
A New Path

A professional Hitman reincarnates into a multiverse he thought to be only fiction. But, has his mentality regarding life and death changed during his reincarnation? Have A Wonderful Day!

Vallori · Anime & Comics
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234 Chs

{A New Path}: Lecturing Hades!

A/N: For scottyboy980! His comment I read yesterday kind of sparked a little motivation to go back to this. I had fun writing this, so this one is for you, my friend.



With the Portgas duo present on the island. Grimoire Heart started losing ground quicker and quicker, even to the point where the master of the guild, Hades felt a level of uncertainty regarding their chances of victory. The victory condition had changed drastically in the last few minutes. He had felt the auras of his top mages die out one after the other. And just now, Bluenote, his most powerful subordinate was defeated.

'I have to end this quickly and get to Ultear. She is the only one still standing, she has Zeref.' Hades dodged a flame-punch from Natsu and used his chain-magic to send the pink-haired boy crashing into his friends.

"Natsu, this isn't working, we need another plan!"

"Just give me a minute to recover and then I'll beat him by myself," Gray said, even though he sat on the ground exhausted from this long fight against Hades.

"You're not in any position to speak with such arrogance." Hades caught Gray in another chain and yanked him against Lucy who was completely exhausted. Even with Natsu's fire-lighting mode, Hade's was still going strong. The man wasn't the leader of Grimoire Heart for nothing.

The entire ship was on the verge of falling apart, they had been fighting in the main hall and the walls, roof and floor had countless holes in them, big and small.

"You little pests are really starting to annoy me!" Hades shot off another blast of magic and the group jumped to the side to avoid it.

Suddenly an all-encompassing presence spread across the island, and it applied such pressure that Hade's knees almost touched the ground. He looked up at the entrance with eyes screaming disbelief. "This is impossible! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!" The group of Fairy Tail mages looked around completely lost on what was going on. As it turned out, they didn't feel the pressure at all. From nowhere Hades had stumbled forward and taken on an expression of rage and disbelief.

"You guys know what's happening?" Gray asked the others, and in response got slight head-shakes.

"Maybe he finally went insane?" Lucy tilted her head as she had her gaze locked on Hades who was staring madly at nothing while screaming profanities.

"Oh, younglings, how about you step aside and let me handle this man. He is beyond you yet." Amell came striding in from the entrance, of course, Cana came walking behind him with the biggest grin on her face. 'SO COOL!' was the resounding phrase going through her head.

"Old man! Be careful! He's a monster!" Gray said hurriedly. This earned him a scoff from Cana, she actually sped past Amell and got right up in his face. "Are you saying grandpa can't beat this creep? Ridiculous!" She used her slim finger to repeatedly pech him on the forehead.

"OKAY! STOP IT! What the hell, Cana!"

"Wait, grandpa?" Lucy turned to her.

"Yep, this is gramps!"

"FUCKING BRATS!" Hades threw chains at Cana and Gray. But, before the two had the chance to get worried, they stopped in mid-air. With a loud snap of fingers, the chains blew apart.

"Knowing what my precious granddaughter has gone through, I am a little on edge now. So, be careful where you aim those or you might find yourself in an unpleasant situation." Amell walked passed Gray and enveloped Cana in a hug. "I'll just be a second." And with a peck of his lips on her forehead, he walked against Hades. "I see things derailed a little in your mind after I left. What would Mavis think?" With that Amell disappeared and appeared behind Hades and grabbed his wrist to twist his arm up. "Apologize to Mavis otherwise I'll break your arm." Amell was so many universes more powerful then Hades so a simple grab like this completely locked the dark guild master down.


"It's like you didn't even hear me, Hades. Or, I should say, Precht, shouldn't I. I won't use your pretentious alias." Amell raised the arm a little higher, and the group could hear faint snapping noises coming from his arm.

"I can't believe we had such a problem with that guy? He is given that lunatic a freaking lecture. How freaking strong is he?" Gray just sat down on the ground in defeat. Wendy joined him with an expression of disbelief. "Is this the power of the strongest mage in the world?" She couldn't believe that it existed someone stronger than Hades. the fight against him had seemed impossible.

"That is real power. The power of Fairy Tail." Erza looked like she had climaxed close to a thousand times in a minute. Her expression was one of pure ecstasy. She also dropped her weapon and sat down on the floor and watched Amell lecturing Hades on all the ways he had disappointed Mavis.

"Just kill me, Amell. This is a humiliation I will not recover from. I have left the light side, I don't deserve mercy, end me!" This wasn't Hades proclaiming to have become good again, and Amell understood that. This was him realizing even after so many years of searching for power, he was still lagging behind the man he hoped to surpass. "You have been a thorn in my side for over a century, Amell. All I wanted was to have your power, to surpass you, to possess what you have. All for nothing." Being in so close proximity to Amell, he couldn't deny the reality. He wasn't playing in the same league as Amell, not even close.

"How about a counter-offer." Amell hated seeing this. Much like Makarov, he would never forgive anyone who hurt his family, but Percht had the potential to be useful. "I am going on a journey eventually, and they get kind of lonely. You have always wanted to see my power, see what god-like power is, right? Well, this is your chance. I am offering you a chance to go with me on a journey, where I will show you things you haven't even heard of before. I will show you power no one in this world has seen before." Amell released his grip so Hades could finally fall to the floor. He had been sapped of most magic in his body. He was exhausted but awake. "What say you, Percht?"

