
The break up

'' Oh, what a hell of a day! "Kathryn mumbled as she got down the stairs after preparing dinner for her fiancé Trentham who was working all day in the basement office. She had to leave the next day as her dead grandmother had a last wish that the whole family should go on a cruise. There were also some matters to be discussed with her lawyer. Needless to say, no one knew about what it was going to be. With these thoughts racing in her mind, she reached the basement which was astonishingly dark, so the flipped the lights and to her horror, THERE WAS A NAKED GIRL ON TOP OF HER BOYFRIEND! Tears rushed through Kathryn's eyes as she saw the horrific scene. They had been together for five years. '' How could you cheat on me? " she scowled. Trentham quickly ran over to her what she was doing at that time in the basement. She quickly realised that her hands contained some food which she flung over their faces and said," you may have my leftovers dear woman! And as for Trentham, we are OFFICIALLY DONE! GOODBYE! AND RAN BACK BEFORE SHE TORE UP!