
Chapter 133

"Mr Charles, you are here?" The inspector asked surprisingly. Charles have never been to the police station before. If he needs anything from the police, he usually calls but seeing him here today, that only means trouble!

Immediately, the inspector ran to him.

"Mr Charles" he call again and bowed his head low.

"What do you want Sir?" The inspector curiously asked again. He just prayed inside of him that no of his stupid men did something that provoked the man to come here all by himself. Because that would means death to him. The inspector shivers just thinking aabout the reason Charles chose to show up here unexpected.

"You don't need to bother yourself inspector, I'm here for something else" he said sternly and spare a cold look at Lilah, who stood by the side of Steve. The inspector sighed in relief. "Thank God" he muttered inwardly. But that still left him clueless! If Charles wasn't here for him, then who is he here for?

Lilah felt the cold eyes on her, and clenched onto Steve hand unconsciously.

She looked at Charles with an altered manner of breathing, her heart beating so hard like it was planning to pour out of her chest in no time. Didn't the assassin kidnapped Charles? And what is he doing here? She curious asked herself but no answer seem to pop out!

"please Mr Charles, can you have a seat?" The inspector asked, Charles nodded and follow the inspector lead to sit on the main chair of the Chief inspector like he was the president of the state, while the inspector stood beside him!

Steve was stunned with the man behavior. He had heard of Charles Walker , and this was the first time he had seen him. The man in front of him, was a definition of good looking, also arrogant. speaks of wealth and power through the way he looks. But one thing Steve wasn't sure of, if this man was the same Mr Charles Walker that ranked second position in the country billboard chart as second richest man since everyone knows the first was no other than Mr Lim Walter. The two were consider as the best business partners of all time. Steve distaste people of the high class. They always act like a god anywhere they found themselves just the way Charles is acting to them right now. He hates it!

"Mr Charles Walker, what is the reason you're here again. You don't know I might be of help to you" the inspector said, to ensure his own safety.

Charles spare a cold look at Lilah, who was hiding behind Steve. Just as Steve as thought. So, he is the Charles Walker, another bastard after Lim Walter. Fucking stubby rich wolves!

" It's a personal matter inspector. You know no one can escape from the rules when they are caught but too bad, I know how to deal with my enemies on my own way" he said with the hints of sarcasm.

Lilah's heart thump, she knows who Charles was referring to was her and no one else. But what frighten her more, was seeing him in the police station! What is he doing here and what about the assassin? Why didn't he call her and explained what happened between him and Charles!

", Alright sir" the inspector said, and remains in his position obediently, forgetting Steve and Lilah was in the office.

This provoke Steve to his bones, how can the inspector of police paid more respect to an ordinary man who just walked in and not them, who has been waiting hours for his response about Rosary case!

"Excuse me, sir..."

"What the problem of this two, inspector?" Charles asked, before Steve could even complete his statement. He was planning to ask the inspector about the case of Rosary but Charles beat him to it.

Which makes him feel a little humiliate and disregarded as nothing!

"Sir, they are here for a case of a missing girl, Rosary" the inspector explained. " But we are still working on it,. Since, there is no clue to get to her"

" Hmm, I see" Charles said,. While glancing at the two eyeing.

" Inspector, why don't you just tell us what we want to hear instead of acting we are invisible! " Steve snaps angrily. He couldn't take more of Charles bullshit acts anymore.

" Why are you looking for Rosary? Who is she to you" Charles question coldly but his eyes never skipped the side of Lilah.

" And who are you? " Steve provoking asked. He believes Charles is in no shoes to ask him such questions since he is not the inspector of police.

" You are not the inspector or in any force agency to ask such questions. Who she is to me does not matter to you! "

Charles chuckled devilishly. So, the puppy have mouth now? Not bad for a start. Charles thought. His eyes never seen to intimidated Steve. Thank stars, he wasn't here for Steve but for someone else. The woman his heart beats for and the same his heart rage for. She had the guts to send an assassin to him? That's one a big step if he admits.

"Steve, let go please. We will come back later" Lilah whispered. She knows what Charles was trying to do. It would be better to get away now the game hasn't started.

"Why should we leave!" Steve said out loud not minding the presence of the intimidating man.

"We came here before him. He should be the one to leave and not us!"

The inspector glanced at the man who was shouting and pity what would be fall him. Did he even know the danger he is putting himself? The inspector thought, and said. "Mr Smith , you should mind the way you speak. Do you know who you are talking to..."

"I don't fucking care! Who he is or not! I am Steve Smith and I am here to demand a search of my friend!"

"Haha," Charles laughed mockingly at him. " Just a friend? ".he narrowed his eyes at him to provoked the man more. Steve clenched a fist and angrily gritted his teeth.

" Steve, we should go" Lilah said and dragged Steve, moving towards to the door before he put them in more trouble. At the same time, she was surprised of Steve reaction. Since the day she had Knew Steve and consider him as a friend, she had never seen him speak this way before. Or even tried to shouts at anyone.

Steve is always know as a calm and easy-well going boy right from childhood. What have happened to the calm and gentle Steve she knows?

Before them could make a step out of the room,

"Stop right there Miss Williams!" Charles roared. Immediately, Lilah felt froze on her feet. What do he wants now? She ask herself before turning to glanced at the handsome man seated on the couch like a boss of the office..

"What Mr Charles?" she asked innocently, trying to hide her fear and not to sound wrecking.

"Why leaving when the game just started"

A wicked smile twisted on his lips, while his eyes glanced on the girl who seem confused by his statement.

"Let go Lilah!" Steve calls, dragging Lilah out of her frighten mood. "You might go Mr Smith but I don't think she would dare to make a step on that consider what she has done" his voice was cold as ice. And in it, Lilah could tell he was clearly warning her not to move out of the room..

Lilah swallow, she turned to Steve, and stared into his innocent eyes that are full of worries.

"I want you to leave, don't worry about me. And promise you would dare to make a scene. Just go home straight"

"What? Why should I leave you with him?" Steve pointed at Charles.. " what if something happens...." Before Steve could finish. Lilah place her finger across his lips.

"Do you trust me?" She asked softly which makes Steve nods. "Then, leave. I will call you later. Okay"

Steve glanced at Charles before accepting to leave.

"Alright, take care but promise to call me. Please Lila call me if anything happens"

Lilah nods to assured him , she will definitely call. He moves closer to her and peek her whitely cheeks before departing from her. "Take care, remember to call me" he said, spare a deadly gaze at Charles, who was already burning with the closeness of them and of course the kiss!

Then, Steve left the room. Lilah sighed a relief. Now, Steve is gone. She can scold the bastard..

"That was amazing show but not up to what we are going to do next"

"What!" Lilah turn to glanced at the demon.

What did he means we are going to do next? She asked herself. Before she could speak. Charles stood up and walked to her. Before she could utter a word to release the guilt she feels, he carried her in his arms without a word..

"What...are you doing?" Lilah asked frighteningly.

"Relax baby the show just started" Charles said with amusing smile. And walks out of the room.

Even the inspector was shock, he didn't understand what just happened here!

"Was he here for the girl?".the inspector asked himself while glancing at the couple.

"That strange" he muttered.