
A new start for the red clouds

A normal guy is reincarnated into rwby with the powers of the akatsuki though he has to train to use them.

Maximummonkey · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

"Ugh… *yawn* that has to be the worse sleep I have ever had. " Max groaned as he stood up

Not noticing the foreign environment that he found himself in. As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and began to wake up fully the first thing that became apparent to him was his massive increase in height. His below average stature had disappeared and he is now 6ft tall.

The second major difference he noticed was the massive change in build to he now was quite muscular though not to much in fact he had a build quite similar to a member of his favourite organisation in Anime Kisame. Which was something he wasn't close to before seeing as he never did much sports. Of course he did some but he would much rather play video game or read.

After finally becoming fully awake he took in his surroundings which was a Forrest and now he may have been a scout and had been on many a camps but he often at this current time he remembered going to sleep in his bed so how he got here is quite a mystery.

"Fuck am I still asleep? Nah I can't be I never have dreams like this in fact I barely remember any off my dreams" he mutters to himself something quite odd since he never usually talks and is quiet most of the time.

As he looks down at himself and really takes in the changes in his body he saw 9 different scrolls inside the pockets of his clothes each with ink marks across them that to any seasoned fan of naruto could recognise as storage seals. So as any reasonable person would do in this situation Max decided to try the blue scroll by biting his enough to draw blood and covering the seal with it.

"Wow that actually worked" exclaimed max as the smoke produced by the unsealing began to fade. In the place of the smoke there was now multiple items lying on the ground beside the blue scroll. In the middle was an akatsuki cloak and the straw hat above it. To the right was the legendary sword Samehada apart from these major things there were also the basic essentials of a shinobi like chakra and food pills, kunai and shuriken. Finally there were quite a few scrolls that were designed to teach the reader how to wield samehada and swords in general and how to perform all of Kisame s jutsu.

(AN:this doesn't mean he'll learn them all really fast after all he doesn't even now the basics of chakra control)

"Hell yeah! I'm in the universe of naruto and I have scrolls to teach me to basically be another Kisame. I wonder what the other scrolls have? Well I'll find out later after I find the nearest civilisation and get myself some food cause boy am I hungry" spoke Max as if talking to yourself is a normal thing.

After Max finished his little speech he used what little knowledge he had from watching naruto ( a scroll he found on the ground) and resealed the akatsuki gear and samehada after looking through the scrolls he found the some beginner chakra exercises that he could do whilst walking then chose a random direction and began to walk in it hoping to find a village. After a few hours his eyes spotted a city encased in giant walls.

"Hmmm this is a MASSIVE problem! I feel like a village this distinct a modern looking not too mention big would have been shown in Naruto and what is the purpose of the giant walls it's like they are trying to keep something out. SOMETHING IM OUT HERE WITH!!" Shouted Max in fear that he might die this early on in his journey through this foreign world

"If I'm gonna be labelled as a criminal for breaking into a kingdom, I'm gonna do it in style" mutters Max as he proceeds to put on the akatsuki cloak and pull out samehada from its seal

Quickly brought out of his thoughts when multiple pairs of blood red piercing eyes appear in his peripheral vision as well as the ominous sound of growling reaching his ears. Deciding that it was now or never Max proceeds to run straight towards the wall with multiple black furred creatures that are covered in bone like armour quick on his tail.

Pushing the limits of his meagre chakra control Max runs straight onto the wall

5 steps

10 steps

13 steps


Noticing that he was slowing down Max begun to grit his teeth and push through straining himself and pushing through his limits and he was rewarded as when he reached the top he felt amazing and victorious but that however was short lived when common sense kicked and reminded him that he needed to get back down and so he broke his limits and performed the same task of wall walking to the ground this time. After completing this task and being thoroughly drained Max collapsed to the ground breathing heavily.

Whilst this feat was nothing on his chakra reserves and stamina it still took a lot out of him mentally as he had to focus deeply on the task sticking his feat to the wall with his chakra was quite a challenge for someone who up until recently lived without chakra and had only just begun the leaf sticking exercise. Deciding that the best course of action would be to explore and hopefully find some where abandoned so that he could check the other storage scrolls. Max began to walk aimlessly around the streets occasionally taking note of many different shops like the ice cream parlour even the weird one's like the dust? store. why people wanted to buy dust was beyond him and he was beginning to lose his patience and was questioning whether he should just do this in an alleyway and so he did hoping that he could just search through the storage scrolls.

Max entered the alley to be greeted with the horrible sight of a beautiful girl around his age. She had long black amber eyes and two cat ears on top of her head. Max mesmerised by her beauty didn't notice the three thugs behind her. It was only when she cried in pain after being hit in the back that he snapped out of his trance. Knowing that he isn't the best in a fight since he had never been in one Max realised the only way that he could help the girl is if he scared them away. Max trying his best to emulate Kisame he let a feral grin cross his face as he held samehada out towards the thugs and willed it to break out its cloth and enlarge itself.

"Hey! Leave the girl alone… or don't because samehada is getting hungry" announces Max whilst samehada shows it's large mouth, sharp teeth and scales

The thugs seeing this get very scared after all there is a 6ft tall muscular man holding out a sword that has a shark like appearance threatening to feed them to it.

"O.ok..okay please just don't point that.. that thing near me it already looks as if it's going to cut us open" said one thug whilst quivering in fear

"Oh oh hoho you've got it all wrong samehada here does not cut… IT SHREDS" Max announced with an incredible change of tone at the end "I've always wanted to say that" continued Max under his breath so that no-one could hear unfortunately the girl's cat ears also heightened her hearing unluckily for him.

The thugs rightfully terrified ran out of the alley way leaving just the girl and him in the alley. One thing Max didn't notice earlier was the girls clothes which looked dirty and worn as if she had been running from something.

"You okay" asks Max in a rather worried tone as he pulls out all of his scrolls and lays them out on the ground.

" yes thank you but I could have dealt with it myself " replies the girl in a defensive

" I don't doubt that but I couldn't just leave you alone to deal with that when I could help" max continues in his worried tone

"Why do you even care it's not like we're friends or anything" says the girl with her ever present defensive

" well as far as I see it we are only not friends because I hadn't met you before now" Max defends himself again

"Seeing as you insist on bothering me, we should exchange names,mine is Blake Belladonna" agreed the girl now known as Blake Belladonna


AN: yeah this story is probably not going to be very good

I'm going to watch rwby soon because currently I'm going completely off fanfics

The story will have my own arcs and I may remove some as well we'll see how it goes

I think I'm going to take a while to write the next chapter though and my upload schedule will basically be non existent

Im planning to make this story quite long like it may take a while for anyone to even get too beacon