
A New Life In The Arrowverse

A man dies in our world and is reborn, with improvements, in the arrowverse. What will he do now? Mature content Mc will sleep around Harem? I do not own anything but my Mc and any OC's I created!!

Ezzy_E · TV
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27 Chs

Revelations Finale

Author's note: Hey readers, please let me know what you all think of the fight scenes and if you all like them or if there is something I can do better. Also please give me some constructive criticism about the story so far and what you all think I could do better. I appreciate you all, hope you are enjoying the story so far.

Last time on A New Life In The Arrowverse - Our MC, Isaac, showed up to the scene of a violent attack at CatCo Media by the super powered villain Reactron and is locked in a deadly battle with him.

Now, on to the story.


Isaac just laughed at the threat, raised his hand and motioned for Reactron to come over and try. He responded with another blast, but this one sprang from his chest like a laser and obliterated the space Isaac had been in. Luckily, Isaac was already on the move, he ducked behind a nearby wall, his sword appearing in hand, and one quick invisibility spell later and he was gone. He started to move in closer to the villain, hoping for a clear shot, each step taken carefully. Just as Isaac was set to make his move Reactron turned abruptly towards him and launched a lance of energy right into Isaac's chest.

"Boom!" A loud explosion rang out through the room as Isaac was sent flying through the conference room window. He landed with a loud thump on the long table and rolled right off, Isaac shook his head clear before he got right back up angry. He had fallen for the oldest trick in the book, if he had been an ordinary human that attack would have killed him, instead it just pissed him off. 

Isaac summoned a portal back to Reactron and jumped through, sword at the ready, he appeared at the villain's back and caught him by surprise. Isaac channeled magic through his sword and brought it down in a quick slash, a flash of red and black flew from the sword and raced towards Reactron. His eyes widened as the blast washed over him and sent him flying, Isaac vanished and appeared above Reactron's still moving body. Isaac pulled back his right hand and let loose a vicious punch that sent the villain crashing into the ground. 

As the dust settled Reactron got up with some struggle, his costume showing signs of damage, and yanked off his face mask. A trail of crimson ran down from his nose as his eyes narrowed in anger, 'he is pissed' Isaac thought, chuckling to himself.

"AHHHH!!" Reactron roared as red energy surged all around him, increasing in intensity every second. If Isaac had, had a Geiger counter it would have been going crazy with the amount of radiation Reactron was releasing. 

"Clypeus Purgatio (Cleansing Shield)" Isaac whispered. His body glowed for a moment before settling as his shield activated, while not great against physical or energy-based attacks, Isaac's spell was uniquely suited for what he was facing now. His spell's greatest strength came from protecting the body against contaminants and infections, which is what it classified radiation as. With it, Reactron's greatest strength was taken away, even so, Isaac was through playing around.

"Reactron, I'm going to give you one chance to surrender peacefully, if you choose to continue with this madness, I will end you. Don't test me." Isaac warned. 

"Hahaha! Who do you think you're talking to, loser. You know damn well you won't do shit to me but lock me up, and that's only if you manage to beat me. You're such a joke, trying so hard to look tough, I'm going to enjoy killing you." Isaac just shook his head at Reactron and disappeared.

AHHH Fuck! You fucking cunt!" Reactron cried out in pain as Isaac reappeared in the same spot, his sword wet with blood. The radioactive villain lightly touched his back, tracing the long, deep slash that now adorned it. Before Reactron had even processed what happened Isaac vanished again, appearing right in front of him, his hand at Reactron's chest.

"Fulgur!" Isaac whispered. A bolt of lightning flew from his hand and blasted straight into Reactron, his body shook and seized up as the lightning made its way through his body. Before he could even begin to recover Isaac's sword sliced through the air so fast Reactron never saw it coming. Isaac brought it back down with a swift flourish that carried the fresh blood right off the enchanted blade. Reactron's eyes just blinked for a moment, unsure of what had just happened, as he opened his mouth to talk his neck started to bleed. 

