
A New experience

OfficalBookMaster · Teen
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17 Chs

Day 2

I wake up because of my phone non stop ringing I race to see who it was , she looks at it and doesn't know who it is but she missed it so she saved the number to call it later. She walks to her small fridge and grabbed a slice of bread then puts it in a toaster then grabbed the butter  and a knife.

The toaster popped  out she grabbed it and put butter on it then walked to her bed it wasn't far because the fridge is next to it . Rj sat on her bed and ate her breakfast and called Zoe to see how's she is going in Australia, She grabbed her phone and called her it was ringing until

Zoe " Hey Rj how was the flight to Ireland "

Rj  " It was a great flight but how are you going since you're alone"  "

Zoe" I am not alone remember I have Ava here"

Rj "Oh yeah sorry but I have to go get prepared for my jog see you later "

Zoe" Ok I will call you later"

Rj hanged up and went outside for her jog she closes the door of her room in the hotel walked down the stars and starts to run on the path way listening to music that was in her playlist.

8 Hours later

Rj ran back to her hotel room entered the building and walked up to her room and realized all of her gear was out of her room and saw a note on the door..

Dear miss / sir ,

Your room has been canceled due to there was no-one was in the to discuss room service and So you will have to pay $1000 dollars if you want your room back but if you don't want to pay it back give back your key at the front desk

From hotel manager

Rj was furious so she grabbed her bag and gave back the key since she doesn't have enough money she left and thought ( Where am I gonna go now ?). Rj started to walk to the big park and sat down on a cold clean bench near one fountain she decided to grabbed her art book , pencils and her small art book and a stand out of her bag that looks like a school bag but very thin .

She opened to a white clean blank page and sketched Jacksepticeyes logo and she put her stand away then grabbed her colorful pencils to color it in.

A guy sat next to me and asked

Guy" Hey are you drawing a green eye ball "?

Rj " It's a youtubers logo he's name is Jacksepticeye "

Guy" Wait is that the guy that has green hair and a ascent of Irish"

Rj " Yeah how do you know "

Guy " Well my child Charlotte loves watching him "

Rj " Wait is your name Adam"

Guy" Wait you are Rj right , you were on the plane sitting next to my daughter "

Rj " Yeah I'm Rj I Am really happy to see her is she here"

Adam " Yes she is near the fountain "

Charlotte " Dady Dady look at this"

Adam looks at what Charlotte had in her hand and its a beautiful green butterfly. Adam realizes the time and said

Adam" Hey Rj I will see you around I have to go"

Rj" Ok yeah see you later "

Adam" Bye"

He waves good bye while his daughter lets the butterfly free and I wave by and so does he . Then this guy wearing black sunglasses , black leather jacket , a red t shirt that is blank and a black pair of jeans that were had little holes in it and then he looked at me like he saw my face before and asked ...

Unknown guy "  Hey I think I've seen you before have I met you "

Rj " Um I haven't seen you before , sorry"

Unknown guy " Hey are you a YouTuber "

Rj then thinks to herself ( well I kinda don't wanna tell him but to be nice )

Rj " Yes I am , have you seen any of my videos "

Unknown guy " No but my friend loves watching you play games and challenges "

I start to pack up my bag so it's not in the way later..

Rj " Well I always enjoy seeing fans "

Unknown guy " Well are you busy or something"

Rj " Well no why "???

Unknown guy " Well I was wondering if you wanna come over to my house "

Rj " Argh I don't know maybe "

Unknown guy " Well I was wondering if you come over to mine so I kinda can know you more "

Rj " What do you mean by that "???

Unknown guy " What I mean is that if you are who I think you are , I don't want fans to find out "

Rj" So do you know my name , if you know my name of my channel I might come over to yours "

Unknown guy whispered " Your ShinyBlueUmbreon right your from Australia "

Rj gets up grabbed her bag and put her left hand in her pocket and carefully grabbed her taiser then said...

Rj " Well are we going to yours or what " the guy who was talking to me walked me to his greycar and drove me to his place while my hand was touching my taiser ,my bag on my back and my phone in the front pocket of my bag.

