
A New Start: Stronger with Seduction System

My first novel. I for got to edit the first 3 chapters but I will do it for the rest It’s a story of a boy getting stronger me using his system of seduction. In a world where he was useless he gets another chance. Get back at all the people who thought he is weak. ‘They think they can take advantage of me I’ll show them’

HiddenSunless · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Illusion manipulation

The next morning I woke up before her and make her breakfast, while she went to the bathroom, I wanted to go in but, I could tell she was sore so I just let her go.

While waiting for her to shower I checked what ability I got from Alice and I was surprised, there was nothing I didn't get anything from her, but j knew she was a awakened.

When Alice comes out of the bathroom and eats i ask her, what ability she has. She was confused as to why I would ask her such a thing, but she tells me anyway.

"Illusion manipulation is whats its called i can make different Illusion and unless you have a item which resist Illusion or a skill it won't be broken. of course it depends on what the Illusion is also.

If I just set up a screen where it just shows that there is a dead-end like a cave might have, its easy, as long as you don't make a lot of noise no one can know that its not a dead end and you are hiding behind it, I have done this in dungeon a lot to escape monster.

Or it can also make monster out of Illusion, you can make it sound just like it too, but ìt breaks of you attack it, or the one I use making multiple fake sword or arrows to confuse the enemy.

That sound power i said.

We talking more while she finished eating and walk out together, "so then can it also be used to make a clone".

Yes it can, but it will turn out like the monsters, it ca move, walk and even talk if you tell it sentence when you make the clone, but as soon as you touch it it will shatter.

They are just Illusion after I said, Alice looks at me and smirks, she bends down to the ground and picks something up, it was a rock.

Then she threw it at me.


"oh stop being a baby it was an illusion"

A Illusion i asked confused

yea, an Illusion can hurt, or make you feel hurt if your brain thinks its real enough, i put on a show my bending down like I was picking something up, instead of making it appear out of air, if you see it just appear out of the air after you know I am using an Illusion your brain will know and will be on guard.

So something as simple as a rock which could look like anything, will "feel real" to your brain, but if you had an item or skill to see through Illusions, maybe you might still feel it but not as much. but if I try to make a exact replica of a human or monster its much harder.

You would need to make it as real as possible, you can't just make a husk you need to make the mussels to make it feel strong, the bones to hold it together, the lungs, you get the rest, the more you replicate, the more real it will feel.

The more I make something feel real the more mana I use, so I pick and choose what parts I need so I don't waste mana.

Wow thats powerfull, I said. yes it is I am still finding more ways to use the ability.

We were already outside when we bumped into Ella.

Hi Ella, I call her as she is looking down at her phone, she looks up to find Alice and I, she, then says hi back, and Alice interference, aren't you the one from the elevator.

Ella look at me then looks down embarrassed, Alice approaches her and say something in her ear which makes her face even more red. she then looks at me glaring like I did something to wrong her.

'i mean I did but...'

Before Lucien could say anything Alice takes Ella walking away saying I am going to spend some time with my bew friend.

'Friend you don't even know her' j think to my self. 'it doesn't matter i need to figure out why j couldn't get the skill'.

I get on the bus to go to a dungeon, look at my skills, specifically the, skil absorption. "The only thing I can think of is I need to upgrade the skil.

The way she described it I have never heard of anyone else be able to hurt someone with an illusion even if it is the trick of the mind, he looks at his forearm where the rock landed and its bruised. " Its shouldn't cause physical damage, i mean it causes a mind attack which makes since.

it looks at the his skills and upgrades his skill absorption to level 3. "alright I don't have to worry about SP, I can sleep with them and gain more".

He reaches the dungeon, and sees people waiting, usually people would wait to get team mates, then sign the usual contract. He approaches near and a girl shows up asking to join their team.