
A New experience

OfficalBookMaster · Teen
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17 Chs

Day 15

Mark woke up and realised Zoe and him slept on the couch together . He hears Zoe up so he got up to have some cereal.

Zoe sees Mark having some coco pops with some cold milk ...

Zoe" So mark are the others up"

Mark " I don't know"

Zoe hears someone knocking on the door so she walks up to the door and sees Mathias. Zoe burst into happy tears then hugged him then her walked in then said...

Mathias" Hey Mark "

Mark walks over to shake Mathias hand and hugged him...

Mark" Wow you look great"

Mathias" Thanks I feel good to"

Zoe" Well you sound soo happy"

Mathias " Are the others up"

Mark " No there still asleep "

Mark , Zoe and Mathias decide to sit in the couch in the living room to talk some more.


Rj woke up cause she could hear someone laughing so she got up and put on some deodorant then Jack woke up cause Rj wasn't in bed...

Jack " Morning Rj "

Rj " Morning Jack"

Jack got out of bed to see what the others are up to then Rj couldn't find her shirt she was wearing so she put on her white shirt jacket that doesn't cover the singlet. Jack wrapped his arms around Rj and picked her up .

Rj " Jack put me down "

Jack " Ok I will "

So he walked to the bed then put her down Rj smiled then pulled him down. Rj got up then said ...

Rj " You can't get me"

Jack " Oh so you want to play a game of hide and tickle "

Jack got up then ran straight to the door so she couldn't get out. Jack started to walk closer to Rj then grabbed her and hugged her. Rj was looking at his beautiful blue eyes and gave him a long kiss on the lips then asked...

Rj " Well I better find out what the others are laughing about , Jack by the way put a shirt on"

Jack " Well ok but why do you have to be so beautiful "

Rj smiled then blew him a kiss then  left to see what Mark and Zoe were up to . Rj sees the others sitting on the couch and said...

Rj " Morning"

Mathias " It's actually the afternoon"

Rj realised Mathias was here so she rush down the stairs , he got up and Rj ran to him to give him a hug.

Mathias " You missed me"

Rj " Wow you look amazing , I really missed hearing your voice, don't scare me like that"

Jack came out off his room came down to see Mathias so he ran over to shake his hand and give him a friendly hug...

Jack " Well Mathias you look great out of the hospital "

Mathias" Hey guys you wanna go out "

Rj " Like to a restaurant "

Mark " that's a great plan "

Zoe " Well I think we should go somewhere big , do we can celebrate with loud music and all of us dancing"

Jack " It sounds great "

Mark " Well where ever we go I can't drink"

Zoe " Rj you remember you can't drink either "

Rj " True cause last time I almost died"

Mark " Wow me to "

Jack ran half way upstairs and said...

Jack " Well are we going or not"

Rj " Well I have a plan , we dress up right but you guys won't know what we look like "

Zoe " So it's a surprise "

Mark " Well I guess Rj and Zoe can get dressed in my room "

Mathias "  And I'll drive them there"

Rj " Ok cool WETS DO THIS"

So Rj and the other ran up stairs to get dressed while Mathias was hanging out with the boys while there getting dressed.

Rj put on her dark blue and green dress that Marzia gave her and Zoe put on her red dress . Rj grabbed some small dark blue heels then grabbed the box that had the bracelet that had half a heart that Jack gave her .

Zoe fixed her hair and got Rj to plat it then Zoe saw Rj take the elastic out of her hair so she runs over and cuts it with scissors . Rj was confused and asked...

Rj " Why did you cut my elastic band "

Zoe " No pony tails hair down "

Rj " Fine "

So Rj started to brushed her hair then heard someone knocking on the door...

Mathias " Hey girls can I come in "

Rj " Yeah ok "

So Mathias opens the door then Rj said...

Rj " Nice suit"

Mathias " Wow you to look amazing "

Zoe " Well I'll meet you outside cause I'm done "

Rj " Oh ok "

Mathias " ok wait in the living room "

Mathias saw Rj's face then asked ...

Mathias " Are you nervous, cause you look like you are"

Rj " I'm not nervous but I don't know how to ..."

Rj struggled to finish but Mathias wanted  to know but Zoe came in and asked..

Zoe " Come on wets go "

So Rj walked out off the room with Zoe and Mathias to go . Mathias quickly told the boys there leaving to go . Zoe , Rj and Mathias hopped into the car then Zoe said...

