
A New Galactic War

Humanity was isolated in the cold vacuum of space. Mankind had lost and was torn apart, all communications silent, their species on the brink of extinction. However, people say when humans are pushed to the brink of collapse they tend to do the unthinkable, some even say humans are akin to cockroaches, no matter how hard you try to squish it, it will still live even when you cut off its head. And so when the state of the art human warships failed against siren monsters they decided to make monsters of their own, and they were Kansens. The embodiment of past modern ww2 ships that were upgraded to their space versions. With their return humanity was able to fight back and gather under one banner to push back the threat of sirens. Now, after a few years of little inactivity people think with the decrease in they would be gone forever. if only they knew, 'WAR NEVER CHANGES' as it is just the calm before the storm. If you want to engage in discussions about this book and others my discord is open https://discord.gg/SatCuGayXp

dragon_monarch · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

: A Friend In Need

Yeah, so stuff happened and this got delayed but I'm here, that's all that matters


Yes, I've finally reached 11 k views, the excitement I felt was unlike any other. Looking at the next milestone it will be 20k views then 40k.

 With all that out of the way then let the chapter start. More notes at the end.

Also make sure to check out my other book by clicking my profile.

I was also pressed on time that I rushed this so parts may not make sense, if you can point them out for me

In the void of space many things happen but the most confusing of all was the disappearance of an entire star system. There was no supernova or black hole it just vanished and all traces of there being a star there were gone.

The culprit was 99% leaning on the sirens since there was an ongoing war against them, and the 1% was any other thing they don't know.

Close to the Orion system was a siren battle station that would make most fleets run away in fear if one appears near them. Why? You see although siren ships themselves are sort of strong and somewhat normal to defeat the battle stations are basically a floating nuclear weapons platform.

Going with the sirens angular design it took a diamond shape that looked heavily armored.

The station comes with its own complement of siren fighters plus a deadly array of weaponry ranging from its dual 18-inch plasma canons to it quadruple 5–7-inch AA guns. It's one trump card is its deadly 27-inch gamma ray laser.

The laser could be used for defence as it could strike a fleet from long range before they could attack the siren station and offensive where it can wipe out an entire civilization from the surface by firing the gamma laser

Also I forgot to mention that it had a nuclear missile silo in multiple places plus a robust shield defence.

So how do you defeat this station that is by coming fast and hard.

In the pitch-black space, we notice a series of blue lights flash in the darkness for a few seconds before disappearing. Zooming in we see a carrier strike group firing their engines at full blast so as to close the distance as fast as possible. This was the same strike group we saw being deployed in the last chapter.

On the Shinano, we see a number of fighters take off from its 8 electromagnetic railways. These squadrons of fighters were going to intercept the stations fighters but they won't be alone.

Alarms blare in the hangar bay and fighter bay of the Yamato as the fighters were prepped for launch.

"All systems check, missiles are primed and the guns are hot"

We find Yamato in the seat of a tiger 1, a loud whine sounds as the hangar bay doors open up.

"Okay, Analyzer remember to stick to the plan"


"Good, Hiryuu launching"

The tiger 1 was quickly released as its dual thrusters roared to life releasing a blue glow into the void of space.

Yamato looked at the Yamato as both fighters and tiger 1's were released. Soon all ten tiger 1's were launched and formed squadrons of two, 5 each, with about 15 tiger 2's as escort.

"Okay, let operation spear head begin!"

The two squads of tiger 1's and their escorts accelerated to full speed as the rest of the fleet were left behind.

The siren battle station soon begun to launch all of its fighters as the siren fleet that was guarding it, went to intercept the azur lane fleet.

Cleveland, Javelin and Ayanami broke off from the fleet as they went to engage the incoming siren fleet. The Yamato and Shinano still continued forward as missiles were prepped for launch.

Looking at the space dogfight, we see a mix of lasers bullets and missiles fired from each side. However, it was clear who was wining as the sirens were losing more and more fighters while the friendly side only a handful were lost.

The battle stations AA kicked in to save the remaining fighters but the damage had already been done. Hatches on the Shinano opened up revealing a not so friendly sight of a large missile. After a short delay a monstrous roar shook the VLS housing as almost of its missiles were launched. The Yamato also launched most of its missiles, their target the stations shield.

