
34. My Favorite Things


With a sigh Kate finally pulled away, letting her hands linger on his forearms before placing them in her lap. She refused to look at him, but she didn't pull away either when Castle gently brushed away the remains of her tears, and leant into his touch when his palm lingered at her cheek.

"You okay?" He asked softly, an encouraging smile on his lips and she nodded in reply, taking in a deep breath.

"So when we get back …," he trailed off, not sure what was next for him to do.

"I already filled out the paperwork. We just need to add your sample and Jamie's," she stated and leant back into the couch cushions as Castle reluctantly let go of her.

"Okay," he nodded, "okay, we'll do that."

They stole glances at each other, everything suddenly a bit awkward, until Castle found his wits.

"Wine?" he asked, reaching for the bottle he had placed earlier on the table.

Kate sighed, letting go of the anxiousness, "I'd love some wine." She said and then smiled, before shooting him a questioning look. "How's you stomach?"

"Better," he grinned filling their glasses and handing one over to her, "Thanks for taking care of me."

She shrugged dismissing it, "All I did was boil some water."

"Still," he insisted and somehow she thought there was more behind that grateful look in his eyes than he let on.

They stayed up way into the night, watching movies and talking, enjoying the excellent wine and each other's company in the dim light of the fireplace and only found their way into bed way after midnight. They said goodnight at the top of the stairs, Castle watching Kate cross the hallway until she disappeared behind her door with one last shy wave and he was left alone in the dark hallway.

Kate sank against the door with a heavy sigh, shaking her head in disbelief. She was beyond tired but at the same time sizzling with energy, having no idea when it had been the last time she had shared such a relaxing night at home with an adult.

Being a cop and a single mom didn't leave her much time for friends in general and with Maddie away travelling all across Europe for the better half of this year, even her rare nights of girl talk had been taken off the list, but tonight … She smiled, trying to hide it with her hand covering her mouth, though there was no one to see her anyway.

It had been fun, real fun and so easy. Castle had been eager to know everything about her job, while she was genuinely interested in his writing progress. They had talked about their kids, their favorite movies and musicians, places and countries they wanted to travel and it had felt as if they had done this for years. He had made her laugh like she hadn't laughed in a very long time and yes, maybe she had been a bit tipsy, and maybe she had even been just a bit silly too, the innuendos flying between them all night and she knew she wouldn't hear the end of it today, but she didn't care, she couldn't bring herself to care.

Even now, lying awake in one of Castle's luxurious Hampton's guestrooms, the morning sun tickling her face, she still didn't care. It had been just too good.

She stretched her long limbs, turning once more, burying her head into the soft pillow and sighed. Nowhere to be, nowhere to go, she could just relish in this feeling of contentment until … She frowned, pushing herself up. Where was Jamie? She had been sure her daughter would wake up in the wee hours of the morning and force Alexis to bring her over, but there was no sign of either Jamie or Alexis.

She was about to get out of bed and start looking for the girls when she heard giggling on the other side of her bedroom door, followed by the hushed voices of Alexis and Jamie who weren't as quiet as they thought they were.

"Knock on the door Jamie," she heard Castle's baritone instruct and sure enough the soft rap of her daughter's fist sounded through the room.

"Come in," Kate called out, sitting up in bed and waiting for what was to come. Surely Castle was up to something.

The door opened, Jamie and Alexis immediately rushing towards her and Alexis helping her sister up on the bed, before crawling on it behind her.

"Morning Mommy," Jamie giggled and snuggled into her side, receiving a kiss on the head in return.

"Morning Baby Bird," Kate replied, looking at Alexis who shyly sat on the edge of the bed, watching them.

Without thinking Kate reached out, tugging on the redhead's pj's and pulling her into her other side, "Morning Alexis."

Alexis was grinning from ear to ear, leaning into Kate's shoulder, happiness shining all over her face when she said, "Good morning Kate."

