
A Night Fox with System

Info: This is my first webnovel so expect writing to become better over time. I'm doing this for fun so chapters will release unregularly. I have put this on Mature because I want to use swear words and as a just in case. Upload schedule: At least 1 per week Sometimes I release more than 1 chapter if I feel like I have the time to write more. English is not my first language so comment if there is something wrong. There is a Romance tag because I planned a romance but it won't happen in the beginning. The Book cover isn't mine. Everything else in this story is my own work. If you see something that looks alike with another story it is a coincidence. I try to make the Chapter 1000 Words Story Info: My name is Naomi and I died? I really don't know if I died but I can't explain how I would be in an empty black void otherwise. Maybe I should ask this goddess over there.

FROST_1269 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 14 Clearing the labyrinth caves (Part 5)

Yukikaze finally arrived at the mines. Now she stood in front of an important question. Where should she go first?

` Well that tunnel has rails and support from wooden structures so it should be one of the safest tunnels. ` Yukikaze entered the tunnel and followed it for a while.The usual grey stone slowly mixed with a tone of red.

Yukikaze used (Appraisal Lv.3) on the stone.

Name: Iron ore

Grade: Common

` Well at least I found a source of Iron ore for the future. I guess copper and tin would be helpful as well because if I mix both of them I can make bronze which is a probably useful metal. But my main goal is to find more things to strengthen myself. Maybe I can get a new Quest? `

The system answered by providing a Quest.

Quest: (Excavation I)

Difficulty: Easy

Info: Find 5 different Resources with a Grade of Common. This Quest is part of a chain of Quests and will on completion activate the next one.


10 Skeleton miner

+1 Level

300 Knowledge coins

` A chain quest. So this is more of a long term project. That explains why the reward are also not that much since I will get more later and maybe a completion bonus at the end of the last quest. These Miners will be very useful as well as the Knowledge coins while that level up is not really important right now. `

Yukikaze smiled at the thought of 10 skeletons mining resources she maybe can sell later without her needing to pay them or give them food ignoring the fact that that is basically slavery.

Yukikaze went on and found a mine card with black rocks in them on the rails. She used (Appraisal Lv.3) to get mor information about the strange black rock that was somehow familiar.

Name: Coal

Grade: Common

` How could I have not thought about coal earlier. Down here are no trees for firewood so the only thing with which I can use to make fire and smelt ore later is with coal. I have to think things better through or it might get me into trouble someday.

Quest progress: 2/5

After she continued for a while she came to a larger space where 3 pickaxes as well as a few boxes where standing.She tried opening one of the boxes to see in it but wasn`t able to since she only had paws.

She could have tried and destroy them but Yukikaze didn`t want to risk the things inside the box to be damaged or destroyed. Maybe there were even explosives inside those boxes since she had no idea on what level of technology this world is.

Seeing herself unable to open the boxes safely she decided to let one of her future skeleton miners open them later when she comes back her. Yukikaze continued and had to make a decision. She could run straight forward or take a left. Normally this would be a decision where Yukikaze has to guess but luckily for her there was a sign.

<------------- Coal/Iron ore/Copper/Gold Tin---------->

Seeing that a lot of resources are to the left of the sign it would mean that that way is the longer way. I only have to find a bit of Tin anyway and use (Appraisal Lv.3) afterwards I just come back here and continue finding those last few resources.

After walking for what seemed like an eternity she finally found a diferent colored rock and used (Appraisal Lv.3) on it.

Name: Limestone

Grade: Poor

Yukikaze waited for a bit to see if the system would update her quest but it didn`t.

` I forgot it said specifically that it can`t be lower than common grade. Otherwise it would be to easy to be a task I guess. Well I can use that Limestone to make Stone bricks so it isn`t completely useless. `

Yukikaze walked for a bit until she found what she searched.

Name: Tin

Grade: Common

Quest progress: 3/5

After she finally found Tin she walked back to take the other way which contained all the other resources she needs to complete the quest. But on the way she got hungry so she grabbed a white rabbit from her system inventory and ate it.

` That was a good rabbit. ` While thinking about the delicious taste of the rabbit she yawned and only then noticed that it must have taken quiet a while to come her from her castle and she was already a long time down her. Since she couldn`t think about how long she was already down her she simply asked her system.

( User was in the mines for 14 hours. )

` I thought I was here for 6 hours. I need to get some sleep. But that also means I only have food for tomorrow. I have to do this quick and then get to the surface to find food. Well at least I can test my punji sticks then.

Yukikaze quickly dug deep pits in both directions and planted her punji traps inside them. Afterwards she took a couple leaves out of her (system inventory) and covered them up.

Afterwards she sleeped on the cold and uncomfortable stone floor using her tale as a pillow.

Before she fell asleep she thought about the possibility's of maybe growing trees down her as well as food. In the end she concluded that for that to work she would have to either remove the ceiling or get an alternative light source. Since both ways are for her right now not achievable she put it to the back of her head and started to fall into an uncomfortable sleep.

It wasn`t easy for her to accept to sleep on the bare floor after sleeping on a soft bed in a castle.

Me here again making another chapter.

I noticed I forgot to put an Authors Notice at the end of the last chapter. Oh well.

Have Fun :D

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