Both Shinano's and Yamato's fighters scrambled out of the way as both ships missiles struck the stations shield. Normally these missiles won't do much to the shields but in the swarm of missiles are 16 wave motion tipped missiles.

Now you may that that's overkill but I say NO MERCY!

A powerful explosion erupted on the shield as a powerful blast blew away any debris left. The after of this, a large hole in the shield that was slowly closing up.

Seeing the opening the two tiger 1 squads plus some bomber squads from Shinano quickly entered the hole and begun their destruction of the stations weapon systems.

The tiger 1's wreaked havoc as they continuously fired a barrage of missiles from their pods before resorting to their two positron canons once a certain number of systems were knocked offline the next part of the operation was put in place.

Yamato and one of her wingmen flew to the opposite ends of the battle station where they proceeded to unleash their new powerful weapon, while the other fighters flew as far as they could from these two, The wave motion drill.

The hadoho [wave motion] drill flew to the station at high speeds before glowing blue as it impacted the stations hulls. From an outside view, we see two massive blue coloured explosion followed by a purple explosion that was likely the reactor going off.

Without power, the shield collapsed in on itself which allowed the destroyers to blow up the remains of the station with swarms of missiles and high explosive rounds. All fighters returned to their respective ships and once all planes were secured and debris cleared did the fleet turn around to head to the Orion system.

A ding sounded on the bridge of the Yamato as Yamato herself walked onto bridge after a quick shower. For some reason she had a craving for the milky way shake from her OMCS but sadly her job takes first priority.

"So, analyzer, did you manage to extract any information from the battle station about the anomaly"

Yamato asked as she sat on the captain's chair.

"No, any information that was recorded did not mention the anomaly however, during the same time period around 10 years ago, there were lots of reports about a new power called th Void and there being increased activity of their operations. Any information regarding the Void was [Expunged] or purged from the system."

Yamato sighed as she brought a hand to her chin.

"So we're back to the start with absolutely no information on what happened. This is a pain, analyzer notify me when we reach the system, if you need me I'll be in the cafeteria."

Yamato walked back to elevator and pressed a button before her form was blocked from view by the elevator doors.

Time skip.

The Yamato could now be seen in high orbit above planet Orion which was basically a super earth orbiting a Neutron star. Not the best system but at least they aren't like that one planet which orbits a freaking black hole, how they survived was beyond understanding.

Back on track, we see Yamato in here captains room looking at the void of space. Even if she was angry or confused she found staring into space the best thing as it always soothed her nerves. She could faintly see her reflection on the glass dome as she stared into her reflections eyes.

Yamato continued to stare at it as she saw the moon of the planet come into view and cast its silver rays onto her ships. However, when she looked back at her reflection she saw that it had a black eye with a red slit for her left eye and the right eye was golden with a white slit.

This greatly confused as tried to look into a mirror only to find that her eyes were normal. Yamato pondered for a bit before looking at the moon which was slowly moving along its orbit. Yamato remembered an old saying that Okita ones said.

When moon shines, its silver rays will show you the truth.

Though Yamato also remembered that it was one of those old myths of the cosmo navy though, she wasn't really there from the beginning so she didn't really know.

Yamato sighed as she looked back at the moon however she could see another odd thing something was blocking part of its light. Yamato squinted her eyes as she made out red trims along a pitch black hull of a spaceship. This also confused her greatly as she didn't remember there being a ship there but her thoughts were interrupted when a bright red wave of something rushed away from it.

Once the wave passed through her ship, her pupils dilated as the hairs on her tail stood tall. When her eyes refocused, she couldn't help but feel a primal fear from whatever that thing was. Due to this it unconsciously made her reign controls from analyzer to her as klaxons blared throughout the ships.

The wave motion engine woke up from its rest mode as the main engine roared to life.

In a recorded breaking time she managed to slip into her uniform and quickly use the chair drop chute to enter the bridge. From there she didn't waste any time as she ordered analyzer to scan the region of space in front of them.

"Sensors and radar don't pick up anything I don't know if you saw anything there"

Yamato sighed again as she was torn on whether or not to take action. On one hand it could be a siren scout using unheard of tech or on the other a completely different thing or on the other, other hand it could a super classified experimental human ship but that's way out there and has a low chance.

