave, he could stay without food or water for those three cycles without being bothered by anyone. Interesting thing about Atheireyn was that they could go without food or water for fourteen cycles and anywhere up to ninety-three cycles, depending on how much they'd eaten and how long they had slept, which could be one cycle or up to twenty-one cycles.

One of the few rules of his species was that you were never to disturb those in their cave, unless for serious situations. Or unless you were a shadow traveler or doorway opener when a hunting party

was being created. You couldn't refuse those requests; once requested for one, you had to go. Plus, having these abilities gave you certain protection as well, such as not being murdered for being different at a very young age. Embrance was lucky on both accounts; being a shadow traveler and doorway opener, the clan's leaders left him be and only bothered him when he was needed for hunts. But the clan's leaders only put up with so much difference. If they ever found out about the broken rules, they wouldn't kill him, but he wouldn't be allowed to be left alone ever again; death would be a pleasant thought by then.

Embrance crouched at the edge of the last cliff before his ten story jump down into the valley. He scanned the crowd as though looking for someone. He crouched there, becoming increasingly concerned. What he was looking for was a certain someone, his brother Ullgrent—the one person he would like to avoid as much as possible.

The trouble was he blended in with the crowd so well and could easily mask his mind from anyone looking for him, namely Embrance. It became increasingly challenging for Embrance to find his brother after Ullgrent had made a journey away from the clan some time ago. So much had changed with Ullgrent when he had come back. Embrance decided to chance it; he jumped down, landing on his feet hard. Straightening up and looking at the crowd, hearing them mentally chatting among themselves and barely glancing at him, Embrance started making his way around the various-size crowds of Atheireyn, keeping his head straight but looking side to side with his eyes for his brother and any of his lackeys. Embrance called them leeches or parasites; they were made up of mainly Atheireyn without abilities, some with very weak ones and others just mentally off. They still had a function—or that was what his brother said. Oddities that Embrance thought were the nastiest, filthiest adolescents, and some that had survived to adulthood in the area would follow his brother. He couldn't fathom what his brother had promised them to get them to follow him, but whatever it was, they followed and obeyed him without question. Embrance shivered with disgust, keeping his brisk pace.

Besides them, he often kept his company with many fighters that found ways to harass Embrance but had come to keep their distance—most of them. He blinked, abruptly sensing a familiar mind searching for him from the right. It was his brother, about fifty feet away from him, and as hard as Embrance tried, he couldn't hide his presence from Ullgrent and his leeches. As soon as Ullgrent found him, he telepathically called out to Embrance with a pleasant tone, **Emmmbrranccce! Emmbrancce! Over here! This way, Embrance, walk this way. We're over here! Hey, Embrance!**

Embrance kept walking his same brisk pace, ignoring Ullgrent as though he was oblivious. Ullgrent frowned. He motioned to two of his lackeys, and they swiftly headed off gleefully. Ullgrent with the rest began to walk toward Embrance's direction. **Ooohhh Embrance! What is the matter? Don't you want to visit with us...? Wait up! It has been a while since we have seen each other...Where you going? Come now, dear brother, don't make us chase you. There is no need for this ridiculous game...I know you can hear me... Embrance! Did you really think you could hide from me? Hah, har, har! Embrance, did you forget we are twins! **

Embrance continued to ignore Ullgrent's telepathic jeers. He accelerated his pace, weaving around the crowds and nearing his destination. Embrance rounded a large group and cleared the crowd and came to an abrupt stop. Three feet away on a large rock stopped one of Ullgrent's lackeys—a male, scraggly-looking with only a pair of torn pants on that once might have been a green, but now terribly stained with blood. He was thin and had a bit of a tick. The tick was something he picked up from fights and challenges that he had lost.

Guessing he found it so troubling from the losses, he developed this. The scraggly male smiled wildly at him. **Hello, dear Embrance! Where are you going? Let's play, little Embrance. Big brother wants to play!** The male opened his mouth smiling wide, drooping his long tongue out while he twitched wildly.

Embrance glared at him, bared his fangs, and swiftly walked past him. **Not interested, leech!** Embrance was only a few feet from his cave entrance when another devotee jumped over the cleft above the cave entrance, intercepting Embrance and blocking his way in. He abruptly stopped. She was wearing stained mismatched shoes along with a long, terribly tattered frock. The dress looked like, at one point, was worn by a delicate creature, but now it was so torn and unrecognizable to which species it had come from. It was white, blue, had broken pieces of gems left on it, and extremely bloodstained. She devilishly smiled at Embrance.

Embrance narrowed his eyes at her, mentally shouting aggressively, **Move aside, parasite!** He began to walk toward her intimidatingly, his irises burning red.