Isaac dropped his mystical disguise and watched with disinterest as Reactron's eyes were wide, frozen in terror, as it finally dawned on him what Isaac had done. He stared once more at Isaac's unhidden face, tears falling freely, Isaac just stared back blankly as Reactron's head slid off his body and blood gushed from the open wound. Isaac turned to leave when he suddenly felt eyes on him, he looked around searching for the unknown watcher. After a few moments had passed, Isaac just shook his head, he had a feeling about who his watcher was and if he was right, she'd be delt with later. With that pleasant thought, Isaac put back his disguise, and turned, looking down at the headless corpse. 

"You should have taken the deal." Isaac said, without remorse. He looked at the villain's body one last time before he teleported back outside to the anxious and terrified crowd. Sound erupted as Isaac reappeared in front of the CatCo building, assuming, correctly, that he had beaten Reactron. As Isaac went through the crowds, he took time to talk to some of the people that seemed to be having a tough time and just listened to them. For some, that was all they needed, for others he gave some advice and recommended they speak to someone. It helped when he brought up the traumatic nature of what they had gone through and how no sane person would be ok after such an experience. 

However reasonable he sounded, Isaac knew that there would be people who wouldn't take his advice and would suffer because of it, but that was life. As he worked the crowd Isaac also checked that his spell had healed all the victims of the attack, any that weren't he took care of himself. Once he was done, Isaac said his goodbyes to the crowd, ignoring the police attempting to get his attention, their guns drawn, and teleported to his hotel room. 

The first thing Isaac did when he got to the hotel room was to take a long, hot shower to relax, his mind was reeling, he had killed a man in cold blood. He knew of course that Reactron had been a murderer and that he hadn't planned on stopping even if he got caught, the villain had admitted as much. Logically Isaac knew he made the right call killing him, his past life had shown him how little the so-called heroes of this world did to prevent innocent death from repeat offenders. Isaac refused to sit back and let that happen, the problem was his heart, he grew up thinking killing was wrong and he was having a hard time dealing with that.

But Isaac would not let that stop him from doing what he felt was the right thing, he would just get more control over his emotions. As he stepped out of the shower naked, having forgot his towel, he noticed Blackfire standing in the doorway, her eyes roamed over his body drinking in the view. With but a thought Isaac dried himself off and stood in front of her, his nakedness on full display, with a confident smirk.

"Enjoying the view?" He asked. Not being one to back down from a challenge, Blackfire eyes rested on his large endowment a little longer before she sent him a predatory grin.

"I most certainly am, are all humans as gifted as you? If so, I might just enjoy my time on this planet." Blackfire added, her smile widening at the thought. Unfortunately, Isaac had the unenviable responsibility to rain on her imaginary parade, it wasn't because he'd find her disappointment amusing, definitely not that. 

"No, Blackfire, unfortunately for you, I'm a rare breed." Isaac enjoyed how her eyes kept wandering down to his fully erect dick. He walked closer to her, her eyes still stuck on his throbbing erection, until his dick practically stabbed her in the stomach. Blackfire's breaths started to come in pants as she felt the heat radiating from his member, her hands moved slowly towards it. Just before she could touch it Isaac's body lit up in a flash that blinded Blackfire for a moment, as the flash faded Isaac was left standing there fully dressed and smirking. The look on blackfire's face when the spots cleared from her vision made it a real struggle for Isaac not to bust out laughing, she looked so disappointed. 

Before either side continued their banter, Isaac stiffened as his magical senses went off. Isaac quickly warned Blackfire that they would be having a surprise guest and to stay in her room no matter what. Seeing how serious he was, Blackfire held off on her questions and hurried to her room, after the door closed Isaac spelled the room, protecting it from peering eyes. Afterwards, Isaac spelled his body with a combination of spells that would put him on even footing with what was coming.

"Whoosh!" A gust of wind brushed past Isaac as an extremely unhappy woman appeared, suddenly, in front of him, her eyes glowing red. Isaac acted shocked, not only at her "sudden" appearance, but also at her apparently having powers. Isaac stared, unflinchingly, back into her glowing eyes for a long moment before smiling gently at her and breaking the silence.