"Dammit it, I'll just go with it"

Yamato forcibly took control of turret 2 and then proceeded to eyeball the distance before firing a positron round as a warning shot. The blue beams sailed harmlessly past where the ship should be and dissipated.

A few moments passed and nothing happened, this had the effect of making Yamato consider if she was hallucinating.

But luckily/unluckily, sensors and radar went off as a ships could be seen in front the ship. A size smaller than a carrier around 500 meters, it had mid-night black hull with red trims. A deadly array of weapons that would make a siren battleship sweat at the sight of it.

This immediately made Yamato tense as her sense of fore boarding grew stronger. A standoff happened where both sides just looked at each other's with their guns pointed at each other, the only thing that can break this is if someone starts shooting or …

Three massive booms signified the arrival of the mysterious ships friends. It was now three against one and she did not like it not one bit. In the midst of this standoff the rest of the fleet plus the Orion defence fleet were notified of this mysterious fleet.

"High unknown energy signature detected!"

Analyzer warned as a black coloured energy condensed on the bow of these ships. Yamato looked at the angle these ships were pointed at before making a quick decision.

"Fire all bubble shields except the bow, and protect our allies"

The missiles in the smoke stack, underbelly, broadside and aft of the ship launched as they raced towards their allies. The Yamato activated its shield just as the mysterious ships fired.

4 void black beams raced across space to their intended targets, black lightning blasting off from the beam. One hit the Yamato straight in the bow while the others streaked across to the other targets.

However, the only that stood in the beams way were a group a shields but these aren't just any portable shields there powered wave motion energy which is arguably the best in the universe.

6 circular shields appeared in front of the Azur lane fleet tanking the beam head one while the rest of the bubble shields deployed above planet Orion's atmosphere, blocking two beams.

"Wave Motion shield at 15%"

The Yamato emerged seemingly unscathed but its shield capacitors were decimated to a very low percent, leaving it open from attacks. Yamato looked at the 4 unknown ships from the display screen, she didn't want to do this but they forced her hand.

"All main guns engage"

Nine blue beams streaked across the little distance between the two ships before impacting their hull. The explosion kicked up some smoke obscuring the damage that had been dealt but when the smoke cleared it revelled only a scratch from that salvo.

This made Yamato remember her not so distance battle against the empress, she learnt one thing from their battle. Not to underestimate your enemy.

Notice: skill 'last hope' and 'limit breaker' have been activated

A golden hue washed over turrets as they locked on to a ship and fired. 9 golden beams struck one of the ships and this time there was actually damage. A large chunk of its hull was torn off exposing its internals which were glowing red from the heat.

One final salvo was all it took for its power source to be destabilized and cripple the entire ship. Seeing that the ship was no longer moving the Yamato moved to fire on the remaining ships however something weird came out of the wreck.

It was a glowing blue ball about the size of a turret. Said ball floated away from the group before something spectacular happened or rather destructive.

The blue ball erupted into white light blinding all who looked at it and when the light dimmed down it revealed a shocking object. The object where if you enter you can't come back, an object that has an endless hunger as it devours all that come to close.

They are called the devourer or in simple terms black holes, yes you read it right a black hole appeared in the Orion system.


That was Yamato's reaction as she looked at the black hole seemingly entranced. She snapped out of her stupor as soon as she realized that they were too close. A massive pull could be felt on the ship and on the entire system.

The Yamato lurched forward as the pull of gravity overpowered her thrusters, however, Yamato knew that if she was going down she would be taking down the rest with her.

Her guns fired rapid shots as her missiles rained havoc on the enemy's hull. But it still wasn't enough, her two rockets anchors fired and latched onto the two enemies pulling them with her as the third one she managed to disable its power supply with a lucky shot that penetrated its reactor core shutting it down.

With two left, her guns made quick work of them as they were stuck to her anchors but now, she was at the point of no return. The radio crackled as it received a message from the others but the gravity was messing up with the frequency. Yamato knew very well what she was supposed to do.

"Prepare the wave motion gun"

The Yamato was engulfed in darkness it hull groaned as it was being twisted and pulled but through the power of wave motion energy it was only barely keeping itself from being spaghettified as the core was outputting massive amounts of energy. Deep within the ship its wave motion engine was working double time as it was gathering enough energy to make this count.

"Raise target scope engine pressure at 220%"

In front of the ship Yamato could only see pitch black and ever increasing pressure and gravity signalled she was close to the centre.

