
A New Era of Villain (DC/Marvel)

Previous Title: In DC as The Strongest Anti-Villain (DC/Marvel) "The moment you hit me, you lose." The MC has obtained the ability of an Overpowered Character from the Marvel Comic Universe to "infinitely copy and infinitely stack," but accidentally crossed into the DC world. In this case, let us imagine being a free and turbulent villain. Not my Web Novel, but it is my only favorite Chinese novel. The Real author Name is Marvel King. I am just translating it. Cover photo is not mine.

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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172 Chs

Chapter 116 Thea Queen a Good Girl?

Chapter 116 Thea Queen a Good Girl?

John Diggle isn't doing well at the moment, so when Oliver Queen asked him to protect his mother, Moira Queen, and sister, Thea Queen, he was genuinely concerned about whether he could handle it. Accepting their protection would be a suitable choice for a Queen Group president to stay with his rebellious sister.

However, luck was on his side.

Moira received a call from the police, informing her that Thea had been arrested for drug theft, although the theft itself was somewhat inaccurate. It turned out that after taking drugs, Thea stumbled upon a beautiful dress in a closed store and impulsively tried to broke in.

Her daughter's rebellious behavior was truly unbearable and brought disgrace upon the family.

The police station should be the safest place, right?

John Diggle let out a sigh of relief. Now, he could focus on protecting Moira.

Usually, the police station in a city where a superhero operates is often corrupt, ineffective, or powerless. However, the Star City Police Department was faring better than the Gotham Police Department. At the very least, there were no gangster families managing the police station, and the number of notorious criminals was relatively lower.

While there were some corrupt officers, overall the department hadn't lost public trust. Especially with the presence of the Huntress and the Birds of Prey squad cracking down on criminals, law and order in Star City had significantly improved, and the police station had gained more respect from the citizens.

Meanwhile, in the detention room of the Star City Police Department, Thea Queen sat nonchalantly on a chair with her legs crossed.

She wore a shawl of golden, slightly curly hair, a blue school uniform-style outfit with an unbuttoned white shirt, and a loosely tied small blue tie hanging casually on her chest. Her dark blue plaid skirt complemented her slender, white legs covered in knee-high blue tights, and she completed the look with black leather shoes.

She resembled a beautiful and rebellious high school girl.

Thea Queen gradually became rebellious following the accidents involving her father and brother, fueled by the grief and indulgence of her mother, Moira. She took up smoking, drinking, and drugs, despite considering herself a good girl.

Later, with the return of Oliver Queen, she became a member of the Green Arrow team and even took on the mantle of the second-generation Red Arrow. Eventually, she changed her name to Speedy and became a superhero. Interestingly, she later discovered that her biological father was Malcolm Merlyn, also known as the Black Arrow. She was manipulated into killing Sara Lance but was subsequently resurrected alongside Sara using the Lazarus Pits.

After going through a series of transformations, she ultimately became a pillar of the Green Arrow team, and she took her responsibilities seriously.

At that moment, Thea Queen regained some clarity and understood that her mother had no intention of bailing her out. However, she remained unfazed, just as she had during her rebellious phase. Sitting on the chair with her legs crossed in an unladylike manner, Thea observed the bustling police activity outside while contemplating what mischief she could get into after her release.

"Who are you? When did you come in?" Redirecting her attention, Thea Queen suddenly noticed someone leaning against the corner of the detention room.

The person appeared young and possibly Asian, American-Asian?. He had a cool and badboy vibe.

"Want to experience something exciting?" Stephen gazed at Thea Queen, speaking with an alluring tone.

"Exciting?" Thea Queen's interest was immediately piqued. Her aquamarine eyes widened, and a mischievous smile tugged at her lips. "You're not a police officer, are you? Police officers don't provide excitement because they're too afraid and despise it! So... I won't ask who you are or how you got in. I just want to know... what kind of excitement?"

"How about a kidnapping?" Stephen smirked. "I'll whisk you away from this police station and let your mother and brother play a game of cat and mouse."

Thea Queen furrowed her brow.

"Your mother probably won't bail you out, and once you're out, you'll likely face some restrictions from her. If you're not interested and up for it, I'll leave right now!" Stephen asserted assertively.

Upon hearing that, Thea Queen's curiosity was instantly piqued. She didn't want to end up in jail or confined, and the prospect of an exhilarating adventure intrigued her. However, she couldn't help but look at Stephen and ask, "Are you really planning to kidnap me?"

"If taking you on an adventure is considered kidnapping, then... yes, I do intend to kidnap you!" Stephen replied.

"What happens after that?" Thea inquired.

"We'll discuss that later. Aren't you bored of being here? I just want to remind your brother, Oliver Queen, that there are consequences for meddling," Stephen explained aggressively.

"Do you have a grudge against Oliver? Well, he does have a tendency to be nosy, and he didn't waste any time returning. So, how do you plan on kidnapping me from here?" Thea Queen complained uncomfortably and questioned Stephen.

Stephen smiled.

"Are you ready?"

"Are you about to begin? I'm curious to know how you'll whisk me away with so many police officers outside..." Thea Queen started speaking, but before she could finish her sentence, the scenery in front of her abruptly changed.

The detention room transformed into a wilderness.

"Am I still awake?" Thea Queen looked around in a daze and pinched her face, feeling the pain that confirmed her wakefulness.

Everything had changed except for the chair she had been sitting on.

"Where are we?" Thea Queen stood up, looked around, and gradually recognized her surroundings. "This... This is the mountain behind my house? But I was just at the police station, so how did... you? How did you do this?"

Thea Queen stammered in shock.

"Isn't this exciting?" Stephen chuckled.

Thea Queen nodded instinctively. "Do you have superpowers? Are you teleporting like in a sci-fi movie?"

"No, it's not teleportation but Super Speed. The speed is so rapid that you can't react to it," Stephen explained.

"Really?" Thea Queen found it hard to believe.

"Where would you like to go?" Stephen asked with a smile.

Thea Queen pondered for a moment and exclaimed excitedly, "Let's go to that clothing store! I found a stunning dress there, and I got arrested because of it."

"I'm sure you'll look beautiful in whatever you wear, but you'll be even more beautiful if you don't wear anything," Stephen smiled, bent down, and embraced Thea Queen tightly. Thea returned the gesture, clutching his neck firmly.

In an instant, a flash of red lightning engulfed them, and they disappeared, leaving only the empty chair behind.


AN: Sorry guys for not updating for long time. My Grand Pops Died and u know how it goes, there might be some delay posting for this week but i will try what i can do...



Marvel King: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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