All three of them lifted their eyes to look at Castle who was standing at the end of the bed, breakfast tray in his hands, an expression of wonder on his face while he watched the three girls smiling up at him.

"What, Castle," Kate cocked her head, "cat caught your tongue?"

He stumbled forward, almost spilling the orange juice on the covers before he set the tray down more carefully, "We thought breakfast in bed was in order to start a lazy Saturday."

"Dad makes the best breakfasts," Alexis jumped in, big proud eyes directed at her dad.

"Is that so?" Kate shot him a look and Castle just shrugged. "Well in that case, how could I say no?"

After they all had breakfast in Kate's bed, which would need new sheets for sure judging by all the honey and jam stains Alexis and Jamie had left, they all got dressed and headed out to the beach. It was windy and cold, but wrapped up warm and waterproofed no one really cared.

They only came back in the afternoon and after a quick snack Castle suggested Kate should take a bath while he would entertain the still energetic kids.

"Somehow I have the feeling I'm on a spa trip while you do all the work," Kate admitted, chewing on her bottom lip, not sure she should really let him deal alone with the two whirlwinds.

Castle simply took her by the elbow, guiding her halfway up the stairs, "Kate," he spoke quietly, "I know you work hard and with Jamie and everything I'm sure you barely half a minute to yourself, so please take an hour and just enjoy it. Don't think I haven't noticed how much you love taking a bath, so take the opportunity while you can. The girls and I will be fine."

She still looked uncertain, so he gave her a gentle nudge, "Go. I've got this." He nodded his head into the direction of the two girls currently jumping on the couch.

"Okay," Kate finally gave in, but before Castle could turn and leave she caught his hand, giving it a light squeeze, "Thank you Castle."

His beamed up at her as she already was two steps up the stairs, those cute little crinkles forming around his blue eyes and she stood their mesmerized, unable to move as he seemed to be able to look right through her, "You deserve it," he shrugged, sounding shy all of a sudden.

She couldn't take her eyes off of him, could swear she felt his heart beat through their still joined hands as an invisible force seemed to pull her towards him.

"Castle, I -," she didn't know what to say and he wouldn't push her, feeling that whatever was happening between them right now was too overwhelming for her to handle. So giving her hand one last squeeze he stepped back, letting her go.

"We'll see you later," he smiled and then turned around to join the girls in the living room.

Kate came back down an hour later, heavenly relaxed and finding the living room transformed into a fort of blankets in dimensions she believed only Rick Castle could muster. Everywhere she looked she was met with blankets, strings and what looked like Christmas lights, but neither Castle nor the girls were in sight.

She huffed out a laugh, shaking her head. That man, that sweet, nine-year-old-on-a-sugar-rush, adorable, caring man.

"I hope you left at least a set of sheets to replace mine," she made her presence known and could see movement in what seemed to be the centre of the fort. "I don't wanna sleep between honey and jam stains."

"But I thought we agreed sticky can be fun and hot," she heard Castle's voice from somewhere, muffled by the blankets before a few seconds later his head emerged right in front of her, "But actually I already changed your sheets," he grinned up at her as the laughter broke out of Kate when she saw him and something that looked suspiciously like a turban on his head.

"What are you guys up to?" She asked, suspicious but still amused as she watched Castle crawling out of the fort and coming to stand in front her.

"We are currently stranded in the desert on our journey to an Arabic kingdom," he explained sounding so serious that she didn't have the heart to laugh at him. "And you are my princess," he proclaimed, already tugging on her arm to follow him.

"Your princess?" She raised one eyebrow at him. "In your dreams."

"I thought more along the lines of One Thousand and One Nights but in my dreams would work as well," he smirked, delighted when she rolled her eyes, following him nevertheless.

Castle guided her to the centre of his construction which was surrounded by the two big couches in his living room, the floor covered with pillows. Jamie and Alexis were waiting for them with what was obviously supposed to be their dinner sitting in front of them.