"Brace for shock and flash, engine pressure at 240%"

A series of beeps filled the bridge as the wave motion engine reached its intended pressure.

"Engine pressure at 280% Yamato Hasha!"

Switch to outside view

It was like the apocalypse outside, people were running trying to flee even though it was useless however, a strange sight was seen. The black was glowing blue and no one knew why. Moments later two blue beams discharged from its poles but it didn't take long to notice something wasn't right as the black hole expanded for a bit before deflating to nothing like a balloon as it disappeared into a single white point that vanished leaving no trace behind.

This left the people of Orion in turmoil, a black hole appeared then disappeared. In space however, it was a different story. What you could feel here is utter rage and regret that was coming from a carrier.

With Yamato

After she fired her vision was filled with nothing but pure white before it focused back on the bridge windows. They were alive but the ship was moving through a dimension of sorts and right outside the ship were thousands if not millions upon millions of ships just like the ones they fought.

Yamato tried to use the guns or any functioning system but what she was left with is no response from the ship. Yamato sighed and looked outside where she saw a terrifying / confusing sight. There was a person outside the bridge windows.

Pitch black hair that reached past their shoulders, a pair of golden eyes that stared right at her. She looked to be a teen though Yamato couldn't tell. Suddenly, the mystery girl started smiling in a creepy way but what she said shook her to the core.

"I found you, Harmony" 

Yamato's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. No-one, absolutely no one knows that her name was Harmony she hadn't even told analyzer of all people.

Yamato stared at those golden eyes in shook as she felt that bad feeling multiply by 100. Flashes of a distant battle flashed through her mind as she faintly remembered those same eyes that her old rival had when it was towards the end of her voyage. What happened next, she didn't know as she suddenly woke up in a pretty bad situation.

Red lights bathed the bridge as multiple klaxons were blaring all at once.

Main unit, analyzer has shut down switching to back up AI unit.

Yamato looked around the bridge in a daze, she didn't even notice the multiple wounds that littered her body. Multiple consoles were torn apart, the display screen were missing a lot of panels and many more torn or broken objects littered the floor.

It was only until a tremor passed through the ship did Yamato snap out of her daze. Outside she could see the bow be engulfed in plasma as it entered into the atmosphere of a planet.

Yamato quickly limped over to the captain's consoles and after pressing a sequence of commands did the console lit up showing the critical components of the ship and giving her control of the ship.

She quickly grabbed the yoke [that stick that pilots use to move airplanes up or down] that was in front of her and with heavy effort pulled it back as the RCS system fired out blue jets bringing the bow up.

Warning structural integrity compromised, hull is severely damaged.

Chunks of metal tore off from the hull leaving a trail of ripped burnt metal. Yamato quickly thought of a solution before she pulled up the throttle for the man engine.

Warning wave motion engine critically damaged, wave motion core has been forcefully shut down for safety.


Yamato's hopes of survival plummeted, once the core has shutdown it would take a boat load of energy to start it back up. However, she still had a bigger problem at hand and that was that she still falling like a rock towards the surface.

With little time too spare she pulled the lever to deploy the wings. Once the wings were fully deployed, she could feel the ship slow down as it glided through the atmosphere.

Warning structural integrity at critical levels, hull integrity compromised.

Yamato's eyes almost bulged out at this warning. Moments later the sound of metal tearing was heard as the two wings were ripped off due to all the stress acting on the hull.

This in turn caused the nose to dip down even further down even with the RCS firing at full blast. Yamato was stuck thinking of a way to solve this problem when she saw a sparkle of blue. Looking out the window she could see a lake which means she could land safely there.

Thinking quickly, she activated the sub-engines though she received a warning for that.

Warning, there is a high chance of engine failure. Activation has been denied.


Yamato said as she input a specific code into the console.

Override command detected, activating sub-engines.

In a burst of bright yellow flames, the sub engines ignited leaving a trail of smoke in its wake. The bow was pushed upwards as the view of the lake disappeared. Yamato hoped that the engines would provide enough thrust to push her towards the lake.

Warning, sub engine failure


An explosion rocked the ship as the sub engines destroyed making billow out a plume of smoke that trailed behind it.

The bow dipped again and this time Yamato could see the lake but closer and getting nearer every few seconds. Yamato input another command for the landing rockets to fire as she pulled at control Yoke with force.

