
46. Protection?


Castle woke up, a warm weight pressing him down into the mattress, a mattress that wasn't his own. He sighed deeply, feeling content and happy and as the memories of the previous night returned his eyes slid open.

There she was, curled half on top of him, her face hidden by a curtain of brown curls and he gently brushed them aside to see her peaceful face and what looked like a small smile on her lips. Stunning, she was simply stunning.

"Stop staring Castle. It's creepy," he heard her mumble into his chest and then felt her soft lips pressing a kiss over his heart.

"Morning," he smiled down at her, watching her open her eyes and looking into the gorgeous seas of green sparkling with flecks of brown that focused on him.

"Morning," she grinned back and pushed herself off his chest to close the distance between their mouths, not caring about morning breath in the least. Their kiss was slow and tender, his hands wandering down her glorious naked back before cupping her ass and giving it a squeeze.

"And what a great morning it is," he smirked against her lips and received a slap to his chest for it.

"What? You disagree?" He raised his brows at her.

Kate captured her bottom lip between her teeth as she shook her head, her eyes beaming with happiness. Nope, she couldn't deny it was a great morning.

He made a fist pump before capturing her lips again, more passionate this time, but she pushed him away.

"I need to pee," she said, pushing herself off him to get out of bed. "I'll be right back."

"And I'll be waiting right here," he told her naked backside, noticing that she was walking a bit funny.

"Smart ass," she called over her shoulder, before disappearing into the hallway.

"Cute ass," he mumbled to himself before falling back into the pillow.

Standing in front of her bathroom mirror, she let her fingers run through her messy hair and grinned at her own reflection, remembering all the delicious things Castle did to her last night. She also looked tired which wasn't any wonder considering they barely got any sleep last night. But what did surprise her was the new glow in her eyes and on her face that hadn't been there before. Wow, that's what amazing sex could do, huh?

She brushed her teeth quickly and after she was finished in the bathroom she returned to the gorgeous man in her bed.

"You walk funny," Castle told her the second she reappeared and watched her blush.

"Uhm," she gulped and then said, "I have to admit, I'm a bit sore," her eyes avoided his and Castle was immediately concerned.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked sitting up in bed and reaching out for her as she crawled back under the covers with him.

"No," she said hastily, her hand flying to his cheek, "No, it's just, it has been a while since I …," she left the rest hanging in the air.

"How long?" he blurted out before he could stop himself and cursed himself for his stupidity. "Sorry, I didn't mean … you don't have to answer that."

Her eyes met his hesitantly and there was something in them that made him gasp as it became clear to him what she meant, "Since us?"

Kate just nodded, retrieving her hand and resting it with the other in her lap while she moved back onto her side of the bed.

"Wow," was all he could manage to get out and it didn't sound any smarter than his previous questions.

"I didn't know," he mumbled as an afterthought. He knew Kate had told him once that it had always been just her and Jamie, that there had been no man in her life, but he hadn't thought that no man in her life had meant no manin her bed as well. Suddenly he wished he could tell her the same, that there hadn't been anyone since her, but it would be a lie and she would know it. There had been Meredith and a few other women he barely remembered and he suddenly felt cheap, as if he had cheated on her.

"Why?" he heard himself ask, his head turning to look at her.

She shrugged, "I was a single mom, just starting out at the academy, there wasn't anytime for one-night stands."

"I'm sorry," he sighed and his words made her finally meet his eyes, a small amused smile on her face.

"What? For me not having any one-night stands?

He shook his head, "No," he took her hand into his, watching how their fingers laced together perfectly, "for not being able to tell you the same."

She let out a laugh, pulling his hand against her chest, "Castle, don't be ridiculous."

"I'm not being ridiculous," he protested.

"Yes, you are and it's sweet. But really there's no need to feel guilty about the fact that you had sex over the past three years. I'd say good for you."

The shocked looked on his face made her burst out with laughter, "Oh Castle, come on. I certainly didn't expect you to have lived like a monk."

