
Hostages (End)

Edited by;Theking13

The area was silent immediately, it is not that the present beings are cowards

It's just that they were surprised by Kalawarner, she used to be so weak that even those present here could kill her instantly, but now she emanated a terrifying force

But now it seemed to be on par with the faction leaders ... Or possibly beyond that but nobody knew exactly

What they did know was that the intense thirst for blood emanated from her and those pairs of cold eyes seemed to see their souls

Azazel looked at his subordinate on the embedded floor and could only sigh, he did not expect something like this to happen.

Immediately Azazel gave an order for someone to take over that Fallen Angel

Kalawarner slowly lowered from the sky, it was unusual to see her in the air without her wings, it was because she had diligently learned the skill [Levitation]

Suzaku, on the other hand, she looks at the woman named Kalawarner with caution, after all she did not know who she was, but because of the clothing she was wearing, she could have an idea

Kalawarner glanced towards everyone and then headed towards Suzaku with slow steps

Each pair of eyes fixed on both women, after all, the Gotei 13 was already quite famous in the supernatural world

The funny thing was that even when her former facton leader was present, she did not even give him a look

Suzaku: "Eh ... Excuse me? Do you need anything from us?" She said quietly immediately

Kalawarner: "I have come for orders from Agarus, my duty is to take the prisoners they have taken, could you deliver them now?"

Her voice was low, but immediately It raised an uproar from everyone in a furious way

Demons: "Take them ?! Are not you seeing that everyone here came for the same reason? What makes you think you can go and just say those words as if you were the leader of this place ?!"

Angel Caido: "Are you kidding ?, Your one person who betrayed our faction dares to come here and try to give you airs ... Has your brain been filled with muscles ?!"

Everyone gave their opinions, but all paid attention to the Angel who was sitting, everyone was confused

Why was he the only one who did not even complain? He just sat there drinking a cup of tea and smiling ...

Every present being felt that something was really happening here

Kalawarner made deaf ears of the words spoken by all and only fixed his eyes on Suzaku

Suzaku cringed a bit at the protests of the others, but in the end, she sighed she had already promised her uncle "I understand ..."

She turned around looking at the others and bowed a bit like reverence. "I'm sorry for making them come to my Clan and have discussions, but I really can not deliver the hostages, they've all been taken into custody by the Gotei 13 and I have my hands tied "

Suzaku apologized to everyone while leaning down to imply that this issue was no longer his problem

But his words caused all present beings to rise from their chairs with distorted faces

Demons: "Again the Gotei 13?"

Demons 2: "How is it possible? Are they allies?"

Angel Caido: "Did they help you before?"

Angel Caido 2: "What do the prisoners need? Do they themselves plan to punish them?"

Everyone whispered to their friends trying to understand all this, but Azazel frowned before looking at Kalawarner

(Maybe that kind of Agarus ... Is he planning to use the prisoners? No ... It's very different from that time, he took Kalawarner as a prisoner for attacking in the human world, but these fallen angels allied with Kokabiel .. What exactly is it, will he do with theys?) Azazel thought about it, ignoring everyone present

Kalawarner: "As has already been said, please withdraw from this place, the laws have said that a massive amount of supernatural beings are not allowed in the human world, and you are already breaking the rules." She spoke with her typical cold voice

The Devils and Fallen Angels knew very well what laws Kalawarner was talking about, and they could not refute his words

Even so, a demon took a step forward "If you want to take the prisoners, you can do them, but first you need to give us an explanation, you can not allow the Gotei 13 to do what they please, not even talk to the leaders to make this decision for yourselves"

The others also began to protest with the same words, but Kalawarner shook his head and his eyes fixed on Azazel

Kalawarner: "Even though I have not talked to the other leaders, we have the honor of having Azazel-sama among us today, what do you think of us taking your 'servants' today? Leader of the Fallen Angels?"

For some reason, many thought that Kalawarner's tone sounded like a mockery instead of a question, but Azazel smiled and waved his hand.

Azazel: "I really do not have any problems, but I'm curious about something ... What exactly will they do with them? Well, you know that all the fallen angels are my family and seeing them suffer is not something I would do"

Kalawarner: "Nice words coming from someone who left two relatives previously, but if you are so curious you can only tell you that they will suffer their punishment without problems, as for the rest, you do not need to know"

Azazel nodded and smiled "How aggressive you have become, but I am satisfied with it"

The fallen Angels were reluctant, and one of them quickly shouted: "Azazel-sama this is unfair, they are our brothers and you will only leave them like that without even fighting!"

Azazel just shook his head and raised his voice. "If you want to fight, fight, if you want to die, die, but I do not want to lose more allies, this place is not a good option and you should know" he gave a light blow to the ground with his feet and something dark as shadows rose sending chills to everyone present

He saw the effect and then continued "This site has a huge barrier, it's a nice thing from your part Leader Himejima that has not attacked us with his barrier so far, I appreciate it"

Suzaku upon hearing those words nodded and smiled "You just did not give me time to use it ..."

Azazel laughed "That ... well, it's a relief to hear it, but really let me say it for everyone here ... And let me ask you, Lider Himejima ... 'He' joined you right?"

Instantly everyone changed their faces to confusion when they heard 'He', nobody understood those words except Suzaku

She nodded and answered naturally "It's like you said Azazel-sama, from now on we're affiliated with 'El', will that cause any problems?"

Azazel: "Not at all ... But now I understand things a little better, that's why I was surprised to see Kalawarner appear so suddenly and take care of this place, eh"

Azazel smiled and then said goodbye, the Fallen Angels were confused, but everyone started to follow their leader, even so, they gave Kalawarner a fierce look before leaving.

Kalawarner did not even care and simply waved her hand as if to scare away mosquitoes

The Demons immediately withdrew, wished that at least one Maou had been present to be able to have a talk, but could not do anything

Meanwhile, the only Angel present stood up and stretched before leaving immediately, as this show was over

Suzaku now stayed with his subordinates and Kalawarner who was watching her closely

That made Suzaku feel somewhat uncomfortable. "Ahh ... Could you follow me towards the prisoners?"

She was nervous, it was because Kalawarner maintained a cold aura and was also quite strong

Kalawarner nodded and started to follow her, even so before they walked a person showed up

She was a beautiful woman, with long black hair until her beautiful hips, she had violet eyes and a cheerful face with very seductive red lips.

She had a pure black dress that reached up to her neck and was perfectly stuck to her voluptuous body

The dress was very similar to the Chinese Cheongsam

The beautiful black color and exquisite dragon-shaped embroidery made of golden thread gave an exotic touch along with its beautiful white skin

The woman stopped before Kalawarner with an animated smile "... At last I find you Kalawarner!"

Kalawarner smiled and extended his hand "Welcome ... Raynare"