
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 2: Searching for Hatake Kakashi

"Onii-chan, where did you go?" Himawari asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Toilet, my stomach hurts," Boruto replied, wincing slightly.

Before Hinata could say anything, someone overheard their conversation and chimed in, "I can heal you, Boruto."

The woman who spoke was Uchiha Sakura, the wife of Uchiha Sasuke, and her daughter, Uchiha Sarada, stood by her side.

"Ah, Sakura," Hinata greeted her with a warm smile.

"Hinata, good to see you," Sakura replied, returning the greeting.

"Oi, Boruto," Sarada greeted him with indifference, but then she turned to Himawari and greeted her with a smile and a wave. "Hai, Himawari."

"Hai," Himawari waved back, her eyes sparkling.

Boruto glanced at Sarada and muttered, "Typical Uchiha."

"Hah?!" Sarada's eyes narrowed, clearly annoyed by his comment.

"Boruto, do you need me to heal your stomach? I can lessen the pain," Sakura offered, her smile still on her face.

"It's okay, I can handle it," Boruto replied, trying to sound tough.

"Really, Boruto?" Sarada questioned, raising an eyebrow.

'What's with this girl? Is she trying to make me mad?' Boruto smirked, getting an idea.

Boruto patted Sarada's head gently and said, "I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me, Sarada-chan."

Sarada was caught off guard by his sudden affectionate gesture, and both Sakura and Hinata were surprised to see how bold Boruto was being.

Sarada quickly pushed Boruto's hand away and retorted, "Who gave you permission to touch my head?"

"Sorry, sorry," Boruto raised his hands in surrender. "I promise I will do it again."

"Hah?!" Sarada moved closer to him, her eyes narrowing. "Are you picking a fight with me, Boruto?"

"Nah, I'm just teasing you, Sarada. You look cute when I do that," Boruto replied, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

Sarada blushed and took a step back, trying to hide her embarrassment. "Shut up."

Boruto couldn't help but smile, satisfied with his little victory. 'Got her,' he thought to himself.

Hinata and Sakura exchanged surprised glances, impressed by Boruto's smoothness.

However, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by Kakashi, who stood on the roof of the Hokage building. His voice echoed through the air as he announced, "Now, let's welcome the seventh Hokage to the stage."

Naruto, filled with a mix of excitement and determination, started making his way towards the railings. With a wide smile on his face, he introduced himself, "My name is Uzumaki Naruto, the seventh Hokage. It's an honor to be here." Naruto then bowed slightly, showing his respect to the village and its people.

"And I will be the one to protect and care for this village," Naruto declared confidently, his voice carrying a sense of unwavering determination. He raised his fist and gently bumped it against his chest, symbolizing his strong conviction. "Believe it," he added with a bright smile, radiating his trademark optimism and determination.

The crowd erupted into applause and cheers, showing their support and faith in their new leader. Naruto stood tall, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, as the seventh Hokage of the village.

The ceremony proceeded flawlessly, with an atmosphere of tranquility and reverence. Not a single disruption occurred, allowing everyone present to fully immerse themselves in the significance of the occasion. As the ceremony unfolded, Boruto, amidst the solemnity, took the opportunity to explore and connect with his own Chakra.

With a focused expression on his face, Boruto closed his eyes and delved deep within himself. He sought to understand the unique essence of his Chakra, to familiarize himself with its energy and intricacies. In the midst of the ceremonial proceedings, Boruto's mind became attuned to the subtle flow of his Chakra, as if he were unraveling a hidden power within.

Every breath he took seemed to synchronize with the pulsating rhythm of his Chakra, creating a harmonious connection between his physical and spiritual self. As he continued to explore, Boruto could sense the distinct qualities of his Chakra, its warmth, and its potential for growth and transformation.

Observing Boruto's actions, Sarada couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and confusion. Her thoughts raced as she wondered, 'What is he doing? He's acting so strange.'

As the sun began to set, signaling the end of the ceremony, the Uzumaki family patiently waited for the man of the household to join them. Moments later, Naruto appeared, a sheepish smile on his face as he apologized for his tardiness. "Sorry, I got a bit late," he admitted, rubbing the back of his head in a slightly embarrassed manner.

With the family now reunited, they started their journey back home, walking side by side. Hinata lovingly cradled Himawari in her arms, ensuring her comfort as they made their way. Boruto, on the other hand, took on the responsibility of carrying Himawari's beloved teddy bear, holding it with care.

As they strolled together, a sense of warmth and unity enveloped the Uzumaki family. The fading light of the setting sun cast a gentle glow upon them, highlighting their bond and love for one another.


It was already 11 PM, and Boruto felt the urge to test out his Body Flicker Technique. He pushed open the window and jumped out, heading towards the nearest training ground. Thanks to his prior experiences as a young ninja, his parkour skills had improved immensely, aided by his chakra control.

As he made his way towards the training ground, he focused his chakra and attempted to use the Body Flicker Technique. His speed increased, and he couldn't help but smile at the sensation. He continued to run until he missed the timing to jump from one building to another, moving too fast for his own good. He fell hard on the road below.

"Shit, that hurt," he muttered, grateful that he wasn't a mere mortal. A few passersby saw him fall, but they either ignored him or laughed at his failure.

Boruto dusted himself off and jumped back up to the top of the building, determined to try again. He activated his Body Flicker Technique once more, this time getting the hang of it and arriving safely at the training ground, albeit with a few scratches from his earlier fall.

