
A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Being reincarnated by a couple of God-like being, Silviana finds herself on the world of Tensura. In the forest of Jura she comes to join Rimuru and his nation. Little does she know that in a desert somewhere in the world some evil force has appeared, a force from a 'game' called Yggdrasil... Join Silviana in her new life as she tries to live a better life than she experienced in her last. Join her on her exploration and discovery of the truths of reality and the current situation of the world.

Alex_Simmonds · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs


A single hour before the army of 1,000,000 Humans would reach the edge of my barrier I watched as the troops of Tempest created trench systems and gun-pits. Bows were distributed to all who could wield them, including new volunteers who were once hunters, rangers or even soldiers. Longbows and Recurve Bows were the most popular with the small short bows being given to the least experienced.

In comparison the 1000 troops that had been trained on the 50cals and P210s were all setting up their gun-pits where they would hunker down and suppress/kill anything coming towards the edge of the protective barrier. At this stage I had shut down all exits to the city with my magic, Benimaru and Hakuro placing some of the police force to patrol within the city as an extra precaution. Many had been worried when I had, in anger, broken several trees within the forest with a single punch before. First my wives were concerned, then there was Benimaru who instantly connected the previous 'future sight' I had 'shown' him and that specific mood shift.

From that point we had moved rapidly. Now I was standing above the city on a floating platform of pressurised air, anti-gravity magic holding me stable within the sky despite the wind speed and the height. My concentration was currently beholden by the intense soul syphoning spell I was creating from scratch, using the spell Soul Cage, from DND, as a bridge to my intent. Magicules seeped from my pores as my silver hair fluttered out behind me. Fox ears flinched with the constant wind at this height as my tail slowly moved up and down in concentration. Prickles of numbness flushed through my skin and muscles as the magic used me as a conduit to enforce such a wide spread enchantment. I wasn't up here alone however as Milim, Shuna and Benimaru were all up here with me, both of my wives looking at me and the ground in equal amounts.

'I want to syphon every Human that enters into this enchantment that has harmful intentions towards me and the Citizens of this nation, of their souls. This shall only come into effect if they are wounded or have illness. '

|Creating spell that you have explained...|

|Requires a sacrifice of 5,000,000 Magicule Points (Non Permanent)|

'So long as it isn't permanently taken from me...?'

|Confirming creation. Done.|

|Mass Soul Cage Syphon - Every Human that enters into this enchantment, that has harmful intentions towards the caster and specified targets, will have the soul syphon effect placed upon them. This effect emerges as a silver glow that surrounds the target and will, at the first sign of weakness, illness or Injury will strip the body of its soul and collect it for the Caster in an alternate dimension that will maintain the souls' integrity for 24 hours. 

MP Cost: 5,000,000|

'Great! Now, time to implement it over several Miles...'

The Magicules that previously seeped out of me now shot upwards into the sky creating a black and silver umbral ball of concentrated Arcanum. Opening my eyes and looking upwards my eyes picked up a very faint haze of the visual spectrum of light, all of it emanating out from said 'ball'.

A field had already been shot out from the spell and had been implemented into a non-visible dome around a 5 Mile Radius. This day, there would be a reaping... And it wouldn't be of monsters, I would make sure of this. Just when I had planted the spell the first pings emerged from the exterior, the silver hazes slowly manifesting around the Humans as they moved forwards. Panic of course broke through their ranks as many dropped to the ground, grasping at their armours before their leaders and officers moved forwards and slapped some sense into them.

'I would take advantage of this given a normal fight but facing them with a numerical disadvantage and with the danger presented by Hinata, it would be extremely risky... Should I do it?'

Unfortunately I didn't get to make this decision as the Dryads activated some Treants and other guardians of the forest that began to decimate the Human Knights and soldiers. There was an instant pandemonium as hundreds of shining human bodies dropped to the floor, souls yanked from mushed bodies that dripped fresh crimson blood as steel clanked against the roots of trees. Treants then suddenly formed back into trees, their looks changing back from the 'humanoid' structures they had become to normal looking trees.

At the same time in another part of the forest an entire block of infantry entered into the silvery aura, the shock of that soon becoming nothing as the sexual urge to hunt down women came over them. Women emerged from trees and beckoned them, the illusion of voluptuous breasts and exposed private parts sending them all into a fury. That was it for them as their souls were soon sucked out by my spell, the dryads incapacitating their bodies fully, entrancing them in complete bliss as their bodies were consumed whilst alive.

Shaking my head and moving my mind from those vision I saw thousands of different attacks being administered to the Human army, thousands dying every second over the entire span of a minute. Soon the casualties were up to 60,000. The very idea of each person having families, loved ones, girlfriends, wives, children, mothers, fathers... It was sickening. Despite the lies some people from my last world would tell you, no one ever gets used to the unmitigated slaughter of entire lives just due to the greed of a few. Even now I was using them as a sacrifice for my own family's safety and prosperity. I was no better.

Golden light began to pour out from another section of the forest, the entire 50,000 strong paladin force being shielded from the assaults of the Treants and various forest creatures. Besides that they had no silver aura around them. This simultaneously stunned me and concerned me. Why did they come with 50,000 Paladins if it were not to face me...? An answer that I may or may not be getting soon, my eye being uncertain with the future as of this moment, the chaos of the present confounding the future as too many possibilities were possible from this single war. At the same moment the creatures of the forest disappeared, their forms merging back within the trees and plants that made their main bodies. The army of Falmuth moved forwards now, its pace increased even further as the men were enraged from the deaths of their comrades and friends. 

