
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 50: Tournament Begin Part 2!

The anticipation in the air was palpable as the next round of the tournament commenced, featuring a highly anticipated match between Shikadai and Metal. The crowd buzzed with excitement, and even Boruto couldn't contain his eagerness, having eagerly awaited this clash between the two talented shinobi.

As the contestants took their positions, a charged atmosphere enveloped the arena. Shikadai and Metal stood face to face, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze.

Shikadai broke the silence, his voice filled with determination. "Metal, I'm going to win this match," he declared, his words carrying a sense of unwavering confidence.

Metal, equally resolute, responded with unwavering determination, "No, I will." The fire in his eyes mirrored his unwavering belief in his abilities as he readied himself for the battle that lay ahead.

Rock Lee, the esteemed referee known for his own legendary fighting skills, took his position and raised his hand. With a commanding voice, he announced, "Get ready!" The tension in the arena reached its peak as the crowd held their breath in anticipation. Then, with a swift motion, Lee brought his hand down, signaling the start of the match. "Go!"

In a display of his strategic prowess, Shikadai utilized his unique shadow manipulation abilities to gain an advantage over Metal. With a swift movement, he expanded his shadow, creating a large circular shape on the ground. This clever maneuver was intended to deter Metal from rushing in recklessly.

Metal, recognizing the danger, halted his advance just before stepping into the shadow. However, his quick thinking led him to leap over the shadow, attempting to surprise Shikadai with a punch. But Shikadai was prepared, activating the true nature of his jutsu.

A mischievous grin spread across Shikadai's face as he completed a series of intricate hand signs. From the depths of the shadow, numerous tendrils emerged, reaching out to grab Metal's legs. This new jutsu, aptly named Solid Shadow Imitation, transformed the shadow into tangible, solid matter, capable of taking on any form the user desired.

Metal, realizing his predicament, swiftly made the decision to evade the incoming grab. He knew he couldn't escape solely through physical means, so he tapped into his own potential and opened the first gate, unlocking a surge of increased speed. With a burst of agility, he managed to dodge the shadowy tendrils and landed in a safe spot.

Shikamaru, who was observing the match from the Kage audience, couldn't help but be impressed. "Wow," he murmured, a sense of pride swelling within him as he stood behind Naruto.

Curious about Shikadai's newfound technique, Metal inquired, "Did you learn that from Boruto's recommendation?"

A playful smirk danced on Shikadai's lips as he replied, "Ha."

Metal nodded, acknowledging the source of Shikadai's impressive skills. "No wonder," he remarked, a mix of admiration and determination in his voice.

With a confident tone, Metal declared, "Then there's no need to hold back," as he unlocked the power of the third gate. Determined to prove his strength, he taunted Shikadai, "This is enough for you."

Feeling the weight of the challenge, Shikadai clenched his teeth, fully aware of Metal's formidable speed and strength. He knew he had to find a way to halt Metal's relentless advance.

Desperation filled Shikadai's voice as he muttered, "Please work," attempting to utilize his new jutsu. However, to his dismay, it failed to activate. "Shit," he cursed under his breath, frustration mounting.

Unfazed by Shikadai's setback, Metal dismissed the intensity of the situation, reminding Shikadai, "This is just a match." With lightning-fast speed, Metal charged towards Shikadai, leaving no room for hesitation.

As Metal entered the range of the shadow's grasp, the tendrils of darkness strained to ensnare him, while Shikadai exerted every ounce of effort to restrain his opponent. However, Metal's sheer power proved too overwhelming, effortlessly breaking free from the shadow's hold just before his fist could connect with Shikadai's face.

Acknowledging his defeat, Shikadai raised his hands in surrender, admitting defeat. "I give up," he conceded, his face inches away from Metal's halted fist.

Metal, a hint of admiration in his smile, halted his attack.

"Tch, Boruto is right," Shikadai remarked. "No matter how intelligent I am, I cannot maneuver around absolute power. What a drag," he sighed, a tinge of disappointment evident in his voice.

Hearing Shikadai's words, Metal's smile widened. "But you did your best," he reassured. "Next time, train with me. At least your body will be strong enough to match your intellect."

"I'll think about it," Shikadai replied, considering the offer.

Observing the outcome of the fight, Boruto couldn't help but smile, proud of his friend.

Shikamaru and Temari, who were observing the intense battle, exchanged a knowing sigh. They understood the reason behind Metal's exceptional strength and speed—it was undoubtedly inherited from his father, Rock Lee.

As the dust settled from Metal and Shikadai's match, the attention shifted to the next bout between Sarada and Tarui. However, in comparison to the electrifying showdown between Metal and Shikadai, this match seemed lackluster.

