

Travis' pov

"Hun, you've been postponing our marriage for too long", My fiancee said

"Come on Rita, soon", I replied

"Soon, when is soon?" she asked pissed

"If we don't get married in two months, I'll call it off and that means our business is off too", she said and walked out


I went to work pissed, went to my boss's office, he didn't show up at work, I was about going home when something urgent came up, he needed to sign some documents and the only option was to bring them to him in his house.

I went to his house, the gate opened for me and so did the door.

I entered and he was drinking Whiskey, I placed the documents on the bar beside him, as I turned to leave he said "Do you care for a drink"

No was at the tip of my tongue but I took a glass poured some whiskey and drank it at once and another and another, we talked , laughed, shared our pains and problems, it then became emotional, we stared at each other, we move closer slowly like there was a magnetic force between us ,soon we were making out it escalated to the bed room, our clothes flying everywhere, the room was hot and so was he.

The next morning, I woke up alone in bed , loads of questions started running through my mind, Did he leave?, was he disgusted?, did he regret it?, my train of thought was distracted by foot steps.

"Good morning Iris, eat this", he said as he placed a tray with toast and tea by me, "Freshen up, you can wear this", he gave me a new Gucci jeans and white shirt and some panties, I knew it was new because the label is still on it. "When you are done let's talk", he said and left.

I went down stairs and sat opposite him.

"I know I should regret it cause I have a fiancee and you are way younger than me but I don't", he said as I just stared at him.

"So I want us to have a relationship, no feelings attached I'll take good care of you, no one should know about it, are you interested?", he asked.

"I don't see why not"I replied.

"But what are we?" I asked

"There's no need for labelling", he replied.

Travis and I had fun, when we were in a bad mode we'd drink and end up in the bedroom, he brought me loads of gifts, when he doesn't call or text I miss him a lot , I think I'm developing feelings for him.

Well he didn't text or call today and didn't even show up at work so I went to his house, I stood out for about 15minutes before he let me in.

Before he could say anything, I attacked him with questions" Why didn't you text or call?" "Why did you take time to let me in?"

"What's up with you? I'm not your boyfriend, I have a life and you are acting like a school girl, I thought we agreed no feelings attached?"Travis asked.

"It was out of my control, I tried not to feel anything i swear", I replied

"I have a fiancee, I'm sorry we can't do this no more but you can keep your job", He said.

I just left, pissed, heart broken and feeling stupid.

I slept at Anika's place that night, I went home the next morning only to meet the last person I want to see, someone I hate.

"What you doing here Marvin ?"I asked glaring at him.

"Well this is my dad's fiancee's house ", he said

"What the hell", I said and rushed in.

"Oh welcome home dear, I want to introduce you to my fiance" Mom said

"What?", I asked unsure of what I heard.

"Meet my fiance Travis and Travis meet my daughter Iris", I turned my heard swiftly to the direction mom was facing and my spirit left me.

It was Travis freaking Stone, he's my mom's fiance and my ex's dad. I'm doomed.