
A new Wizard in Earthland

What happens when someone from earth suddenly finds himself in Earthland, Lets find out. I do not own Fairytail or any of its characters and only own my oc's and some of the plot lol. I also do not own my cover art.

Baneofthedragon · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

I never got to say I Love You

As the battle between Dragon and mage vs Mage was going on, Jung was getting anxious as the mage seemed to be powerful enough to contend with a dragon and didn't seem to be losing at all. While Belserion wasn't taking much damage, scratches here and there as well as purple marks that were healing as the battle went on, to think a single mage could last so long and inflict even those wounds was a massive surprise to him.

He wasn't sure wether he still had anything else up his sleeve as his power was something Jung couldn't believe was possible for a human. The soldiers and generals of Rustmore were in complete awe and dread as they saw with their own eyes, a being said to be the pinnacle of this world being thrown around by a human. It was simply absurd! They were in awe of Blake's power as well as dread to think what would happen should he face against them.

While on the Dragnof army their spirits were at an all time high and waited with bated breaths as the one mage battled not only for his survival but their own as well. Every collision was pulling at their heartstrings as it seemed to be a dream to them.

King Edmund was currently in a dilemma, while this was the opportune moment to retreat and prepare for the eventual attack coming to his kingdom but his honor didn't allow him to give the order. He knew it was foolish but couldn't help but hold on to the small hope that the young man before him could make the impossible happen and win.

He couldn't help but see a shadow of his father standing there behind Blake as he confronted the impossible foe. Before the tragedy of the demon happened all those years ago, his father had been his hero, his idol. The pinnacle of strength.

He had worshipped him and thought him invincible. But life was cruel and showed him that not even his father was perfect as he'd lost his uncle and aunt, then his mother and finally his wife.

He knew that the fallout between them had been his fault and his neglect of his daughter as well. But he had been too stubborn and foolish and had broken what was left of his family.

After all these years; even though he regretted his actions, he didn't know how to make things right and had been living with his own guilt.

And as he watched the young man traine by his father, he made the decision that if he ever makes it out alive to see Tomorrow.....he'd apologise to his father as well as his daughter.

Back to the battle, Blake was slowly losing his steam as every second was taxing to his body and draining to his magic. He was just stalling as much as he can for Irene to arrive and the other side seemed to catch on as well as the onslaught got fiercer as time went on.

'Looks like its now or never', thinking to himself, he was about to do something really reckless but given the circumstances he felt that it was worth it.

After dodging yet another series of attacks Blake activated a new magic circle that quickly merged with his Ragnarok, then blue lightning started to appear around his body and created a sort of armor around his arms, legs and torso. It looked like claws on his hands, boots on his legs and breastplate on his torso.

Lightning seemed to dance around him as the stones and boulders around him turned to dust because as he released his aura.

'Ragnarok : Rune King Form'

During his studies and training under his Grandpa Ed, he had already deduced that elemental magic could be incorporated into his magic so he already had the baseline formed, all he needed was a teacher to teach him elemental magic and he could finish his magic. With Irene's help he had done it, but because he was only a beginner in lightning magic. He didn't have the mastery required to perfect his new skill, this new form would last thirty minutes at most and he had to make every second count.

Before Draco or Belserion could comprehend what was going on, Blake simply vanished before their eyes and appeared in the left of Belserion might his right fist already cocked backed for a punch.

'Rune King's Art : Mjolnir'

His punch was followed by the sound of thunder as Belserion was thrown a good fifty metres away.

Before he could orient himself Blake appeared above them with a giant ball of dark red and blue colored ball magic the size of a truck held above him.

'Rune King's Art : Dying Star'

He threw the ball of concentrated magic right at the dragon and mage duo and a giant explosion rocked the battlefield.

Blake appeared a good distance away and was panting hard as this form was draining him even faster of his stamina as well as magic. Coupled with his use of large attacks depleted him even faster.

He had a little over ten minutes left after which he would probably be left defenceless. He hoped that that attack atleast dealt some damage as he warily looked towards the now clearing smoke from the explosion.

As the smoke cleared Belserion could be seen with his left wing burnt and would likely not be able to fly for awhile but other than that seemed to be just fine. And Draco who seemed to be a bit burnt as well.

"I must admit, you have gone beyond all of my expectations and are commendable to be able to hurt a dragon to this extent. But it seems this is your last card and you are at the extent of your power. Now let me show you the might of a Dragon!", Draco shouted as he released three magic circles behind him that had black smoke coming out of them and them quickly merged together as Belserion's eyes shone with the same color and released a terrifying black and white beam of energy from his mouth towards not Blake but the Dragnof army.

Blake immediately knew what he was doing but couldn't let him as that attack could likely decimate the remaining army.

He for a second thought of not responding to the trap but immediately discarded it as his body moved before his own mind and appeared between the magic beam and the army as he held both his hands outward cupping his fists.

'Rune King's Art : Asgard's Last Stand'

A giant golden magic circle appeared before him and blocked the magic beam. There was a collision as the magic circle met the magic beam. Cracks appeared on the circle but held on as the army could do nothing but watch as the two magics collided.