"Arabic food?" Kate gasped at him.

"An illusion is only as good as its details," he spoke mystically, signalling her to sit down on one of the cushions next to him.

She looked at him, suddenly very serious and all caution blown to the wind she said, "You're amazing."

"We aim to please, my princess," he nodded and there was not a trace of tease in his voice.

They spent the rest of the day in the fort, enjoying the great food while Castle was telling them story after story until it was time for the girls to go to bed, Jamie already half asleep on his arm as they made their way up the stairs.

They tucked the girls in and before Castle and Kate had left the room they were already fast asleep and of to Dreamland.

Castle and Kate found themselves alone in the quiet hallway, neither of them sure how to proceed and both overly aware of the shift in their relationship.

"So?" she said nervously, clutching her hands together because she didn't know what else to do with them.

"So," he replied a bit stupidly and just as nervously, "care to join me for a drink?"

"Okay," she agreed, following him down the stairs and into the kitchen to sit at the counter, watching him as he pulled out various items to prepare something that looked like a fancy cocktail.

"It was a great day Castle," she finally said when she couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Yeah?" He looked at her, so hopeful, so eager to please and it struck her again how much her opinion obviously mattered to him.

"Yeah, this whole weekend, it's like a dream." She admitted shyly.

"And it's not over yet," he smiled softly, handing her his cocktail creation.

"What is it?"

"A Castle," he stated and then adding with a smirk. "I thought you would like to taste a real Castle."

"Seriously?" She rolled her eyes, but he could tell she didn't mean it and actually enjoyed the banter they had going on as much as he did.

He watched her with curiosity while she took the first sip, memorizing every tiny movement of her face.

"Oh my God, Castle," she moaned, "This is fantastic."

He had a very dirty reply on the tip of his tongue, but swallowed it just in time. It was probably a bit too much to tell her to wait until she had tasted the real thing and technically she already had. But to him it felt like it had been another lifetime and did nothing to soothe the butterflies in his stomach.

He just smiled, biting his tongue and taking a sip of his own drink, enjoying her company in silence for a while until he remembered that there had been a question on his mind for quite some time now.

"Kate, can I ask you something?"

"Mmh?" She looked at him, still engrossed in his drink.

"How did you do it?" He questioned.

"How did I do what?"

"I mean it must have been difficult for you and Jamie, even after you joined the academy. Life in Manhattan is expensive. I just wonder how you managed." He shrugged, suddenly feeling stupid for asking, she probably wouldn't want to tell him anyway.

But to his surprise she answered him without the slightest hint of hesitation, "It wasn't easy, but my mom left me some money. It was enough to keep us going before I started the academy and to pay for anything extra we needed even after that. It's actually how I can afford Cynthia. I wouldn't be able to pay her from my cop salary."

"Kate," he stuttered and she already knew what was about to come.

"I don't want your money, Castle." She cut him off before he could say anything.

He sighed heavily, this was a conversation he had dreaded for some time now, "I know Kate. But I'm her father and it's only fair I contribute. You have a right to -," she cut him off once more.

"I don't care Castle. I don't want and I don't need a monthly payment from you. I want you to be there for her," she pushed the drink away, looking desperate. "It was never about money."

Castle leant forward, sneaking her hand into his before she could pull away.

"Kate," he waited until she lifted her stubborn eyes to look at him, "I know that you're not after my money, okay? I know. And it's not like I would give my money to you. It's for Jamie."

She shook her head, but he didn't let her stop him.

"And if you don't want a monthly sum, how about you let me pay for things when she needs them or at least let me pay half of it."

"I don't want you to feel like you have to pay me to see your daughter," she got out and he clasped her hand so tightly it was almost painful.

"Kate," he breathed, rounding the counter to come to stand in front of her as he wanted to hug her so badly, but he had to set this straight first. "I won't. But we agreed to do this together, right?"

He waited for her to nod.

