
beginning of the beginning

today is the day it started. one man in a room with a dream. that dream was to build some land that he could own with out ruining the planet. a pipe in space. able to hold air and spin for gravity, an O'Neil cylinder was the name.

a city and the ends where visitors can come then some parks, large open areas the a forest and a lake in the middle. there would need to be systems to keep things going. pumps to take the water from the bottom of the lake back to the city's. there was lots more that needed to be planned but the first step had been taken.

the man looked around his room. there were lot of pictures if nature around, he looked for the one picture he loved. the one of a homestead. his inspiration. he smiled and then shivered, he had a big job ahead and it was not going to be easy. luckily one of the steps was being sorted but others before he even thought of this. 2 or 3 powerful billionaires were trying to get to the moon and other planets in the solar system. and you could buy a rocket launch, getting everything up there would cost to much. so getting from the moon or an asteroid would be better. he then pined the very basic drawing if the cylinder with the notes on the side above his desk, and started writing a list of what he needed to do. find funds, look into a zero gravity construction plant and processing plant, the list went on.

after spending hours trying to figure out everything he may need to do, he looked at his stacks of papers and flicked thru them. it was alot if work to do. years of work, maybe even a decade or more. at this point he could of stopped bined everything and gone to bed. no one but him knew about the hours he had spent writing up all these things. and its is very nearly what was going to happen too. but instead he sent an email to a friend from school who was an engineer and asked a single line question.

do you know anyone with any knowledge of zero gravity engineering?

that was the second step completed.