
Chapter 2

The thought of escape did cross through the boys mind but he pushed such a thought away as everything he owned was in this house. While he didn't have much when it came to processions everything in this house was his and he couldn't just run and leave it just cause a man in a suit pops up not even a day after the shooting star and probably is aware or at least suspicious of what happened. The one line he spoke felt as if the house, the boys house had become a prison and he the prisoner. While in actuality the boy was the one with the power to open the door it felt as it the man in the suit, he was the warden. Running wasn't an option, what is unknown is to be feared but the boy still opened the door and let the suited man still smiling into his home. Minutes had passed and now both the men or to be exact the man and the boy watched each other across the only table in the house. The boy hid his embarrassment from the lack of furnishing and cleanliness the house faced and stayed silent. The man lightly coughed into his hand to end the silence before speaking" I would like to thank you for letting me into your home Mr. Reggin I can understand why doing so could be difficult given the circumstances you face but we have much to talk about". Within seconds of opening his mouth the boy tightened his fist ever so slightly. He knows exactly who I am the boy thought to himself trying to keep a stoic face masking his surprise and tension. The reason for the boy reaction is simply because the words he spoke wasn't to the twenty five year old Mr. Reggin but a teenager! Everyone who knows me knows I'm a grown man but this man with a smile didn't ask to talk to an adult in the house named Mr. Reggin but to me without a look of doubt on his face. Countless thoughts flowed through my head but with such little info I had I couldn't figure of anything new. The man knows that I'm related to the shooting star which happened less then twenty four hours ago and was able to find me, know who I am and even in this younger form know exactly who he's talking to. This man knew too much while I knew too little. I took a deep breath and looked straight into his eyes " Word game aren't going to get us anywhere, so how much do you know?". The route the boy choose was simple, the direct approach. If this man had come days later I could have tried to make out a plan, any plan to deal with such a scenario but that wasn't an option now. The run away plan, yeah lets just throw that plan out the backdoor I would have used if I choose to take that route. The suited man seemed slightly shocked I chose not to at least lie about the current situation I found myself in but adjusted rather quick. "Well then I suppose we should skip over the formalities then. First off It's nice to meet you Mr. Reggin my name is Delvin Deosse and I work for an organization known as Starry Sky Observation Club". The suited man named Mr. Deosse said while reaching into his suit pocket pulling out a card and handing it to me. I had doubt on my face as I took the card representing an organization that in its name was called a club and glance down upon its info. The card was basic in design with a black coloring and the organizations name in bold print upon it in golden coloring. The card held a number underneath as well as website. After this man leaves I planned to go check out the cards info to see its legitimacies to ease some of the doubt I still held. The most interesting thing about the card was the symbol it had in the left top corner. Two stars intertwined going downward at an angle upon the card. The symbol was also basic but I still couldn't keep looking at the symbol while Mr. Deosse had continued speaking." The organization itself as you can see puts its focus on the stars but there a certain star that the organization puts most of its attention upon."Mr. Deosse had paused his words as I pulled my eyes away from the card and we made eye contact. "Dante's Twin Star". Only three words came out of his mouth but only two of them mattered to the boy. When one says a word to you in order to help understand what they saw you may visualize whatever was said to make it easier to understand and the same was for this scenario. While the boy couldn't picture the man named Dante Mr. Deosse spoke of it was no struggle for other two words. Rather then create an image to the best of his ability using his imagination, the boy in his mind had a masterpiece of beauty. A sky filled with twinkling stars illuminating the night ever so silent but then a flash of light illuminated in a rainbow of color drowning out all other beauty in the endless sky. The light ever so radiant in its glory the center of everything then splits from one to two erasing all else in the sky. One light flashing beyond and into the horizon returning the beauty to the ones desolated by its presences while the second came closer and closer from the heavens to the earth until nothing was left. This was a work of art but it was not born of imagination, this was a memory. Mr. Deosse watched me as I reminisced, while my face for the most part was blank it took no genius to know I was deep in thought." The stars beauty is something beyond mans creation or so I've heard but this isn't the most important reason for the organizations focus on this star" Mr. Deoss said another smile blooming on his face" the reason why this star stand above any other is rather mystifying, Dante's Twin Star is said to be able to grant ones deepest desires Mr. Reggin" a short pause ensued "this star is able to birth ones wishes". My hand tightened once more fare more forceful then the first at the near threat of blood flowing but that didn't matter right now. Still looking eye to eye I take a deep breath and lessen my hands grip." Quite the story behind this star Mr. Deosse I'm thankful that you shared it must I will still ask this of you and hope for a clear answer. What do you want to ask me"? "Well that's quite simple Mr. Reggin, I only have one question for you". The suited man then leaned closer to me across the table still with his smile. "What exactly was your wish"?