Zoe " Hey I found where we should go "

Mathias " Where "

Zoe " It's called all nighters "

Rj " It's sounds great "

So Mathias drove the girls to the all nighters to celebrate.


Rj , Zoe and Mathias were getting out of the car to go inside . Rj then checked the time to see its 7:00 pm so they all walked in . Rj didn't bring a bag so she put her phone in Zoe's then Mathias saw the boys walk in .

Mark was wearing a red suit with black pants and shoes.

Zoe " Look at Jack "

Rj looked at Jack and saw him wearing a black suit with black pants and shoes . Rj thought ( Wow Jack looks so hot in a suit). Mark and Jack walked over then said ...

Jack " Rj , Zoe you look amazing"

Mark " Well we were lucky we choose the right girls"

Everyone laughed then Jack asked...

Jack " Zoe , Mathias do you guys wanna order some drinks "

Zoe " Ok "

Mathias " Cool "

Jack , Zoe and Mathias walked to the bar but  left Rj and Mark together.

Mark " Wow you look amazing "

Rj " Thanks so do you "

Mark " While we wait you wanna dance "

Rj " Well Mark I love to but "

Mark " But what "

Rj " I do t know how to dance "

Mark got up grabbed Rj's hand then they walked together to the dance floor to dance...

Mark " So Rj , you put your hands behind my hand and I'll put my hands on your waist "

Rj " Ok "

So Mark started to teach Rj how to dance then Mark thought ( Wow she must be lying she's doing so well )...

Mark " Well your doing so well "

Rj " Really "

Mark sees Jack and the others going back to the table so he stops and said ...

Mark " So now ask Jack to dance with you "

Rj and Mark come back to their table and see Mathias , Jack and Zoe with drinks . Zoe had a water , Jack had some scotch and coke while Mathias had a beer.

Rj sits next to Jack and asked...

Rj " Hey Jack you wanna dance"

Jack " Yes I love to with you "

So Jack grabbed her hand walked to the middle of the dance floor and asked...

Jack " You ready"

Rj " Yes if you are"

Jack puts his hands on Rj waist while Rj put her hands behind his neck . Then mark went over to the Dj and asked...

Mark " Hey can you put on some slow dance music"

Dj " of course "

So Mark walks back to Zoe grabs her hand and brings her to the dance floor with Jack and Rj . While Mathias finished his beer and realised the music changed . A lot of people also went to the dance floor to dance . Mathias went to the bar for another drink . He walks back and sits alone.


Rj saw Mathias alone and asked Jack ...

Rj " is Mathias ok "

Jack " I don't know "

Rj " Maybe ask if he's ok "

So Jack left the dance floor to talk to Mathias, while Jack was asking Rj went to the bar and asked...

Rj " Could I please have a water "

Bartender " Yeah ok "

Bartender " Here is your water "

Rj " Ok I just got to get money , I'll be back "

Bartender " No don't worry about it , it's on the house"

Rj " Thank you "

Bartender " And by the way my name is Jake , what's yours"

Rj " Well my name is Rj "

Jake " Well I'm actually the owner of the all nighters"

Rj " Wow that's cool "

Meanwhile Rj was talking to Jake , Jack was talking to Mathias ...

Jack " Hey dude you ok "

Mathias " Yeah "

Jack " Well I know you'll be happy if you dance with us "

The music changed to some guy Sebastian song called battle scars ...

Jack " Marhias come on you can dance to this"

So Mathis joined in if dancing with the other people and Mark , Zoe and Jack .


RJ was sitting down talking to hake until a  guy came over to Rj and asked...

Unknown guy" Hey baby you wanna dance with me"

Rj " No I'm fine "

Rj was about to turn back to jake but the guy asked her again...

Unknown Guy " Hey come on girl dance with me "

Rj " I really don't want to , sorry "

Unknown guy grabbed her arm really tight and said.

Unknown guy " Come on don't be stiff , dance with me "

Jake " Oi dude let her go , she doesn't wanna dance with you , beat it "

Rj escaped from the guy that was being a jerk.

Unknown guy " Say out of it "

The guy grabbed Rj's arm strong and tight then said .

Unknown guy " Your gonna dance if you like it or not "

Jake gets out of the bar to get close to the guy and said.

Jake " Let her go so I don't have to waste my energy on you"

Unknown guy" ha I'm not listening to you"

Rj punched the guy in the face and started to regret it. The guy gets up and said...

Unknown guy " Don't make me hurt you "

He grabs Rj's arm and took to steps until ...

