
A New Luck ( Broken Jinx)

At 40 years old, Moore finds himself in the position of being perceived as a failure due to his lack of marriage or romantic relationships. The societal pressure to conform to traditional relationship milestones can weigh heavily on an individual, leading to feelings of inadequacy and loneliness. However, everything changes for Moore when he has a serendipitous encounter with a mysterious and enchanting woman, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Intrigued by this ethereal presence, Moore is drawn to her enigmatic aura and captivating demeanor. As their paths cross, he is enveloped in a sense of wonder and curiosity, wondering what significance this encounter holds for his life. Could this woman be a guiding light, leading him towards a newfound sense of purpose or clarity? Through this unexpected meeting, Moore is presented with the possibility of a transformative journey, one that offers him a chance to explore uncharted territories of the heart and soul. Will this encounter be the catalyst for a new chapter in Moore's life, one where he discovers the true meaning of love and fulfillment? The answers lie in the mysterious allure of the beautiful lady who appeared out of nowhere.

Adedeji_Adeniyi · Fantasy
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22 Chs

where you died

Moore had asked Katerina about this place. Katerina replied, "This is the place where you died." Moore felt his legs almost giving way, he almost had a heart attack after hearing Katerina's explanation. In his memory, he remembered falling from Max before everything went blank.

Moore thought for a moment before speaking. "If I died, why did I come back?" Katerina replied, "The rules of life and death are different here in Internia. Here in Internia, you can live forever without aging. That's why the Creator drove out man after the fall." Moore murmured for a while before saying, "Because man had disobeyed the Creator." Katerina replied with a confused expression, "Yes, and no." Moore wanted Katerina to explain further.

Katerina continued, "Yes, man had disobeyed, but there was more to it. The Creator didn't want man to be able to live forever after he had disobeyed. That was the main reason why the Creator drove out man from Internia."

"The reason you died and were reincarnated was because you didn't really die in Internia. There is no death here. So when you were injured and about to die, you were reborn on earth as a mortal, losing your immortality. And because you were immortal but now mortal, you still retained some of your memories. But if you die on earth, then you will truly die or be lost forever." Katerina became very serious, her facial expressions exuding a fearful demeanor. Moore became tense after hearing Katerina's explanations. He wanted to ask more questions, but Katerina seemed to be experiencing an emotional response.

Moore, like Oliver Twist, wanted more, but could not press the issue any further. After being silent for a while, Katerina finally spoke, "We have dwelt too long here. It is time to head back to Earth. Besides, time moves differently here. An hour here can be a day on Earth. It is time to bid farewell to Max and the other creatures." Moore was reluctant to bid farewell to Max, but he had no choice, so he played with Max a little before allowing him to fly off into the air without him. While Katerina just gave a hand signal to her beast, and it flew away, disappearing into the air.

Moore looked around before asking the obvious question: "How do we leave this place?" Katerina, with a smile on her face as if expecting the question, replied, "There are different portals leading to different spiritual verses here. You just have to know where to look." Pointing to a particular direction, she said, "That is the portal to Earth." Moore asked, "How would you know which portal is for Earth when there are so many leading to different spiritual verses?" Katerina, with a cheeky smile on her face, replied, "Just focus on getting your memories back, and you will know." With that, she led Moore through the portal.

In the twinkling of an eye, they were back inside Katerina's office. Moore let out a sigh and said, "It's good to be back in the real world again." After a few seconds, Katerina finally spoke. She told Moore that he would need to have Andrew, the chauffeur, drive him home since Marcy was not around. By the way, she added, we have to get you a car. Moore was speechless for a moment as he fiddled with his hair. He realized that they must have thought he was new to the company. Now, they wanted to get him a car. But before he could finish his thought, Katerina asked, "What kind of car do you like?" Moore was taken aback; he had barely come to terms with having a car. Now, she was asking what type he preferred. He hesitated for a moment before saying, "Any good car will do." He thought to himself, they wouldn't think I'm being too greedy. Katerina could only smile, as if seeing through his facade. She said, "Don't worry, we will find something that suits your needs and represents the company image." They both smiled at each other, reaching a suitable compromise. Katerina glanced at Moore one more time before he left the office, as if she was annoyed with him for something he did not know. Moore left Katerina's office and went straight to the private elevator. He pressed the button for the first floor. When he arrived, he found Andrew waiting for him. Andrew greeted Moore with a bow and led him straight to the limo parked outside.

As Moore was about to enter the limo, his phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, he could only smile to himself. He answered, "Hello Marcy," from the other end of the call, one could feel the excitement in Marcy's tone. "You're back already? How was the experience?" But before Moore could answer, Marcy chimed in, "You have to tell me all about it soon. I'm going to the Blue Moon restaurant. You can join me there in an hour." Moore replied, "I may be about twenty minutes late. I'm just leaving the office." Marcy replied, "No problem, I'll wait for you." After about thirty minutes, Moore arrived at the Blue Moon restaurant. The scenery was breathtaking, as if stepping into a world of culinary magic, where the chefs create dishes that are not only delicious but visually stunning. The soft lighting, comfortable seating with elbow room, well-thought-out menu, good wine selection, and soft background music all added to the ambiance. Before long, Moore was led to a private room where Marcy was waiting. She looked beautiful today in her designer label dress that reflected the moonlight. Moore couldn't help but choke on his saliva when he laid eyes on her. Sensing his reaction, Marcy smiled cheekily at him. "You look very beautiful, Marcy," Moore said. Marcy could only giggle while covering her mouth, pretending to be surprised. "Thank you, Mr. Moore. You're not looking bad yourself," she replied. After exchanging pleasantries, they both sat side by side in the private room to order their meals. A young and beautiful waitress named Diane came with their menu.

After a brief moment, they both started eating and drinking while Moore explained everything about his experience at Internia. Suddenly, they heard a commotion outside.