"Poor bastards..." In sombreness I spoke, Milim walking up beside me and squinting off into the distance.

"Honey, there is some real fun magic going on over there! Is this because of you!?" Nodding I exhaled in minor frustration. Here I was feeling upset that I had to do this and yet Milim is super excited about my magic.

"You are gathering souls!? Why...? You aren't a monster, are you?" She tilted her head before looking at my ram-rod stiff Kitsune tail and twitching ears. Her hands soon made a smacking motion as her right hand hammered the palm of her left.

"I get it!" Shuna hurriedly came over and grabbed the excitable Milim, noticing my frustration at the constant yapping that she was doing over my sombre moment.

'Fuck she's too cute and energetic sometimes... Thousands have already died and there will be more to come within minutes... Fuck, i wished I could get this shit over with. Mothers, why did you have to send me to do this shit again?'

No answer came except the growing number of silver auras that surrounded the soldiers of Falmuth. My senses intensified as the soul syphon spell began to utterly destroy multiple undead targets, the fragments of soul-memory left from the bodies' lives being consumed.

'Heh, good luck with your bullshit now that I can utterly consume your efforts.'

Hundreds of human soldiers collapsed to the ground as empty husks, their souls sucked out as the fatigue of several day's marching and the increased pace caught up. 

|Soul collection for Harvest Festival has been reached! Would you like to delay until maximum amount has been reached?|

'Yes, hold until 1,000,000 Souls has been reached.'


The system faded into the background as a small tracker was added to the upper left of my vision, the numbers slowly climbing upwards as the number of humans dying was staggering. Still, the number was below 100,000 a number well below 1,000,000. Minutes passed like this as the numbers slowly ticked past 70,000. Then it happened, the first people touched the barrier exterior.

A shadowy black-gold wave extended and consumed said intruders as they were sucked into my maze, their stats being consumed by my cultivation as their souls were fed directly to the soul-spell I had cast. 


The 50cals began to fire in extended bursts as soldiers began to fall to the ground in bloody metallic piles, beer can-sized holes exposed in their bodies as guttural screams of horror and pain cried out into the sky. Limbs flew through the air as the sounds of war horns blaring signalled from behind the front lines of the human forces. Earth vibrated beneath the feet of Tempest's soldiers as the bombastic sounds of forced march and horse hoof clopping on tough ground struck eardrums harder and harder with each second passing.

Wave after wave began to pour out from the forest, the 50cals mowing down line after line. Magical shields would appear for a few seconds as mages began to implement defences, only to be crushed by the sundering firepower of AP rounds and HE rounds. From all around the city the sound of gunfire blared. To one not used to this sound it would seem the world is ending and that an earthquake was imminent. Enemy soldiers collapsed to the ground, either dying from their wounds or from being trampled by the chaotic mess that their formations had become in the face of our 50cals. 

From above the ground that was once green slowly became tainted in the colours of blood and viscera. Metal scraped and screeched as soon Sabatons slammed against the backs of fallen knight and soldiers. Cavalry trampled out from the forests, the few that had made it through the cacophony of different terrain challenges. Horses fell just as quickly as men did, their blood and limbs joining the growing collection of disturbing gore.


"No! Daimon, don't die!!!"

"Sweetie, I don't think I'll come home..."

Screams and small whispers all mixed as many soldiers called out to their loved ones in the last moment. Tears would stream down my face if it were not for the duty I must perform, the people I must protect and the need for my growth in power. What person could simply watch this without emotion, a psychopath? A madman? No, I would dare say, a broken one... Such as I. Emotion was there but it was a constant background buzz, a constant din within my utterly calm mind. Would I hate myself from this? No. Just like my last life I would simply have to move on, get over it, bury it deep until no one but me could see it... Then I would paint it black.

🎵I see a red door

And I want it painted black

No colours anymore

I want them to turn black🎵


My voice was husky as I watched the bloodshed continue on. Tempest's forces screamed in rage at the invaders that would strip them of their lives and loved ones. Roars of utter primal rage and enjoyment oozed from them as the 50cals turned red hot before becoming cool once more in a mass puff of steam. Arrows rained from above down onto enemies, many arrows penetrating armour with the assistance of gravity and momentum. Bullets directly met plate and concaved it, doing the same to organs within bodies. 

100,000 Souls within 10 Minutes.

120,000 Souls, 25 minutes.

150,000 35 Minutes.


'A fifth of their forces in the span of a single hour engagement...'

War horns blared as retreat or regroup was attempted. Unfortunately, it was too late. Their soldiers were so exhausted and low in moral that retreat was chaotic and disordered, 50cals picking many off before they could retreat. All of the cavalry was gone, thousands of knights on horseback utterly obliterated. Retreat was becoming nigh-on impossible as thousands died from the soul-syphon, the wounds, exhaustion and mental vulnerability allowing the insidious grasp of my spell to softly and smoothly store their soul.

My theory was that the spell waited until the body was in such a weakened and battered state that the soul itself retracts from the experiences of said bodily responses. This exposed the soul to the power of my magic.

'I feel pity for all of them.'


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Thanks to all of the Power Stone Donators!

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