Jake " Ok you wanna fight so be it "

Rj punched him one more time and ran to jake . Jake told her to sit , the guy walked over to jake to get Rj but Jake punched him in the stomach. The guy threw a punch at Jake but he dodged it then Jake punched him in the face . He walked to Rj and asked ...

Jake " You ok "

Rj " Thank you for that "

Jake" No problem "

Jake sits with Rj and watched the guy leave then Jake thought ( Wow she hot). Jack saw Rj hanging out with the bartender so he walked up to Rj .

Jack " Hey is this gut annoying you"

Jake " Hey dude this guy will kick your ass "

Rj got up then stand in front off Jack to tell him ...

Jack " This his Jake , he saved me from this idiot that to no as a yes for everything"

Jake " Rj who's this "

Rj " Jake meet Jack , Jack meet Jake "

So Jack and Jake shook hands but then Jack asked...

Jack " What happened "

Jake " Rj was almost forced to dance with this guy twice , but I step in at the right time "

Rj " Jack he helped me ok , he saved me"

Jack " Thank you Jake , I don't like seeing Rj hurt "

Rj hugged Jack to show she's happy to see him .

Jake " If you don't mind me asking but are you to dating"

Rj " Yeah ,but thank you for earlier "

Jake " You from around here Rj "

Rj " No I'm from Australia "

Jake " I'm from there too , I moved her a year ago "

Rj " Cool , I came to Ireland for a holiday but when i met Jack , it was like live at first sight"

Jake , Jack and Rj say at the bar and started to have a conversation. Mark saw Jack talking to someone ...

Mark " Hey Zoe you want to come to see who jacks talking too "

Mark walks over to Jack , Rj and Jake , Mark comes over and asks...

Mark " Hey dude who's this"

Jack " Mark , Zoe meet Jake , Jake helped Rj with a jerk"

Zoe " Omg are you ok "

Rj " Yeah if Jake wasn't here for me I would of been forced to dance with a guy , but Jake made him learn some manners"

Mark " So let me get this straight, Rj made a friendship with Jake , a jerk came over and forced Rj to dance , then there was a fight"

Jake " Yeah pretty much "

Zoe " Thank you so much for helping her"

Jake " But how Rj punched him , Wow she didn't wanna dance with him "

Jack " Well she is very friendly "

Rj " So now I owe him something but I don't know what "

Jake " Well I know what I wouldn't mind right now "

Rj " What I'll do anything"

Jake " So will you have one dance with me , if you want"

Rj stands up and replied ...

Rj " So wets dance"

Jake " Hey Rj before we dance you guys wanna meet my little bro"

Everyone was happy to so Jake walked up to the Dj and said...

Jake " so guys this is my little brother Zac"

Zac " So Jake you finally found someone "

Rj blushed but Jake said...

Jake " No but this is her boyfriend Jack and her friends Zoe and Mark  "

Zac " Ok cool"

Mark " Well we also have Mathias "

Rj " I'll go get him"

Rj runs over to Mathias and see him sitting alone so she said ...

Rj " Hey Mathias you wanna meet someone that saved me"

Mathias " Ok cool " so Mathias walked with Rj to jake.

Meanwhile Rj and Mathias were coming Jake introduced his sister to the others.

Mathias " Hey guys "

Jack " Hey Mathias meet Jake , his brother Zac and his sister Amy"

Amy saw Mathias and blushed ...

Amy " Hey there Mathias "

Mathias " Hi "

Jake "oh shit I forgot Amy was a huge fan off Mathias "

Amy " Can we get a photo "

Zac comes down with a phone stand and asked...

Zac " Hey do I take the photo on my phone or who's"

Rj gives Zac her phone and got a photo together . Rj grabbed her phone off the stand to show everyone the photo.

Rj " Now I can remember that I had the best time of my life here "

Jake" Hey Rj I know how we can be great friends , can you give me your phone"

So she handed her phone to Jake then he put Zac's , Amy's and his phone number into it to keep in contact. He gives Rj's phone back ....

Rj " Well are you ready to dance"

Jake " Oh yeah , Zac can you put on slow music "

So Jake and Rj went to the dance floor but Amy got one of her friends to joint in . So Mathias danced with Amy , Jack danced with Amy's friend Ashley, Mark danced with Zoe and Rj danced with Jake . When Jake was done dancing he told Jack to dance with her .


Rj and the others went home to get changed into there pj's and went to bed and Mathias slept in the spare room .