"I'll train this technique until I reach the level of Uchiha Shisui, damn Otsutsuki and their chakra absorption," Boruto mutters to himself.

He closes his eyes and activates the Body Flicker technique, moving around the training ground. He enhances his eyesight to ensure he can see where he's going while using the technique.

After a few minutes, he stops and questions himself. "Why am I being so stupid?" He puts his hands together, forming a plus sign with his fingers. A cloud of smoke appears beside him, revealing his clone.

"I can only make one for now," Boruto says.

His clone elbows him and suggests, "Let's practice shadow fighting with each other while using the Body Flicker technique." The clone activates the technique, seemingly teleporting in a circular motion around Boruto.

"Great idea," Boruto agrees, following his clone's lead and engaging in shadow fighting with the Body Flicker technique.

Boruto and his clone continue their shadow fighting practice for an hour and a half before Boruto decides to call it a night. He heads back home, relieved that nobody is awake to nag him about his late return. Boruto quickly heads to Naruto's office and returns the scroll he borrowed.

"Let's see if there's anything else in here," he mutters to himself as he searches the room. He finds only E-rank and C-rank jutsu scrolls, with the exception of two D-rank jutsu.

The E-rank jutsu are the basics that every academy student must learn: Transformation Jutsu, Body Replacement, and Clone Technique. The C-rank jutsu are Magen: Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings) and Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Release: Water Trumpet).

"Is this it?" Boruto wonders aloud. "I thought Naruto would have more, but I guess he's only a Genin."

Boruto chuckles to himself, realizing that the C-rank jutsu must have belonged to Hinata. He puts the scrolls back in their place, remembering the spot so he can return to learn them later.

After cleaning himself up and changing clothes, Boruto finally retires to his room, exhausted from his Body Flicker training and shadow fighting with his clone.

The Next Day,

Boruto slowly opens his eyes, his gaze fixated on the ceiling above him. Reality sinks in as he realizes that his current situation is indeed real. "I can't believe this is my new reality. I always thought it was just a figment of my imagination," Boruto mutters to himself, sitting up and letting out a sigh. "Well, I guess I have to come to terms with this transmigrated life and being a little kid again."

Determined to make the most of his new circumstances, Boruto resolves to become even stronger before the canon events begin. With a sense of purpose, he quickly takes a refreshing bath and changes into a fresh set of clothes.

As Boruto makes his way to the dinner table, he inquires, "Where's Tou-chan?" Hinata, who is busy cleaning the dishes, responds, "He has already left for work."

"Ohh. Kaa-chan, I'll be going out after breakfast," Boruto informs his mother.

"Okay," Hinata replies with a warm smile.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Himawari asks, "Onii-chan, what are you planning to do today?"

Boruto, not wanting to reveal his plans, simply replies, "It's a secret." Deep down, he hopes that Himawari won't ask to tag along with him.

"Okay," Himawari says, her voice tinged with a hint of disappointment, though she tries to conceal it.

Boruto notices his sister's reaction but decides to brush it off. He knows that if he doesn't start training now, things might not go well. "I promise I'll play with you once I'm done, Himawari," Boruto reassures her.

"Yay!" Himawari exclaims, her excitement evident as she jumps up, clutching her beloved teddy bear.

Boruto can't help but think how adorable his sister is. 'She's so cute,' he muses.

Hinata observes the affectionate interaction between her children and smiles, grateful for their close bond.

After finishing their breakfast, Boruto wastes no time and swiftly leaves the house. Once outside, he activates the Body Flicker Technique, propelling himself to the top of a nearby building. There, he creates a clone right beside him.

"Go and help finding Kakashi," Boruto commands his clone.

"Aye, aye, Captain," the clone responds, saluting before setting off.

Boruto's determination grows as he sets out on his mission to find Hatake Kakashi in the vast village of Konoha. While searching for Kakashi, he takes the opportunity to train his Body Flicker technique, honing his body and eyes to adapt to high-speed movement.

As Boruto traverses the streets of Konoha, he realizes that locating Kakashi won't be an easy task. Kakashi has a knack for hiding whenever someone tries to find him, making it challenging to track him down. Despite taking occasional breaks during his search, Boruto remains unsuccessful in finding the elusive ninja. He can't shake the feeling that Kakashi is intentionally evading him.

"I need to collect my allowance money to buy a cheap sword for training, as well as a wooden sword," Boruto mutters to himself, contemplating his next steps. "Where the hell is Kakashi? I don't want to train with Guy yet, as my body is still not mature enough for his intense training. Tsunade will likely reject me, but Shizune might not. Aside from these options, who else could be my teacher?" Boruto ponders, his mind racing. "My grandfather can only teach me Gentle Fist, which is martial arts suited for those with the Byakugan. I don't want to ask Naruto, as he only knows Shadow Clone and Rasengan. But I think I have about an 80% chance of being accepted by Sakura."

"Kurenai? Haha," Boruto chuckles, considering the possibility. "Sure, I can learn Genjutsu from her, but I'm not sure if it will be effective enough against Otsutsuki."

Boruto lets out a sigh, realizing that Kakashi is his best bet for now. Kakashi possesses a vast array of lethal techniques, and Boruto believes that he needs to be able to end a fight in a single move. With renewed determination, Boruto continues his search for Hatake Kakashi, hoping to convince him to become his teacher and guide him on his path to becoming a powerful shinobi.

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