She threw her hands up in the air as though surrendering, wiggling, and moving seductively in place, **Oh, my sweet Embrance, have you finally accepted me as your vessel? Hm, hm, hm, hm, hm, hm! Come, let us create a future together!**

Embrance abruptly stopped and threw an arm up in defense, looking very disgusted, nauseated by the thought of her touching him. He backed away several feet and turned to walk away. He looked up, and about fifteen feet away stood Ullgrent with his twenty or so followers slowly surrounding the two of them. Ullgrent focused his gaze pleasingly at his brother. Embrance looked away, feeling fenced in. Ullgrent walked casually over to Embrance. He stopped directly in front of him, practically stood toe-to-toe, and almost stood face-to-face looking very identical. The only few differences between the two some small subtle differences and the style of clothing. Ullgrent was scrawnier but muscular, seven feet and 165 pounds, wore a simple worn black shirt, dark-stained gray pants, and knee-high faded-black boots, with the tops of the toes torn off. Ullgrent's hair was shorter, to his shoulder blades, and he wore an intricate piece of metal, pinning part of his hair to the side of his head that he found off one of his prey.

Embrance scowled as Ullgrent grinned happily at him. He lifted his left hand to Embrance's face and placed two forefingers to the right side of his chin, pushing his face to the side, revealing his brother's bare neck to him. Ullgrent bent his head down toward his brother's neck. Embrance backed away from him, balling his fists and digging his claws into his palms. He was gritting his teeth in anger as he squared his shoulders. Ullgrent straightened himself, bending his elbows and bringing his fingers together.

His pleasant demeanor faded, and his eyes narrowed as he studied Embrance, **Seriously? You legitimately desire this conflict, Embrance?**

The words stung Embrance's mind. He clenched his fists tighter. Blood began to drip from them. Ullgrent folded his arms across his chest and went on, **You are willing to deny your brother? How about, instead, we go to the clan's leaders and see what they think about your...unique views? Hmmm? Should I tell them how dishonest you have been, little brother? I think we would all like to know what you are up to! **

Embrance looked away, avoiding eye contact with the others of his brother's group. Ullgrent's lips curled into a snarl, a deep and low growl coming from his throat, and ferociously said telepathically, **So be it! Deny me what I need, and I will deny you, brother, my protection!**

Ullgrent turned as though to leave. Embrance mentally called after his twin. **Wait!**

He was enraged and feeling very indignant at the fact he needed his brother for anything. Closing his eyes, Embrance breathed in and sighed deeply, releasing the tension from his shoulders and fists.

Embrance lifted his head with a bitter look in his eyes. Ullgrent turn back to face his twin, with a malevolent grin on his face and a thirst in his eyes, **That's more like it!**

He walked casually over to Embrance and, doing the same, stood almost toe-to-toe. He placed his two forefingers against the left side of his brother's chin, pushing his face to the side, revealing his throat to Ullgrent.

Ullgrent, feeling pleased, lowered his head toward Embrance's exposed neck. He opened his mouth slightly and pressed his lips against the side of his brother's throat. Closing his eyes, Embrance winced and clenched his fists. He could feel his energy, his very essence, leaving him. He groaned as it started to become painful. Shortly after, Ullgrent released him, feeling satisfied and licking his teeth. Embrance straightened his head, and Ullgrent met it with his, laying it against his twin's. Trying to be delightful, Ullgrent mentally cooed with a spiteful and sinister undertone to just his brother, **Mmmmmm...I do relish our time together, we should savor more of it, my sweet brother...**

Embrance stared resentfully at his brother, as Ullgrent turned and walked away, **Until next time, Embrance.**

One by one Ullgrent's minions followed, including the leech and the parasite, who shouldered aggressively passed Embrance, one on the right and then the other on the left, forcing Embrance forward and making him stumble. He stabilized himself and watched them leave...then turned and started to walk away, rubbing the side of his neck where his brother had kissed him.

Ullgrent hadn't left a mark, but it felt a bit sore still. He rubbed the area for a little while longer, contemplating, at least he didn't draw blood this time. It was always harder to recover from when he took both blood and energy. Nonetheless, he felt overtaxed, drained, and annoyed. Embrance stepped into his cave, having to stoop slightly.

He walked a few paces before making a left into an adjacent cave. Crawling the rest of the way, it opened into a small cave. It was domelike with large openings weaved all over the walls, most of them large enough to fit a small youngling through. The floor was covered with layers of cloth, blankets, and padding of all sorts. Embrance collapsed on to them, pulling a large red and bluish blanket over himself. He looked over at the wall and passed one of the opening, to a rather large mound of dirt covered partly with a tapestry on the far side of the larger part of the cave. His eyes slipped slowly closed as he whispered, **Sleep well, Mother.**

His consciousness vanishing into a deep slumber...


As I said, sadly I can't use the fonts for the mental speech of the Atheireyn. each one has a different font.

Something else I wanted to add. This was a dream I had. I got to meet Embrance and even though he was terrifying, he wasn't interested in being malicious so I followed him and allowed him to lead me through his life and more!

Winter_Blade1980creators' thoughts