
Chapter 7 - Battle Training

 Hero course 1-A of UA Hero school is currently about to start our first round of battle training. We have divided up into teams of two and will be having villain's vs heroes indoor battle training. I was teamed up with Momo Yaoyorozu but before we got our chance to start it was first the fight between the team of Midoriya & Uraraka (Hero-team A) vs Ida & Bakugo (Villain-team D).

"Hey Yaoyorozu, I look forward to working with you."

"Yes Kobayashi, from what I know about your quirk it seems we are quite compatible."

"Yes I agree although let us discuss strategy once we leave, don't want any sneaky people overhearing us."

"Agreed, so Kobayashi who do you think will win this round?"

"I was about to ask you the same. I think it depends on if Midoriya uses his harmful quirk or not."

As the class was watching the screen and discussing various matters the two teams got into place and were now ready.


The match was crazy. Ida went way into role play which was kinda funny, but Bakugo was a definite villain, he beelined for Midoriya and Uraraka and once that happened, I thought it was all over. However when Midoriya dodged and slammed Bakugo down without the use of his quirk myself as well as the whole class was surprised.

Throughout the fight Midoriya used his knowledge of Bakugo's fighting style to anticipate his moves but as the fight progressed it looked as though Bakugo used his amazing quirk and skills to learn quickly and gain to upper hand. While that was happening, Ida was moving to the 'bomb' around so that Uraraka couldn't touch it.

"I think Ida's team is going to wi-..."

Before I could finish my statement Midoriya, and Bakugo used massive quirk attacks with Bakugo aiming at Midoriya's head and Midoriya going for the ceiling. By the time the dust cleared Midoriya was down, Bakugo looked shocked and Uraraka was touching the bomb.

"The Heroes WIN!!"

All Might's cheer snapped the rest of us out of our shock and we started conversing with each other about how awesome that match was and it burned a fire in all of us to not be out done.

As all the participants walked back into the observation room All Might made an announcement that Ida was the MVP in this battle, a lot of people were confused but Yaoyorozu spoke up and explained to everyone that Ida embraced this challenge and treated it as the real thing and nobody else did. Well, I may be paraphrasing but that's the gist. Now however its my turn.


 As we entered the building and got to our 'bomb', I started our planning.

"Hey mind if I call you Momo, Yaoyorozu is kinda a mouthful when fighting, you can call me Adeline or Adi if you would like."

Yaoyorozu paused at that before agreeing with me.

"Well Momo, here is the plan, I will inscribe some runes onto the bomb so that in case they get past us we won't lose no matter what happens, then I need you to barricade the door and windows with your quirk as well as set some traps outside the door and inside the room if possible, can you do that?"

"Yes that's fine but I might not have enough time for all of that and how will your runes help with the bomb?"

"Well my smart Momo I will buy you as much time as you need by meeting the heroes in battle, with Jiro's ears she should hear me running towards them. I'll be able to hold her and Kaminari back just fine. Oh and the runes I'll place on the bomb well that's the best part." I smile and leaned in close to her ear and whispered. "Aside from the where the bomb touches the floor the bomb will be intangible so they can't touch it hahahahaha."

Momo's eyes widened at that and mouth opened.

"Well Adeline that defiantly is some quirk. We should defiantly win but I might add that your laugh was defiantly villainous." She said will a small smirk.


I wrote my runes on the bomb that the bomb is intangible from anything coming from a horizonal bearing. Once that was done I got out of the room so Momo could start her prep. As I made my way down I took out one of the blank cards I had and started my inscription. 'Fly to excess electrical sources' as I finished and activated the rune it flew off downstairs and I followed, since the building wasn't very big it didn't take to long for me to find them but since Jiro's quirk is great for recon they were waiting me and I barley dodged and electrical attack from Kaminari.

So it begins.

As I dodged the attack my arm slung a card from my wide sleeve at where I saw Kaminari, since we were pretty close I struck true, however as this was a stun card it didn't work on him but at least he panicked when the card hit him, this gave me time to stabilize myself after the dodge. 

I smiled to them and gave my creepiest smile I could think of while trying my best to sound like a crazy villain.

"Well, well, well if it isn't a pair of heroes coming to destroy my fun, it sure would be a shame if you ruined my plans for my present upstairs now wouldn't it? How about this Kaminari you shock Jiro and leave her here and I will let you go scott-free."

I had seen plenty of American movies growing up so I had a good well of evil lines I could pull from. I must have sounded convincing because Jiro kept looking between Kaminari and myself as both took a step back.

With them both now freaked out I threw some of my cards at them. These cards I wrote once I knew Kaminari was our opponent. As the cards hit both Jiro and Kaminari water shot of everywhere covering them, the walls, floor, everywhere within 10 feet. I then held another card as if to threaten them.

"Come on heroes you gotta do something or time will run out the city will explode muahahahahaha."

I gave another creepy smile and evil laugh. This caused Kaminari to lose it as electricity started to coil around him. I noticed that Jiro seemed to realize what Ide done but before she could tell Kaminari to stop he released lighting at me, however as he did I activated the card in my hand and a transparent shield appeared where the card was and protected me from the lighting however Jiro wasn't so lucky. The lighting that was coiled around him as well as some of what was shot at me traveled through the water and electrocuted Jiro, she screamed and fell, passed out.

