
A new way of living

It wasn't a normal life I always thought I will always have. Well, not until the school I was previously working on caught on fire for some mysteriously happened. Moving to a new school, working as a teacher assistant, it wasn't that hard. They fully accept my offer immediately and for a few months, that is. Things just keep getting weirder and weirder ever since I change school. Everyone I knew for just disappear. Is reality is that harsh. Why is life target me to have this event in my life? Now, I'm living my life as a killer, a killer whose life is not so normal. A demon? I never believe in a demon, not until I reach the time where I started craving for kills and blood. A new life, a battle for survival, and new people to meet on the way. Just a girl like me where I thought I will die in the hands of faith, I wouldn't think that will die as a killer. Find out more by reading my life's story.

CH_Pasta · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2 "Creep me out"

I've been working as a teacher assistant with sir Simon for the past few months. But every day I went to one of his class I always sense that something is not right. Like my first day to be his assistance after I help Sally in the park. The day where I couldn't forget.





"Ready for your first-day y/n?" he asks.

"Ready as I will already be!" I said excited to get started.

"You seem a happy person. It said on your files that you're a shy one."

"Yeah. But what can a shy person be doing here? He/She can't help if he/she is shy."

"You got a point there." We stop at a room with a red door with a weird symbol. It has a big circle on it and a big 'X' in the circle, weird. He opens up the door to see the students running around, tossing paper everywhere, girls laughing here and there and boys tossing the chalk eraser almost hitting sir Simon. "What's the meaning of this!" he yelled as everyone look at him. "I want everything to where it was before or else there will be a big punishment to all of you!!" after that they all quickly fix the room up.

"Sorry for seeing the room like this miss l/n. Especially on your first day," he said now in a more calming voice than before he was yelling at everyone to fix the room. After several minutes everything was back to normal. Sir Simon went in front and started to introduce me. "Miss Y/n L/n. Can you show yourself in front," he said kindly. I gulp and walk towards the front.

"Hi everyone I am Y/n L/n. I am 22 years old and working as an assistant teacher just a part-time job. -"

"I call dibs for first introducing at her!" someone said.

"Not fair! You always went first!"

"Sorry buddy but finders keeper." then the class started to get messy. Can I even continue this job?

"Shut UP!!" my ears fells like it will be going to tear up because of the yelling and shouting. Plus the voice that is coming from sir Simon. I am even next to him! "If you don't act nicely to her you all will be given detention for a month!!" he said angrier than before he first shouted. Where did he even get the voice if he keeps on yelling like this?

"Umm... sir? Can I go to the washroom? I think I left something there earlier." I said giving a great excuse. The old school way. Asking permission to go to the washroom just to get out of class or just to call your friend while your class is having a test. For this situation, I need this excuse to get my ear to get a more quiet place to rest. I think it will never last if I stay here any longer.

"Sure," he said and I quickly fast walk heading out the room to the washroom. The only problem is I don't know where.

'Dumb y/n I forgot to ask where is that dumb washroom!' I yelled to myself through my thought.

"You need help?" someone one ask me. I look beside me to see sir Alex. What is he doing here?

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Checking, how was your first day? I guess it didn't plan out like you thought about. You just went in just a moment ago now your outside." how did he know.

"How did you-"

"Like I said. I always watching you. Now to find the washroom just take a left there where you could see two doors." he pointed out the direction.

"Okay. Thanks, sir Alex." I said and headed there. I followed his instruction and found the washroom. There was a figure in the dark corner of the hallway. It seem it was tall but I couldn't see it's face. I close my eyes for a sec and open it again to see it was gone. Hmmm strange. I shrugged it off and headed inside the female room. Finally peace and quiet. I only took a while before I took notice that I just escape his class. I went out of the washroom to feel a cold air hit me. Then a song played. It was a nursery rhyme that I always sing when I was a child.

🎶All around the mulberry bush,

The monkey chased the weasel.

The monkey stopped to pull up his sock,

Pop! goes the weasel.🎶

Then it stop. I look around where to see if someone was playing it to see that I was the only one. It gives my goosebumps.

"Hi there doll~," someone said behind feeling it's hot breath. I jump in response to being scared and started running. I heard laughing but then disappear. I was too afraid to look back. I continue running until I saw the red door but the symbol was gone. I knock twice and heard a come in. I quickly went inside and close the door behind me.

"Whoa Y/n you alright?! It seems you saw a ghost in the washroom?" Sir Simon said looking concerned at me. I look at the class to see them all looking at me.

"I just... need water," I said trying to speak. Sir Simon gave me his water and I almost empty the whole tumbler.

"Now can you tell me what happened?" he asks calmly.

"I was going back here when a song started to play somewhere. After the song was done. I look around to see no one but me until someone talk behind me. It has a raspy voice. Then I rust to get here because I was too scared to even know what was it." I said shaking in fear.

They all look at me like I was crazy. Even sir Simon face shows that I was just making a story up but it is true. All true!

"I think you need to rest. Take a seat," he said helping to get to his chair.

"I can't seat there. Where would you sit?" I ask.

"Don't worry about me. You needed more," he said. "Maybe because this is your first time here and your mind is making tricks on you," he said then he continues his class. I hope he's right.





Now, I am in my room resting. I have a school break cause our room was being used for three days so it means tomorrow work then after that day resting day again. Later night I have a night with my friend f/n. They came to visit me if I was doing alright. Now they wanted us to hang out for a night.

I grab my phone from my side table and turn on seeing it was 4:45 pm. I close my computer and walk towards the wardrobe to get something to wear.

I place it on my bed and headed inside the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower I wear my clothes and fix my hair to my favor. I look at my phone to see it was 5:36 pm and any minute f/n will pick me up. I gave them my address. All I have to do is to wait.