"I always felt there was something special about you Kara, I guess I was right. To what do I owe this sudden, albeit pleasant, surprise visit?" Isaac asked, moving closer to her as he spoke. He stopped right in front of her, within her reach, close enough he practically felt the heat emanating from her eyes. He felt her righteous anger, confusion, and heartbreak, clear as day thanks to the empath spell he included during his mass spell casting earlier. The beautiful thing about that particular empath spell was that it wasn't just one way, he could also influence emotions, an added precaution. 

"How could you?!" Kara cried out, her voice full of anguish. Isaac truly felt for her, he knew that they had gotten close, he also knew how black and white she saw the world, she must have though he betrayed her, or worse played her. He had to play this very carefully, especially if he wanted any hope of keeping her as a bed partner, she was quite fun, and he didn't hate her company. But back to the matter at hand, he thought about how best to handle the furious Kryptonian, he could play dumb, she had no proof after all, but that would end whatever was between them. He thought of several other options, all having their good and bad points, but finally he settled on a course of action.

"First things first Kara, calm down and tell me what you're talking about." Kara's face twisted in anger at his request, Isaac just watched as her eyes glowed more fiercely, and hoped he made the right choice.

"You murdered him, you bastard!! You had him beat and then you just killed him! In cold blood!!" Kara screamed. Isaac just sighed and shook his head.

"Ah, I thought I felt someone watching, even wondered if it was you." Kara looked a little taken aback, whether that was because Isaac had felt her watching or at how blasé he was acting, Isaac didn't know. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that Kara, truly. Did you even ask yourself why I was there to begin with?" Isaac asked. The glow in Kara's eyes dimmed a little at that, her brow furrowed thinking over the question. When Isaac saw she couldn't figure out the answer, he gave it to her.

"I was there for you. I felt the explosion in my studio and when I saw the smoke coming from CatCo I rushed over." Isaac could see that Kara's resolve was shaken a bit as he told her his story.

"When I got there the building looked like a bomb had gone off, I calmed some people down enough to find out what happened and when I saw you were inside, I almost ran in after you right then, but those people needed my help. So, I set up a healing area for them and made sure everyone who was injured was taken care of and then I ran into the building. Kara, there were bodies everywhere. Some, Reactron just killed outright, others though, he made them suffer, he gave them unbelievably high doses of radiation and just left them to die in agony. 

Even then I might have still let him live and handed him over to the cops, but then I found out why he did this in the first place." Isaac looked Kara dead in the eyes, his face gave away nothing, but his eyes went cold as he remembered what Reactron had told him. Kara looked stunned at his sudden change, wondering what exactly Reactron had said to Isaac to have him react like that.

"He was just trying to have some fun with a different Kryptonian, one that was in hiding apparently. He killed all those people for no other reason than it was fun, and when I gave him a chance to surrender, he laughed and said all I could do him was send him to jail. He wasn't afraid of going to jail, he called it his timeout, and as soon as he was out, he'd continue killing. So, I killed him, and I'd do it again Kara, even knowing the weight I feel now because of it, I'd do it again. Those people he killed deserved some fucking justice and the ones he would have killed deserved to be saved from that asshole. They are worth more than my having a few sleepless nights and some nightmares." Isaac added tiredly as his shoulders slouched over as if under an immense weight. Kara's eyes, no longer glowing, were filled with sadness and concern towards him, his story hit her just as he'd hoped. 

Isaac smiled inwardly, her guard was down, he had knocked the righteous rage right out of her with his sob story. 

"Oh Isaac." Kara said sadly as she stepped into his space, her hand on his shoulder. Isaac looked down at her, his eyes wet with unshed tears.

"It was the only way, Kara; I couldn't let him kill any more people. It would have been my fault if he did." Isaac insisted. He pulled Kara into him and just held her, whilst he pretended to break down. She froze for a moment in his arms but soon her arms were wrapped around him as well. While his head was on her shoulder Isaac whispered in her ear something he felt would turn Kara completely to his side. 