"I am not like I used to be. I will never return to the naive foolish man I once was. I will kill again if you let me go. I will do evil again, this is what I became when I stared down the abyss of magic."

"Hahaha! boy, no you have not! You don't know the meaning of the word, abyss. I only need your answer, then I will decide who you are."

"Fine! If for a chance of one day claim your power as mine, show me your definition of the abyss of magic." Percht stood up, albeit on shaky legs. But, Amell flicked his wrist like a pro and opened a portal beside him, and just then the entire island was drowned in an actual god-like pressure. This affected everyone, as even Gildarts on the other side felt this.

Gildarts had Bluenote and now he sat in the camp doing nothing. And as that God-like pressure descended, he instantly shot up from his seat and disappeared toward the ship. "Fuck! I hope Father is there, or the kids might die!"

Out of that portal came an incredibly buff man. Muscles everywhere and topless so his incredible physique was exposed to the group. Erza, Wendy and Lucy lost control of their jaws, as soon as they could actually resist the pressure enough to raise their heads.

"Leo, this is Precht. Take him to the island, train him in the dead-lands. Do not be merciful. If he happens to die, that's okay." Amell said as Leo's ever-present grin morphed into a savage one. "Yes, Great Creator!" He grabbed Percht by the neck and threw him into the portal and jumped in after.

"There, now that's taken care of." Amell smiled at the group who sat with awe-struck expressions. Out of them all, Erza woke up first, followed shortly by Cana.

"Honourable Founder, who was that? I have never felt power like that. Hade seemed like dust in comparison." She was fangirling hard. She had not only become a huge Amell fan, she had practically morphed into a fanatic fan as she respected strength most.

"My subordinate. You all know of Paradise Island, yes?"

"Yes, of course!" Cana answered excitedly. "Can I visit it someday?"

"Absolutely!" Amell walked up and paused his explanation to have some cuddle time. "You are so adorable, I can't get enough!" He said as she disappeared as his cloak got wrapped around her

"Enough!" She managed to push him away to get room to breathe.

With a cough, he continued. "Anyway, my island has five Overlords. Each is responsible for one area of the land. That was one of them."

"There are five people like that, man, I think I'll pass on visiting your island." Gray lazily waved his hand, much to the displeasure of a certain red-head.

"I would be honoured to visit your island someday, Honourable Founder!" She practically screamed it out of nervousness.

"IS EVERYONE ALRIGHT?!" Gildarts came crashing in through a wall in the ship. His eyes darting left and right. "Is he here? Is everyone still alive?" His eyes finally landed on Amell.

"Father, damn it! Do not summon him outside the island, his aura is too overwhelming for most. Some at the camp fainted already." He sat down on the ground to breath out in relief. The Overlords had some leeway to leave the island, so he thought Leo had come here of his own accord.

"Gildarts, FIGHT ME!" Natsu just now woke up as Gildarts voice worked like a restart of his brain. He jumped at younger Portgas powerhouse but got knocked to the ground within a second. "Not now, Natsu." Was all Gildarts said as he sped past him to get to his father.

"Father, why would you summon him here?"

"I just sent Grimoire Hearts master to the island, I hade Leo come to pick him up Turns out that man is an old friend of mine. Who could guess." Amell smiled like none of what had transpired matter in the slightest. He had just taken out on of the strongest mages in the world and he had barely lifted a finger in doing so.

"Oh, okay! Wow, I was worried there for a second." Gildarts sat down on the ground and breathed out in relief. "Anyway, since everything is mostly resolved here, I think I'm gonna head back. Atlas and I still have a mission to finish."

"G...Gildarts!" Cana yelled out. She glanced up at Amell who stood there with his proud and encouraging smile. Even though she felt a warm feeling spread when she saw it, it didn't soothe the nervousness at all.

"Hm? Cana, what's up?" Gildarts saw the intense stairs from everyone and felt a little creeped out by it.


"She's your daughter, dude," Gray said nonchalantly robbing her of this moment. Gildarts expression morphed from annoyance from the stares to complete shock and denial. Finally, he looked at Amell as if asking for help.

"She's my granddaughter, all right. And, if you excuse me, I have to beat the life out of this young man for stealing this reunion from her." Amell turned to Gray, who by this point had frozen solid out of fear.

"Erm, old man, I..."

"Save it for lady death. You will be meeting her sooner than you thought." Amell grabbed Gray by the collar and lifted him up in the air. "Pick the way you wish to die. It can't be quick."

"Grandpa, release Gray, I don't care about that."

Cana turned to Gildarts, not sure what to say, but also not backing down. She had gone through this with Amell, and not she had that veteran will-power to withstand the awkwardness. From nowhere, Gildarts appeared in front of her and wrapped her in a hug. He didn't say much or shed a tear.

"I am sorry for not noticing before. And, I am sorry for being so selfish as to not give you the opportunity to tell me. And, I am quite hurt that he found out before I did. I am still lagging behind my old man." Gildarts put her at arms-length and looked into her eyes. "I am so sorry." And with an awkward twist of his neck. "Mind telling me the name of your mother?"

