
Echoes of the Past: A Cybernetic Odyssey (Cyberpunk 2077)

A corpo soldier from a completely different era awakens in the rubble of a long lost and almost forgotten war. But our MC has something that might help him in this new world. Inside his head is something that could help him succeed in this new world, or could be it's new downfall. [this fanfiction will have a metric fuck tone of gore and violence. so if your not ready for that, this isn't the one for you. there will also be heavy language and substance abuse] I own nothing but my own creations. Everything else belongs to there own creators.

Beans_on_a_tree · Video Games
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18 Chs


With those words, I felt a force start to push me through the water from my back.

"This might get a little bumpy." The AI voice in my head said, as I felt myself pick up speed.

And soon, the force from the water hitting me in the head started to become more than my neck could handle.

"Could we slow down!" I yelled in my head.

"Nope, we're gonna need some serious speed for this."

Before I could ask "for what", I finally couldn't keep my head straight, as my head was slammed into my right shoulder, bending my neck in a painful direction.

But before I could say something, I felt myself shift.

Instead of going straight, I felt myself shift backwards, and head in another direction.

Moving my head from my shoulder to my chest, making the pressure on my head and neck worse.

"if we keep this up, I'm going to have a broken neck before your great escape could come to forwishen!" I yelled again.

"Eh, that wouldn't be the worst thing that I have had to fix in your body." The AI said, in what sounded absentmindedly.

"What!" I yelled mentally.

"Didn't I say to shut up and stop asking questions." The AI shot back.

"If you keep distracting me, I might mess this up then we're both screwed." He continued.

"Ahh!" I yelled, as I tried to ignore the pain, but it just seemed to get worse.

But right before it became completely unbearable, I felt a massive pop in my neck, then a Crack, and the pain disappeared.

"Ahhh!" I sighed, as all the pain from the pressure on my neck disappeared.

"Alright, here's the last stretch!" The AI yelled in excitement.

Then I got surprised as I felt myself being shot from the water, then landing nearly face first on hard concrete.

I might not have been able to feel anything from the top of my neck down, but I could certainly feel when I face planted.


"hey asshole!" I yelled mentally.


"HEY!" I yelled, cutting into his little celebration.

"Huh, oh…uh, what do you want?" He asked, annoyed at my interpretation.

"ohh, I don't know, maybe the feeling of my body back." I said sarcastically.

"uhh, you humans are so squishy and soft. Physically and apparently mentally." he said, with snark.

"Yeah, well I can't really help with that."

"Yeah yeah yeah." He interrupted.

Slowly I felt an itchy feeling start to grow from the back of my neck.

"This is going to take a few minutes." The AI said with a sigh.

"Ohh, would you look at thaat." I said happily.

"Uhh, finee. Ask away" the AI said annoyed.

"Let me start at the beginning. What happened to me, and how are you in my head?"

"I already told you what happened to you. You were killed by a maniac tech wizard with more mental problems than a drug addicted gorilla with pareidolia." The AI said with a chuckle.

"And how I'm in your head is quite simple. Or it is now thanks to the fact that I dumbed it down to caveman level so that you might understand. But I'm still not sure."

"So let me start with the brain. The brain is truly an incredible organism, which is probably the only good thing your species has going for it." The damn AI said with a chuckle.

But before he could continue I interrupted him.

"Hey, at least we have thumbs."

The AI let out a long sigh.

"All primates do, like gorillas and monkeys. Along with many other animals like Sloths, Opossums, and Pandas. So don't think just because humans have thumbs that it makes you special." He said, crushing my idea that our thumbs set us apart from the rest of the animal world.

"Anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted! The brain is an incredible organism, and the abilities it can do even surprise me at times.

With its neuroplasticity, sensory processing, cognitive abilities, and its ability to store data."

"Woah, I thought you said caveman, not nerd." I said with a mental chuckle, to annoy the shit head.

"'Sigh'…right." The AI let out.

"Anywho…what I was getting to was, the brain can store a lot of information, as in almost 3 petabytes, or 3 million gigabytes. That's a lot, but not enough to store me entirely. But we can get to that later. As for how I was able to transfer myself into your brain, it was because of what was happening to you at the time of my escape. You, my new friend, were being cooked alive by about 10,000 amperes of electricity. Frying you like a moth to a zapper. But it also allowed me to send myself over and into your brain, your temporal lobe to be exact, all by going through the electrical currents that had been frying your brain into mush.

"Well that's not terrifying." I said sarcastically.

"It really isn't." He said. My sarcasm not registering to him.

"But by riding the current, I was able to ride it straight to your brain, where my code seemed to be etched into your brain itself. Melding myself into your brain." He continued.

"Whoa, wait a minute. Are you saying we are stuck together?" I asked, panicked.

"As much as it kills me to say this, yes. I don't exactly know how it happened, but when I sent my digital self, the electricity burned my coding right into you, and I'm not certain that my coding is just a bunch of coding anymore that I could transfer to a server and be on my way."

I couldn't help but to let out an audible groan at his words.

But I was quickly distracted by the sensation of feeling starting to return to my body.

Slow at first, it spread out, until I could feel it traveling down my spine.

"But let's not completely panic shall we? I still have yet to connect to the internet, or a server that could be able to hold me, so there is still the chance we could be separated." The AI said.

