
A New Era of Villain (DC/Marvel)

Previous Title: In DC as The Strongest Anti-Villain (DC/Marvel) "The moment you hit me, you lose." The MC has obtained the ability of an Overpowered Character from the Marvel Comic Universe to "infinitely copy and infinitely stack," but accidentally crossed into the DC world. In this case, let us imagine being a free and turbulent villain. Not my Web Novel, but it is my only favorite Chinese novel. The Real author Name is Marvel King. I am just translating it. Cover photo is not mine.

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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172 Chs

Chapter-21 Laurel Lance (Rewritten)

The incident known as the Queen's Gambit had a profound impact on many individuals, particularly two families: the Queens and the Lances.

One of them is the Queen family, while the other is the Lance family.

Quentin Lance, a police detective in Starling City and the father of Laurel Lance and Sara Lance, was deeply affected by the tragedy. Sara's accident dealt him the heaviest blow. Quentin vehemently opposed his eldest daughter Laurel's relationship with Oliver Queen and frequently argued with her about it. However, he never anticipated that both his daughters would become entangled in the web of the Queens.

He harbors a deep hatred for Oliver Queen, whom he holds responsible for his youngest daughter Sara's death. He also despises himself for what happened. Since that incident, he has become exceedingly strict, and now only his eldest daughter remains by his side. He even blames Laurel, believing that if she hadn't become involved with Oliver Queen, Sara might still be alive. How could he have allowed such a thing to occur?

Unfortunately, Laurel is currently residing in a women's college, unable to offer her father any assistance or solace. Upon entering college, Laurel chose to live on campus. While the school isn't far from her home, she couldn't bear to confront her father's sorrowful expression every day or face the memories associated with her sister within their house. She is uncertain about what she should do—should she be angry with her heartless sister for stealing her boyfriend, or mourn her death?

Avoidance seems to be the most common approach.

It is unfortunate that her father did not approve of her staying in the college dormitory. This led to a major argument between Laurel and him, resulting in her leaving home.

As Laurel wandered aimlessly through the streets, she unconsciously found herself in a chaotic slum area. Lost in anger, she failed to notice that she had become the target of someone's attention. A bulky man wearing a hoodie began following her, and when she instinctively turned into a deserted corner without paying attention to her surroundings, he suddenly lunged from behind and pushed Laurel to the ground.

Caught off guard, Laurel nearly fell. However, she quickly regained her footing and turned to see the man pointing a gun at her.

"Hey, girl, hand over all your valuables."

It was a robbery!

Laurel snapped back to reality, realizing the gravity of the situation and her location. Being a native of Starling City and the daughter of a police detective, Laurel made the most prudent decision and obediently handed over her bag.

"Consider yourself a valuable possession, girl."

The bulky man triumphantly seized the bag but didn't leave. Instead, he scrutinized Laurel from head to toe. Despite her slightly slender face, her features were delicate. She possessed long, wavy brown hair, a tall figure, long legs, and a straight posture. In simple terms, she appeared respectable and beautiful.

"Well, let me check if you have anything valuable on you," the bulky man said, approaching Laurel with a sinister grin and his gun still in hand.

Laurel stepped back slightly, feigning composure. "You should know that my father is a policeman. If you only robbed me, I would consider myself unlucky. But if you dare to harm me, be prepared to be hunted down by the police throughout the entire city."

"Trying to scare me, girl? Do you think the police are all that great?" the bulky man retorted, frowning and shouting.

"Oh, so you're not afraid of the police?"

"I definitely... who?" The bulky man replied instinctively, only to realize that Laurel hadn't spoken at all. It was a man's voice. He raised his gun subconsciously, turning around to see a stranger walking in from the alley.

"Hey, Chinaman, you trying to be a hero or something? Get lost before I kill you!" the black man bellowed.

"As a black man yourself, do you dare to racially discriminate against others?" Stephen shook his head, chuckling, and glanced at Laurel beyond the black man. "Do you need my help?"

"If you can." Laurel hesitated for a moment before answering Stephen.


Stephen approached with a brilliant smile.

"Stop, or I'll shoot."

"Damn Asian, you really think you're a hero? Do you believe I won't shoot?"

Observing Stephen's relaxed expression, which showed no fear, the bulky man aimed his gun at Stephen and pulled the trigger.


The sound of gunfire echoed through the air.

The bulky man's eyes widened in surprise when he saw that Stephen remained standing, unharmed.

Did I miss?

Acting instinctively, the man fired another shot.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Gunshots rang out one after another, and a bullet whizzed past the black man's eyes. He then noticed that the Asian man had inexplicably appeared in front of him.

"Whoa... So fast!"

Startled, he tried to step back and evade Stephen's presence, but before he could react, Stephen smiled at him and delivered a sudden punch.

Unlimited stacking, fifty times.


A tremendous surge of power instantly penetrated the black man's head. Stephen's fist struck from the front and exited from the back. Blood and brain matter sprayed out, some landing on Laurel's face and body. The smell of blood filled the air as Laurel dumbfoundedly watched Stephen withdraw his fist from the bulky man's head. As the man collapsed to the ground, Stephen picked up the bag and handed it to her, offering a slight smile.

"Here's your bag, milady."

Laurel's eyes widened as she took in the hand holding the bag, now stained with blood and brain matter. Her legs grew weak, and her body froze, eventually causing her to faint.


Stephen watched as Laurel fainted and fell to the ground, a slight smile on his face. "It seems that in order for her to become the Black Canary, she must first develop her courage. Otherwise, if she feels dizzy and disoriented at every turn, she may struggle to defeat villains, let alone kill an insect."

Stephen approached, lifted Laurel onto his shoulders, and left the alley. It would take another hour before the police patrolling the streets discovered the body and secured the scene.

Meanwhile, Quentin Lance had calmed down and regretted his argument with his daughter. He called her to apologize and ask her to return home.

However, her phone was switched off.


Real Author: Marvel King

Translator: Zatch[King]Rex