

Somia accidentally spent a night with billionaire CEO which she had any idea of who he was. So when she woke up in the morning she hoped that it was him that took advantages of her because she was drank. On that same day, Somia had an interview but it was when she got there that she knew that the guy was the Billionaire CEO of the company and it was his personal assistant that they were recruiting for. So this what brought them together again. ***** “Did you enjoy how I gave it to you? Very sweet!” She heard a very sweet voice coming out from the bathroom and a very handsome guy came out with a towel wrapped on his waist. He was cleaned from head to toes, fair in complexion and tall. He was fresh like today bread, had curly hair and a lovely blinking brown eye balls and a pointed nose. He was an half-caste, mixture of Nigeria and Arab. He mother was an Arabia when his father was Nigerian. He was the CEO of his father's biggest company in Nigeria and they were among the billionaires family in Nigeria. The name of the handsome romantic guy was Ashar. “It was you useless man that took advantage of me because I was drunk last night and brought me here. You are such a sameness guy, see you useless guy!” Walked closed to him and beating him with her shoes and shouting at at him. “Shut up! You are the one that came to meet me and I give it to you. I see you love it. Am so hot! That is what you are shouting!” Said with smile on his face.

Azeezat · Urban
Not enough ratings
122 Chs


It was in the morning. Three guys were outside wearing white and black uniforms, the shirt was white when the trousers were black in colour. Three of them were doing their daily activities as usual. Washing the cars, cutting of the flowers and cleaning of the compound.

There were two female maids too working in that same house and it was inside that they used to be, cooking in the kitchen and taking care of the house. All those workers were working in Ashar’s house.

The house was so big and well decorated, it has swimming pool and where it was, was very far from the apartment. It was at the backyard and very big.

A young lady put tea on the side stool for Ashar’s father and left. Ashar’s mother was not around, she had went out early in the morning and his sister named Shukuran too had went to school.

She was in final year at one private university own by their father’s friend. Shukuran was tall, white like their mother and very beautiful. She really resembled their mother with looks and complexion.

Ashar just woke up, carried the plastic flat dish on the bed side locker and put it on the bed. Ate a bite from the bread, drank the tea and got down from the bed. Put the plate beside the bed side locker back and went to the bathroom.

He came out after some minutes with a tower, wore the cloth that he put on the chair and dressing for work.

Ashar’s father took his walking stick on the table, stood up and going upstairs when Ashar too was coming down from the staircase.

Ashar’s father had an accident three years back from the hand of their army robbery driver, he wanted to kill Ashar’s father then because of the money that he drove him to the bank to collect and wanted to use for a contact. It was his legs that injured and with all the money and surgery the leg didn’t really balance.

“Good morning Dad!” Greeted with respect.

“Morning and how are you my son?” Said with low voice.

“Am good and you Dad?. I will start going now and tells mom that I have gone!”

“Am good!. Your mother had gone out since, it’s only me that you are leaving in the house!”

“Oh! Shukuran will be back soon, it’s two hours lecture that she has——“

“Shukuran! That can decide not to come home today and go to her friend’s house”

“i and your wife will be back soon. Don’t miss us!!!” Said as he took the car key on the table and left the room.

He got down to the compound, the three guy greeted him and going to the car. His own driver came out from his room and opened the door for him. He was not among the guy that were cleaning the the compound, him and a guy were just their drivers.

Ashar entered into the car, closed the door by himself and the driver too entered. Drove out of the big mansion and driving to the work.

They got the company after one hour and some minutes pass, Ashar got down and going inside. The workers that were crossing his way, were greeting him and he was replying. The lady that attended to Somia and co yesterday ran to Ashar and her name was Funbi.

“Good morning Sir!” Said with respect.

“Good morning Funbi. How was your night?”

“It was fine Sir. I have been calling your mobile phone since but you didn't pick. Want to tell you that those people has sent a mail and said we should meet at one clock today——“ she was talking when Ashar’s mother got there.

“Good morning Mom. So this is where you came!”

“Am going somewhere just came to see how work is going secretly, don’t even know you will meet me here because I don’t want you!”

