Every story has a backside. Three years after the events of DREAMER, Andrew Cress leads as the President of the ReUnited States of America. Joined by his co-counsel Jake Carroway and Matthew Avery--son of the previous President as appointed by the Queen of England herself, Andrew finds that the toughest choices require the most strength. On the backside, a young boy receives a mysterious tape recorder for his fifth birthday almost half a century before the events of DREAMER. Larry George's life is changed forever when he meets his guide to life and his very best friend.
May 1st, 2032
Larry hated relying on the putrid existence he tended too so long for survival. As much as he hoped in seeing the power of the individuals that were sought out—a sliver of hope could get him to believe that his service could be ended before his death. The day that he met the man and the woman in the cafe was the exact moment that the hope inside him died. There was no way that they were strong enough to overpower the horrors that Kappy could unleash—even in this state. He almost hated it more seeing it play up the old and tired fool.
He would like nothing more than to see the lot of them busted and Larry be allowed to die with the rest of the shit planet in peace. The fear that the boy faced was nothing to what he had experienced over the past fifty years. The boy knew nothing, and he was supposed to lead them? What a fat joke. A fat fucking joke and a half. Larry knew that there wasn't anything to be said about the situation. Ever since the beginning it was all decided. Ever since the beginning when his guide first spoke to him. His guide bade him away from the edge of the cliff one last time and he—the simple sheep obeyed.
And because he obeyed, the plan went perfectly—just as was envisioned. The boy demanded to remain aboard the ship—he refused to be uploaded along with the rest of the sheep. Kappy gave in to his demand. If only the boy knew that his demand was not unexpected. It wasn't a demand at all—it was an allowance. You only get so many allowances from your guide before your hand is bitten for begging too much.
He'd learn in due course. Every single one of them would.
The two girls remained by his side until the end. The process for uploading all of the humans went simply—Kappy broadcast his voice to every living human that could listen. It asked for a pact in return for salvation, and scenes of the apocalypse were transmitted. Those that formed the pact were automatically uploaded into the database. Those that refused will remain on Earth to await its inevitable destruction.
How Larry envied those that had a choice.
Everyone that would board has. The two girls at the boy's side said their farewells and were uploaded like the rest. It was nearing the fated time. All told about three hundred thousand minds rested inside the computer aboard the ship. Much less than the boy hoped for, but about how much Kappy had expected. The ship was loaded with the last of the necessaries—that being itself, Larry, the boy, and the orb. Kappy had let go of all pretense at this point. The boy was too focused on the mission to notice the lie—he was able to send the boy back to retrieve the orb and return him in a matter of moments. Perhaps the boy noticed and believed that it would only work for short distances. Regardless, he made no uproar.
Everything was put into its proper place. Even when the orb was settled in everything went smoothly. Larry said his final goodbyes to everything he had ever known and the ship began to leave the surface.
The boy sat on the cold floor next to the computer. He didn't budge. Part of Larry thought he'd died on the spot, but on closer inspection he could see the boy was whispering to himself. Larry couldn't quite make out what he was saying, but then again, Larry didn't much care for the boy's whisperings.