Kaminari having heard Jiro's scream panicked as he saw what he did to her as he rushed to help her, I jumped at the chance to attacked. I threw three cards this time. One hit Jiro again, one hit Kaminari and one hit the ceiling. The card that hit Jiro was a green card meant for pain relieve and general healing, this is just training and I didn't want to permanently hurt Jiro, the next card stuck to their targets and created a magnetic force which sucked Kaminari off Jiro and stuck him to the ceiling and I slide over Jiro where he just was. Kaminari was about to send another bolt of electricity at me before I activated my last water card covering myself and Jiro in more water. I smiled and Kaminari's eyes widened.

"You are monster I mean come on! This is just training why you acting like a real villain?"

Kaminari's statement puzzled me slightly, I mean I am doing what we were supposed to be doing. I ignored his comment and told him surrender or Jiro will face the consequences. He immediately surrendered... what a nice guy.

"The Villains Win!!"


 Before the medical bots could grab Jiro she awoke from another one of my green healing cards. She was about to attack me before All Might stopped her.

"Now, Now young Jiro the match is over!"

Her head went down and said in a somber voice. "Did we lose?"

"Yes you did we will review in the observation room, how do you feel? If you need to please see Recovery Girl."

"No I am fine, thanks All Might."

"Sorry Jiro I didn't mean to zap you like that."

Kaminari felt absolutely terrible and kept apologizing to Jiro as we went back to the observation room, Jiro was giving him the cold shoulder as she was to me as well. I tried to apologize but I guess my villain acting was that good.

"Now ide say the MVP this round goes to young Kobayashi, anyone have any reason why?"

Unsurprisingly Momo and Midoriya raised their hands and in turn gave their own reasons why.

Momo - "Well she not only used her quirk to make the bomb untouchable no matter what but she also came up with a plan to make sure we won regardless of it she fought them or not. She also embraced being a villain, even if to much." I grimaced at her last comment.

Midoriya - "She also utilized her quirks well against her opponent and used its weakness against them, friendly fire. She knew how to best face their opponents"

"Right you both are! Young Kobayashi while maybe going a little far in the acting used all her tools available to ensure her victory. While some people's quirks are only good in certain circumstances and some are great in all what matters is how you use them. Having the knowledge of terrain, who you are facing and what you and your other heroes are capable of are all great information to have so you can utilize your quirk the best!"

As the rest of the class went on and both Hero and Villain teams fought against each other I did what I saw on a lot of anime's growing up. I bowed to Jiro.

"I am very sorry I went to far in my acting, I am nothing like that in reality I just wanted to role play and went to far. Please forgive me!"

As I was bowed I couldn't see what Jiro's face was doing but it didn't take long to get a response.

"It's ok I forgive you I know you were just acting, and it was your job but seriously you were too good at it. Can you at least promise me you won't go too far next time?"

"Yes I promise to restrain myself next time. Oh and Kaminari sorry for making you attack Jiro your electricity is powerful and I needed to get you to not hit me to much so I used that tactic."

"Oh um ya it's ok, to be honest you were pretty scary, I thought I was gunna wet myself...But didn't you have that shield thing on my attack?"

"Well yes but I don't have an unlimited supply of every kind of card and your attack took almost the entire durability of the shield."

As we kept talked Momo, Toru, Midoriya and Uraraka joined us. Tsu was heading to the battle building so she wasn't here right now.

"You know Adeline when you said you would buy me some time I didn't think you would destroy them. I had just finished when All Might announced we won. 'Sigh' So much wasted time."

"Right... Sorry about that Momo but look on the bright side at least it was good practice for your quirk haha."


 After the rest of the class finished their Battle Training it was the end of the day, I was tired, not from the battle training but from the normal classes. I am not stupid or anything it's just Japanese schools are so much harder than American schools...ugh!

As I was walking, I noticed Midoriya running after Bakugo. Bakugo seemed to hate Midoriya from what I saw in class and the battle training fight, so I was worried there was going to be another fight, so I walked up to them while staying out of sight, if this was going to be an apology or heartfelt moment then I didn't want to be seen and ruin it but I did want to be close to stop any fighting. I would hate for either one to get expelled by Aizawa.

Midoriya caught up to Bakugo and as I had hoped it was Midoriya trying to have a heartfelt bonding thing but what was surprising was Bakugo thinking of quitting UA and for what? Because other people have good quirks like him, oh no it was because Midoriya had a good quirk and he couldn't stand it. What an ass! I was about to go yell at him for thinking that but before I did Midoriya let something slip.

"I can't say much. But you should know this, at least...! I got my quirk from someone else."

I was shocked when I heard that. Is that even possible, no that's impossible! Midoriya continued. Bakugo also had a blank face that that.

"I can't say from who! On top of that, I can't even use it right yet... This borrowed power it is still pretty useless to me. That is why I tried to beat you without it! But I couldn't. I had to rely on it! I've got a ways to go...!! That's why I am going to make it my own someday and overcome you with my power."

I was reeling from this whole monologue I mean got a power from someone else? What the FUCK!! I was to busy trying to figure everything out that I didn't hear Bakugo's response even though it was with his usual yelling I just couldn't wrap my head around this.

As Bakugo left All Might came by Midoriya and asked him something that made me even more confused.

"Young Midoriya! Kid! What did you exactly say to him? Did you tell him?"

What! The! FUCK!!!!!