
Chapter 149 Beautiful

Rosary watched as the iron gates opened on their own accord. This was her first time to be in the Walters Mansion and she had already started feeling goosebumps on her skin.  Although the sight of the view is dark, that didn't stop the beauty of the compound from coming alive. She wrapped her hands nervously together as she already felt sweat on her palms. Lim watched the tightness of her palms together, she'd look pretty when she seemed nervous, and seeing her this way, only made his desire arouse to devour the sweetest parts of her body. Lim glumped as he felt his aroused between his trouser ends but he didn't say a word. 

As the car drove into the compound, her heart slammed against her chest. These days would be hell for her. She knew it. Lim stepped out and held out his hand for her to come out. She placed her hand on his indifferently and stepped out of the car. Her face up with a frown. The guards who came out of the other cars behind their car, rushed to stand behind them  and wait for Lim's command.

As rosary stepped out of the car, lim gaze remained on her for a few seconds, suddenly, he pulled her close to him, such that her face was just a few inches away from his, rosary gulped in shock, her eyes wide. 

Lim raised his hands and shifted some strands of hair away from her face. His gaze locked on hers. 

"I don't think we would need that frown on your face from now onwards" He said, still gazing into her frighten eyes as though searching her inner thoughts. 

"You can let me go now" She whispered curtly with a small smile on her chin. Lim's hands weren't eager to leave her just yet. He liked the feeling of her body against his. Her sweet woman scents, and the way she shivers anytime he was closed, he loves it all. Rosary could not take it any longer, she heard someone call from the front pouch. 

"Uncle Lim? "

When lim heard the call, he raised his eyes to the person and rosary used the opportunity to free herself. 

"You came.. " Luke walked towards them, an unbelieving expression on her face. His gaze shifted briefly to Rosary, at the same time, lim slid his hand around her waist, pulling her close to him. 

"Yes, Luke, why wouldn't I come? It's my father house, remember? " He replied curtly, 

"Beautiful, let's go in, shall we? "

He turned to rosary and spoke lovingly as though they had been couple for years. 

Rosary's ears stood erect at his Statment. Beau.. Beautiful what?!! 

When did the devil decided to showers her in couple names? Oh his brother son is here, why would he, basterd! She cursed inside. 

Rosary smile pretense at Luke as her cheeks flushed red, she knew better than to provoke the devil, raising her eyes briefly to Luke. If lim had threatened her with the lives of her friends, there is nothing this man would do. 

She nodded slightly and followed lim into the house, the guards walking behind them with expressionless faces! 

Luke gulped, he had never thought lim would come to the family to spent the night when he can't even spend up to one hour when he comes aroused. This surprising! It's must be the handwork of the unknown girl. What did she do to the devil that makes he had a little change of heart? He asked himself, yet no answers come up! 

When old Walter told him lim was coming over to spent the night, he laughed silly because he knows lim would never dare to come to the the Walters House except it important. Even though, he managed to come, he would dare to spent up to a minute even of spendiythe night here! 

He thought old Walter might be joking because of the too much of drinks he had drank back in the party. Never had he thought the old man jokes was real! He clenched on his hair frustrated. If lim gets close to old Walter, that might lose his chance to become the old man favorite! 

The father and son had never have good relationship together yet old Walter still support him in everything! What would happen if they grudge between them was cut off? Luke thought before getting into his car and drove out of the compound. 

Rosary needed a private space to breathe, but that was not conky anytime soon because as soon as they entered the house, they met the over-joyous old man. 

"Lim! Rosary! Come on in! " Old Walter walked to them with her face beaming with smiles, but the smell of rich drinks from the party can still be perceive on his dress as soon he was close. 

"You look so beautiful my darling! " He saying, and peak a kiss on rosary forehead. He was over-joyous that lim was going to spend the night in his for the pass 15years! After his mother ultimate death. Lim rolls his eyes frustrated, this old man is the most annoying man on earth. Who gave him the permission to peak his woman on her forehead! 

As soon, old Walter departed his lips from her head, he shouted " Where are the maids in this house? Come here quickly! " He ordered. 

Immediately the maids rushed in and stood in a straight line. "My son need some nice and delicious meal before he goes to bed with his wife-to-be" Old Walter said happily as the smile on his lips never seem to stop blissing. 

He turned to rosary, who was stunned by the old man attitude. She was surprised the man had never asked her anything about herself or her family background or where she comes from. All he always did, shows her love. 

"Rosary, my dear, what would little have for dinner before bed time? " Asked old Walter sweetly, but rosary was hungry to have anything. Her mind was filled up with lots of things to do. Her life with the devil, her friend who lied to her and Steve, who she had considered as a true friend, all lied to her! 

"Thank you sir" She bowe her head low before continues. "But... I am not hungry and didn't need anything. All I need now is to rest my head down" She said. 

Old Walter smiled, this girl is full of respect and honesty. This was just the type of woman he wants for lim, innocent and pure hearted devoid of all forms of hates and cunningness. Maybe, she wasn't such a bad choice after all, no matter how the two meets with time, the destruction between them would be gone. He believes them would soon get along with each other and grow fond of themselves, just time will tell. 

"Alright, my dear, what about you lim? Did you also want to go to bed too? " He raised his eyebrow at lim questionable. 

Lim scoffed, and cross his hand around rosary waist, pulling her closer to him. "As you can see, I am here where woman is" He said curly. 

"Alright, you can go up and freshen up before going to bed and I had almost everything changed in your room because of rosary. I wanted to welcome her home properly"

He concluded with a smile. 

"Thank you sir" Rosary smile, but what was in her mind was the exact opposite. 

"Oh come on my darling. You don't have to call me sir, call me Dad! "

Welcome home indeed! Who needs welcoming? She would even perfect to sleep in a dog's pen than to sleep with him in the same room. 

God! How would she survives this! Hopy she wouldn't be sharing a room with the devil because back on his villa, she could hardly breathe with him beside her, coming here she had hope inside of her, she could have a space to breathe properly. 

 She mentally rolled her eyes. 

"Okay, hurry and freshen up, and also have a good night sleep! " Old Walter said and lim led rosary up his hand still around her waist! 

As soon they left, leaving the half drunk old Walter behind with the guards. He straggled to his couch with a quick help of the guards. Immediately, May rushed in to support u home we'll on the couch, sending the guards away.  

"Sir, must you have to drink so much in the party? " May said with worries. He just don't this old man he works for sometimes. 

"Of course, don't you see my son is back! "

Meanwhile, when they have gone up halfway, she noticed that lim arm was still around her waist and she turned to know if anyone was around, when she saw that no-one was in sight, she quickly made to take off his hands but the words that came out of lips, nearly caused her a nosebleed. 

    "Forward now onwards, I want you to always be close to me, do you understand? "

Her eyes instantly turned to him, they were bulging too much that it felt like they would pop any second. 

"Wh... What? " She asked, not able to understand what going on. What did he means by her being close to him

It wasn't enough she would pretend to be a loving fiancee for the rest of life. Only God knows when he would get tired of her and set her free. Now she won't even have breathing space! 

What was his aims? 

Rosary asked herself a million questions with no answers forthcoming. Lim did not speak, he just pushed open their room door and stepped in. When they are inside, Rosary turned to him, not caring to even look around the room. 

"I... I don't understand what you mean! " She said, raising her voice a little. Lim did not still answer her , he walked casually to the bedside and pulled his tie from his neck. Throwing it across the bed. He chuckled like the devil and count his steps back to her. 

"You make me laugh beautiful"