
Parents - 1

The next morning Yukio was reading several reports.

In each writing of the reports was the total of 'Magic Pills' that have been sold in all branches.

Although this money was useless for him, at least it would not for his family, after all ... What else would the money be for?

He could not tell everyone, but if he wanted money, simply by shaking a finger even the gold of this world would come to his hands, he could only smile ironically.

Yukio: "Have you been selling to each Faction? And no attacks so far?" He asked while drinking a cup of tea.

Beside him was Yasaka who was smiling broadly as she watched her beloved husband work.

Yasaka: "Yes, each sale was made equally to all factions ... Now ... attacking us?" She shook her head. "Who would dare to attack us? There is a rumor that the Yokai have some kind of relationship with the Gotei 13 ... What did you expect?"

Since that rumor occurred, many factions had come in a friendly way, they even sent gifts.

Well, everything could be noticed after some time, the Yokai faction had been gone for years and suddenly reappeared, but this time with 'Magic Pills', to the top it off even selling them.

This could only mean that the Gotei 13 was allied with them.

Yukio gave her a smile and continued to browse through each report, after all, he was now the master of the Yokai faction.

Yasaka watching her husband work did not resist and sat next to him while resting her head on Yukio's shoulder.

Yukio: "Are you not acting too spoiled? At this rate, I do not know if I have a pet or a wife?" He said mockingly as he stroked his wife's hair.

Yasaka stuck out her tongue: "So what? ... You do not come to see me very much, I just want to stay like this a little longer, okay?"

Yukio could not help laughing, watching this older woman behave like a child, but whatever? ... Remembering Great Red, who must be behaving like a little punk for millions of years ... There was not much difference.

Yukio: "Ok ... But won´t you have me all the time from now? ... Anyway, I'll be living in this place for a while."

Yasaka: "Um, that's true ... That's why it's better to spend more time together, so I can enjoy more." She said seriously as she took her husband's unoccupied hand and interlaced their fingers.

Yukio: "Oh ... I've already spoiled you enough!" He said comically while laughing, suddenly he remembered something "Hey, what about little Kunou? Why haven´t I seen her recently?"

Yesterday he was supposed to talk to her, but since the 'punishment' happened he could not see her.

Yasaka smiled as she closed her eyes: "That little girl must be training, possibly you will see her in the afternoon ... After all, she says she wants to be so strong to join your team."

Yukio: "My team? ... Are you talking about the lieutenants?"

Yasaka: "Yes, since Bill previously came to visit me, she has been very excited to want to be as strong as a Lieutenant, so she has not stopped training ... Didn´t you promise to help her years ago?"

Yukio: "A-ah well ... It's true that I promised, but ... Did I not leave for around ten years?" He said to excuse himself.

Yasaka opened her eyes and stared at him before smiling: "But now you are her father ... It is your duty, no?"

Yukio put on an expression of loss and laughed: "Yes ... I'm her father, right? Anyway, anyway, I should talk to her soon ... I still don´t know what she wanted to talk to me about."

Yasaka nodded, she thought that maybe Kunou would finally accept Yukio as her father, she could not help but feel happy as she leaned on her husband's shoulder.

Yukio let her rest while he continued reviewing the reports.

He only reviewed these reports, because he wanted to see the Factions that accepted the "Magic pills", he knew that this happiness would be ruined soon.

Galego, the Demon of blood, is a destroyer of dimensions and what Yukio could discover before returning to this dimension is that this demon was about to reach this place.

But the strange thing was ... "... Why hasn´t he arrived yet? He's supposed to have come to this world much earlier and with his attitude, it's impossible for him to be happy living here."

That had puzzled him, Galego was supposed to be a destroyer of dimensions, but during this time he lived here, he has not felt the presence of anyone who entered this dimension ... It's weird because Galego must have arrived a week ago.

He sighed and rubbed his forehead because when suddenly something happened outside of a plan, that only meant more problems will appear.

He wanted to talk to Yasaka about something, but suddenly he heard the door.

Knock Knock!

Yasaka, who was lying on her husband's shoulder, made a grumpy expression, after all, she was enjoying a loving moment with her love.

She fixed herself and she opened the door, there stood a beautiful woman ... Well, her height was small but her chest indicated otherwise.

Serafall: "Ya-chan! I'm back!" She said jumping briskly.

Yasaka had an expression of looking at an enemy: "... Yes, I can see that ... just come in and take a seat."

Serafall, who was animated, felt a bucket of cold water on her head, smiled shyly and entered.

She did not understand why Yasaka was acting like that, but when she entered she saw Yukio.

Serafall: "Ohhh ... it´s you again!" She said pointing at him.

Yukio made an uncomfortable expression: "... Why are you so outraged?"


Issei who was sitting in front of his home computer was reading some post from a game site.

Sitting next to him was his girlfriend Katase, who was holding a book that showed old weapons or swords, it was really weird for a woman to read this kind of thing, but because of her ability, this was useful.

Issei collapsed on the table while sighing.

Issei: "Uhh, how boring ... When will we start classes?!" He said as he stretched out his hands and picked up a piece of chocolate on the desk.

Katase looked up and smiled: "Hehe, you don´t care about classes, what you want to see is Yukio-san right?"

Issei looked at her and smiled dumbly: "Well ... That's true, the truth is that I want to know why he left, besides how he became so strong."

Since he confirmed that Yukio is Agarus, he has been very impatient.

His brother was a powerful being, he was even feared by the factions and also ... He had very strong and beautiful wives.

Katase stuck out her tongue: "I know what you're thinking, but ... does he not act a little overboard? To destroy two clans and there are even rumors that he has stolen wives of others!"