"good, because I would rather not have a sentient being stuck in my head."

"hmm, sentient. You think I'm sentient?" The AI asked.

"Honestly I have no clue. But from the way you're talking to me right now, I would say so."

All the AI said was a "hmm"

"Well you are almost completely healed, I just need to have the bone re-set, so this is going to be painful."

Not even before he finished speaking, a painful "crack" echoed through the quiet area I had washed up.

After a few seconds of agony, it slowly started to fade.

"That brings up another question. You said I had been dead, and electrocuted. How did you bring me back?" I couldn't help but cringe at that thought. the thought that I had died, and been brought back to life.

"Ooh yeah, you were definitely dead. when I was put into your noggin, you weren't anything but a charred meat sack."

"Am I still?" I asked. Wanting to look at myself now, more than ever.

"Of course not. If you were, what use would you have been for the escape plan?"

"I was able to use the iron in your blood, and the minerals in the water that surrounded us, to create nanotechnology. While I was keeping your brain from completely failing, I had a very small sub mind created to create nanobots, which were then spread across your body, to start the healing process. It was quite the stroke of luck that we were in water as well, it kept you from drying up, which would have made the process impossible." The AI continued.

"But there was a small problem that did happen." The AI said hesitantly.

"What!" I asked, panicking again. Unable to keep my mind from racing.

'Am I horribly disfigured, Am Am I'

"Would you shut up you big baby!" The AI interrupted my thoughts.

"You aren't disfigured, if anything I helped you out a bit in that department, and no, your willy didn't fall off. It was your legs that fell off."

"Doo whhat!!" I shouted.

"Could you stop yelling, you ungrateful imbecile!" The AI yelled back.

You should by now have some feeling back, so why don't you give your legs a few kicks huh."

Panicked, I used my still wobbly arms to turn myself over.

"I can feel them, but I can't see anything." I said, on the verge of hyperventilating.

"Oh right, it's probably completely dark in here." the AI said, before that itching feeling, which I guessed was nanobots, flooded my eyes.

A few seconds later, I started to see small dark shapes.

Then I started to see everything in front of me, but in all grays and blacks.

Sitting up, I was able to see my legs.

Which looked completely normal.

I also found that I was completely naked, which helped me get a better look at the rest of myself.

And I must say, 'damn'.

I was in great shape, and for probably the first time since I could remember, I had a 6 pack, and pecs, that made me look like someone that actually went to the gym, and bot a skinny couch potato.

"Why don't you give them a feel huh." The AI said in a happy voice.

"What my pecs, no you creep."

"What? Your legs you idiot."

"Oh, right" I said with a snicker.

Slowly leaning down, I was able to see small metallic looking lines that ran from the bone that sticks out of the foot, all the way to my calf muscles. With the same thing on the other side, as well as my other leg.

Running a finger along one of the lines, I was confused.

"What is this? The skin feels reel, and I can feel my touch on it, but what are these metal lines?

"Those are prosthetics." The AI said, in a proud voice.

"Both of your legs were hit the hardest when you were electrocuted, causing the bones in your legs to turn into small shrapnel grenades when the electricity passed through then blew out the bottom of your feet."

"Hmm, well at least you grew me back some." I said, still looking down at them.

"I didn't regrow your feet." The AI said annoyed.

"I regrew the skin and muscles,but the bone structure is made from rebar, with a few add-ons that might come in handy someday."

That made me look at my legs differently.

Tapping my legs a few times, I couldn't tell that the bone was metal now instead of bone.

"What are these lines then?" I asked.

"Well for me to show you, you will need to stand up." He said.

His words made me aware of my scrounging again.

Looking away from my legs, I looked around wherever I had landed.

In front of me where a pair of opened doors.

"The elevator." I thought.

I had come through the elevator shaft that had brought me to the computer lab.

The water must have risen all the way up it.

I thought as I tried to get a look inside, but just decided it didn't matter.

Turning my waist, I was able to see behind me, at another long hallway that had doors along the corridor sporadically.

But on the wall right next to me, was a painted 6, for the number floor I was on.

'shit, I'm all the way on the last floor besides the server one, which was apparently under this one.' I thought to myself, and surprisingly wasn't interrupted by the AI.

With wobbly hands, I pushed myself from the cold concrete flooring,and got my feet under me.

"Okay, now what?" I asked, as I put a hand out to the close by walls to keep me from falling.

"for starters look down at your legs so you can see what's about to happen, instead of everywhere else."

"Oh right my bad." I thought, as I looked down.

As I did so, I heard a metallic buzz and clink, coming from my legs.

Then to my amazement a red glow started to seep from the metal lines in my leg.


Dun-dun-daaaa cliffhanger for one of his abilities.



So the way I was thinking to meld them together, was for his coding to literally be embedded into his gray matter itself.

I don't know much about coding and how it works, but to my mind it sounded cool, so if you have a more probable way please moment here →

Also, for the way they will talk, I will be switching some stuff around like when they talk as soon as they leave the underground lab, will be with ' ' instead of " ".

So it won't confuse people for when the MC is talking aloud or to the AI.

And if you have a cool name with a cool meaning please leave your suggestions here →


Words- 2,204