"Good, and that includes money. We are her parents and it's only fair. You're not making me do anything I don't want to, okay?"

She took in a deep breath, "Okay."

"You don't have to do it alone anymore, Kate." He mumbled and finally pulled her into his arms, glad when she came willingly.

"Okay," she breathed again and then he pulled away, staring down at her, captured by her beautiful eyes which shimmered green and brown and there was nothing he wanted more in that moment than to kiss her.

So he leant towards her, studying her features and when she looked away he settled for a soft press of his lips against her forehead.

"So we're good on this?" He finally asked as she stepped back, retrieving her drink.

"Yeah, we're good." She nodded, "It's just. I'm not used to -," he stopped her before she could say more.

"I know, you have to get used to it. No need to apologize."

She offered him a grateful smile, before placing her empty glass on the counter.

"I'm tired. I'll go to bed," she announced, sounding a bit apologetic but Castle simply nodded with a smile.

"Until tomorrow, Kate."

"Night Castle."

Kate couldn't sleep, for the past two hours she had been staring at the ceiling, her thoughts running wild. He had wanted to kiss her back in the kitchen, she had seen it in his eyes, the way he had studied her and the way his eyes had kept glancing at her lips.

She groaned turning once more, burying her head into the pillow. She had wanted him to kiss her.

But no. They couldn't, they really couldn't take that path, because it was already complicated enough, everything still so new and there were a million other things they still had to work out. It would have been egoistic and self-centered to give into the attraction they felt for each other, when really Jamie and Alexis had to come first.

Another groan escaped her, because she really had wanted him to kiss her. She still wanted him to kiss her.

A thunder growled in the distance and seconds later her room was illuminated by lightning, the weather a funny resemblance to her inner turmoil.

She was pulled from her thoughts and startled when the door flew open and Alexis stood in the doorway, a crying Jamie in her arms.

"Can we stay with you?" Alexis got out on the verge of tears herself and Kate was already lifting the covers, waving the girls over, before taking Jamie from Alexis' arms so the redhead could crawl in next to her.

Kate settled Jamie on her chest, pulling Alexis into her side, letting her fingers run through the girls' hair to soothe them just as another thunder grumbled through the night. Both girls winced, pushing even closer to Kate.

"Shhh, it's just hot air," she mumbled.

"Dad always says the clouds are farting," Alexis whispered, "but it's still scary."

Kate chuckled, "It's scary alright, but really it's just loud noise, nothing to be afraid of."

"Can I still stay here with you and Jamie?" Alexis asked, lifting terrified eyes at Kate.

"Of course you can, Pumpkin," Kate reassured the girl, using Castle's term of endearment without even thinking of it. "As long as you want."

That's how Castle found them on his way to the girls' room, worried the thunderstorm would scare his daughters and wake them. He stopped in front of Kate's open bedroom door and in the pale light of the moon and the flickering lighting, he saw them all in bed together, Jamie and Alexis holding on to Kate for dear life.

"Come in," Kate invited him when he didn't move from the threshold.

"Is this the van Trapp family?" he asked, settling down at the end of the bed, reaching for Alexis' leg under the covers and giving it a squeeze. "You okay Pumpkin?"

His daughter nodded, "Jamie started to cry and I brought her over," she told him, not moving from Kate's side.

"That was absolutely the right thing to do," he told her, "I'm proud of you."

They all winced when the next thunder rattled and Castle looked at his other daughter, silently sobbing into her mother's chest.

"How's the Baby Bird?" he asked gently.

"Scared," Kate sighed.

Castle kept looking at them, his little family joined in the night and he suddenly got an idea.

"Now what did Fräulein Maria do when she got scared?" He asked, knowing Alexis would know the answer.

"She thought of her favorite things." His daughter immediately replied, "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens."

"Ah and Schnitzel with noodles." Castle joined in.

Kate laughed, "Of course you'd come up with food."

