
A night with my billionaire Boss

Kayla Anderson at twenty six was in need of job, after quiting her job as a waitress. She wanted to give her family the best life, and send her younger brother to college. When she finally got a job at New York, far away from her hometown, she was left to face her hot boss who happened to be her boyfriend's cousin. Things got heated fast, and she had to choose between her boss and her boyfriend who she happened to love.

Vanessa_Ubi · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2


"There's no way on earth you're leaving me." My best friend Aubrey tugged at my clothes. She looked like a child that was deprived of her favorite candy.

I clicked my tongue and shoved her away from me. "I have to go." 

"You don't have to, we can find somewhere where we can work together." She suggested, her eyes brightening with hope. 

I sighed . "Being jobless for almost a year. Liam has to go to school. Mum's bakery needs to expand into something big." 

She shrugged . "I can't believe you are actually leaving me." 

I looked at her, a sad look on her face. I will miss her too, but I need to do it for my family.

"I'll always come back."

"Whatever. When are you leaving?"

"Friday. The interview is on Monday." I said, walking to my bathroom. I came out to find Aubrey still in her previous position. "You look stressed, what's up?"

She let out a sigh, her slender fingers running through her blonde hair. "Being babysitting my siblings. Damn them, they are gonna kill me one day." I snorted, earning an eye roll from Aubrey. 

"Damnit, I'm gonna miss you. No more hanging out, I'll just have to stay locked up in my room, stuffing food in my face." 

A smirk played on my lips. "Don't forget to send me a video." I laughed and she threw a pillow at me. It landed directly on my face. 

"You want to go get food, maybe get your mind off things?" I asked,throwing a tank top over my head. Aubrey nodded,

"I got only 9 bucks with me."

I clicked my tongue. "I have some money here, both will do."

                 • • •

I chew on my almost cold pizza. Aubrey and I sat in silence, eating our pizza and sipping on coke. 

Leaving is one of the hardest things I have to do in life. 

I will leave my brother, mother, bestfriend, and Austin, far away from them.

The television plays on its own without anyone giving it a second glance.

Liam walked in, his eyes landing on Aubrey and I as we munched our pizza.

"Any room for me?" He asks, already plopping himself beside Aubrey.

It is weird to know my nineteen-year-old brother is madly in love with my best friend. Aubrey wasn't interested, but kept leading him on. That alone made me so mad at her. 

He picked up a slice of pizza and took a huge bite from it. "Um... Kayla?" Liam calls and I turn to him.

"Mum said to come over to the bakery, she needs some help." 

"Why don't you go, I'm having a little moment with Aubrey."

Liam scoffs. "Hell no. I have to hang out with the boys. Besides, you can go, I'll keep Aubrey company." He wriggles his brows and Aubrey giggles.

"Fine, but you both better not do the nasty." 

I grabbed my hoodie from my closet, and headed straight to mum's bakery. Surprisingly, she has more than enough customers--the ones we have not had for the year. 

A sigh of relief escaped her lips the moment she saw me. "Thank goodness you're here Kayla, I need help with the banana bread. It's in the oven."

"On it."

I moved to the back of the tiny shop to check up on the bread that was almost burnt. I was just right on time to save the bread from getting burnt.

There were so many customers that there wasn't enough space to hold some people,so they had to wait. 

I waited till mum finished serving, before I asked her questions.

Mum laughed the moment she saw me standing with my hands akimbo. "I get this most times."

I swallowed , my throat began to dry up. I sat on the counter. "Don't you think you need help?" She clearly needed help. I will not always be available, and Liam had practice. He will rather be stuck at home, eating pizza than helping mum out.

"I can handle it."

"And if I leave?"

Mum laughed it off, but an evident panicked look appeared on her face. "I can always handle it."

I looked around the place. Everywhere was tattered. I couldn't help but frown at my mum who isn't looking bothered.

She sighed , when I arched a brow at her. "What if I don't get enough money to pay my employee? Come on Kayla, I'll hold up like I've always been doing."

I node and picked up cake crumbs from a tray on the counter. I chewed , my eyes rolling at the delicious taste. Mum for sure knew how to make delicious cakes. 

"How's Austin? You sure he's okay with you leaving?" Mum broke the silence, her back facing me. 

"Austin will be fine. He already assured me. He wants me to go. Besides he can always visit." I said and mum nodded, not sparing me a glance. 

My eyes roamed around her body, taking in how tiny she was getting. Her skirt looked way too big for her than I remember. I blinked , not allowing the crazy thoughts to run through my head.

As if on cue, I jumped off the counter and fixed my dress. "I better get going. Are you good?" I asked and she nodded . I pulled her for a hug, her tiny frame all over me.

Mum got really skinny over the years.

 I got home to meet a very handsome Austin on my bed. His perfect white teeth were on display. I smiled and went over to give him a tight hug. 

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead and stroked my back slowly. I felt at peace at that moment. I never wanted this to end. I never wanted to leave anymore. 

"Austin?" I called out, breaking the silence between us. 

He stopped stroking my back and raised my chin up for a kiss. He gave me a quick kiss before he answered me in the most calm voice ever. "Yea baby doll?"

"I'm scared of leaving." I voiced my worry to him. 

I was scared of not being close to him and my family. I was scared of starting afresh. I was not ready for it. 

"You can not go if you're scared of leaving. I'll get you a better job here." He said. "But the pay is way different babe." 

I twisted my lips. If there was anything I needed was a good pay. Seeing mum work so hard to feed Liam and I broke my heart. 

"I'll miss everyone. I'm not used to being so far away from my family. Not for long." I bit on my lower lips softly. I dreaded the day I'd leave for New York already. 

"Don't worry baby doll, your family is in safe hands." He raised my chin up, and gave me a deep kiss. 

I straddled him and deepened the kiss.

"I love you so much." I said in between kisses.