With a swift and decisive strike, Sarada effortlessly defeated Tarui in a mere second, delivering a single punch that left her opponent incapacitated. The crowd's reaction was a mix of astonishment and disappointment, as they had hoped for a more thrilling and prolonged battle.

The anticipation grew as the next match was announced, pitting Mitsuki against Toroi. As the battle unfolded, it followed the same course as in the canon storyline. However, there was a notable difference this time. Mitsuki's incredible strength and skill were showcased without the need for him to tap into his Sage Mode.

With each move, Mitsuki displayed a level of power and finesse that left the audience in awe. His lightning-fast strikes and strategic maneuvers proved to be more than enough to overpower Toroi. Despite Toroi's valiant efforts, he was no match for Mitsuki's raw talent and determination.

As the dust settled and the cheers of the crowd filled the arena, it became clear that Mitsuki had emerged victorious. His impressive display of skill and strength solidified his position as a force to be reckoned with in the tournament.

With the conclusion of Mitsuki and Toroi's match, the day's battles came to an end, leaving the audience eagerly awaiting the continuation of the tournament the following day. The excitement and anticipation in the air were palpable as everyone eagerly looked forward to witnessing more thrilling battles and remarkable displays of ninja prowess.

The Next Day,

As the tension built up in the air, Boruto could be seen stretching his muscles, preparing himself for the upcoming fight. Positioned discreetly at the back of the audience, his focused expression mirrored his determination.

"It's almost time," Boruto whispered to himself, mentally preparing for the intense battles that were about to unfold.

In the center of the fighting arena stood Metal, Mitsuki, and Sarada, the final contestants of the tournament. Rock Lee, the esteemed shinobi and host of the event, took the stage to introduce them to the eager crowd.

"Representing Konohagakure, we have Metal Lee, Uchiha Sarada, and Mitsuki," Rock Lee announced, his voice resonating through the arena.

The spectators from Konoha couldn't help but feel a surge of pride, knowing that all three finalists hailed from their village. Their excitement was palpable, and some even boldly proclaimed the superiority of Konoha's shinobi over those from other villages. However, they refrained from causing a ruckus, mindful of the presence of a watchful shinobi in their midst.

"With this, the last shinobi standing will be crowned the ultimate victor. Prepare yourselves, and let the battles commence!" Rock Lee declared, his words fueling the adrenaline in the competitors and the audience alike.

The three finalists, aware of their own unique strengths and abilities, took a step back, creating a respectful distance between them. Each of them knew that this was the moment they had been training for, and they were ready to give their all in the pursuit of victory. The air crackled with anticipation as the battles were about to begin, promising a display of skill, strategy, and unwavering determination.

The atmosphere in the arena was charged with tension as Metal and Sarada exchanged cautious glances, well aware of the rumors surrounding Mitsuki's immense strength. Boruto's words about Mitsuki's power echoed in their minds, adding to their wariness.

Sarada, determined to match her opponent's strength, activated her three-tomoe Sharingan. The sight of her advanced dojutsu caught the attention of the Kage's, who observed with interest.

Meanwhile, Metal, feeling the weight of the impending battle, made a resolute decision. He reached for the weights he wore around his body and placed them firmly on the ground, a clear indication that he was ready to go all out. With a determined expression, he muttered, "Hachimon Tonko: Tomon," as he unlocked the fifth gate, surprising even Rock Lee himself. Metal's resolve to face both Sarada and Mitsuki head-on was evident, as he aimed to prove himself as a formidable opponent.

Not to be outdone, Mitsuki calmly stated, "Looks like I also need to go all out," as he activated his Sage Mode. The transformation was nothing short of remarkable, as his entire appearance underwent a dramatic change. The crowd and even the Kage's were taken aback by the sheer power radiating from Mitsuki.

Sarada, witnessing this display of overwhelming strength, couldn't help but wear a deadpan expression. She knew that victory in this fight was an impossible feat, even with the Chidori she had learned. Realizing the futility of the situation, she raised her hand and uttered, "I surrender." The crowd and the Kage's understood the unfairness of the match and sympathized with Sarada's decision.

With Sarada leaving the arena, Metal couldn't help but acknowledge the accuracy of Boruto's predictions. "I must say, Boruto was right," Metal admitted, his gaze fixed firmly on Mitsuki. Mitsuki, always perceptive and insightful, responded, "He's always right. He has been predicting us, remember?" Their exchange highlighted the trust and camaraderie between the three friends.

Finally, Rock Lee, now comprehending the true extent of Mitsuki's power, couldn't help but be astounded. The realization dawned upon him that Mitsuki was a force to be reckoned with, capable of surpassing expectations and surprising even the most experienced shinobi.

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In pat_reon, the story is now at Chapter 77 (complete)

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