Issei chuckled: "So? ... The strongest are supposed to be destined for big things, wasn´t that what the noble demons told us? Besides, I have not seen my brother do something bad, the Phoenix Clan... Well, most of them were despicable... bastards!"

Katase listened to him and nodded, what he said was true, some Phoenix even kidnapped or killed for fun.

Issei continued: "Besides, wasn´t another Phoenix clan re-created? But I must admit that the new name is quite interesting ... Dark Phoenix, or Phoenix of Dark Flames."

Katase nodded, it was a good name, sounding dominant.

This name was created by the Phoenix survivors, in addition, they did it due to the reminder of that powerful being called Agarus who destroyed them for their vile acts.

This would serve as a peace offering and a reminder of what their actions may cause.

Katase: "That's true, I can´t complain ... But about having many wives, that's what we'll have to talk about." She said while remembering the gentle and mature boy, who was her brother-in-law.

She could not believe that he became so dominant, and in addition, having many love relationships at such a young age.

"Yes? ... And how will you stop it?" Sounded a merry voice behind both, they turned around scared.

There sitting on the bed was a beautiful woman, she had long black hair tied in a ponytail by a golden dragon-shaped hairpin.

Beautiful golden eyes and pointed ears with a flirtatious smile on her red lips and had white skin, she was dressed in a suit similar to a white kimono with a red ribbon on her waist.

Issei: "Who are you!?" He quickly raised his arm and his Red Glove appeared.

Katase also went into her battle state while in her hand a large sword appeared, ready for attack.

But the woman just smiled tenderly: "Uh, calm down ... if your brother knew you attacked me ... he could get mad, you know?"

Her voice sounded sweet, and kind, but sent a chill to the two teenagers present.

Issei: "W-wait ... brother!?!"

Katase: "I-issei ... Look at her clothes! …" She said pointing to the woman in front of them.

Issei suddenly realized that this woman had the same suit and hairpin that her brother's wives wore previously.

Issei: "Y-you, are you a friend of my brother's?" He immediately asked he wanted to know the identity of this person.

Saemys shook her head: "No ... I am one of his wives, but in reality, I am not here for this, although it is an honor to meet my husband's little brother, I was sent to know if your mission was fulfilled."

Issei did not know whether to trust this woman or not, but suddenly a voice sounded from his glove.

Ddraig: "Child! She is not a Dragon, but she is one of your brother's wives ... Now stop bothering me!" He said suddenly while the Glove went away.

Issei´s mind went blank, but then he shook his head and looked at the woman in front of him.

More and more he felt that his brother was moving away from him, now even another beautiful wife appeared.

He placed his hand on his chin: "Um ... I must say that my brother has very good tastes, wait ... Those ears? ... Woah an elf!"

He had an internal conflict, but then he sighed.

Issei: "If you are talking about convincing my parents to go to the country house, well, mission accomplished, it was not really difficult", he said as he sat down.

Saemys was glad to hear that: "Oh, that's good news, do you want something as compensation?"

Katase frowned as she took a seat: "Compensation? ... Issei only did it because he wants to reunite his parents with Yukio ... It's not to win something."

Saemys looked at the girl and sighed: "You misunderstood me, don´t take this as a 'compensation' ... Actually, we know that Yukio wants to protect Issei-san, that's why we've decided to give him something ... But I'm very sure that the will not accept a gift."

Katase quickly realized: "Are you talking about giving something as compensation, instead of a gift?"

Saemys nodded: "Yes ... So Issei-san, you cannot deny it hehe!"

Issei was speechless before laughing: "So that's it ... Anyway, I know I'm weak and I need something to protect me ... So what can I ask for?"

Saemys stuck out a finger: "An object when Yukio is with his parents you can choose any object in the vault ... For now, I have to go." She said while smiling.

Both adolescents looked at each other and nodded, when Saemys suddenly disappeared, scaring them.

Issei sighed: "At last we can return to be a family, eh ..."

Katase at the side felt happy because her boyfriend would finally see her brother again, she hugged him and they both stayed that way.


In another place, a beautiful blonde woman was in the air floating.

She had a pale and beautiful face, emerald green eyes, and a voluptuous body that was tightly wrapped in her academic suit.

Most notable were two pairs of horns coming from her forehead pointing upward, a long green tail and two large wings from her back.

She had a smile on her face but her transformation was over and she began to fall to the ground numbly.

Before she could touch the floor a beautiful woman with silver hair held her in her arms, while giving her a look of respect.

Kaori: "... Incredible ... The power of Miss Asia just woke up but it is almost at our level." She said while admiring this girl.

Yes, this great mature woman was Asia who had transformed into her 'Dragonoid' mode.

Each time a pure Dragon entered that stage, they would have a body transformation, some would get slight changes, but on Asia, even her body had become that of a mature woman.

But now she returned to her base state, a small teenage girl. Kaori then instructed the others to escort this girl to her residence in the human world.

After all, they would only take her back to the Club again, but now everyone admired this girl, most of all because they erroneously thought that this was one of the new queens.

---Hyoudou Residence

In the main room, on the sofa were both parents of Issei and Yukio sitting staring at the TV.

Suddenly Mr. Hyodou sneezed: "Achoo!"

Mrs. Hyodou: "Uh? Did you get a cold? Do you want me to bring you something?" She said while looking at him worriedly.

Mr. Hyodou waved his hand while furrowing his eyebrows: "Not at all ... It's just ... I feel like something good will happen soon."

Mrs. Hyodou: "Oh? You too?!" She was startled, and both looked at each other.

Then both began to chat about this issue, both could feel that something very special would happen to them soon.

Editor: maave