
A New Era of Villain (DC/Marvel)

Previous Title: In DC as The Strongest Anti-Villain (DC/Marvel) "The moment you hit me, you lose." The MC has obtained the ability of an Overpowered Character from the Marvel Comic Universe to "infinitely copy and infinitely stack," but accidentally crossed into the DC world. In this case, let us imagine being a free and turbulent villain. Not my Web Novel, but it is my only favorite Chinese novel. The Real author Name is Marvel King. I am just translating it. Cover photo is not mine.

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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172 Chs

Chapter 56 Let's go, have a baby (Rewritten)

This night is destined to be a sleepless night for Paradise Island.

In the cell, the Amazons, who had become slaves, comforted each other and prayed for the gods on Mount Olympus to rescue them. In the corner, the aloof queens and generals also wore handcuffs and shackles, losing their noble elegance.

They had been locked in this place upon awakening, to learn about what had happened before their coma. Not long ago, Artemis came and spoke extensively about the situation of the Amazons, Diana, Stephen, and so on. The determined Hippolyta struggled to make a decision for a while.

Anger? Worry?

Perhaps even regret!

If they had known that a white horse would bring such pain to Diana on Paradise Island, they wouldn't have hesitated to give up the horse, even if it meant leading a horse for him.

The night breeze rustled the leaves outside.

Inside Hippolyta's room.

Stephen lay on a blanket made of unknown animal skin and pulled Artemis, who had just taken off her armor, towards him.

"Finally, a properly sized pillow," he chuckled, pulling Artemis to his side and lying down.

Artemis, who was usually physically flexible, became a bit stiff this time. She closed her eyes slightly and remained motionless, even Resound couldn't help but lower her volume. Stephen's hands roamed around her, including her breasts, and then he hugged her and fell asleep.

After a while, the steady sound of Stephen's breathing filled the dimly lit room.

"Is he asleep?" Artemis unexpectedly opened her eyes slowly and looked at Stephen, who was actually sleeping.

In the dim light, Artemis gazed at Stephen's face in a daze. She didn't know how long he had been asleep like this. Good habits of work and rest made her wake up early. As she opened her eyes, she saw Stephen, who was close at hand, holding her as if they were inseparable. Artemis was about to get up when she heard a loud bang.

The door was forcefully pushed open.

"Who's there!" Artemis wanted to get up cautiously and saw Diana hurrying towards the two of them.

Diana wore a bright red breastplate, a blue skirt, golden knee-length boots, wrist braces on both hands, a W-shaped starlight crown on her forehead, a shield in one hand, and a long sword in the other. She walked towards Stephen and shouted heroically and confidently.

"Stephen, I want to challenge you!"

Stephen was awakened by her sweet voice, tightened his arm around Artemis's shoulder, and opened his eyes to look.


Seeing Diana, dressed as Wonder Woman, standing in front of him, Stephen smiled lightly. "Are you trying to challenge me or engage in some BDSM activities? Are you so eager to come over this early? Do you really want to have a baby with me?"

"I will defeat you!" Diana gritted her teeth.

"Is it because of the God Killer Sword?" Stephen got up and looked at Artemis disapprovingly. Artemis was still in a daze before she recognized the sword and hurried over to help Stephen get dressed.

Diana grew even angrier as she witnessed this scene.

"Go and bring everyone out. They should be very interested in this challenge," Stephen said casually.

Artemis put on her armor and hurried out.

"After our battle, you can wear this suit and give birth to our child later. This time, I don't need the Lasso of Truth. It will only distract me from focusing on you. I hope to concentrate solely on you," Stephen patted Diana on the shoulder, got up, and left.

Setting aside the aura of Wonder Woman's identity, Diana was originally very attractive. However, due to the Golden Lasso, most of Stephen's attention yesterday was focused on academic discussions.

The Amazons were brought out one by one and gathered in the square. They were excited when they learned that Diana would challenge Stephen for their freedom. Hippolyta and Antiope were initially a little worried, but when they saw Diana wielding the Excalibur Sword, they felt slightly relieved.

Although this sword couldn't truly kill gods, its quality and power were superior. With this sword, Diana might be able to defeat Stephen.

Under their expectant gazes, Stephen Lang walked into the center of the square.

Taking a look around, Stephen casually spoke to the eager Amazons and the ready-to-fight Diana. "Bring it on."


Diana didn't hesitate and charged towards Stephen, holding her shield.

Here we go!

Everyone became nervous and watched them intently.

Diana had undergone the most rigorous training since childhood, several times more intense than the others. Now, with her awakened divinity and the magic sword, she should... she should be able to succeed, right?


Stephen raised his hand to block the shield that came at him. Then he saw the shield flash, and the bright gold and dark red boots aimed for his lower abdomen. Stephen extended his other hand and slapped it down, causing Diana to feel a strong force against her leg. It almost made her fall to the ground involuntarily, but just before that happened, she swung the God Killer Sword.

Before the sword reached him, the hand that had deflected Diana's leg turned into a fist and struck out.

Diana grunted and drove her sword into the ground, anchoring herself as she moved backward.

"You can't defeat me with such moves. Why don't you use your full strength?" Stephen chuckled lightly. "Although, even with all your strength, you still can't defeat me."


Diana screamed once again.

Divine power surged, and the God-Killing Sword gleamed with a sharp and dazzling light.

The Amazons stepped back in shock. The impact of the divine power made them feel as if they were in the midst of a storm, unable to open their eyes. In the center of the storm, Diana raised the God Killer Sword and used her most extraordinary abilities to strike at Stephen.

The light was blinding, accompanied by thunder and lightning.

Hippolyta stared at the God Killer Sword, mouth agape.

It must succeed, it must!

This sword contained Diana's divine power, and all the Amazons' prayers were directed towards Stephen.

[Unlimited stacking, tenfold.]

Stephen shouted loudly and raised his hand to block the Excalibur.


He actually blocked the God Killer Sword with his bare hand!

This scene left everyone stunned. Diana's surprise quickly faded, replaced by determination. She gripped the Sword even more tightly as she roared.

Even if you are a god, this God-Killing Sword can slay you!

With this conviction, Diana, moving forward, suddenly heard the sound of cracking.

"Crack." "Crack."

Stephen didn't move, but the sword was breaking.

The Sword, shattered?

Diana looked at Stephen, who was wearing a faint smile, as he crushed the God-Killing Sword with his bare hand. He then released her wrist, causing the hilt to fall off the sword. Stephen bent down, lifted Diana in a princess carry, and soon they were leaving.

"Let's go, and let's make a baby."


TN: I might post after two days, tomorrow, I don't have enough motivation for now. I... Just...want….to....sleeppppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!


Marvel King: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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