"Can we just stay like this for a little while?" He asked hesitantly. Kara just nodded into his chest. While Kara was focused on the hug Isaac cast a quick spell to increase lust on his hands and rubbed her back. Isaac felt her breath quicken after a minute and stood to his full height, Kara still against his chest, his hands still rubbing her back. One of Isaac's hands moved up to the back of her head, to where her hair was kept in a ponytail. He waited for his spell to really take hold and then he pulled her head back by her hair, Kara stared up at him in shock. 

Before she had a moment to think, Isaac attacked her lips hungrily, Kara froze, overwhelmed, but as Isaac's passion increased, Kara found herself swept away. She threw her arms around his head and surrendered. Isaac mentally cheered as he felt Kara return his kiss, his hands trailed down her back until they cupped her ass. As Isaac lifted her up, Kara instinctively wrapped her legs around him and moaned into the kiss, letting herself be carried into his room. For the rest of the night Isaac proceeded to engrave exactly who she belonged to into her brain, driving her to heights of pleasure she never knew existed.

The next morning while Kara was still passed out from mind breaking sex, Isaac sent a couple of quick texts. Some went to his family and friends back home, letting them know he was ok, and one to Cat playing the concerned lover, which she ate up. After a quick shower and some food Isaac woke Kara up and told her he had to leave town for a while for work. It took a couple rounds of goodbye sex and a promise to keep in touch to calm her down, once she left Isaac started to pack up. 

Less than 30 minutes later Isaac was on the couch in front of the TV with Blackstar watching the news, he wanted to know what people thought of Reactron's death. 

"We're here with the CEO of CatCO Media, Cat Grant, just feet away from the sight of a vicious and cowardly terrorist attack by the villain Reactron. Thank you for joining me Ms. Grant can you tell us what happened today?" the reporter asked. Isaac saw the smoldering remains of the CatCo building in the background as he listened to Cat answer the reporter's questions with absolute grace and dignity. Damn she was hot. Then came the question that drew Isaac's interest the most, the reporter asked what happened to stop the attack on Cat's building. Cat looked straight into the camera and took a quick breath before she answered. 

"First off Rebecca, please call me Cat, I am about to share a rather personal experience with you after all. Now, to answer your question, I honestly thought we were going to die, so many of my people already were, and then, all of a sudden, this man appeared on the street. You should have seen it Rebecca, he had such a calming presence and was so gentle and kind with us, it meant the world to us. He set up a space for us to heal before he went into the building, don't ask me how he did it, I'm just happy he did. What impressed me the most about this mystery man was that afterwards, he took the time to calm and reassure us. He knew we were all terrified and he tried, for even just a short while, to help us, and I for one thank him for it." The reporter, Rebecca, nodded her head in understanding, before following up.

"Thank you for sharing that Cat, but I have to ask, do you condone what he did to Reactron? Reports say his body had numerous wounds on him and his head was removed, surely those are not the actions of a hero." Cat took a moment before she answered. When she was ready, she looked straight at the camera, her eyes were filled with strength that hadn't been there a moment ago. 

"I'm glad you asked me that, I was conflicted about Reactron's death for a while until I looked up his history. Did you know that Reactron has killed almost 300 people over the last 4 years and that's on top of being arrested 6 different times? After finding all of this out I honestly believe he has had more than enough chances, Reactron should have been put him to death years ago. As far as if killing is hero behavior, all I can say is that no one actually knows what happened during that fight. 

I mean we don't even know why that man killed Reactron, it could have been in self-defense so we shouldn't be too quick to judge." Isaac smiled at that, it seemed Cat, unlike a majority of the world, had some common sense. She went on to admonish the police department for showing up at the scene with their weapons drawn on a street full of civilians. She also mentioned how reckless and arguably criminal it was pointing it at the mystery man without cause. She followed that condemnation with the story of Nathen Maxwell and everything that happened to his family and the allegations he made against the police department.

Isaac was shocked, he had not expected Cat to use this opportunity to talk about Nathen's case, it was genius. She used a tragedy to get national coverage for Nathen that she might not have gotten otherwise, Isaac hoped that Nathen saw this and it gave him some peace. After the interview was over, Isaac and Blackfire got in his rental and left the city in his rearview mirror and hopped on his plane. They took off about an hour later and headed off to LA for a couple of meetings that he was very excited for.