"It's me," he shrugged, before standing up and holding out his hand to Alexis, "Come on everybody. We will seek shelter in the Orient."

Even in the dim light he could see Kate's frown, probably trying to decide if whatever he had planned was worth getting out of bed.

"Trust me Beckett," he winked, letting Alexis climb on his back, so he could hold out his arms for Jamie as well. "Grab some blankets from my room as well," he instructed before carrying the girls out of the room and down the stairs.

Fifteen minutes later they were all settling into the blanket fort, the thunder instantly seeming to be further away, muffled by the walls of linen. They all snuggled into the extra pillows and blankets Kate had brought down for them, Alexis and Jamie lying in the middle, with Castle and Kate to either side of them.

They were all quiet, listening to the wind and the rain, beating against the big living room windows as they waited for the next thunder to growl down on them.

"So Castle, I take it sleeping in a blanket fort is one of your favorite things?" Kate looked amused, facing him, as their eyes met over their daughters heads who were already falling back to sleep. The light of an old-fashioned looking oil lamp, operate by batteries shining around them.

Mirroring her position, he shook his head, giving her one of those meaningful looks that told her he was about to reveal something important, "Spending time with my family, making sure they're safe and sound, that's one of my favorite things."

Kate didn't have words, so she just reached out, lacing her fingers with his, resting their joined hands over the sleeping forms of their daughters, before she finally fell into a peaceful sleep.

"You're up early," his deep voice startled her a bit as she was staring out the window at the wild and still steamy sea. The thunderstorm had passed, but the rain had yet to stop, the sky a collection of shades of gray and when she felt him coming up behind her, she wished she could just step back, let him pull her close, letting his warmth surround her.

But that's not who they were.

"I can hear you thinking," he spoke quietly and she allowed herself to turn around and take him in. His hair sticking up, ruffled from sleep, but his eyes wide and awake, attentive and focused on her.

Kate was nervous, there was no need in denying their connection and early in the morning, her defences still down she felt it even stronger. What he did to her. What he made her feel.

"Castle," she hadn't planned to let it sound like this. Too breathy, too needy when all she wanted to say was how great he had been last night.

"Do you know how extraordinary you are," his voice was soft, comforting as he stepped closer. Kate couldn't move, frozen in place she could only stare back at him.

"The way you are with Alexis, I have no idea how to ever thank you for making my girl so happy, making her feel so accepted."

"She's a great kid," Kate barely got out as Castle stepped even closer. "She's fun and smart and she's so amazing with Jamie ... ." She trailed off.

Castle nodded, wishing Alexis' mother would feel the same way, "I think she's falling in love with you."

Kate swallowed, before she stuttered, "I think I'm falling in love with her too." It was true, his daughter had won her over in a heartbeat.

He was standing directly in front of her now, looking down into her big eyes, a warm smile on his lips, "I'm glad the feelings are mutual," he whispered.

"Me too," she breathed out, eyes flickering to his lips and back up to meet his intense gaze. This time she didn't look away.

Castle's lips found hers, nothing more than a soft press against hers and for a moment everything went still. He lingered, hesitant, waiting for her to pull away, and when she didn't his lips started to move and Kate was eager to respond, her hands finding their way into his hair, while his arms sneaked around her back, pulling her closer, their bodies aligned as she fitted perfectly against him.

She moaned and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue inside of her mouth as she kissed him even harder, tasting him and she felt like she would never be able to stop again. She wanted to drown in his kiss, his smell and never come back up for air.

Her whole body was on fire, his hands roaming her back, leaving a trail of burning want. She gasped when he pushed one hand under her shirt touching the skin on the small of her back and she felt like she was going to explode if he didn't ...


They flew apart as if struck by lightning, both panting, cheeks red and Kate had to take deep calming breaths before she could answer.

"I'm coming Baby Bird," and even Castle was too stunned to comment on that.


AN: I did it. Now I'm off. Until next week.