A few seconds pass and when she thought that she was going to touch down on water she received another shock.

Warring terrain impact imminent, brace for impact

"You mother f-"

The Yamato slammed into the shallow lake, hitting the lake bed with enough force to displace most of the water. The hull continued to plough into the bed tearing up chunks of rock until it came to a stop. The entire ship was caked in mud, disguising the true extent of the damage done.

Some 10 miles away

"Hey guys what is that" a female voice said as they pointed into the sky, making the rest of her squad look where she's pointing at. It was a giant fireball.

"Must be a an asteroid or something" the leader said as he lay atop of their APC looking into the sky.

Another person joined in "What if that's a space ship cause, when was the last time fall from the sky"

The squad of 5 hummed in thought but that was when the female said something. She pulled out her binoculars and looked at the falling object.

"Hey Vash you might what to look at that object" she said with an edge of seriousness.

The leader, Vash, sighed before retrieving his binoculars and looked through them.

"What the-"

Vash exclaimed as he rubbed his eyes before looking at the object again seemingly not believing it.

"Hey Sylvie are you seeing a damaged spaceship spewing out streaks of blue and yellow"

The girl, Sylvie, nodded her head as she continued to watch the space craft. This made the other 3 teammates confused but before they could ask anything their radio cracked up as a voice was heard

This is an automatic distress call to all channels. This is Yamato BBY-01 requesting help. I repeat this is Yamato BBY-01 request help &%$££"

The message ended just as soon as it started.

"So that's a space ship" one of them asked.

"Yes Max that's an asteroid. "~Boss we detected a space ship going to crash most likely at the Salt Lake, we'll move to investigate. ~

The squad mate max shrugged off Vash's answer as he went to prepare his stuff.

"Alright boys and girl let's roll out!"

After a short break their APC roared to life, its nuclear core letting a whine. Yes nuclear, don't ask me how they got it they're rebels, I don't know how those guys got their hands on a positron canon.

Anyway, soon they could see the ship Yamato crash where the lake was. A thunderous boom sounded throughout the land as a wall of dust was kicked up. Most of his squad mates whistled when heard it land.

"Must've been a pretty rough landing" Max said as he rocked about in his seat.

"Yeah no kidding the force of the landing caused a lot of dusk to kicked up I wonder what happened to the lake" their newest recruit, John, said as he looked out of the front window.

Vash ignored his squad mates talk as he poked his head through the hatch. The was still a lot of dust but soon he could see some light.

"Alright guys, look alive well be there in a minute."

This caused the squad to stop talking as they double checked their weapons.

Sylvie carried with her a sniper and a pistol. Don't their ordinary looks fool you, they've been upgraded with a magnetic accelerator that increases their lethality. The sniper there can overmatch 33mm of armour and it comes with thermal so good it can see a bee that's all the way in the upper atmosphere plus a deadly of different ammo from your normal AP, HE to the wild freeze and incendiary bullets. The pistol had a similar function but its capabilities is that it can overmatch 10mm armour and come with different ammo.

Max was the squad's heavy hitter. Carrying the latest rocket launcher that can a nuclear tipped rocket to all other forms and his most prized possession his heaving machine gun which can shoot 800 rounds per minute and can over match 25mm armour.

John carried a light SMG plus a pistol which have similar characteristic, the SMG can fire 500 rounds per minute.

Finally, Vash carries an assault rifle plus a small SMG.

Soon the APC's tyre touched soft mud as the dust cleared and right in front of them is a beautiful sight. A space warship lay embedded in the ground entirely covered in mud. The APC drew loser until they were right next to it.

"Alright let's move out!"

Like well-oiled machine, the squad quickly disembarked before they entered the ship through a hole in its superstructure.

"Remember we only have ten minutes at best before they come here so I want you all to be done in five."

Vash said as his squad split into three groups, one when to the engine section, the other lower deck while the last one cleared the bridge.

It wasn't long before Vash received a message.

"Sylvie what did you find in the engine room"

"Ahh, Vash I'm not sure there's much of an engine left. It's all broken and cut into large chunks. There's no one here however my thermal sees a heat source in the bridge. We'll go and check around. Over and out"

The line went silent as Vash in his one man team reached the elevator only to find a broken lift and snapped cables.