After a while the beam stopped and Blake released his magic, he immediately got on one knee as he coughed up blood and many veins around his body seemed to pop as blood spurted from various parts.

That last attack really put him to his limit as his entire body ached and he was on the verge of collapse.

He looked up as a giant shadow hang above him, Draco was looking down on him from the top of Belserions head as he had a nasty and triumphant smirk on his wrinkly face. "You lost mage, but know that you have earned my respect.", saying those words Draco lifted his staff and was about to cast a spell when a shout interrupted him.


Everyone looked towards from where the voice came from and saw Kind Edmund running on his horse as he approached the downed Blake. He quickly arrived and got off his horse and stood before Blake as he spoke with a loud but authoritative voice.


Blake tried to speak up but was stopped by a gesture of Kind Edmund, but before he could continue there was another voice that interrupted him.

"I ALSO GIVE UP MY LIFE IN EXCHANGE FOR THE MAGE, TAKE MY LIFE INSTEAD!", Darul one of the generals of Dragnof was the one who spoke as he threw away his weapons and stood besides his king.

This was followed by a chorus of voices as the soldiers of Dragnof threw away their weapons and offered their lives.

Blake was extremely surprised, he knew how idiotic they were being amd foolish no doubt but it touched him deeply and didn't regret his earlier decision.


A loud laugh interrupted his thoughts as he looked towards Draco who was holding his stomach with his other hand that didn't held the staff and almost keeled over as he laughed.

"You think you have a choice in this situation. Fine! I'll just kill you all in one attack", but before he could do so he was stopped by the voice of Jung.


Jung commanded as although he didn't really care for their honor he still needed an army when he eventually created his empire and there was no need to waste already trained soldiers when they could be spared.

Draco reluctantly conceded and with a mental command Belserion suddenly back handed Kind Edmund and was sent flying a distance away.

The soldiers cried with indignation while Blake gritted his teeth as his anger surged. He tried to activate his magic but quickly coughed but more blood for his effort.

He was then nailed to the ground by a single finger of Belserion as it pierced his shoulder and couldn't sturggle much from the pain of overtaxing his body as well as the pain from his now skewered shoulder.

"Now be a good boy and stay down. Soon I will get the secret of your magic and then you too will die a slow and painful death", Draco finished with a nasty chuckle.

Then suddenly a giant hand made of earth and stone emerged underneath Belserion and slammed his jaw. It was so sudden and powerful that Belserion was thrown backward and freed Blake form his claw.

As the confused dragon and angry mage stood one again a brief flash alerted them of a new person that arrived as a very angry looking Irene stood before the recovering Blake.

She held a wooden staff in her hand that had black nordic runes running along its length and seemed to radiate quite a powerful aura.

"You will pay for what you've done!", she shouted and then her staff glowed as a giant magic circle appeared beneath Belserion from which giant black chains with glowing nordic runes appeared and binded the dragon as it seemed powerless to break them.

'Ârg èntr dürg bòlg, Gleipnir' (The langauge is made up so go easy on me :))

After finishing her spell she held Blake and teleported away from the now struggling dragon and arrived near the place where her father was thrown. Before she could say anything Blake stopped her and gestured towards her father.

"Go help him, he needs it more than me.", he urged her and she could only nod as she was indeed very worried for her father.

She quickly went and knelt beside his body which was battered and the left side of his body was crushed. She immediately casted a healing spell as she called out to him.

"Hang in there father, you're gonna be okay!", she called out to him desperately as he seemed to be struggling just to breathe.

King Edmund groggily looked towards his daughter as his regrets and guilt were on his mind more than the pain of his body.

He tried to speak but seemed to cause him great pain as he slowly lifted his right hand to touch Irene's face.

"Don't exert yourself father", Irene chided him, but still he needed to say his mind as he felt his life coming to an end.

"I-I....never....did tell you...how much I love you....did I?...I'm.....so....sorry....my daughter", after finishing his words his hand that held her cheek fell lifelessly and the light in his eyes dimmed. King Edmund II the ruler of Dragnof had breath his last.

Irene could only cry as she held her father as his last words kept ringing in her head. Blake could only sadly watch as his girlfriend held her dead father.

But he knew that right now wasn't the time to mourn as there was a dragon and mage as well as an army to defeat right now.

"Irene, I know your hurt but now isn't the time to mourn. Not when the cause is still right infront of us", Blake tried his best to not sound cruel but didn't know wether anything he said wouldn't hurt her or not.

Irene slowly got up and with bloodshot eyes she turned towards him and nodded.

She kneeled next to him and transferred her magic to him so that he could fight again as well as healing the more severe wounds.

"Lets go and fucking rip that bastard to pieces", she muttered in a dark tone as Blake also nodded as he too had a very severe look on his face. Someone was going to pay and he had a pretty good idea who.

Sorry for the long update but getting a good chapter out was hard and inspiration comes hard these days. I am also currently struggling in my life right now as well. But anyway here we are.

Baneofthedragoncreators' thoughts