
A New Life With Minecraft Power As Naruto

Zhou Ming, an ordinary office worker, met an untimely end while playing Minecraft. To his surprise, he found himself reincarnated in the Naruto world, specifically inside the body of a newborn Naruto Uzumaki. Even more astonishing, he had been granted a unique Minecraft system complete with over 300 mods. At the tender age of one, Naruto accessed his sealed space, shaking his head in disbelief at the bleakness of it all. Deciding it needed a serious makeover, he embarked on a grand renovation project. Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox, had only recently been sealed inside Naruto and was still seething with anger. As the fox prepared to roar at the child, he was instead stunned by an unbelievable sight... Naruto was casually lifting a tree, but this tree was different. With a few swift strikes, the tree vanished into thin air, leaving only a neatly chopped block behind. The whole scene looked as if it were straight out of a video game, with everything square and unnatural. Kurama could only stare, dumbfounded. "Why does the tree disappear after being hit twice? And why is everything so square?" Thus began Naruto's unusual life in Konoha, filled with a mix of Minecraft-style construction and ninja adventures. The village would never be the same, as Naruto used his unique abilities to reshape his surroundings, bringing a touch of the game world into reality. With his carefree attitude and newfound powers, Naruto turned every day into a relaxed and happy adventure, much to the bewilderment of those around him. Drop some power stone frens, even one is enough. Drop some reviews too, let this fanfic shine with our power through dropping 4 stars review.

Mimicupos · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Chaos at the Training Ground

Jiraiya had finally agreed to teach Naruto, albeit under the strong encouragement of the Third Hokage, who even lent him his prized crystal ball for two days. Jiraiya initially felt deceived by the Hokage, but once he saw the crystal ball, all his reservations disappeared.

The following day, Jiraiya and Naruto met at the training ground east of the village.

"Heh heh..." Jiraiya sat cross-legged on a stone, cradling the crystal ball in his arms. A lascivious grin stretched across his face, with a bit of saliva hanging at the corner of his mouth.

"Can you stop for a moment?" Naruto complained from the side. "Old man, at your age, you really…"

"Hey! What nonsense are you saying?" Jiraiya shot back, his face reddening. "How can a kid your age talk like that?"

"I'm telling you!" Jiraiya continued, getting defensive. "I'm still fierce at my age!"

Naruto looked at Jiraiya's old face, confusion written all over it. The kid hadn't even finished speaking before Jiraiya's reaction turned defensive.

Jiraiya's irritation grew. It was bad enough dealing with Naruto's antics, but then there were the strange cards Naruto kept waving in front of him. They featured bizarre images, like Chiyo from Sunagakure in odd outfits, or even the Fourth Raikage!

Jiraiya was chilled to the bone by the mere sight of them and had lost all interest in the crystal ball. He was particularly worried that Naruto might use his transformation technique to turn into one of these card characters.

"Naruto, can you please find somewhere else to hang out?" Jiraiya said, clearly exasperated. "And, um… I've promised the old man to accept you as a disciple. Could you show me some respect and call me 'sensei'? Immediately!"

Naruto, unfazed, continued to pull out cards from his system. These were exclusive cards, drawn by Uzumaki Naruko, featuring various outfits and characters. Even Naruto was a bit unsettled by their content.

"If it weren't for the fact that the Third Hokage is around," Naruto thought, "I might have even drawn him in a ridiculous outfit."

Jiraiya, overwhelmed by the situation, desperately tried to shift the focus. "How about I teach you a powerful technique instead?" he suggested, hoping to distract Naruto.

Naruto, intrigued, stopped fiddling with the cards and turned his full attention to Jiraiya. "What powerful technique are you going to teach me?" he asked eagerly.

Jiraiya's eyes twitched at the kid's enthusiasm. He thought back to Minato, who was always so well-behaved as a child. How could Minato's child be so troublesome?

Or perhaps this troublesome nature was inherited from Kushina? Jiraiya's mind flashed with a memory of the fiery redhead, making him shudder.

"Ahem!" Jiraiya cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. He carefully placed the crystal ball to the side, straightened his clothes, and began.

"Watch closely, Naruto." Jiraiya bit his thumb, smearing blood onto his palm, and began forming hand seals. He placed one hand on the ground and shouted, "Psychic Art!"

With a puff of smoke, a massive orange toad, about two meters long, appeared. It opened its mouth, rolled its tongue, and spat out a scroll.

Jiraiya took the scroll and tossed it in front of Naruto. "Sign your name on the scroll," he instructed.

Naruto eagerly signed his name after his father's, completing the ritual. Jiraiya then began explaining the essentials of the psychic technique.

"How much do you remember about the psychic skills?" Jiraiya asked casually, preparing to leave Naruto to figure things out on his own.

However, when he turned around, he saw Naruto standing there, completely motionless.

"What are you doing?" Jiraiya shouted. "My question! How many techniques do you remember?"

Naruto finally looked up. "Half..." he said with a clueless expression.

It wasn't that the technique was difficult. The problem was that Jiraiya had gone on about sealing techniques, and Naruto had been more focused on trying to understand those. Consequently, he only grasped part of the psychic skills.

Jiraiya, frustrated, explained the essentials once more. This time, Naruto paid close attention.

"Alright, practice by yourself now," Jiraiya said, pushing Naruto to the side. He was eager to find a quiet spot and pull out the crystal ball again.

As Jiraiya found a corner and started to indulge in his perverted interest, several loud noises erupted around him, causing him to nearly drop the Hokage's precious crystal ball.

"What's going on?" Jiraiya wondered, turning around in shock.

His eyes widened in horror as he saw the source of the commotion.

"Traitor! Stop it!!" someone shouted.

"That's the Great Toad Sage!!" another voice cried out.

Jiraiya's heart sank as he realized that the Great Toad Sage had appeared, causing chaos at the training ground. The situation was quickly spiraling out of control, and Jiraiya knew he had to act fast to manage the mess he had unwittingly found himself in.