He sulked and there was only one thing she could do to make it better, so she leant in, pressed her lips against his and made him forget.

It didn't take long for him to catch up and soon she found herself pressed into the mattress, his strong arms holding himself up so as not to crush her, while his lips travelled down her body.

"Castle," she breathed or maybe more hissed and he suddenly remembered what she had told him just minutes ago.

He stopped his descent down her body and looked up at her, "Are you sure you're up for a round four?"

Kate beckoned him back up her body, a sulky grin on her lips until she could lean up and whisper into his ear, "Just be gentle."

He shivered when her teeth pulled at his earlobe and then she let him go so he could continue what he'd started.

He was almost where she wanted him when his lips left her skin again and his head shot up to look at her.

"Castle," she whined, her eyes still closed.

"Kate," he gasped and the panic in his voice made her open her eyes.

"What?" She frowned.

"We didn't," stuttered, "I mean I'm clean but we didn't use anything," he rambled on, "and I know we make beautiful babies but maybe the next one should be planned and not - I mean," he looked at her, confused by the amused expression on her face.

"The next one?" she raised her eyebrow at him and he gulped.

"Ah, I didn't," his head dropped to her stomach, "help me out here, please."

"Castle," her voice was soft, but her amusement still evident as her fingers ran through his hair, "Calm down. I'm clean and I'm on the pill."

"But you have been on the pill when we -," she stopped him with a finger on his lips.

"Yes, I was but I might not have been as responsible with taking it as I am now. I don't know," she sighed, "I was in a bad place back then, unsteady and I might have forgotten to take it more often than I like to admit."

He looked at her, taking it all in.

"But if you want to eliminate the last 2 percent then I hope you have a condom with you because I don't have any," she told him, looking a bit nervous.

"Do I look like I have a condom on me," he wriggled his eyebrows and Kate rolled her eyes at him.

"Okay, I'm sorry," he said, sobering and pushing himself up on his arms. "I just - I'm sorry I didn't think about it yesterday. I shouldn't have put this on you and I'm more than good with the two percent chance."

"You sure?" Kate questioned, studying him closely.

"I'm sure. I trust you."

"Okay," Kate nodded slowly, before a small smile appeared on her lips. "I trust you too."

"Okay, good," he beamed back at her, pushing up to place a soft kiss on her lips and then continued where he had left off before, making sure to be very gentle.


"Castle," she hissed an hour later, "get up."

"But I'd much rather watch you running around naked," he smirked, watching her go through her closet in search of her underwear, while he lay naked on his stomach, his chin propped up on his hands.

"If you don't get under the shower now, we'll be late for brunch with the girls and your mother," she told him, before letting out a triumphant, "yes!"

"What?" Castle asked eagerly, still enjoying her naked backside. He had no idea why they were leaving her bed at all. He could easily stay naked with her all day.

"I found the bra I was looking for," Kate said, turning around, still gloriously naked.

"Yeah? Show me," Castle said and to her surprise his eyes were steady on hers.

She looked at him, a sexy smile appearing on her face as she sauntered over to him.

"You would like that, huh?" she purred and leant down at his side and just as he wondered what she was going to do he felt her hand smack his backside.

"Ouch," he yelped, shooting off her bed, his hand pressed to the red mark on his ass. "What?!" He shrieked like a girl.

Kate laughed, "God, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."

"Yeah?" he asked, his expression changing immediately as he crossed the room, one hand reaching out for her, the other still pressed to the burning sensation on his cheek. "Wanna do it again?"

"Nope," she shook her head and then pushed him back with her hands on his chest. "I want you to get under the shower and dressed."

"Party pooper," he muttered, but finally shuffled out of her bedroom to get under her shower.


They were late. Martha was already seated at a table in the back of Louis, a lovely little French place that served a delicious brunch and was very kid-friendly.