Vash sighed before he pulled out two daggers and begun to climb the elevator shaft.

It didn't take long for him to pry open the door and enter the bridge. He looked around for anything as he spotted some blood on the floor. But before he could even turn his head he heard the sound of a rifle being cocked.

He slowly turned his head and was met with a rifle looking weapon pointed at his head.

The person holding the weapon was a female though he could see tails and fox like ears though her ears were slopped down and one of her hand was holding her stomach area where he could see blood.

"Who are you and what are you doing on my ship" the woman said in a strained voice.

"My name's Vash and I'm part of the resistance. Me and my squad came here when we saw your ship crash in the lake."

"Resistance? What are you talking … about"

The woman suddenly felt light headed as she blacked out. Vash quickly caught her falling and did some minor first aid before slinging the woman over her shoulder.


"Vash you can't believe what I just found, this ship has freaking mechs. I going to get the drone to lift this out."

Before Vash could say a word.

"Vash, we found fighters and I can't believe there so many I'm calling the hauler over to get one of these."

"Could you be quiet!" Vash yelled over the comms as he exited the bridge. "I've got the captain here though I believe she a Sakuran so be alert. Max don't even try to take those fighters go help Sylvie to pick up a mech or two then we're leaving."

Through the comms they could hear Max's displeasure while Sylvie shouted in joy. After putting the woman on a chair he helped remove two mechs and place them on the APC floating trailer but before they could take another the time limit was reached and they had to RTB with two mechs and the ship's captain secured.

Yamato's mind

Yamato cracked open her eyes as she looked at the person in front of her. Her rigging was ruined and badly damaged.

"This is a disappointment, here I was looking for our rematch but all I've found is a fake Yamato. I wonder how you were able to take the Ark of destruction but I guess you really are weak"

The woman stretched her palm as a fiery sword manifested out of thin air. It was covered in black flames with red trimming giving it a demonic aura. The girl pulled it back before swinging, the sound of her giggle echoing throughout the void.


Yamato startled awake as her forehead was sheened with sweat she looked around widely before resting on a figure that was in front of her who was shining gold. The lady had wings and was currently holding her chin as she looked at Yamato directly in the eyes.

Yamato blinked before she said "Hello?"

The angel didn't react to this as she continued to stare at her giving Yamato a creepy feeling but her mind did see the angel as familiar until it clicked in her head.

"Aren't you that angel that was trying to reach for me when I was in a weird dimension?"

The reaction of the angel of instant as she looked around the room, seeing noone, then looked back only to find Yamato's piercing red eyes stare directly into her meaning her cover was blown.

"How can you see me!?"

Yamato was confused but before she could ask any thing the angel disappeared in a golden light.

Yamato was about to ask what was happening before she heard the cocking of a gun. She looked to her right before she saw a person crouch beside her, pistol aimed at her forehead.

She heard footsteps and looked in front where she saw a guy who looked familiar.

"Now miss, we can do this the hard way or the easy way. Tell the events of the past few days.

POV change, higher dimension

We see the officer who's Allena's superior, holding his head in between his hands.

"Let me get this straight" he raised his head as he looked at Allen "that ship girl uses a power called wave motion energy giving her a greater lethality and more importantly you said that you sensed a higher being residing in this ship girl who you found was Yamato."

Allena nodded her head as her superior groaned "the only place that had that kind of energy to my knowledge was universe 2199 but that universe was destroyed and now you're telling me that a ship from there came here with a higher being. Do you understand the amount of outrage this will cause to this plane, the entire council will go mad and some will even want to kill that ship girl. If the gods here this I don't know what will calm them down and if the Void get this--

"Actually sir, there's another development. The Void are awakening and are amassing a massive power. They even sent some of their forces to scout out the Orion system."

As soon as she finished she heard the sound of the table being hit and it was then she saw her superior pass out on the desk.

Allena sighed as she thought of the future of this universe, which looked to be going down a route of destruction.

Done, no Shinano in this chapter but that will be in the next chapter. 

Send in those supply drops ASAP we got aliens at the door.


Ahh s--- they breached the gates, men drop to the second defense line.

as you can see reader things aren't going well.

*Gunshots in the background*

which is why we need you to send those resources for the war

*Large explosions sound behind them*

Ahh there already here, see you in command reader, FIRE!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

dragon_monarchcreators' thoughts