“Oh! It’s father that will sent you, I know that. You should have trust in me, i ma a handworking man!”

“I know my baby boy!” She smile.

“Sir! I will bring all the necessary documents to your office now and the time is one clock Sir!”

“Okay! Where is my personal assistant? In the office!” Asking about Somia.

“We didn't see her, even she doesn’t reply to the mail and the sms at all”

“For her not to come and resume that mean she doesn’t need the job. Get another person!” Ashar’s mother said.

“She need the job like yesterday. I want you to check for her home address on her cv. Go and meet my driver, take the car and go to her house. Want her here!” He hand over the key to Funbi and she left. His mother was looking at him.

“Are you using job to beg someone, for her not to resume today which should be her first day and she didn't that mean she doesn’t need the job, give it to someone else!”

“She is the one that I want and she really need the job, I understand everything going on!”

“Have you knows her some where else before?”

“No! Just yesterday that she came here for the interview. Mother! Father will has been missing you start going home!”

“Not yet. Am waiting for director, want to collect something from him”

“Let go to my office then!” He said and going to his office, his mother too followed him. Door of the office opened, Ashar’s mother first entered and him too entered and closed the door. Shift a chair out for his mother and him too sat down on his chair.


Somia’s mother was outside wetting her small farm products. Somia was inside, in the living room resting on the chair and watching movies. Her siblings had went to their friend’s house to study so that when they resumed back to school they wouldn’t lack beside.

Somia’s mother dropped the bucket and wanted to be going inside when the gate opened, Looking at it and Ashar’s driver drove inside. Packed and him and the lady got down.

“Good morning Ma. Please we are here to see Somia!” The lady said.

“Morning young lady. Am Somia’s mother so how can I help you guys!”

“Somia came to our company yesterday for an interview and she suppose to resume today——“

“Please! Wait. Somia! Somia!! Come out now and be fast!”

“I hope no problem Mom!” Said from inside. Opened the door and got down.

“Why did you now ran away yesterday? With the how you said that you really need the job and you now ran away!”

“You ran away! Are you the one that left?” Her mother said and she didn’t said anything.

“And it’s you that CEO choosed as his personal assistant and told us to send message to you that yesterday despite that you ran away and didn’t wait for his interview—-“

“Me! His personal assistant!” Her mother looked at her.

“What happened to you, I hope no problem Somia!” Asked with lower voice.

“It’s when he arrives to the company this morning and you have not resumed, that is why he ordered me and his driver to come and see you. He is waiting for you now because he has a place to go by one clock and it’s you and him that are going there today!”

“She will follows you now. Come with me!” Her mother dragged her inside. Entered her room, released her hand and face her.

“As you know how we are praying that you should get a job, the lady now said that you were the one that ran away. Came home and said that they didn’t gave you job, I know that it’s hundred percent sure that they said on the television. Tell me, why did you ran, there is someone there that you know!”

“Nobody mother!” Replied with lower voice.

“Then why did you ran. Even if there is someone there that know your father and know you too, you will ignore him or her. The money is the most important thing or you like the way your siblings are there not going to school and I suffering to take care of you!”

“No! Mom. How will I!”

“If it’s not that the CEO is a good person, will he sent those people to come and check on you with the number of people outside seeking for job. This will be after you come back, quickly dress and meet them outside. Be fast!”

“I don’t plan of going to work now, the cloth that i bought is still with Nana!” It was clothes and shoes that Nana was selling and used to post it on instagram.

“Find another one here and wear it for today. I don’t understand you Somia!” Saying and helping her to search for cloth inside the wardrobe.

“Wear this one quickly, do the makeup that you will do and go and resume to work. Thank God!” Somia’s mother said and left the room.

Somia came down to the living room after few minutes, wearing a little high shoe and carried a bag. Must of her clothes were the one that she had brought before their father dead including the bags and shoes and they were the one that she was still wearing.

Her mother stood up as she saw her coming out and two of them left the room. Got down to the compound, Somia entered into the car with Funbi and drove out. Somia’s mother was very happy and went inside.