We were at the front of the home he got out of the car and opens my door for me then we walked closer than he asked

Unknown guy " hey do me a favor and knock on the door please "

I refused because I realized this is not his home then said strongly

Rj" Why do you want me to knock on the door if it your home or is it"?

Unknown guy " Come on nothing bad is gonna happen "

Rj" well if the person opened the door and asked who we are your in big trouble "

Rj knocked on the door and the guy starts to smile , I'm getting prepared to take a risk of zapping him in the neck and I hear foot steps come closer to the door .

A guy opens the door then replied

... " Hey Mark who's the girl "?

Mark " You know who it is and she knows who you are "

Rj face goes white as the paint on the door than faints of confusion and shock in mark hands .

3 Hours later

... " What the hell mark you idiot "

Mark " Hey umm Jack she is waking up "

Rj starts to sit up and realize her taiser is still in her pocket and her bag is next to her then she said ...

Rj " ouch my head hurts"

Mark " Well you hit the grass kinda hard then I had to pick you up and sit you on the couch while my friend is freaking out"

Jack " Well are you ok besides of what happen"

Rj looks up and says to jack while staring at him

Rj" yeah I'm good wait you are ... Jacksepticeye and he is markiplier omg "

Jack " hey are you going to faint now "

Rj " well no I don't think so "

She was gonna get up to stand and stretch until she got a text from Zoe so she looks at her phone and sees what she said...

Zoe" Hey have you been on your channel"

Rj" No why "?

Zoe" well if you don't want me to spoil what happen check ok "

Rj " Ok I will hold on "

Rj pulls out a small blue laptop from her bag and ask jack for the wifi password, jack walks over and types it in while Mark and Rj look away for privacy and I quickly go online , open up YouTube than. Rj phone vibrates again and she saw the reply...

Zoe " Hey do you know what happen to your channel"

Rj " Omg am I dreaming "

Jack and mark wonder what happen while Rj is shocked of what she saw then jack went to ask what happen until she called Zoe to celebrate while mark and jack don't know of what happen. A big exited scream that came out of the phone while Mark and Jack haven't realized what happen ...

Rj " Omg how did that happen "

Zoe " I can't believe you got 1MILLION SUBSCRIBERS"

Rj " Well I can't believe what I'm seeing "

Zoe " Well I'm gonna go tell my parents about it than your fiends to ok "

Rj " Ok see you later , bye "

Zoe hanged up while MARK AND JACK don't understand of what happen...

Markiplier " What hold on , what happen "

Rj " MARK, JACK guess what "

Jacksepticeye " What "

Rj " I just reached on YouTube 1 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS "

Jack goes to Rj and picks her up to give her a bear hug and puts her down while Mark goes over to her and gives her a hug to . She gets a call from someone so jack was about to give her phone to her until he knew who was calling , Rj then grabbed the phone and answered...

Rj " Hey who am I talking too"?

The unknown guy replied with a Swedish accent...

Unknown guy " Well to not make this creepy I'm PewDiePie "

Rj " OMG , How are you "

Felix/Pewds" good and congrats on your channel you are like us ... FAMOUS and FABULOUS "!!

Rj " So I'll text you now "

Felix " Yeah I got to go now but yeah , if you need anything just text me or call me "

Rj " ok see you later "

Felix " Bye"

Rj hanged up then started to smile at Jack and Mark and she's that happy she wants to celebrate what happen until she almost fainted but Jack saved her fall and put her on the couch.

Jack realized the time and Mark wanted to go to bed same with Jack so he decided to pick up Rj and take her to his room...

Markiplier" Umm what are you doing with her"?

Jacksepticeye " I'm gonna take her to my room so I can keep an eye on her with my septic eye , hey Mark did you like what I did "

Markiplier " Yeah noooo "

So Jack took Rj into his room on the bottom bunk of his bed while Mark went to his room to, Jack didn't want Rj to get scared when she wakes up so he slept with her in bed.