"It's your fault," Kate hissed as they quickly crossed the room to greet Martha and their daughters.

"How is it my fault?" He protested, trying to keep up with her purposeful stride.

"You need longer in the bathroom than any girl I know," she shot back before any further discussion was interrupted by Castle's mother.

"Finally," the actress sighed dramatically, "I was worried you two wouldn't get out of bed at all today."

"Mother," Castle growled at her, seeing Kate blush at his side.

"What? We are all adults, we know how this works," she shrugged.

"But there are children around," he muttered and then grinned at his daughters who were occupied with a coloring book.

But Martha waved him off, "They are not even looking."

Castle shot her one last scolding look before walking over to his daughters, while Martha linked her arm through Kate's.

"So, did you two have a good time?" the older woman asked conspiratorially. "I hope my son behaved."

"We had a wonderful time," Kate smiled, "thanks for taking care of the girls."

"Anytime Kate," Martha squeezed her arm, "I mean it, if you two need time alone just tell me. I love spending time with the two whirlwinds."

"Thank you, Martha."


Over brunch Jamie and Alexis told their parents about the fun evening they had spent with their grandmother and how eager they were to repeat it. Apparently the girls hadn't missed their parents at all.

They spent all day with Martha and the girls, strolling the city and having dinner at Tony's before heading back to the loft to watch a Disney movie.

Martha left half way through the movie, having a hard time to disentangle herself from the little arms that tried to hold onto her.

"We'll see each other soon," Martha promised kissing her granddaughters goodnight and giving each their parents a kiss on the cheek before waltzing out of the door.

Kate hadn't planned for her and Jamie to stay over at the loft but when she found her daughter asleep in her sister's lap after the movie ended she didn't have the heart to wake her and take her home if she had a perfect room upstairs. She would have dropped her of at Castle's in the morning anyway.

They put the girls to bed and cleaned up the living room together when Castle's put his hands on Kate's shoulders.

"Why don't you take a bath?" He suggested, assuming she would stay.

"Maybe I should head home," Kate sighed, leaning into his touch, "I have to work tomorrow."

"You can go to work from here," Castle said, leaning in to kiss her neck. "Come on, take a bath and crawl into bed with me."

"Okay, okay," she surrendered and let him push her into the direction of his bedroom.

"I'll finish the rest," he told her, "You'll find anything you need in the cabinets."

He saw her nod and turned back to the sink to clean their wine glasses and then walked into his study to look through the mail.


Kate heard a knock on the door fifteen minutes later and had to grin, such a gentleman, "Come in." She called and watched Castle stepping through the door and into the bathroom where she lay in his tub enjoying a heavenly bubble bath.

"You okay?" He asked, slowly walking over to her.

"Absolutely," she sighed happily and watched him sit down next to the tub letting his fingers trail over her arm that rested on the rim. "I love bubble baths."

Castle chuckled, "Who would have thought."

Kate splashed some water into his direction making him squeal.

"Shut up," she scolded and sank further into the water.

"Have you thought about a date for inviting Esposito," he asked, watching the raise and fall of her chest under the foam.

"Yeah," she nodded with closed eyes, "I have to work next weekend, but I have Wednesday and Thursday off so I thought we could ask him to come on Wednesday. If that is okay with you," she opened her eyes to look at him.

"Sounds good," Castle nodded and struggled to get up again from the floor.

"Where are you going?" She asked, reaching for his hand.

"Leave you to relax," he shrugged, watching her hand on his arm.

"What if I'd rather want you to come into the tub with me?" She questioned.

"Huh?" he looked surprised, which was adorable.

"Get out off your clothes and get in here Castle," she ordered and watched him hastily stepping out of his pants.

It only took him thirty seconds to climb in behind her and feel her back settle against his front.

"That's better," she sighed as his arms encircled her waist. "Much better."

Castle pressed a kiss into her hair, he couldn't agree more.


AN: Thanks to all of you for the amazing feedback on the last chapter!